Refugee ban lifted, but extra vetting for Muslims denounced by refugee contractors

Clearly! the Christian, Jewish and secular federal resettlement agencies do not want extra vetting for Muslims from terror-producing countries. Oh no!
The Homeland Security Department announced Monday that it was lifting the outright ban on refugees from these eleven countries, but certain individuals would undergo greater scrutiny before they would be admitted to the US for you to take care of with your tax dollars.
Here is Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States will resume admissions for refugees from 11 countries identified as presenting a high security risk, but with extra vetting for these mostly Middle Eastern and African nations, senior U.S. officials said on Monday.

Hans bald
Dutchman Hans Van de Weerd wants your towns to have more Muslims. Bio here:

The changes came after a 90-day review of refugee admissions from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen by the State Department, Department of Homeland Security and intelligence agencies. [Note that Muslims from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burma never were slowed in their flow to your towns.—-ed]

The new rules are the latest changes to the U.S. refugee program made by the administration of President Donald Trump to address what it sees as national security issues.

Some of the administration’s actions, including an executive order to temporarily ban all refugees, have sparked lengthy court battles. Refugee advocates*** have said they see the administration’s actions as intended to reduce the number of refugees, particularly those from Muslim countries.

Reuters reporter Yeganeh Torbati didn’t quote her go-to guy, Van de Weerd, this time, but the NYT did.
Here the New York Times quotes Hans Van de Weerd of the International Rescue Committee (see moneybags Miliband) and the Refugee Council USA (that is lobbying arm of the refugee industry which has been protesting along with CAIR and hired the Podesta Group to lobby Republicans for them in the Senate).

“This administration disproportionally targets Muslims,” said Hans Van de Weerd, a senior official at the International Rescue Committee. “Today’s announcement does not change this for the better.”

And, Hans (is he a US citizen?) is working against the President to be sure that American towns ‘welcome’ more Muslims.  What else can you conclude?
Dear readers, Extra vetting is something to cheer about, but remember it is not permanent.  When Donald Trump leaves the White House in three or seven years, everything can revert back to the free-for-all we witnessed in the Obama years—unless Congress makes changes to the law!
***These are the primary “refugee advocates.”  They are also the federally funded resettlement agencies you pay to act as community political activists secretively placing refugees in your towns and cities.
The number in parenthesis is the portion of their budget that you involuntarily pay! The Washington Post, Reuters, LA Times and the New York Times will never tell you about their conflicts of interest!

Wouldn’t it be refreshing to see some big media outfit actually take a serious look at the structure/finances of the refugee industry (heck! I could retire!). Hey! Yeganeh! How about you?

Lancaster, PA: Church World Service puts on sob story event, never mentions their federal boodle!

CWS_small2Church World Service, one of the nine major federal resettlement contractors***, paraded ‘refugees’ before the public in a media event designed to put-down the President (and by extension, you, who voted for him!).
This isn’t pick-on-Church-World-Service week, but they seem to be conspicuously out in front leading the Open Borders political activism (along with their friends at HIAS) recently.
See my previous posts, here and here (see if your church is a member of CWS demonstrating with CAIR).
In Lancaster (Amish country) they put on one of many events as part of their first anniversary bash-Trump campaign to gain support for more refugee admissions (for more paying clients for them).
Here is Lancaster Online:

Three years ago, Palestinian writer Emtiaz Zourob said goodbye to her husband and two children and fled Gaza after being warned her life was in danger because of her views.

U.S. authorities granted her asylum and led her to believe her family would be able to join her in Lancaster, where she was resettled.

Palestinian in Lancaster
CWS’s Palestinian poster girl can’t understand how America could have elected “this man.”

Then, with election of Donald Trump as president, Zourob’s hopes for family reunification crashed. [Family reunification=chain migration.—ed]

On Saturday, one year after Trump suspended admittance of people from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Palestinians, Zourob told her story at a Church World Service forum on refugees.

About 60 attended the panel discussion at Lancaster Theological Seminary. Refugees from Congo, Somalia and Sudan also told their stories.

I have a lot of questions about Zourob’s story.  First and foremost she must have gotten in to the US on her own (illegally?) in order to have applied for asylum.  How did she do that? Who paid her way? What is the real story here? And, then if her family is in Egypt (no longer in ‘dangerous’ Gaza) surely she can join them there.
Lancaster Online continues….

Zourob, in an interview, said that in 2016 her husband, son and 10-year-old daughter applied for asylum at the U.S. embassy in Cairo and expected to obtain visas granting them entry. 

Zourob, 37, hoped she would be seeing them soon and told friends in Gaza she liked the United States.

