Obama's 'Final Year'—finally gone!

Subtitle: Why Donald Trump is in the White House!


Obama's men and Power
Ben Rhodes, Samantha Power, John Kerry,  and of course Obama.  Four reasons (five if you throw in Susan Rice) why Trump won!

There is a new documentary film being released (in a few theaters near you) about the final year of the Obama Administration and how their foreign policy decisions (blunders!) helped put Trump in the White House.
But, the film idea didn’t start out that way. When filming began, Trump wasn’t supposed to win!
Be prepared for a sympathetic look, dripping with nostalgia, for the good ol’ days.
My special interest in viewing the film is to see what more the ever-cocky Samantha Power has to say.  You will find her discussed many times over the years here at RRW from her earliest mention in 2008 as Obama’s ‘Iraqi refugee czar’ to her rise to her UN catbird seat.
See the trailer (here if it doesn’t play below):  Pay special attention to the 1:25 minute mark (5 months left which means it would have been early September 2016) where Samantha Power says this:

“We have to be sure to make it harder to dismantle if we take a different turn.”

Does she mean make it harder to dismantle Obama’s foreign policy legacy (which was pretty lousy anyway) in case Trump wins? Did she suspect then that Trump might very well succeed?
The dossier and the FISA applications????  Wasn’t she fingered as a chief ‘unmasker?’ Hmmm!

(By the way, the 1:38 minute mark is pretty good too—Ben Rhodes realizes that they have lost!)
Now here is a bit of the text from the Times of Israel where the reporter seems to be wishing the Obama gang was back.

‘The Final Year’ follows the Obama administration’s last attempt to shape world affairs. (Magnolia Pictures)

For those tired of watching reruns of “The West Wing,” there’s a new political thriller out — and it just so happens to be real.

The recently released documentary “The Final Year” is the story of the Obama administration’s final 12 months in office as told by former president Barack Obama’s foreign policy team.

Leading roles are played by Obama administration stars. US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power and Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, along with Secretary of State John Kerry — and the president himself — all race against the clock to broker a deal with Iran, negotiate a climate accord in Paris and find a solution to the Syrian crisis, among the other issues on their diplomatic agenda.

For the individuals portrayed in the documentary, “The Final Year” was intended to solidify Obama’s foreign policy legacy, but President Donald Trump’s ultimate victory leaves the Obama team more stunned than assured.

“We tried to change the ending but we couldn’t do it,” joked director Greg Barker in an interview with The Times of Israel …..


“Samantha [Power] gets very excited and we’re talking about these ideas, and I’m thinking, ‘Wow, this is great. We’re going to change the world.’”

But by the fourth quarter of Obama’s final term, the glamour of their vision had succumbed to the political reality of the office.

The role refugees played in Trump’s victory….

Barker said that Power now believes that the Obama administration’s failure to take definitive action in Syria prompted a domino-effect of world events.

“[Power] will say that you can make the case that without the Syria tragedy and the outflow of refugees, you may well not have had Brexit in the UK, you may well not have had Trump without this fear of ‘The Other’ which was perpetrated by a million refugees flowing into Europe,” Barker said.

“She’ll make the case that the world could be a very different place [if not for the Syria crisis],” he added.

More here.
Note that comments to the Times of Israel are not flattering to the team.
Heck, it would be fun to watch this in a theater wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat!

Human rights activist wakes up about Muslim migrants in Germany, admits she was wrong

Editor: There is some controversy surrounding what exactly Rebecca Sommer said especially about possibly retiring to Poland. But, this interview at Novinite.com looks completely legit. I have taken the liberty of creating paragraphs in her story for easier reading.

German girls
German girls in 2015.  Photo and story:  https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/09/heres-why-all-european-migrants-want-go-germany/

From Bulgarian news Novinite.com:

Recently we from Novinite.com published an article about German activist, artist and humanitarian Rebecca Sommer. We were contacted by a friend of hers about certain inaccuracies and therefore contacted Rebecca. She was kind enough to send us a translated version of the original interview she made for Polish media.

Rebecca Sommer is an internationally known German artist, journalist, photographer and award-winning filmmaker. She’s been living in Berlin since 2012. Before returning to Germany, she worked as a non-governmental human rights advocate with special advisory status ECOSOC (UN Economic and Social Council) at United Nations headquarters as well as in Geneva. She specializes in the rights of indigenous peoples. For over a decade, she worked with UNHCHR (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), with UNPFII (United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples) and with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).


