Charleston, WV: They aren't getting their Syrian refugees, but mosque makes aggressive move

Leo Hohmann has the full story at his new website entitled:

West Virginia school district signs off on mosque’s ‘indoctrination’ of teachers

…which describes a brazen push with school system permission to indoctrinate teachers about Islam reportedly using allegations of bullying in the schools as the pretext for ‘educating’ the teachers.
This demonstrates a pattern of aggressive proselyting we have observed as Muslim immigrants begin to make their presence known in cities that have had little experience with this kind of ‘diversity.’

Islamic association of WV (1)
The city’s only mosque – Islamic Association of West Virginia – doubled in size about two years ago. CAIR, or the Council on American Islamic Relations, announced plans last year to open an office in Charleston…

They are often aided and abetted by local so-called ‘Interfaith’ groups representing the religious Left. (Ring a bell South Dakota!).

But, first a little background to set the stage:
Catholic Charities has had a small resettlement office in Charleston for a long time, but a couple of years ago, as the Interfaith group jumped on the ‘we-want-Syrian-refugees’ bandwagon, they found Episcopal Migrations Ministries (99.5% funded by taxpayers) willing to put in for a new office in Charleston specifically seeking Syrian Muslims.
I wrote about their unusual desire to specify a particular ethnic group in 2016.
Normally a budding new subcontractor is happy to get whatever ethnic groups are sent their way. After all, it is about ‘humanitarianism’ right!
They didn’t get their wish, as Hohmann relates, and the office approved by Obama’s State Department was killed when Trump came in, partially due to Trump’s ‘ban’  on Syrians and partly due to organized citizen opposition in Charleston.

They aren’t getting their New Americans yet, but readers need to know that they are just waiting for Trump to be gone from the White House!  So, in the meantime, they are “educating.”

Fast forward to this past week when we learned that the The Islamic Association of West Virginia had sent an invitation via the school system directly to individual teacher’s mailboxes inviting them to learn about Islam at a special upcoming event—-The Islamic Association of West Virginia: Get to know your Muslim student event!
Can you imagine if the local Baptist Church (any other faith group) went to the School Board and asked to put invitations in to teachers’ boxes about an upcoming ‘know your Christian students event.’  They would be laughed out of the office!
It would never happen.

So why did the Islamic Association of WV have success? It is spelled F-E-A-R!

Now, see Hohmann’s riveting reporting on what happened and is happening in Charleston, WV! See how teachers are afraid!
Do you see the pattern where you live?
See my archive on Charleston, WV by clicking here.

Rutland, Vermont refugee program officially dead (for now)

Since I’m on the subject of Vermont—see machete attacker is son of Somali refugee in my previous post.
And, since I told you about the shake-up at USCRI (the federal refugee contractor in charge of Vermont) yesterday, I figured that you might want to know the latest from Rutland where a huge public battle over a new refugee office was waged over the last couple of years.
New readers might want to see my archive on Rutland by clicking here.
From The Rutland Herald yesterday.  The tone of the article suggests the media is miffed that they weren’t informed of the meeting with USCRI’s new top dog, Eskinder Negash.  Par for the course that refugee discussions are done in secrecy and who knows it better than the citizens of Rutland!

Rutland is not expecting any more refugees during the current fiscal year, according to the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.

Eskinder Negash the new CEO at USCRI.  Sure wish we knew what happened that saw Lavinia Limon “retire.”

A letter dated Jan. 4, from Eskinder Negash, acting chief executive of the refugee organization, said USCRI officials were asked by the State Department Bureau of Populations, Refugees and Migration to revise its placement plan for the current fiscal year, which ends on Sept. 30, based on “several executive orders.”

“Based on PRM’s instructions and our analysis, we regrettably write to inform you that USCRI will ‘zero out’ its refugee arrival target for Rutland, VT, until we hear further notice from PRM on the resumption of refugee arrivals,” Negash said in the letter.

Mayor David Allaire posted the news on his Facebook page Wednesday in a post that was not initially made public and was only available to Allaire’s Facebook friends. The post was updated to be made public Thursday afternoon.

Allaire, along with Alderman Chris Ettori, attended a meeting at the Community College of Vermont’s campus in downtown Rutland on Wednesday. Negash and Amila Merdzanovic, director of the USCRI program in Vermont, also attended.

The Rutland Herald learned of the meeting and developments from USCRI from someone who attended the meeting. There are no indications the media was invited to the meeting or informed in advance that it was taking place.

Republican governor Scott welcomes refugees and immigrants to the Green Mountain state (aka Green card state!). Including machete man?

Attempts to reach Negash and Merdzanovic on Thursday afternoon were unsuccessful.


While the recent work by USCRI officials to bring refugees from Syria and Iraq to Rutland has been controversial, USCRI has been relocating refugees to Vermont for 30 years.

Did they resettle the Somali machete hacker family?
Rutland Herald continues…..

Negash also said USCRI leaders “greatly appreciate Gov. (Phil) Scott’s strong support for refugee resettlement.” A call to a Scott representative was not returned Thursday afternoon.