“I told them I feel like I’m home because all the people here, they are very nice with me,” she said. “But after Trump, I’m not sure about this actually, if it’s still my home or not.”

“It’s very difficult to explain, but the American people, they choose this man to lead America,” she said.

Go here for more on CWS’s Lancaster PR campaign.
A Church World Service rep once told me that they get the first refugees planted (no he didn’t use that word) and then follow-up in subsequent years with helping bring in the family.
For additional information see our archive on Lancaster (America’s refugee capital?) by clicking here.

CWS fuck
Do your tax dollars pay for political action by ‘loving’ Christians like this one?

Why is Church World Service really so worked up? 

The answer is that they are paid millions of dollars annually from the federal treasury for their ‘Christian good works’ and Trump is cutting off the money train.
How much exactly are they getting from the Department of State, the Department of Health and Human Services, HUD, Homeland Security, and the Defense Department? You can find out at
First I looked at their federal grants and contracts for FY2008 to FY2018 and this is what I found (screenshot of first page below):
Forget ‘humanitarianism!’ This is about M-O-N-E-Y!
Nearly $450 MILLION since 2008 for Church World Service alone!

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This is just the first page of many pages!

So what did they get (involuntarily) from your wallets in FY2017 (end of Obama and beginning of Trump presidencies.)  Screenshots below are of three pages for FY17:
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Now, see why they are so upset!
Look at USA Spending for the first 3 months of FY18 (Fiscal years begin Oct. 1 of previous year).
For 3 months, only $171,950 in sub-grants!
Yikes! No wonder they are working so hard against this President!
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***Church World Service is just one of the nine (and not one of the largest recipients of your generosity)!  This was so much fun, I think I’ll try to do more of these!
The number in parenthesis is the portion of their budget that you involuntarily pay!

Forget about their pawn Zourob, they cannot survive without federal boodle!


Somali who stabbed two in Mall of America in November says it was an act of Jihad

Americans will not be safe as long as “your country is at war with Islam.”

(Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham)

But, surprise! Authorities have not yet decided to bring terrorism charges against him.
For background on Adbiraham, go here.
Below (hat tip Bob) is the latest on the case.  Interestingly, the victims (the Sanchez brothers) are out of the country, but promise to return for the sentencing.  Hmmm? We will see if they do return next month.

On Thursday, 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two men at the Mall of America.

mahad-abdiaziz-abdirahman-mugshot (1)
Adbiraham is most likely a refugee, or the child of a refugee, because almost all Somalis in the US are here through the US Refugee Admissions Program.

The incident occurred on Nov. 12, where authorities say he stabbed two brothers in a dressing room at the mall’s Macy’s.

At the plea hearing Thursday, Abdiraham’s attorney read a statement — which is public record — to the courtroom, which explained why he attacked the two men.

In the statement, Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America to answer the “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State.”

The statement added, “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.”

Abdiraham also said in the statement that Americans will not be safe as long as “your country is at war with Islam.”

Omar Jamal is back! Longtime readers know that I have followed his ‘career’ as the Somali mouthpiece for a decade! Click here for my huge archive on him.

Omar Jamal, an activist with a Somali watchdog group, said he is aware of the statement.

“This is a widespread sentiment with Somali youth,” he said.

Incredible! Jamal says if you stop them leaving the country for Jihad, they will do it here!

Jamal said the federal government’s effort to make it difficult for would-be jihadists to travel abroad and join a terrorist group has had unintended consequences locally.

“What is very concerning in this instance, is the fact that youth are exploring more ‘How can I do something here, what weapons are accessible,'” he said.


The two victims are out of the country, but court documents say they plan to return in time for Abdiraham’s sentencing in February.

If? If?

If authorities determine the stabbing was an act of terrorism, there could be more legal consequences for Abdirahahm.

More here.
So when they tell us, why aren’t we listening?

Church World Service and HIAS join CAIR to protest at White House

We told you here that three US federal (taxpayer funded!) resettlement contractors were helping to organize a protest against the President’s so-called Muslim ban yesterday.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service activists were likely lurking, but Church World Service and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) were front and center of the small gathering.

Breitbart’s Penny Starr reported the news.  Here is an enhanced screenshot photo from that report.

Muslims (men) pray outside the White House surrounded by large numbers of Church World Service female activists. The big banner on the right is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society protest-march prop that they bring out for these events.

Here is what Starr reported:

Protesters gathered at Lafayette Park outside the White House on Saturday to slam President Donald Trump on the one-year anniversary of an executive order he issued to protect Americans from immigrants and refugees coming from terror-ridden countries with little or no vetting.

CAIR spokesman calls Trump Admin. white supremacists as all the white folk gathered around.

