He was headed to Malaysia, now he is happily settled in Arizona (on your dime!)

….and plans to bring his wife and daughter to live here too! (He left them behind at least 5 years ago in ‘dangerous’ Iran).
Australia’s SBS News appears to be doing a series on those lucky, mostly Muslim, ‘refugees’ who attempted to get to Australia illegally and were then detained for nearly 5 years in offshore detention facilities with the Australian government refusing to consider their asylum claims.hit-the-jackpot3
Many are hitting the jackpot and although Australia isn’t letting them in they are now free in America.  And, every few weeks a new batch arrives.
Here is a story about one of those that Australia didn’t want, but Obama did and arranged for many to come just as he was walking out of the White House.
Trump is now honoring a deal he once called “dumb.”
(See my yuuuge archive on the Australia deal by clicking here.)
You can read the entire gushing story yourself, but what got me is that the star of the story was initially headed for Malaysia, a Muslim country, and only at the urging of a friend got on a people smuggling boat headed for Australia.

As many of my readers have commented over the years—so if it was so dangerous back home, why did these men leave their wives and children behind? 

From SBS News:

[Phoenix, Arizona] is home to Reza Mohammad Nezhad, an Iranian refugee who in 2013 fled his homeland amid fears of persecution, and would eventually try to reach Australia.  [They never tell us exactly why these Muslim men were persecuted. We are expected to take their word for it.—ed]

The 43-year-old left behind his wife and young child, hoping one day they could join him.

He travelled to Malaysia, then Christmas Island, but he was detained in Australia’s Manus Island holding facilities in Papua New Guinea, where he would spend almost four-and-a-half years.


Reza intended to settle in Malaysia after he fled Iran, but changed his mind after a friend there recommended Australia. People in Australia did not harass refugees, his friend said; they had freedom and a strong democracy. It would be a journey he would soon regret.

From Indonesia, Reza boarded a people-smuggling boat headed for Christmas Island. [Indonesia is a Muslim country too—ed]


“I was chosen to be resettled in Arizona,” he told SBS News through a translator. “I don’t know their reasoning, but they chose Arizona for me.”

[US State Department is building ethnic enclaves where people of certain cultures/religions get to live with their own kind of people and they have contractors facilitating the project! Never mind that you are a racist if you want to live with your people!—ed]


He has also got involved with the Iranian American Society of Arizona, which holds several cultural events in the city each week.

“There are many Iranians living here,” he said. “It’s a good city. I’m happy here.”

It’s warm too, which he likes, and he doesn’t feel out of place in a city packed with minority groups. More than 40 per cent of people in Phoenix are Hispanic; Mexico is just 200km to the city’s south.


In one year Reza will be eligible for permanent residency in the US. In five years, he will be able to apply for citizenship. He hopes he will be able to bring his wife and daughter to be with him soon. [Chain migration!—ed]

Continue here and note the anti-Trump tone of the SBS story even as it was Trump who is making all of this possible for these lucky jackpot winners!

Only a few states where anyone is willing to stand up to Washington, South Dakota is one

A bill being discussed in the South Dakota legislature today represents a rare case where a legislator is willing to stare down the US State Department with a demand that those who live in the state have a right to say “NO” about who is resettled in the state as their tax dollars are gobbled up in the process.

neil tapio
SD Senator Neal Tapio


State Senator Neal Tapio, a candidate for Congress, is sending a message.

Here is the AP story at The Seattle Times.   AP obviously assumes the story is big enough to free it from local South Dakota media where it would normally be hidden from national view (so as not to give other states any ideas!).

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota would suspend refugee resettlements from countries on “any federal travel ban list” under a measure awaiting a legislative hearing that critics argue would be struck down by the courts if it ever becomes law.

The bill is set to have its first hearing Wednesday before the Senate State Affairs Committee. Republican Sen. Neal Tapio’s legislation would also direct the state to refuse “chain migration” from citizens of countries on such a list. That system gives advantages to the relatives of legal immigrants.

