Fargo: Lutheran federal refugee contractor kept information on active TB from public

In yet another in a series of investigative reports on Tuberculosis, and diseases generally, in the refugee population coming to America, Michael Patrick Leahy now reports that in Fargo, North Dakota the lead contractor bringing refugees to that state was not forthcoming about information one assumes they would know—-how many of the refugees they resettle there have latent and active TB.

Lutheran Fargo building
Doing well by doing good! This time last year, LSSND was busy with its grand opening of its huge brand spanking new headquarters in Fargo. Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney was on hand for the ribbon cutting. http://www.kvrr.com/news/local-news/nd-lutheran-social-services-celebrates-grand-opening/33595274


Dr. John Baird, Health Officer for the Fargo Cass Public Health Department in North Dakota, confirms to Breitbart News that the agency, which serves all of Cass County, has diagnosed and treated four refugees with active tuberculosis (TB) between 2012 and 2015.

Baird’s confirmation of active TB among refugees in the Fargo community comes barely a month after a spokesperson for Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota (LSSND), the resettlement agency hired by the federal government to operate the program in North Dakota, denied that any refugees it has resettled in North Dakota have been diagnosed with active TB.

“We have a good working relationship with NDDoH [North Dakota Department of Health], and have not encountered any issues pertaining to active TB disease among refugees,” an LSSND spokesperson told Fargo’s local NBC television affiliate, KVLY, as reported by the station’s Valley News Live program on May 16.

“Based on Dr. Baird’s statement, the LSS statement to Valley News Live in May was factually inaccurate at best, and an intentional deception at worst,” Breitbart News said in an email to LSSND, asking for a comment to explain their statement that they “have not encountered any issues pertaining to active TB disease among refugees.”

Continue reading here for more important details in an article that once again shows the complete lack of transparency on the part of federal contractors and some officials that work closely with them.
I continue to wonder if community members who sign up with the contractor (LSS in this case) to help refugees get settled are given any instructions in how to avoid exposing themselves to any communicable diseases or parasites.  Does anyone know? Has anyone who volunteered for a resettlement agency been briefed on health issues?
See also our post last week about Fargo’s welcoming Democrat Mayor Tim Mahoney. Fargo has been selected by some millionaires and billionaires as a Gateway to Growth, here.

On the Bhutanese refugees

Leahy mentions that the large numbers of Bhutanese refugees (and some Somalis) come from countries with high levels of TB. For new readers, the Bhutanese (not! Muslims) are really ethnic Nepalis who had been expelled from Bhutan when that country sought to keep Bhutan for true Bhutanese people.  The refugees’ (we call Bhutanese) original country is Nepal.  Nepal wouldn’t take them back so they lived in UN camps on the border of Nepal for 20 years or so.
We had no national interest that would lead us to get involved in this refugee situation…but we did!
In 2007, the George W. Bush Administration said (heck yeh!) we would help the UN by cleaning out those camps and ‘welcoming’ (the original number was somewhere around 60,000) of them to live in your towns.  I bet we are now up to 80,000 who have been transported on your dime from UN camps to your cities.  And, the camps are still not cleaned out because more arrive at the camps looking for a plane ticket to the west!
We have a huge (and I mean huge!) archive on the Bhutanese here at RRW (find more than you ever wanted to know).  The big medical issue that brought them to the attention of the federal government and the CDC was not TB, but the extremely high suicide rate after resettlement to the US.  Why are they killing themselves asked the CDC and the ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement)? Could it be culture shock?
Endnote:  Just now I had a look at LSSND’s website. So tell me why a Lutheran non-profit group is now in partnership to build low income housing in North Dakota.  See here.  Forget the humanitarian BS, this is all a money making racket! Lutherans get paid by the feds to bring in the refugees and then they make money building them housing!
This post is filed in our ‘health issues’ category with 304 previous posts. Leahy’s previous reports are posted there.  You will find the Bhutanese suicide posts filed there too.

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?

This is an update at World Net Daily on the story about the wild Somali woman who entered a suburban yard and attacked the home owner with the home owner’s flagpole.  See our previous story.
The FBI is not charging the attacker with a hate crime because they say she is mentally impaired.

Amina Ali Ahra
Amina Ali Ahra (burqa obviously removed for mug shot)

If mentally impaired, the case demonstrates what happens as we resettle (dangerous!) refugees into the US with expensive-to-treat health problems, including mental health problems.
Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily:

The FBI has determined that no hate crime occurred on the day after Memorial Day in Lawrenceville, Georgia, when a Muslim woman dressed in a burqa came out of the woods behind a homeowner’s house, grabbed the family’s large American flag and attacked them with it.

The FBI was asked by local police to investigate whether Amina Ali Ahra, 30, may have committed a hate crime when she attacked homeowner Dami Arno and her 17-year-old daughter while the two were drinking coffee in their garage on the morning of Tuesday, May 31.

Ahra grabbed the family’s large flag off their mailbox and used the 4-foot long pole made of PVC pipe as a weapon, swinging it wildly at Arno’s head. The 42-year-old fought off the much larger Ahra and two neighbors helped restrain her until police arrived. At one point during the attack Arno’s 14-year-old son emerged from the house with the family pistol and pointed it at the woman assaulting his mother but did not fire a shot.

A federal law enforcement official told WND that Ahra has been determined to have mental health issues, which would make it unlikely for federal prosecutors to charge her with a hate crime.

“But if you want an example of someone who is radicalized you can’t get a better one than someone walking up and grabbing someone’s American flag and beating them with it,” said the official, who asked not to be identified.