N.O-S .: Rebecca, you have worked for many years with refugees and immigrants, you are a well-known human rights activist. Already years before the refugee wave 2015, you was [were] a well-known person fighting for unlimited admission of these people to Germany. What influenced the change of your views?

Rebecca Sommer: I would like to point out that I have never endorsed “unlimited” admission of migrants, because it is impossible for any country to adopt indefinitely.

I am a humanist and human rights activist. For the first years I believed that people who come here are real refugees and are happy that they will be safe now and because of that they will show a good faith in order to adapt here and to integrate. But with time, step by step an unpleasant awakening came about.

The reasons for this were so complex that I just could not ignore them anymore. For sure, one of the main turning points was 2015 New Year’s Eve in Cologne. Then I finally had to admit to myself that that this behavior suits the overwhelming majority of Muslims, the way they see things, with whom I had to deal with in my life. In that moment I said to myself: “Rebecca, now you have to pull the emergency breaks, last but not least because as a human rights advocate you are oblied [obliged?—ed] to focus also on women’s rights, with your responsibility to us, as a woman.

I have tried to justify these constantly repeated patterns of behavior and mind set of most of the refugees, their way of perceiving the world, which is based on their religion, Islam, and their culture, for example in such a way – that they are new here.

I believed that their medieval views would change over time. I placed great trust in our libertarian, equitable European and western values, and I naively thought that every person must welcome them and take them on. But after looking back through the years of repetitive experiences and my own work environment as a volunteer, I had to admit to myself that when it comes to Muslim refugees, they have grown up with completely different values.

They have been passing through brainwashing and are indoctrinated by Islam and most have no intention of taking over our values – worse, they look at us „unbelievers“ with superiority and arrogance. I call it the „Kopftuch im Kopf“ (headscarf in the head).

And additionally, after their arrival here, many of them fall into the tentacles of fundamental Imams, (the political Islam imported from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc.) who strengthen and encourage their fundamentalism, that prohibits them to integrate with us „infidels“ and our way of life, prohibits the acceptance of our perception of the world and our scientific achievements. And unfortunately, the German state seems to have no longer any control over it.

Another good example which helped me to open my eyes, happened in 2016. I then learned the truth about a certain group of refugees, whom I looked after for a long time. They had become my friends in the meantime. I helped them during the asylum procedures, I dealt with their official matters, I got them apartments, furniture, cell phones, computers, clothing, courses, jobs, scholarships and spent countless free hours of my private time on their individual cases.

At a certain moment, I finally realized that these people were playing a wrong game with me Taqyyia. I was deceived by them, which disappointed me a lot. I was constantly warned against this Muslim misleading strategy, by people from Arab countries and Kurds who did not only flee from war zones, but had to flee from Muslims.

However, I did not want to listen to them. And suddenly it turned out that those people I did everything for, who drank, danced and laughed with me; who did not pray, did not go to the mosque, did not follow Ramadan, mocked religion and deeply religious people, they all, while eating my food and sitting in my garden, called me behind my back “a stupid German whore”.

This not only hurt me a lot, because I was their friend, their sister and their mother, and I really trusted them, but it gave me another impulse to reflect. Because they were a living example and hope for a successful integration and also for friendship between Western-oriented and Arab-Muslim people.

I helped them, protected and supported them and gave them real friendship. I accepted them with open arms in Germany and for this I got disrespect by their words and deeds as a “thank you”.

The interview continues here.
My Invasion of Europe archive is hereGo here for an extensive archive on Germany.

Hungary First: Orban government proposes anti-Soros legislation

Hungarian government poster portraying financier George Soros in Budapest
Posters say: “Don’t let George Soros have the last laugh”

Invasion of Europe news…..
This is a Reuters story from two days ago (just getting to it). Emphasis below is mine:

BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungary’s nationalist government introduced legislation that would empower the interior minister to ban non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that support migration and pose a “national security risk”.

The bill, submitted to parliament late on Tuesday, is a key part of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s anti-immigration campaign targeting U.S. financier George Soros whose philanthropy aims to bolster liberal and open-border values in eastern Europe.

The government says the bill, which would also impose a 25 percent tax on foreign donations to NGOs that back migration in Hungary, is meant to deter illegal immigration Orban says is eroding European stability and has been stoked in part by Soros.

Orban and Soros
Orban vs. Soros

Hungary and Poland are both under nationalist governments that have clashed with the European Union leadership in Brussels over their perceived authoritarian drift deviating from EU standards on democracy and rule of law.

But Orban’s message, championing conservative Christian beliefs and rejecting multiculturalism, has gone down well with Hungarian voters and his Fidesz party is expected to secure a third straight term in a general election due on April 8.

