President Donald Trump admitted 30,000 refugees to the US in the last fiscal year (ended September 30th), but did you know that the entire European Union could not resettle 50,000 in a two year period!
They might argue that well, heck, we have tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands!) arriving illegally and asking for asylum, but so do we!
However, the tone of the international media is consistently anti-US, anti-Donald Trump (aka the meany), yethere is newsfrom Deutsche Wellecompletely lacking in any snarky tones about European big mouth heads of state NOT MEETING their promised target of 50,000 OVER TWO YEARS!
Not surprisingly, Deutsche Welleblames the inability to get the job done on those pesky right wing citizens.
EU breaks promise of safe passage for 50,000 refugees
European governments, including the German government, have failed to deliver on a pledge to admit 50,000 refugees by this month, DW has learned.
The European Union launched the resettlement program two years ago with a deadline of October 31, 2019. But only 37,520 people have arrived in Europe under the program so far.
You need to know that the UN Secretary General Guterres is a past socialist prez of Portugal. So it is especially humorous to me to see how lousy Portugal is at welcoming refugees!
A spokesperson for the European Commission has admitted the target will not be reached by the end of October.
Germany was one of the countries leading the EU resettlement initiative. Last year, Chancellor Angela Merkel publicly promised to accept 10,200 people under the program. A spokesperson for the country’s Interior Ministry told DW that just 4,800 had arrived so far. He said that the delay in forming a government after German elections in 2017 had led to “complex organizational preparations” for the refugees’ arrival being pushed back.
The resettlement program is supposed to offer a safe route for some of the most vulnerable people fleeing conflict zones such as Syria and Libya. It is intended as an additional option to the right of asylum.
EU Commissioner Avramopoulos’ term in office ends on October 31, so the task of coordinating any future EU resettlement program will fall to his successor Margaritis Schinas, who has been at the center of controversy even before starting his job.
Schinas has been appointed under the new title of commissioner “for Protecting our European Way of Life” — a name which critics said mimicked the rhetoric of far-right populists, who claim immigration threatens European values.
Many political parties across Europe have made immigration an election campaign issue, taking a lead from populist parties and the far-right.
Africa Expert Leonie Jegen
Leonie Jegen, a migration expert at Germany’s Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, said resettlement was a divisive issue among EU countries.
“Resettlement is something that is not completely off the political agenda, but discourse around refugees has shifted in a negative direction in recent years,” she said.
One of the reasons I’m glad to be back writing at the newly reconstructed RRWis because I’ve missed writing about some of my favorite players on the world stage—the ones who get it!
Former Aussie PM Tony Abbott and Hungarian PM Viktor Orban at a conference on migrants swarming Europe in Budapest last week.
The Guardian is sniffing about the audacity of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban holding a conference in which the discussion was about “migrants swarming Europe” in order to change it, to wipe out western civilization.
A key speaker at the event was former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott (see all of my previous posts on Abbott by clicking here.)
Tony Abbott attacks migrants ‘swarming’ to Europe while praising far-right PM of Hungary
The former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott has praised the far-right prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, and warned a conference in Europe about “military age” male immigrants “swarming” the continent.
How to enrage the Leftists! Tell them the truth!Meghan and Harry can make a statement about only having two children to save the planet. But, how about telling that to Africans and to Muslims who encourage their people to have six or more children and aren’t going to stop procreating to save the planet when the goal is to conquer it! (I’m guessing British Imams are laughing their heads off!)
In a speech that praised the central European country’s race-based immigration and population policies, Abbott also criticised Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, for remarks that they would not have more than two children owing to the effects on the environment – saying it would make little difference “when so many children are being born elsewhere”.
The former leader of Australia, a staunch conservative who was ousted as prime minister by his centre-right Liberal party in 2015, was a guest of honour at a Hungarian government-backed summit on demography in Budapest on Thursday. He gave a lecture on what European countries could learn from Australian immigration policy.
He said the left was attempting to undermine western society with migration and the “climate cult”.
“The problem with the people who have been swarming across the borders in Europe in very recent times is that you don’t get any impression that they come to join. You get the impression they come to change.
I’d call this swarming, wouldn’t you?
“I mean … you get a million angry military-age males swarming into a single country in a year. They are not there to be grateful, they are there with a grievance. And people who come with a grievance are very different to people who come with gratitude in their hearts.
“There is an absolute moral world of difference between people who cross a border to be safe, and people who cross multiple borders to have a better life. No one can blame them for wanting a better life but nobody has a duty to give it to them unconditionally and with no questions asked.”
On Harry and Meghan, Abbott said: “Having fewer children in western countries will hardly make the climate better when so many children are being born elsewhere.”
Religion News Service posted this article yesterday and a tweet from refugee contractor Church World Service (one of nine)*** about the rally at the White House.
The truth is, as much as they want you to believe it, there is no major up-swelling of demand for more refugees to be distributed around the country right now.
The big rally at the White House!
This is it?
Twenty two hours after tweeting this, CWS has 3 retweets and 7 likes!
Here is a bit of the story:
People of faith urge Trump to admit more refugees
(RNS) — With a decision looming on how many refugees to admit into the country, and rumors swirling that the number could drop dramatically from this year’s historic low, people of faith are coming together to ask the Trump administration to instead allow tens of thousands more to enter the United States.
My question for pastor Vaughn is: If the church has abundant resources, why are the taxpayers on the hook for more than a billion dollars a year for a refugee program?
Representatives of some of the largest Protestant denominations in the country — including the General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ, the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Episcopal Church — were planning to gather outside the White House on Wednesday (Sept. 12) to press President Trump to raise the number of refugees admitted in the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1 to 75,000 people.
If you belong to one of those Protestant denominations, it is time to speak up! Ask what they are doing in your name!
RNS continues…..
“I just believe the church has abundant resources….said Patrick Vaughn, assistant pastor of Christ Church East Bay in Oakland, Calif.
Next we hear about the BIG letter to the President. I told you about it here. Please go to my post and see if your local religious leaders signed on.
And more than 750 faith-based organizations and national and local leaders signed on to another letter, dated Aug. 21, decrying the low number of refugees admitted this year and urging an increase for the next.
“Our collective scriptural mandate and our nation’s history and capabilities as a world leader demand no less,” according to the letter.
Your “scriptural mandate” is not the government’s responsibility. Your mandate was to help the poor with your own money, not by stealing from some (outside of your collective!) and giving it to your favored people!
***These below are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.
You might be sick of seeing this list almost every day (it’s been 3 whole days since I last posted the list!), but a friend once told me that people need to see something seven times before it completely sinks in, so it seems to me that 70, or even 700 isn’t too much!
And, besides I have new readers every day.
The present US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed if the system of paying the contractors by the head stays in place and the contractors are permitted to act as Leftwing political agitation groups, community organizers and lobbyists paid on our dime!
And, to add insult to injury they pretend it is all about ‘humanitarianism.’
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! And, get them registered to vote eventually!
From my most recent accounting, here. However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studieshas done an update of their income!