Paul Joseph Watson reports that bit of interesting news at Summit News.
Readers here at RRW will remember that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is fighting for his political life at the moment, invited tens of thousands of Syrians to Canada beginning in late 2015—many came in airlifts with little screening and with no real plan by the Trudeau government for how they would be housed and helped in Canada. See my Trudeau/Syrian archive by clicking here.
Now this….
Masked Antifa Radical Who Harassed Elderly Lady is a Syrian Migrant
One of the masked Antifa radicals who harassed an elderly lady with a rolling walker during a protest in Hamilton, Ontario is Syrian migrant Alaa Soufi DaLua.
As we previously highlighted, the old woman was confronted as she tried to cross the road by a group of Antifa members who proceeded to yell “Nazi scum!” in her face.
The elderly woman was attempting to hear this man speak.
The incident occurred during a demonstration outside Mohawk College against right-wing politician Maxime Bernier. [See one of many articles attacking Bernier here.—-ed]
One of the culprits has now been identified.
Syrian refugee Alaa Soufi DaLua! This is how they thank Canada?
“Intelligence group @EXEINTEL reports that one of the masked antifa militants who harassed the elderly woman with the walker is Alaa Soufi DaLua. I can confirm that I independently verified this as well. DeLua is a Syrian man who settled in Canada,” tweeted journalist Andy Ngo.
Meanwhile, the elderly lady he harassed has appeared in a video in which she asserts, “free speech is the cornerstone of our democracy and it can never and will never be denied.”
There is much more,see the video of the thugs blocking her movement and shouting in her face!
I woke up this morning with my head spinning about the results nationwide, and couldn’t at first figure out where to dive in to tell you what I think about the midterm election results.
Over time, I’ll have more to say about what it all means, but I do know this—there will be no legislative reform of the US Refugee Admissions Program in the next two years.
Now that the House is controlled by the Dems, that means that each committee will revert to Democrat control. And, they will never open for review the Refugee Act of 1980.
Minnesota not-so-nice power duo: Keith Ellison with US Senator Amy Klobuchar (will she run for Prez in 2020?)
Any further reform of the refugee program will have to come from the White House and if I were a betting person, I would bet that they have done about all they will do before 2020 which is to keep the numbers low.
Enough of that, I could be wrong.
As for my friends in Minnesota, don’t get angry at me for asking, but was outgoing governor Dayton right when he famously said in 2015, if you don’t like immigrants find another state?
Here is just one of many stories this morning from Minnesota with Keith Ellison, the state’s new Attorney General saying—-if you mess with Minnesota we will fight back. Which sounds like a veiled threat to silence speech.
Keith Ellison Defeats Doug Wardlow Completing DFL Sweep of Statewide Offices
An emotional Keith Ellison took the stage at St. Paul’s Crowne Plaza hotel late Tuesday night to deliver his victory speech after defeating Republican Doug Wardlow in the race for Minnesota’s Attorney General Office.
The race has been a constant source of controversy on both sides of the aisle, though Republicans were hopeful that Ellison’s past affiliations as well as a domestic-abuse allegation made against him by an ex-girlfriend would keep him from winning the state’s top law-enforcement job.
Polls frequently showed a tight race with large numbers of undecided voters, but Ellison managed to squeak out a victory over Warldow, winning 49 percent of the vote compared to Wardlow’s 44 percent.
Ellison began his victory speech by praising the Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party as one based on the “values of love, respect, transparency, and accountability.”
“We don’t care who it is—if anybody is messing with somebody in Minnesota, your Minnesota attorney general is going to stand up for them and fight back,” he concluded. “Tonight is a good night. Every statewide elected official is a Democrat in Minnesota.”
Editors note:The other day when I reminded readers about my rules on comments, I invited those of you who had more than a few words to say to send me a guest post for my consideration. I have an entire category that has gone unused lately entitled ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts’ here.
The purveyors of the ‘real truth’ every morning on CNN’s New Day.
As things happen, this piece from ‘bottomlesscoffeeoo7’ is a timely one.
You know I watch CNN the first thing every morning so I know what the Left/Dems are being told about what to think by the brilliant ones at CNN. Today the show was all about how the President lies all the time (according to fact checkers attheWashington Post).
LOL! When you have a few minutes, search ‘CNN Trump lies’ and see what you get!
The Constant Demand for Conformity is What Breeds Malice
To demand that others follow, without their own individual consent is how malice is born and continues to breed. Plato said and I quote “Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder”. This simple phrase is how beauty is determined, by the individual. Not from law or social ideology. The constant push and pull from the time of Adam and Eve is how rape and murder became prevalent.
To demand that others give into your desires, whether through threats or subjecting them to isolation, is what is needed to form an underground coup d’état. Malice is born and breeds in the hatred that is the direct result of mass conformity.If you want an enemy, constantly tell them the “truth”. Demand that they conform and accept the results, regardless of their own thought, opinions or feelings on the matter.
“Truth” seems to be ever more present, yet it was this “truth” that enabled the ideology of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. If these are the lengths people are willing to go for their sudden epiphany of discovering the “truth”, then they must be ready for the backlash that is building just out of sight.
“Truth” be told, this is one of the many reasons President Donald Trump won. For too long, we were told to simply “shut up, sit down and listen”. We are not “scientists”, we are not “academics”, yet we live in the world of cause and effect. We live in the world of layoffs, tax brackets and rising medical costs. We live in the world of debt and ultimately we live in the world, where we are done as we are told, never the other way around.