The bill says that NGOs that “sponsor, organize or support the entry or stay of third-country citizens on Hungarian territory via a safe third country to extend international protection … qualify as organizations supporting migration”.

Such activity – including campaigning, advocacy, recruiting volunteers, producing information booklets – would have to be approved by the interior minister, who could deny permission if he saw a “national security risk”.

There is much more here.

What I want to know is: Will President Trump invite Orban to the White House so we can watch Leftists’ heads explode?

Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Don’t miss my post on the IRC just yesterday where we reminded you that Soros is pals with David Miliband!

Is Trump planning to suck-up to Aussie PM Turnbull next week? The Australian thinks so

Is that why the number of fake ‘refugees’ arriving in the US from Australia has picked up—-President Trump wants to have the meetings begin on a positive note?
This is yet another update on the “dumb” deal that President Obama made with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull just as Obama was walking out the door in 2016, a deal that Trump has agreed to honor.

Australia doesn’t want them!

Trump and Turnbull
Trump is saving Turnbull’s political hide and we would like to know why!  One of these detainees goes off the rails and it will be Trump whose hide is in danger.

At first there was hope that President Trump would dump the deal where we agreed to take up to 1,250 ‘asylum seekers’ being held by Australia in offshore detention camps in exchange for Australia taking Central Americans in Costa Rica.

Do any of you see what we get out of this “deal?”  Those Costa Rica fake refugees are not our problem either!

By the way, the No Borders International Left has succeeded in so muddying the waters about who is, and who isn’t, a refugee that it’s even got the Australian media calling Salvadorans refugees just because their country is a hellhole and they don’t have jobs.  
A legitimate refugee must be able to prove he/she will be PERSECUTED if returned to a home country—poverty and crime are not persecution!
Here is The Australian suggesting that the number of detainees being moved to the US (where they will be free) has picked up because Trump wants to please Turnbull.  (Sorry The Australian link isn’t working because it is behind a pay wall.)
Huh! I sure hope this isn’t a suck-up move on Trump’s part. He had it right when he said it was a “dumb” deal that could politically “kill” him.  Just one of these Muslim men goes off the rails and it will be all on Trump (we will be watching!).

The controversial Australia-US refugee swap is gathering pace ahead of Malcolm Turnbull’s meeting with Donald Trump in Washington next week.

Two groups of refugees were this week sent from Manus Island in Papua New Guinea and Nauru to the US, and two groups of asylum-seekers from El Salvador have been assembled in Costa Rica for clearance to resettle in Australia.

Immigration officials have ­denied the refugee deals were linked but they were the source of early friction between the President and Prime Minister.

Mr Trump slammed the deal negotiated with Barack Obama as “the worst deal ever”, “stupid” and said it would “kill” him politically. But the US has stuck to its agreement to take 1250 refugees from the Middle East and Asia who were denied entry to Australia after arriving by boat and diverted to Nauru and Manus Island for processing.

In return, Australia has agreed to take refugees fleeing one of the countries reportedly labelled a “shit hole” by Mr Trump at the height of a recent US debate on immigration.

Salvadorans are NOT refugees!

The Australian continues….

Refugee numbers have exploded in El Salvador in recent years in response to a breakdown of law and order.

A UNHRC [UNHCR-ed]spokesman in New York said about 30 Salvadorian refugees were in Costa Rica en route to Australia.


But resettlement of refugees from Manus Island to the US has been stepped up ahead of next week’s meeting between Mr Trump and Mr Turnbull. A third group of 18 refugees from Manus Island flew from Port Moresby yesterday to be resettled in the US.

The men were all single ­Afghan, Pakistani and Rohingyan refugees.

And, although in detention on offshore islands for years, they will be free on the streets of Your Town, USA!

Click here for all the posts about the long sorry history of the dumb deal which by the way sets a terrible precedent for the refugee program going forward.

Comment worth noting: Many blind 'conservatives' in Minnesota

Editor: Occasionally we post guest comments/opinion pieces from readers.  This, below, is a comment a resident of Minnesota posted at this story last week:

Headline: 25 reasons to end Somali refugee resettlement now

Before you read Bob Carrillo’s comment, you might want to visit Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch yesterday about Republicans and Dems (pandering!) in the Minnesota state legislature by proposing to give nearly $20 million in taxpayer dollars to Somali community development (because of course we all know that poverty produces Islamic terrorists—NOT!).
(This post will be filed in my ‘What you can do’ category—don’t be afraid to speak!)
From Bob Carrillo (highlighting is mine):

This week (Tuesday 2/6) was caucus week in Minnesota.