Local police Chief Randy Johnson told WND that his department referred the case to the FBI.

But the agent assigned to the case never took the time to interview the Arno family or any of the other eyewitnesses to the attack.

“The FBI agent, Chuck Campo, never contacted our family. We finally reached him and he told us there was no hate crime and I am not entitled to any information on this woman who attacked me in my own home,” Arno said. “He wouldn’t even tell us whether or not she was legally here in this country.”

Keep it up FBI, the public is already suspicious because of your mishandling of the Orlando killer case!
Needless to say, the victim and her family are not happy.  Continue reading here.
See our health issues category with 300 posts. We have many reports on mentally impaired refugees.

Celebrate diversity at World Refugee Day today (diversity of diseases returning to US)

World Refugee Day 2016

In addition to Islamic terrorism fears we have, everyone needs to remember that as the Open Borders movement encourages the migration of millions around the world, fears that diseases, long believed eradicated in the civilized world, are returning.
So if you aren’t worried about being an unlucky soul in a terrorist attack, consider that you could meet these diseases wherever you live (and so could your kids in public schools in hundreds of US cities and towns).
From Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart who has been reporting on the established medical community’s silence on the growing threat, and refugee program administrators in many states keeping this information from the general public:

“Six diseases that were recently near eradication are making a comeback in the United States, as the taxpayer funded refugee resettlement industry launches a propaganda blitz about the so-called World Refugee Day this Monday.

The returning diseases are;

1. Tuberculosis
2. Measles
3. Whooping Cough
4. Mumps
5. Scarlet Fever
6. Bubonic Plague”

For details on each, continue reading here.
See Leahy’s complete series on the threat from communicable diseases entering the US with the refugee population and 300 other stories on refugee/immigrant health issues at RRW’s ‘Health Issues’ category.
Also, you have a state refugee health coordinator (contact information here), why not give them a call and get some information from them about the diseases (and PARASITES!) being resettled in your towns and what is being done to protect the public.
P.S.  You pay for all of this medical care!

Poor Louisiana! They don't get that many refugees, but they got 21 with TB between 2011 and 2015

Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart has done it again—unearthed some information the refugee resettlement contractors would rather you didn’t know about: how many refugees enter the US with latent or active TB.  In this case 21 went to Louisiana and developed active Tuberculosis within a short time of arrival.

David Aguillard
Catholic Charities monopolizes the resettlement of refugees in Louisiana. This is David Aguillard Director of Catholic Charities in Baton Rouge. http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/11/28/syrian-refugees-louisiana-political-debate.html

If you are a new reader, just arriving here today, I bet you can’t believe that any immigrant with any type of TB is even permitted entry.

Isn’t it a good thing that we have Obamacare to pay for all of the care and the medicine?
21 cases of active TB in just four years in refugees resettled in Louisiana! Yikes! From Leahy at Breitbart:

Twenty-one of the 1,579 refugees sent by the federal government to Louisiana between 2011 and 2015 developed active tuberculosis (TB) within one year of their arrival, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals tells Breitbart News.

Louisiana now has the dubious distinction as the state with the highest reported number of recently resettled refugees with active TB —at least among the five states that have confirmed to Breitbart that refugees resettled in their state have either arrived with active TB, or developed it within the first year of their arrival.

Go here for more.
Then visit our health issues category here with more shocking information like this.
If your town is considering ‘welcoming’ refugees you need to get all the facts.  Are you listening: Missoula, MT, Ithaca, NY, Rutland, VT, Reno, NV, Charleston, WV and Fayetteville, Arkansas?
One last thing…does anyone know if volunteers working with the newly arrived refugees get a briefing from the contractor, Catholic Charities in this case, about how to spot refugees who might have a communicable disease or be carrying parasites (a big concern with refugees coming from Africa)?
Update: I forgot to tell you which cities in Louisiana have resettlement offices: Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Metairie.

More active TB cases in the refugee population, Colorado this time

If you haven’t been following the great investigative work that Breitbart reporter Michael Patrick Leahy is doing getting information to the public about the FACT that refugees are permitted entry into the US with Tuberculosis (and other communicable diseases), you should.

Cargill workers
The US State Department resettles Somalis and other African refugees in Colorado to satisfy BIG MEAT’s need for cheap labor. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/03/10/meatpackers-and-somali-workers-again-disrupt-small-town-life-in-america/

Islamic terror attacks understandably make the news, but in the long run the return of diseases (thought to be virtually non-existent) and the arrival of parasites into the US should cause you to lose sleep especially if you are in one of 200 plus ‘welcoming’ American towns and cities.
Who do you think will be paying for all of the healthcare?
Here is Leahy yesterday,

Ten of the approximately 8,000 refugees who were resettled in Colorado by the federal government between 2011 and 2015 were diagnosed with active tuberculosis shortly after their arrival, according to the Tuberculosis in Colorado: 2015 report published by the state’s Department of Public Health and Environment.

A number of other states have also reported refugees have arrived with active TB, as Breitbart News reported previously. Four refugees with active TB were resettled in Indiana in 2015, and eleven refugees with active TB were resettled in Florida in the three years from 2013 to 2015.

The recent increase in the number of active TB cases reported in the United States is driven by increases in the foreign born population with high rates of active and latent TB, as Breitbart News reported last week…

Go here to learn more.
And, visit our health issues category (you will find Leahy’s series there), it isn’t just diseases and assorted health problems you pay for, but you are also paying for mental health treatment.
One post from 2007 is definitely worth revisiting about a refugee worker dying with TB in a meatpacking plant, here.