Comment worth noting: Ho Hum! What else is new—Leftist uses personal attacks

So Funny!  This just made me laugh.  They are so predictable.   Once Leftists can’t get you with any rational arguments they resort to personal attacks all the while purporting to be such kind humanitarians.   Here we have reader “So Sad” commenting to this post, and I’m posting it below so you don’t miss it!

So Sad:

Ann, is it impossible for you to differentiate between deeply corrupt governments and disenfranchised citizens?

Honestly, I’m really sorry for your children. To have been brought into a family which has such disdain for people of non-white, non-North American backgrounds. To be raised by a person who thinks that white Americans are the center of the universe.

So Sad is also commenter Yerfunny and Fun Times in an apparent effort to deceive and make it appear that he or she is more than one person.

Time for So Sad, Yerfunny and Fun Times to write your own blog.  And, as I have said over the years, you can call it Refugee Resettlement Watch Watch (call us racists, xenophobes, bigots, whatever) and we will even give you a link!

Canada: Catholic School trustee not off the hook yet for “insensitive” remarks

You can tell by the rage expressed by Canada’s Open Borders activists that this story isn’t over yet.  A Catholic school official apologized, but I assure you grovelling is not enough for these people and I predict he will be gone soon.

From the Toronto Star:

Rookie Catholic school trustee Frank D’Amico ate a large piece of humble pie at a board meeting Thursday night, but refugee advocates are disappointed that it wasn’t followed by disciplinary dessert.

D’Amico read a statement at the start of a Toronto Catholic District School Board meeting in which he said he regretted statements that have been “reported in the media.”

“They were insensitive” and the comments did not reflect board policies on the admission of students, he said.

Comment about September 11th is beyond the pale

D’Amico said he understood board policy does not deny admission to students based on their parents’ immigration status and this reflects provincial law.

The trustee’s apology was in response to a furor created after an email he sent to social work student Nadia Saad, who is currently out of the country. Saad had written him about a woman whose nephew was denied enrolment at three Catholic high schools because he didn’t have immigration papers.

D’Amico replied that the student’s aunt was “lucky I didn’t answer the phone because my first call would be to Immigration Canada.”

He said in the email he wanted to remind her of “911. September 11, the day that changed the world” and he added “I am (sic) forward your concern to the RCMP and to Immigration Canada.’’

At the meeting, Trustee Maria Rizzo said the board is “accepting of all students, no matter what.’’

Apology not enough!  Never enough!

And that incenses refugee advocates, who spoke at the meeting Thursday. Farrah Miranda, an organizer with No One is Illegal — Toronto told the Star D’Amico’s “forced apology” is not enough.

So far the Catholic school is sticking with their man, but for how long?   I don’t know enough about Canada’s Catholic Church to know if they are as deeply infiltrated by the hard Left as the American Catholic Church, readers might want to check out this relatively new US website on the matter—Exposing Marxism in the Church (here).

Oh, and be sure to check out the comments to the story in the Toronto Star.

Geert Wilders acquitted! Will not be silenced!

Writing at New English Review, our friend Jerry Gordon reports the good news!

The decision by the Amsterdam District court today acquitting Hon. Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom party (PVV) in the Hague Parliament in The Netherlands is a major victory of free speech and the right to criticize a totalitarian doctrine exploiting the rights of a religion, Islam.

The Freedom Party issued this statement by Wilders:

“I am delighted with this ruling,” says Geert Wilders. “It is a victory, not only for me but for all the Dutch people. Today is a victory for freedom of speech. The Dutch are still allowed to speak critically about islam, and resistance against islamisation is not a crime. I have spoken, I speak and I shall continue to speak.”

Judy and I had the pleasure of hearing Wilders speak in Washington, DC in February 2009, here.   You can follow all of our posts on his battle for free speech in the Netherlands in our archives here.

Be sure to read the whole post at New English Review and note that Far Left lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr. stuck his nose into the debate recently.   Longtime readers know that it was old Uncle Ted (Kennedy) who opened the door to Muslim refugees coming to the US—but don’t bring any to Hyannis Port!  (here)

Update!  A reader just reminded  me of the film that brought the wrath of Islam on Wilders—-watch Fitna here.

Geert Wilders speaks the truth in Tennessee

Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders spoke in Nashville last night—fitting that it was Nashville as we have written often about the growing Muslim (mostly Somali) population in that city.  Note we have a whole category on Nashville, here, and two years ago I attended a meeting there and the conference hotel which originally booked our meeting threw us out—free speech indeed!

From American Thinker (Hat tip: Scott):

Dear friends from Tennessee. I am very happy to be in your midst today. I am happy and proud to be in this impressive church.

My friends, I am here to speak words of truth and freedom.

Do you know why America is in a better state than Europe? Because you enjoy more freedom than Europeans.
And do you know why Americans enjoy more freedom than Europeans? Because you are still allowed to tell the truth.

In Europe and Canada people are dragged to court for telling the truth about islam.

I, too, have been dragged to court. I am an elected member of the house of representatives in the Netherlands. I am currently standing in court like a common criminal for saying that islam is a dangerous totalitarian ideology rather than a religion.

The court case is still pending, but I risk a jail sentence of 16 months.

Last week, my friend Lars Hedegaard, a journalist from Denmark, was fined because in a private conservation, which was recorded without his knowing, he had criticised the way women are treated in islamic societies.

Recently, another friend, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, a human rights activist from Austria, was fined because she had criticised islam’s founder Muhammad. She had said that Muhammad was a pedophile because he had married a 6-year old girl and raped her when she was 9.

Read it all.  Use our search function for “Geert Wilders” for more posts on this brave man!

Geert Wilders will be in Tennessee

Geert Wilders, the outspoken defender of free speech in Europe as he calls for a halt to Muslim immigration to his homeland, the Netherlands, will be in Nashville next week.  This according to the excellent website Gates of Vienna, here.

The Canadian chapter of the International Free Press Society is bringing Geert Wilders to North America next week. After visiting three Canadian cities (Toronto, London, and Ottawa), on May 12 Mr. Wilders, along with Sam Solomon and Bill Warner, will appear at the Cornerstone Church in Madison, a suburb of Nashville. This event is being held under the auspices of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition.

Mr. Wilders, who initiated his discussion of “The Failure of Multiculturalism” in Rome on March 25, will continue his battle against cultural relativism and Islamization, beginning in Canada on May 8 and ending in Nashville on May 12. Canada is famous for having invented Multiculturalism under Pierre Trudeau in the late 1970s, so it will be ironic for Canadians to be lectured by Geert Wilders on this modern disease, and to receive a warning from the rising political star in the Netherlands.

Mr. Wilders will continue his lectures in Nashville, where the current legislature is contemplating “anti-sharia” legislation. Nashville’s neighboring city of Murfreesboro is famous for its battle over a planned mega-mosque. The Cornerstone Church is a large church in the Nashville area, where several thousand Christians are expected to listen to Wilders’ “Warning to America.”

Judy and I had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Wilders speak in Washington, DC in February of 2009 here.  Type ‘Geert Wilders’ into our search function for our many reports on his warning to the West.

Tennessee is at the epicenter right now of the push-back against Islamic supremacism in the US, here.