Tapio, a congressional candidate, said a potential legal challenge would be worth fighting if the bill becomes law. He said the federal government doesn’t have the right to “make your neighborhood less safe.”

“We should fight for our wives and our daughters and our kids and our grandkids,” Tapio said. “This is about the future of our communities and the citizens that live within them.”


taneeza islam
The media’s go-to-gal on Islam in South Dakota is back.  Since she thinks she is an expert on the Constitution she needs a refresher course on the 10th Amendment.


Taneeza Islam, an immigration lawyer and executive director of South Dakota Voices for Justice, said the bill’s sponsors don’t understand the “fundamental rights that we have in our U.S. Constitution” and didn’t think through how the proposal would be implemented.

Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s chief of staff, Tony Venhuizen, told the Argus Leader that the Republican executive opposes the bill.

More here.
We will be back tomorrow with news about the hearing.
We have written on many previous occasions about South Dakota, a rare pocket of resistance, where business (meatpackers!) and community leaders have often been out front in saying they want the steady supply of (cheap) labor that refugees and other immigrants represent in the state.
Go here for my South Dakota archive, and here for other posts on Taneeza Islam, a former CAIR Minnesota lawyer who has moved (been moved?) to South Dakota to stir up action there.

Bipartisan efforts underway to support Samaritan's Purse exec for top UN refugee job

I told you here earlier this month about the long knives being out to destroy the nomination of Ken Isaacs a Veep at Samaritan’s Purse to head the IOM.
President Trump has nominated Isaacs to head the International Organization for Migration which not very long ago was another NGO receiving millions of US taxpayer dollars to do the foreign end of refugee processing in to the US (among other things).  Now they have been officially folded in to the UN.
Of course, I would like to see the IOM squeezed financially, but at minimum the President should not be bullied by this pair (with the Washington Post!).

Ibrahim hooper
Knife number one: CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper 

In my earlier post I said the President should not back down to the long knives  lead by Eric Schwartz and CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper.
Here is news with the latest on the controversy, hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum.

A bipartisan group of leading human-rights activists, including a Pulitzer-prize-winning New York Times columnist, has jumped to the defense of President Trump’s choice to lead the United Nation’s International Organization for Migration (IOM), which uses its $1 billion annual budget to promote worldwide cooperation on refugee and trafficking issues.

Trump nominated Ken Isaacs, vice president of the Christian relief organization Samaritan’s Purse, in January to head the 169-member organization, which holds elections to name a leader but typically defers to United States’ choice to run the organization.

Knife number two: Eric Schwartz, a hard Left one-worlder who ran the refugee program in the early years of the Obama Admin, and is a George SOROS protege.

Isaacs, who served in the Bush administration as the director of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance at the U.S. Agency for International Development, has spent 30 years organizing large-scale emergency relief programs in some of the most dangerous and desperate places in the world, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Darfur, Iraq, Liberia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Rwanda.

The day the White House announced his nomination, Isaacs was in Bangladesh administering diphtheria treatment to Muslim-majority Rohingya refugees.

Now, two weeks later, lifetime colleagues and allies in the humanitarian community are furiously trying to save his nomination after an Obama State Department official and a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations accused Isaacs of tweeting anti-Islamic and anti-immigrant statements.

In a Washington Post article, the pair of critics took issue with a number of Isaacs’ views, including the belief that the Koran instructs its followers to engage in violent jihad, that Middle East Christians should be given first priority when applying to the U.S. government for refugee status, and that President Obama’s policy of accepting large numbers of Syrian refugees was “foolish and delusional” because some of them could become “security risks” if allowed in the United States.

After the article, Isaacs apologized for his “careless” social media posts and vowed to lead the IOM with “the highest standards of humanity, human dignity, and equality,” if chosen.

The paper later editorialized against the nomination, arguing Isaacs’s views were “venomous,” demonstrated “bigotry,” and that his leadership in the post would be “an embarrassment to the United States.”