Two nights ago, I found myself compelled to call in to a local radio talk show host (Walter Hudson) (IHeart Radio 1130 AM – “Closing Argument”).

He was interviewing Mr. Phillip Parrish, a fairly straight laced, no nonsense, gubernatorial candidate for the State of Minnesota; a personality and intellect sorely need here in the land of Minnesota denial…


Walter Hudson radio
Walter Hudson is on the right.  https://www.iheart.com/podcast/closing-argument-with-walter-hudson-28270545/


I was not particularly pleased with the tenor of the dialogue exchange by Mr. Hudson. He claims to be a conservative. However, in Minnesota, as true in many places in the country, what passes for a republican, or even a common sensed based conservative leaves many of us adults in the room wanting. In short, and with very few exceptions, Minnesota has become a breeding ground for adult-children posing as conservative thinkers, and RINO’s.

In any event, I was compelled to call in to Mr. Hudson’s radio program.

Needless to say the discussion, and exchange between myself and Mr. Hudson did not come off very well…at least from his end I believe.

After posing the following question to him, and citing a number of horrible examples of atrocities committed by radical Islamist’s in Minnesota, some resulting in the maiming and even death of Minnesota citizens, as absolute proof that this is not simply some ethereal debate relating to the differences between religious and cultural factions in Minnesota at all.

Using those pesky circumstances called FACTS, I attempted to make my case, in opposition to his wishful thinking (or not) approach to Minnesota’s growing and deadly problems, Mr. Hudson did his level best to deflect and to derail our discussion at every turn.

While attempting to bring the hostility level down several times during the conversation, it was clear to me that he had no intention of allowing me to get past his all-over-the-top, and emotionally driven ranting. …He was upset.. So upset, that even after he dismissed me just prior to a hard break, he referenced me personally a few times during the next hour (segment) of his program in a less than respectful manner. Since I used to host my own weekly radio talk show program for eight years, I found his tone and demeanor to be incredibly unprofessional and disrespectful.

To my initial question: Can you point to any place on the planet where this “social justice” experiment, which involves this clash of cultures (one of which, literally refuses to assimilate by intent and by design), has worked well for the indigenous people of that place, OR has not ended badly???

Where, in Europe, Australia, or in the US and Canada is the “group hug approach”, and philosophy of appeasement (COEXIST) working? …Just one place!

Minnesota Somalis 2
Women in traditional Muslim dress take part in prayers outside the federal courthouse before a jury found 35-year-old Amina Farah Ali and 64-year-old Hawo Mohamed Hassan guilty on all counts Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011, in Minneapolis of conspiring to funnel money to a terrorist group in Somalia.  https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/feb/24/islamist-terror-groups-target-minnesota-somali-ref/

When Mr. Hudson obviously blew his stack on air, relating to my question, and then wandered around per his response in a manner, which I would only describe as angry and unintelligible, I then suggested that perhaps taking a “Straw Poll” amongst the many victims and their families here in Minnesota, who have been directly affected by this insane combination of public policy, he lost it again, and suggested that no straw poll was necessary, or some such reaction by someone in denial.

I also informed Walter that I have lived overseas, and I have traveled overseas extensively, AND I HAVE VISITED THE “NO GO ZONE’ IN PARIS. I told him that he does not want to see that here. But, indicated to hime that the seeds for that here in Minnesota have already been sown. (See Stories: uniformed “Sharia [ LAW ] Police” patrols being tolerated by the MPD in the Cedar-Riverside area OF Minneapolis, now known as “little Mogadishu”)

I did have the opportunity, while he was continuing to talk over me at every turn to make the following statement, leading to a question: “I do not see a bunch of wild eyed Catholic, Lutherans, Presbyterians, or Methodists, as an organized effort per their cultural group thinking process, running around, and committing such horrible, barbaric, violent (Anti-American) atrocities, directed at Muslims, or any other groups of people”, based upon some religious differences as the driver for all this mayhem.

I also stated as a fact, that this entire experiment in “social justice”, and the seeds of this being sown all over Minnesota, per this “Welcoming Communities” nonsense, is, for economic reasons, “Public Health reasons”, and “Public Safety reasons”, is UNSUSTAINABLE and DANGEROUS.

He continued to present, what I can only describe as disjointed philosophical drool, relating to this very serious and very real life situation we are facing here in Minnesota, and sounding like the “can’t we all just get along” mantra of the left crowd, and doing everything possible to run from the discussion points being made by me throughout our brief discussion. He was finally successful by cutting me off completely, and hanging up on the call. ..Bad form Mr. Hudson..

