Seattle: Tax dollars go to special programs for special people—Somalis

I couldn’t help seeing the irony yesterday when I posted on how Denmark is attempting to break up ethnic ghettos that have developed in certain housing projects in that country, see here, while we in the US are still building our ethnic enclaves even using tax dollars to do it!
And, before you move on, don’t miss Leo Hohmann last night who posted on a startling comment from German Chancellor Angela Merkel—yes, she admitted they have no-go zones in some German cities. 
In Seattle they are literally building-in separateness!
So much for assimilation!

Somali girls basketball
Special grant program so that Somali girls can play basketball. I sure hope if other girls of other ethnic groups, or even white Americans arrived they would be permitted to play too.

Although I am not sure the grant money is still flowing from the feds (the Office of Refugee Resettlement) to specific ethnic groups as it had been several years ago, this local grant continues the foolish idea of separating needy people by their ethnicity (country of origin).
How on earth do political leaders and grantmakers expect assimilation to ever happen when division and special treatment by country of origin is encouraged!
I wonder if someone formed a club entitled say: Americans of British Ethnicity Youth Club, would it even be permitted to exist let alone get nearly a million bucks from taxpayers?

Somali Youth & Family Club gets nearly a million dollars for after school programs for Somalis

From the South Seattle Emerald:

A crowd of young Somali girls has just finished an hour of basketball. Now they head to the classroom upstairs for tutoring, and of course an occasional dance to Drake’s “God’s Plan.”

These girls, most of them first-generation immigrants, are Skyway residents in the Somali Youth & Family Club, a nonprofit program which holds afterschool programs in Skyway’s Creston Point Apartments. Creston Point has almost 500 units, and many of the residents are Somali immigrants and refugees.

Around 100 Somali youths are in the program, which holds sessions five days a week and allows children of all ages to participate. Members can receive tutoring, play basketball, read and write poetry, and swim.

The nonprofit program is able to run events like this thanks in part to a recent $855,000 grant from King County’s Best Starts for Kids initiative. The grant more than doubled the program’s budget, according to Kelsey Dale, Education Program Manager for the Somali Youth & Family Club.  [Let’s see, $855,000 divided by 100 kids=$8,550 per Somali kid—ed]

The program started in 2007, and is currently overseen by Aden Hussein, a Somali immigrant who came to Skyway in 1999. Hussein says the program has been remarkably successful.

More here.

What is Drake’s “Gods Plan,” I wanted to know.

Apparently it is a song that is all the rage in the last few weeks.
The lyrics are here.
You can listen here (if it isn’t visible in your e-mail, then come to RRW see it or search for it on the net).

And here is a story about what five religious leaders say about the song and Drake giving out money in the music video.
The Islamic leader says this about it:

Mona Haydar, The Islamic Center at NYU, New York, NY

“The video had me in tears and made me wish that we would talk seriously about things like reparations in America for indigenous and Black peoples. It made me think about stolen lands and stolen peoples and the inequity we see as a result of those oppressions and how we become numb to it like the way we come to see poverty as simply the condition of a people instead of a symptom of systemic infrastructural injustice. People say that the system is broken and I don’t believe that’s true — I think the system is fully functional and is rigged the way it is to keep some people up and some people down. The video reminded me of unfettered capitalism and the destruction of our Earth mother.

This is a song and video you might want to keep away from your children, just saying!

Danes want to eliminate immigrant ghettos by 2030

In the meantime the right-of-center government is proposing to impose stricter criminal penalties in those 1,000 existing ghettos, or parallel societies.

Here is a story from a Leftist publication that says the Danish People’s Party wants to bulldoze these ghettos.

I found this latest news interesting as in the US we seem to be purposefully creating parallel societies as ethnic enclaves grow with the help and encouragement of Democrat political leaders, refugee contractors and local, state and federal government financial encouragement (come back later for my follow-up post).

Invasion of Europe news….

From Eurasia Times:

The right-of-centre Conservative government is expected to unveil more details of its plan to impose more severe punishments in areas with relatively high numbers of immigrants. Lawlessness risks creating “parallel societies”, the government says.


Around 10 per cent of Denmark’s 5.6 million population are immigrants, 10 times more than in 1980.


You should know that George Soros has been promoting Somali migration to Denmark.  See Open Society propaganda here:

The government’s “ghettos” have populations of more than 1,000 where more than 50 per cent of residents are non-western immigrants, with the latest list including 22 districts.