Continue reading here.
Dear Donald, don’t let the Washington Post (Bezos), CAIR and Schwartz win this one!

Next bunch of Australian detainees headed to US yesterday

Australia did not grant them asylum (refugee status), but we are in what has to be the dumbest refugee deal ever heard of!

Manus island detainees
Some of these men are already walking free in your US town! Manus Island locals don’t want them there:  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-41812189

This bunch of 35 (flying yesterday) will bring the number of mostly single Muslim men from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Rohingya (Burma), free to walk the streets in Any Town, USA, to nearly 200.
Do we really expect these fighting age young men to go cheerfully into meatpacking companies to do slaughterhouse work? 
But, take heart! Trump’s travel ban is saving us from Iranians—BFD!
I will repeat, if just one, of what could ultimately be 1,250 of the newly minted ‘refugees,’ becomes a problem it will be on Donald Trump because he should have followed his original instincts this time last year and killed the “dumb” deal!
And, refugee contracting agencies should be shaking in their boots because just one bad apple will bring more anti-refugee headlines.  Recently we learned that some were going to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina, here.
See all of my dumb-deal posts by clicking here.
From The Guardian:

Another 35 refugees are leaving Nauru for the United States on Sunday, the third group to depart Australia’s offshore immigration centres this week.

Almost all are single Afghan, Pakistani or Rohingya men, along with one Sri Lankan family and one Bangladeshi refugee, said Ian Rintoul of the the Refugee Action Coalition.

The makeup further confirms fears that Iranians, who make up the largest national group on Nauru, have so far been excluded from the US intake. Iran was proscribed by Donald Trump’s “travel ban”.

So far 84 people have flown from Nauru and another 85 from Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island to the US under the resettlement deal, with at least one more flight expected to leave this month.

About 2,000 refugees and asylum seekers remain in Australia’s offshore system.

The controversial “US deal” – decried as “dumb” but upheld by Trump – was brokered by his predecessor, Barack Obama, and the Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, in September 2016.

There is much more (here) including a lengthy discussion about how some of the ‘refugees’ were just walking around Manus Island, minding their own business, when they were attacked by local police.
And, of course the detainees have twitter accounts to alert the world of the abuses they supposedly suffer.
Trump is scheduled to meet with Australian Prime Minister Turnbull later this week, see here.

In my opinion, the President should be inviting Hungarian PM Orban to the White House instead!  LOL! They could compare notes on how much George Soros hates them!

Germany: 'refugee' terrorist admits he was sent by ISIS and told to wait for instructions

You’ve probably seen the news, but I wanted to be sure it was in my archives and it fits with other news I have to share this morning.
Invasion of Europe news…..
From Breitbart (hat tip: Joanne, others):

Three Syrian migrants are currently on trial in Hamburg for being members of a terrorist cell and one of the men has admitted that the Islamic State terror organisation sent him to Germany telling him to disguise himself as a refugee.


German girls
Come on in say German girls in 2015. Big smooch!  https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/02/17/human-rights-activist-wakes-up-about-muslim-migrants-in-germany-admits-she-was-wrong/


The three Syrians, aged between 19 and 27, came to Germany during the migrant crisis in 2015 and were arrested in September of 2016 at asylum homes in Ahrensburg, Großhansdorf and Reinbek near Hamburg, Suddeutsche Zeitung reports.

For the last eight months, the judges in the court have tried to determine whether or not the men were sent by the Islamic State, or whether they were radicalised independently.

The eldest defendant, 27-year-old Mohamed A., confirmed to the judge that he had been commanded by the Islamic State terror group to infiltrate the wave of refugees and wait in Germany for further instructions.

The 27-year-old said that he trained with the terror group in its former capital of Raqqa for three months with four different weapons before heading to Europe. An Islamic State member also gave him a forged passport along with a sum of $1,500.

More here.
My Invasion of Europe archive is here.  Go here for an extensive archive on Germany.