If I had been given the opportunity to do so, I would have asked him the following questions:

* Is all the collateral damage, which has truly occurred here in Minnesota, and with greater frequency with each passing day now, acceptable losses to you Mr. Hudson?

* Is there no question in your mind relating to the cause and effect analysis per your own thinking about all this?

* Does the other side (Muslim “community”) bare any responsibility whatsoever, for the behavior of far too many of their brothers and sisters of their “book”, whether covertly or overtly involved?

* Do these people deserve (per demand and intimidation) “TO BE TREATED AS A SPECIAL CLASS OF MINNESOTANS”??, while other Minnesotans have to follow the rules of any civilized nation, and submit to US CONSTITUTIONAL LAW – AND PUBLICLY DISAVOW ANY ALLEGIANCE TO “SHARIA LAW”?

* Should this “community” – including CAIR Minnesota and their director Jaylani Hussein, be expected – in fact required, TO PUBLICLY CONDEMN HAMAS, THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, AL-QADEA, BOKO-HARAM, and label these organizations PROPERLY as terrorist organizations, and disavow their connection and allegiance to such groups.

* Should they as (Americans?) be required to pledge allegiance to our American flag (as all other immigrants to the United States have done over time), and pledge to support, and defend OUR US Constitution, etc. etc.?

* When accepting any position in “public office” anywhere in the US, should they be swearing in per their “book”?

* Should their Imams be afforded to “special” privilege” of being able to host POLITICALLY ORIENTED TRAINING PROGRAMS IN THEIR MOSQUES, when other religions would be risking their “Tax Exempt Status” by doing the same.

* Should only “special people” be allowed to reach “sharia law” IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS here in Minnesota, and have PRAYER ROOMS, PRAYER BREAKS, AND PRAYER RUGS in OUR Minnesota PUBLIC SCHOOLS SYSTEMS, when, per a long standing US Supreme decision: the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Lemon v. Kurtzman. In the 1971 case, the court ruled that a three-pronged test has to be passed for religious involvement in public schools. Is there secular purpose for the activity? Does the activity actively promote religion or inhibit religion? Is the “entanglement” between church and state “excessive?”. Because there are no other religious groups afforded ALL OF THE ABOVE, in terms accommodations, there is a problem here..

* Should there not be far better screening for serious, and sometimes, deadly “communicable diseases” being imported into Minnesota per the “Refugee Resettlement Program, and certainly the illegal “Sanctuary City(s)” public policy in full bloom in Minnesota. Additionally, shouldn’t the various Departments of Health in Minnesota be required to STOP HIDING CASES OF ACTIVE TUBERCULOSIS, and other lethal and debilitating IMPORTED diseases, and MAKE MANDATORY ALL PROPER MEDICAL PROCEDURES – INCLUDING INOCULATIONS AND ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS – TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC THEY ARE OBLIGED TO SERVE?

* Should not the participants in “Female Genital Mutilation” of female children, serial rape of female children (as young as 4 years or 5 years of age) as well as all other crimes committed in Minnesota, be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the LAW (US Constitutional LAW), and those convicted, be imprisoned, deported, and (relating to crimes involving children), have their children removed for their custody PERMANENTLY?

* Where are the home grown, or imported to Minnesota, terrorists being trained in Minnesota, or being conditioned to act and behave this antisocial and uncivilized manner, hate the infidel, hate Americans (while loving AND EMBRACING all the “free goodies” per our ridiculous welfare distributions systems), being schooled to believe that they can threaten and intimidate with impunity, rape children and women, kill or attempt to kill, commit arson, and a whole host of offences against OUR American society (with impunity), in spite of how short a time, or how long a time they have been in this country – AND AMPLE TIME ENOUGH TO ASSIMILATE? Who is teaching all this and where?

* There is certainly more, but this will do for now.

In any event, I called back after being cut off, relating to our brief encounter on the radio, and proposed the following to Mr. Hudson, per his call screener: I expressed a desire to be a guest on his program for two hours – up close and in studio – and an open, direct, and respectful discourse between one another relating to these interrelated and interconnected, and extremely critical issues concerning and impacting ALL MINNESOTANS today… I even suggested that he could invite his favorite Imam to sit in as well.

I left my name, some background information about me, my phone number, and asked for a return phone call. What do you think Walter. Shall we have a go?

I am still waiting…

What do you think? Will Hudson invite Carrillo on as a guest? I wouldn’t bet on it, but you never know! We will see what kind of a ‘conservative’ man Hudson is!
For more comments and guest columns, go here.