Robert McCaw 2
McCaw works it all in (including support for Black Lives Matter)!

“We strongly condemn, like you, the racist and white supremacist beliefs reflected in President Trump’s remarks, actions and programs by this Muslim ban, the cancelling of DACA, the labeling of Black Lives Matter as identity extremists — a false designation,” Robert McCaw, director of Government Affairs Department of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said at the protest.

“We will fight the white supremacy of this administration,” McCaw said.

Church World Service is 71% federally funded (by my most recent accounting, here). Its CEO makes a quarter of a million annually.

What an insult that we fund them millions of our dollars every year for decades!

If you belong to any of these churches (below) know that Church World Service was representing you outside the White House yesterday.

They also hold the annual “Crop Walk,” so if you disagree with their political tactics you need to start speaking up!

Member Communions

    African Methodist Episcopal Church

Refugee contractor CEO (moneybags) Miliband moans: shocking decline in Muslim arrivals

The nine federally funded refugee contractors*** never miss a media opportunity.
Last night I reported that several of them will be protesting against the President at the White House today (first anniversary of first ban) and others, like the International Rescue Committee are moaning to the media with press statements like this one:

IRC: Trump Administration on Track to Miss Own Target for Refugee Admissions

First, let’s set the record straight!
When the President sets a CEILING for the coming year, it is just that—a CEILING, or CAP—it is not a TARGET that must be reached.
Although the contractors, for the many years I have followed the program, want it to be a TARGET and so they continue to speak as if it is (as in this headline).
Here is some of what CEO and British national David Miliband wants the media to know:

What a surprise! Obama admitted many more Muslims than Trump!

International Rescue Committee (IRC) resettlement assessment shows disturbing data for vulnerable populations fleeing conflict and persecution

miliband laughing
Miliband not laughing now? I wonder will he have to take a pay cut as the numbers of paying clients (aka refugees) decline. He makes a whopping $671,749 annual salary running a federally funded ‘non-profit.’

Based on current trends, the IRC projects 21,292 refugees will be resettled in the United States in Fiscal Year 2018, far below the Trump administration’s 45,000 refugee cap.

By this time in FY 2017, Syrians fleeing the war comprised 15 percent of arrivals in the U.S; in FY 2018, they comprise 0.5 percent.

13 percent of refugee arrivals in FY 2018 identify as Muslim, compared to 48 percent in FY 2017.

New York, NY, January 25, 2018 — On the eve of the anniversary of the Trump administration’s travel ban, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) today released projected figures for refugee resettlement in the United States. The IRC’s analysis shows the nation’s resettlement program on track to resettle only 21,292 refugees in Fiscal Year 2018, well below the administration’s 45,000 cap, and far below the historic annual average of 95,000.


The analysis is based on data covering the period Oct. 1, 2017, through Jan. 23, 2018.

Said David Miliband, IRC president and CEO –

“The shocking figures we are releasing today show that the U.S. is on track to cut by three quarters the number of refugees allowed into the country for resettlement.

This is a dramatic shift from 30 years of bipartisan practice, and represents an unprecedented assault on U.S. global leadership in this area.

[It still has bipartisan support from members of Congress/Senators who want cheap labor for their big business constituents.—ed]

“It is no exaggeration that the future of America as a home for refugees is now on the line. Congress needs to hold the administration to account for missing its own target, announced just four months ago. [It is NOT a target.—ed]

“The administration’s determination to squeeze the life out of the refugee resettlement program will harm the lives, and life chances, of some of the most vulnerable people on the planet, and it sets a terrible moral example to the rest of the world.”


Shocking Decline in Muslim Arrivals

791 refugees identifying as Muslim comprise only 13 percent of all refugees admitted to the U.S. so far in FY 2018.

By comparison, 14,496 people identifying as Muslim, or 48 percent of all refugees, were admitted to the U.S in FY 2017 in the same period. [Obama’s last months in office.—ed]

13 percent represents a figure well below the historic average; Pew Research analysis found that in the 15-year period from 2002 to 2017, Muslims made up about 33 percent of all refugees admitted to the U.S.

Yikes! I had no idea that the number was so high—33% of all refugees since 9/11 have been Muslims. Wow!
See my complete archive on Miliband (friend of Soros and Hillary) by clicking here.
***LOL! I get to post the contractors twice today.  My goal is to be sure new readers (and long time readers) know each day who is responsible for resettling refugees in your towns while acting as political agitators at the same time.  These are the nine federal contractors that monopolize all US resettlement. Number in parenthesis is the percentage of federal dollars (your money) going to their budgets in the last complete analysis I did.
Don’t miss this post about Church World Service yesterday—community agitators of the most loving kind!