Minnesota gubernatorial candidate says he will withdraw state from refugee program

It is a good campaign message, but in reality will get MN no where.

How quickly people forget that in the last few years three other Republican governors made a big show out of withdrawing their states from the federal program (Texas, Kansas, New Jersey) and of course they still get refugees with Texas presently being the top ‘welcoming’ state in the nation.


Somali population in St. Cloud and elsewhere in MN is increasing.


As they did with those states, the US State Department will simply turn the whole resettlement plan for the state over to a non-profit (contractor) group to manage.  (The Tennessee case is on appeal and if by a miracle, TN wins, then that strategy could go up in flames for the feds.)

Don’t get me wrong, there are political considerations for Mr. Johnson as he is up against former governor Tim Pawlenty in the primary, it is definitely worth discussing in the campaign.  And, as governor there will be many things the state government could do to rein-in the program by reforming the state’s welfare system, etc.

Indeed, Pawlenty was a Republican establishment governor of the state during the expansion of refugee resettlement to St. Cloud and must have known what was happening.  I would say look to his campaign donors and see if he was being funded by big business (poultry!) interests looking for a steady supply of cheap labor to the St. Cloud area.  I presume Mr. Johnson has some good investigators at work to discover Pawlenty’s ties to the program while he was governor.  LOL! Any photos of Pawlenty snuggling with the Lutheran resettlement people?

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International Rescue Committee says US businesses need more low wage workers

I’ve never thought this was a good argument to be pushed by the supposed ‘humanitarians’ receiving millions from the US taxpayer to place refugees in hundreds of US towns and cities, but they are doing it in the age of Trump.

Unwelcome report
Report was released on World Refugee Propaganda Day.   https://www.rescue.org/report/unwelcome-state-refugee-resettlement-america

Hurting most from the slowdown in the arrival of fresh grunt laborers (aka refugees), according to a new report from the International Rescue Committee headed by former British Labor Party official, David Miliband, are employers in key U.S. industries—including manufacturing, hospitality and meatpacking!

Why must US taxpayers subsidize big business?

If those industries can’t fill their labor needs, maybe they need to raise wages!
And, besides why is it the taxpayers’ duty to subsidize globalists like the BIG MEAT giants by supplying them with third world laborers while paying fake humanitarian groups, like the IRC, gobs of money to sign them up for welfare to supplement those meager wages before moving on to the next fresh batch of paying clients.
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See what I mean! The wailing for workers is the latest PR push for refugee industry; Virginia this time!

On the heels of my post yesterday, here is the first of what surely will be many stories about how refugee workers are needed for meatpackers and hotel chains—this time in Virginia.

Chobani and Soros
The economic study being cited is from the Tent Foundation a creation of Hamdi Ulukaya (Mr. Chobani Yogurt) shown here with the great promoter of cheap immigrant labor and a borderless world, George Soros.

I guess they realized the ‘humanitarian’ shtick was no longer effective, they have come right out and admitted what this is all about—workers willing to work cheap.
Here (below) is the whole flimsy Virginia Public Radio bit.
Expect to hear more of this line that by the time they are here for 20 years, refugees give back to the economy, but never any mention about how much these low wage workers with 6 children consume via welfare, schooling, medical care, housing etc. for those first 20 years!
And, it won’t be lost on our Minnesota readers who have been told time and again that the numbers are not available for what it costs the state to take care of its refugee population.
If no numbers are available, how can this Public Radio reporter say this?  Because he is mindlessly parroting the globalist Tent Foundation.
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Global corporations want refugee workers, then cut the BS about humanitarianism

Let’s have the debate, but cut the crap about the US Refugee Admissions Program being about saving the poor and destitute of the world, and stop denigrating any of us who don’t agree with the premise that refugee workers are vital to giant corporations.

Miliband in Manhattan
Charity my foot! Moneybags Miliband pulls down a salary of over $600,000 annually so if the IRC wanted to keep its office open in Tyson Foods-run Garden City, Kansas they could! Another boo-hoo story on a Trump-shuttered resettlement office.  https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2018/0522/With-fewer-incoming-refugees-US-resettlement-centers-dwindle

If you have followed RRW for the last ten years you know that basic principles have emerged about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program:

~A driving force behind more refugees coming to your towns and cities is the desire by BIG MEAT, the hospitality industry, and other manufacturing companies to hire trapped refugee laborers (trapped because they have no where else to go!).

~It is maddening that the UN and the US State Department are busy (on our dime!) to supply those laborers to big business.

~You have learned that the so-called Voluntary Agencies (VOLAGs), some calling themselves “religious” charities,*** are paid by the US taxpayer to take care of the incoming work force for a few months.

~The refugee labor force (salaries are low!) is eligible for a cornucopia of public services (aka welfare) to supplement the meager wages for families that sometimes include six children.  What a business model: cheap wages & welfare supplementation!

~You have surely seen the refugee industry (corporations and federal contractors) attempt to paint their mission as one of love for humanity and anyone who questions that love is mean-spirited.

~You have also learned that if you show concern for the cultural disruption of your town or city, or want to know what it all is costing you, you are a bigot. Just two days ago I posted about how Tyson Foods is transforming Garden City, Kansas.

~And, not to be forgotten, in addition to global corporations pushing for more refugee laborers, are the Dems looking for reliable voters who want the welfare gravy train to continue (Cloward & Piven).

~Finally, you have seen that Congress is not doing a thing to reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, why?

Republicans: Money! Money! Money! Dems: Voters! Voters! Voters!

Why am I summarizing this today?
Continue reading “Global corporations want refugee workers, then cut the BS about humanitarianism”

Tyson Foods bringing "ethnic empowerment network" to a town near you

This story from Garden City, Kansas makes me wonder—-who is deciding the future for your meatpacking town, the citizens, or Tyson Foods?

Tyson Foods in Garden City, Kansas

I have a pretty large archive on Garden City which is one more heartland city that has been changed by the arrival of US State Department-planted third world refugee workers over the last decade or so.

The story leads me to believe that everything is not peace and love when diversity comes to town….

….and that Tyson Foods has a huge stake in keeping the immigrant worker supply train on the tracks!

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