We have been subjected to mass hysteria and the wagging fingers of the “truth tellers”. From halloween costumes, to revised history, approved speech and laws and regulations that do not and have never applied to the mega donors or the law makers.
Our medical history is used against us. The makers and enforcers of law (which includes insurance law), demand higher and higher premiums, all while disparaging the same industry that we now must pay, BY LAW!
“Climate Change”, “Immigration”, “Hate Speech”, “Diversity”, “Inclusion”, all of these subjects and many more, that we are forbidden from speaking our opinions on in public, breed malice. The mass hysteria over boycotts and who can do what is how President Trump will win in 2020.
Continue to wag your finger and look at me with disgust. Continue to demand that “mental health” is an epidemic, continue to shove me out of my seat, so you can be given a seat at the table that I had to earn.
The “truth” that you speak of is the very reason why I will no longer listen. The “truth” that you speak of, you have weaponized to win. You do not care of the cost. You could not be bothered with the millions you will impugn by demanding that law be catered to this “truth” that you parlay as if any refutation is an assault.
Let the individual choose for themselves. Allow the individual to be the master of their command. Present the evidence and simply step aside, there is no need to win. Time will tell if this “truth” is true, if you cannot be patient, why should we listen?
No one likes an automobile salesperson to hound them, why can’t others grasp this?
I must believe something for myself in my head and my heart before I will ever acknowledge it as “truth”.
For years, I nagged readers to write their own blogs. It is not hard and you will find it very satisfying to send your views out in to the world for others to consider or to gather and share facts as real investigative reporters did at one time in our history.
And, as I argued many times, the more of you who become reporters and commenters, the harder it will be for the Leftists to control speech in the tumultuous years ahead.
I was planning to write about the Daily Mail’s tirade against US Representative Steve King, calling him a white nationalist, today anyway, but oh joy! Donald Trump (with obvious pride) said he is a “nationalist” at his Texas rally last night.
The migrant caravan is not about the poor and downtrodden!
As we watch (in horror), the mostly young male migrant caravan heading to the US border intent on confronting our President’s authority, more Americans are seeing clearly that the battle (the worldwide battle!) is really one of nationalism vs. globalism with the marching human beings as the pawns in a gigantic war for world power.
Rep. King is vilified in the British press for daring to say what we all know.
And, Donald Trump last night reconfirmed why they hate him so much—he gives us all permission to speak!
If you love America and western civilization, and happen to be white, you are the scum of the earth to globalists—white nationalists!
Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King reveals his white nationalist views in shocking interview with far-right Austrian website saying immigration is ‘slow-motion cultural suicide’
Iowa Republican Representative Steve King has revealed his white nationalist views in an interview with an Austrian far-right publication.
King, an eight-term congressman up for re-election next month, has been linked to Neo-Nazism and the far-right before, but he laid out his extremely conservative views like never before in an interview with far-right propaganda website Unzensuriert, which translates to ‘uncensored’ in English.
Rep. Steve King: slow-motion cultural suicide!
He was interviewed when he stopped in Vienna in August and candidly called for stricter immigration policies, said Mollie Tibbett’s killer should have never been in the U.S., and claims Democrats are teaming up with radical Islamists to attack ‘Western civilization’.
He was interviewed by Caroline Sommerfeld, an intellectual in the European neo-fascist identititarian movement which is connected to the U.S.’s alt-right, to discuss how Muslim and Latino immigrants threaten the U.S. and Europe.
The interview was published in September and went unnoticed by American news outlets until the Huffington Post flagged it.
In the interview Sommerfeld asks: ‘In your opinion is Islam the problem or Western liberalism?’
King replies saying ‘it is like fighting a two front war. How is it, that the liberals, the leftists, on the one side, could build an alliance with the misogynistic hard core rightist Islamic people that have no tolerance for everything?’
This next bit really makes the heathen rage! Bringing up abortion and low fertility rates in the US, and in the west generally, is strictly verboten by the speech police.
He also slammed the U.S. low fertility rate saying ‘if we continue to abort our babies and import a replacement for them in the form of young violent men, we are supplanting our culture, our civilization.’
At multiple points in the interview he uses the phrase ‘Western Civilization’ which he seems to define as white America.
The two touched upon the theory of the Great Replacement – which is the idea that mass migration such as from Muslim-majority countries, could lead to the extinction of white European culture and identity.
King called it ‘slow-motion cultural suicide’.
The Great Replacement is a term used by anti-Muslim European networks who believe migrants and refugees are leading to the Islamification of Europe.
King, like Trump, is so vilified by the Daily Mail because he gives voice to sensible Europeans’ greatest fears and what they know in their hearts is true.
Readers, remember our enemies have no power when you take away their power to use words to silence you.
Racist, homophobe, islamophobe, white nationalist, whatever, are just words. Laugh and walk away.
Update October 9, 2018: My response to the law firm is here.
This morning I received a letter via Federal Express from a large Washington DC law firm (Akin Gump) representing Chobani Yogurt and Hamdi Ulukaya’s Tent Foundation.
They challenge my assertion that the company and the organization are promoting bringing more refugees to the US.
On advice of counsel, I am temporarily removing the post dated October 1, 2018 titled: “Chobani yogurt tycoon, Hamdi Ulukaya, gets Global Citizen award from DC think tank…..” which they find offensive.