The government estimates that 28,000 immigrant families “live in a parallel society”, making up around half of the “ghetto” populations.

The largest ethnic groups in that category were Somali at 44 per cent and Lebanese with 41 per cent, the ministry reported.

The latest proposal was part of a drive to eliminate “ghettos” by 2030, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said.

More here.
Go here for my complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
More on Denmark, here.

In South Dakota, it is about pleasing the Chamber, about low wage workers and fear

….but the fear isn’t about fear for the safety of citizens of South Dakota, it is the fear the Left and Islamic supremacists know how to stir—the fear of being called names or appearing ‘unwelcoming’ that will be the death of the west!

Hohmann asks: Does Morgan Evanson, stabbed in Minneapolis only a few months ago by a still at-large Somali man, feel she was enriched?

And, so they give us gobbledygook about the beauty of cultural diversity and enrichment, about the need for vibrant communities.
Leo Hohmann has penned a follow-up to his story of a few days ago about his eye-opening trip to the American heartland.
(If you missed Hohmann’s first account of his opportunity to testify before the South Dakota Senate, go here first, and then read on below).
I’ll call my post:

Women helping women! Not!

From Leo Hohmann:

Chamber of Commerce praises ‘diversity & cultural enrichment’ Muslim refugees bring to US cities

As I walked through the state Capitol in Pierre, S.D., last week, I was struck by the magnificent beauty of the building, especially the murals that cover the interior walls and ceilings.

Debra Owens of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce praised the cultural enrichment that Somalis bring to the state.

Many of the murals have a Christian theme.

The one right over the main Senate chamber depicts the settlers of this great state as they reached out to the Native Americans with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


The very word “Islam” means “submission.” They push. We submit. This is the new norm in Western societies from Germany and Sweden to Canada, Australia and the U.S. This is how Western societies are being weakened from within.

As I sat through the senate hearings Wednesday on a bill that would have declared a moratorium on refugee arrivals from 10 Sharia-compliant nations, it became obvious that refugee advocates are skilled at dodging and deflecting questions/concerns South Dakotans have about the culture of violence being imported into their state.

It’s being imported to Sioux Falls and Aberdeen under the guise of humanitarianism and fixing labor shortages.

But perhaps the dumbest reason of all used to justify the resettlements was put forth by the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, which sent lobbyist Debra Owens to the Capitol to tell the people’s legislature that refugee resettlement brings “cultural enrichment and diversity” that benefits South Dakota.

Kris Langor
SD Republican Senator Kris Langer fretted that the state might look “unwelcoming.”

As if the South Dakota culture has not become sufficiently enriched over the last 100-plus years and needs Somalia to help it out. Give me a break. That was an insult to the intelligence of every citizen of this wonderful state, including the Native Americans.

Hohmann lists and rebuts the many excuses he heard from legislators and those testifying on behalf of bringing more Somalis to South Dakota.
He asks?

Did Morgan Evenson, 24, benefit from cultural enrichment and diversity when she was stabbed 14 times by a Somali migrant while walking home from work in downtown Minneapolis?

I’ve only given you the bare bones of Hohmann’s story, go here and read it all.
Then you might want to visit my archive on South Dakota here.  It is a state I visited in the summer of 2016 on my tour of western states where BIG MEAT rules!
Endnote:  You should see this story today at ‘Progressives for Immigration Reform’ on how wages are rising for low-skill workers now that immigration is slowing.
The meatpackers of South Dakota will have to (boo hoo!) pay more for their slaughterhouse slave laborers if this keeps up!

Investigative reporter and blogger, Leo Hohmann's first-hand account of trip to South Dakota

It was an eye-opener on so many levels Hohmann recounted to me and here is the first of a couple of posts on what he saw and learned when he was invited to help educate a South Dakota legislative committee about refugee resettlement and the refugees being secretly placed in American towns in recent years.
Joining Hohmann on a witness panel were James Simpson and Phil Haney, both should be familiar to regular readers here at RRW.
Below is the title and a few snips of the must read post at, but please read it all! (Emphasis below is mine):

GOP governor leads fight against ending refugee influx from Somalia and other jihadist strongholds

Many of you have noticed I’ve been quiet this week, posting only one article about the efforts of Kansas Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins to win amnesty for an illegal-alien Muslim professor with ties to a terror-stained mosque.

Rest assured I haven’t been slacking. I was traveling on special assignment, so let me fill you in.

SD Senator Neal Tapio is running for Congress. Although Republicans soundly defeated his bill, the hearing served as an educational opportunity that should be replicated in other states.

Refugee resettlement has over the past couple of years become a controversial subject in many state capitals as more Americans educate themselves on the dark underbelly of a program that has been transforming U.S. cities and towns for 35 years.

South Dakota — like Idaho, Ohio, Michigan, Texas, Tennessee, West Virginia and Minnesota — is a state where patriotic Americans have formed pockets of resistance to the resettlements. They’ve seen the fraud and greed upon which the program — run by the United Nations in cooperation with the U.S. State Department and its federal contractors affiliated with private agencies like Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services — is based.


My task Wednesday was to testify before the South Dakota Senate’s Committee on State Affairs in support of a bill introduced by Sen. Neal Tapio that would place a moratorium on refugees entering that state from any country that has been placed on a federal travel ban.

Any time a state pushes back against refugee resettlement it is a big deal, so I dropped everything and flew to South Dakota. This federal program has evolved over the decades from a legitimate humanitarian effort into a fraudulent operation whereby agencies like Lutheran Social Services serve as headhunters for industries looking for cheap Third World labor. The cost for U.S. communities has been devastating in terms of crime, terrorism and welfare abuse but the establishment of both parties will tell any lie necessary to keep the cheap labor flowing.

I saw them in action in South Dakota Wednesday and it left me with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Continue here for the remainder of part one.
See the Argus Leader here for its sanitized story on the hearing. More later on that!
Go here for my South Dakota archive, a state I visited during my tour of meatpacking states in the summer of 2016.

UK's knife problem: Somali refugee gangbangers killing each other in upscale neighborhoods

As our mainstream media pounds us 24/7 about American gun violence you hear next to nothing about the UK’s knife violence (knives are the weapon of choice for many violent Muslims).
Why is that? Is it a volume issue (they can only kill a couple of people at a time)? Or is it because the Somalis are a protected class and the image of refugees as pure-as-the-driven-snow dare not be challenged?
Invasion of Europe news….

mayor of london
First Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan: “Two more lives needlessly lost to knife crime.”

From the International Business Times headlined:

Somali gang violence rages on affluent north London streets

The murder of two young Somali men within three hours of each other this week in north London highlights the brutal gang violence that has gripped parts of this immigrant community.

London Somali
Stabbed to death on Tuesday evening by other Somalis. The second murder that same evening was a machete hacking death.

Seventeen-year-old Abdikarim Hassan was fatally stabbed outside a corner shop in Kentish Town just after 7pm on Tuesday evening (20 February). At 10.15pm Sadiq Aadam, 20, was set upon by a gang wielding machetes and a samurai sword in Belsize Park and hacked to death.

Detectives are investigating possible gang links to both killings and police have imposed a section 60 order across Camden, giving officers the right to stop and search people when they believe serious violence will take place.

This persistent violence linked to drugs, territorial feuds, or blood vendettas, has beset a section of the UK’s 100,000-strong Somali community in the UK.

Camden is not the London borough you would usually associate with gang violence. Houses around Hampstead and Primrose Hill are some of the most expensive in the capital, commanding an average price of £1.7m. These areas are home to bankers, city lawyers and celebrities such as pop star Liam Gallagher and film director Ridley Scott.

Aadam was the third member of his family to be killed in a knife attack. His brother, Mohamed, was murdered in September near Mornington Crescent, a mile away, and their cousin, Mohamed “Lefty” Abdullahi, was stabbed to death in nearby Holloway in June 2013. Aadam studied business at Middlesex University and worked part-time in Tesco.

His four attackers fled on foot as passers-by desperately tried to save him after he was stabbed in the heart.

So who is being blamed? Not their home life, their religion/their mosques, their culture where clan feuds have gone on for time immemorial! Nope, it is all the fault of the local British police not keeping them safe!

In a statement Aadam’s family said: “This is the constant theme in our community. [How about looking within!—-ed]

“We are made to believe that the police are here to protect us, but how does a mother feel her kids are protected when she has lost two in the same vicinity within months?

“We have lots of questions and need answers. Somebody has to listen to us.”


Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said he was “desperately saddened” by this week’s deaths, and added: “Two more lives needlessly lost to knife crime.”

Continue reading here.
Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Moral of the story—do not admit any more Somalis!