On Jan. 29, 2017, Scott issued a statement in response to President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting immigration and refugee resettlement.

“I can’t imagine what Vermont, or our country, would look like today, had we refused to allow immigrants from all reaches of the world to experience this wonderful country the way most of us have, simply because they were not born here or didn’t share our exact religious view,” the statement said.

Much more here.
See more of my posts on Vermont generally by clicking here.
The US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) is one of nine federal contractors with hundreds of subcontractors under them that monopolize all resettlement in the US. USCRI has staked out Vermont for itself.  (Numbers in parenthesis after each is the percentage of their funding you give them via your tax dollars.)


Vermont machete attacker was the son of a Somali refugee (chain migration!)

That is what the Daily Caller has learned from the Dept. of Homeland Security, but I still have questions.
See my previous posts here and here about the violent attack on a Vermont woman at a hotel for the homeless.


But, first, in every community where a person commits a crime, all of you should be demanding that your local authorities and local media answer this question:   

What is the immigration status of the alleged perp? 

Citizens have a right to know if a violent “man” like this one is here legally or illegally, and, if legally, through which legal program he slipped in.  As I enter my 11th year of writing about the refugee program, it is getting better and we are learning when the alleged criminal is a refugee, but it still is mostly a guessing game.
Here are a few snips about what reporters at the Daily Caller have learned about Abukar Ibrahim:

A man accused of violently assaulting an elderly volunteer worker with a machete outside a homeless shelter in Vermont earlier this month is the son of a Somali refugee, the Department of Homeland Security told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Abukar Ibrahim, a 32-year-old immigrant, assaulted 73-year-old Meals on Wheels volunteer Johanne LaGrange with a machete outside Harbor Place in Burlington, Vt., in early January after vandalizing vehicles and threatening other individuals nearby. Ibrahim “willfully, deliberately and with premeditation, and with intent to kill” assaulted his victim, Shelburne News reported, citing charges detailed in the court records.

He then barricaded himself in a room for hours, reportedly threatening to slit the throats of the responding police officers. Ibrahim, who ultimately surrendered to authorities, has pleaded not guilty to the charge of attempted first-degree murder, which carries a life sentence. A local court judge has ordered that Ibrahim’s sanity be evaluated.

The violent incident in Vermont was widely reported by many different media outlets, but the attacker’s country of origin and immigration status were not included in the initial reports. Working with DHS, TheDCNF was able to obtain this information.

“DHS can confirm that Abukar Ibrahim is a foreign-born naturalized United States citizen who initially entered the United States as the derivative child of a Somali refugee,” a DHS spokesperson told TheDCNF….

The DHS spokesperson goes on to say this is why we need better screening. Mental health screening too we presume!
Continue reading for more details on Ibrahim’s rampage that day and mentions of Ibrahim’s previous run-in with law enforcement.
And, inquiring minds want to know if he shouted Allahu Akbar when he was shouting at police during the stand-off.
Here are my additional questions and comments:
If he came as a “derivative” child then he would have been under 21 (and has been here a minimum of 11 years), so tell me why he still needs a costly court interpreter which we learned in previous reports?

US State Department (2008) closes all family reunification for Somalis!

But more importantly, I want to know if he was among the 20,000-30,000 ‘family reunification’ Somalis who got in to the US when they lied on admission applications for this form of chain migration.
Longtime readers may remember that stunningly in 2008, the US State Department shut down all family reunification for Somalis when they did some random DNA testing and found that literally tens of thousands of Somalis, both here and abroad were lying about their family connections.  The program was subsequently closed for years.
And, I remember very well hearing from an anonymous State Department employee who told me how stunned they were to find the fraud so widespread.
Here is one of many reports at RRW about the family reunification fraud involving Somalis. The program was closed for 4 years and reopened with DNA testing.  In 2010 the Open Borders Left opposed DNA testing.
As far as I know, none of the tens of thousands of liars were rounded up and removed when the fraud was discovered.

Makes me wonder:  Where is the ‘Dad’ or ‘Mom’ who helped the machete attacker get in? Maybe a little DNA testing is now in order!

After all, last November we learned that the Dept. of Justice was planning to deport some other Somali liars, see here.  More cases to follow???

Refugee contractors planning 'Week of Action' against Trump

Where is Congress? The US taxpayer should not have to pay ‘non-profit’ groups who engage in Leftwing community agitation against the President!

Cut their funding, for goodness sake!

Adding insult to injury they are aligning themselves with the hardest of the Hard Left like CAIR, the ACLU, Indivisible, and in the upcoming #NoMuslimBanEver event!
Just now I did my regular visit to the Refugee Council USA (lobbying consortium for refugee agencies) website and see this huge banner headline:
Screenshot (150)
We told you about their anti-Trump rally last fall, here.  Now they plan a week of it in various locations around the country.
nomuslimban ever
And, RCUSA directs people to this ACTION TOOLKIT.
You need to go to the toolkit and take action too—just use their model!
Also, see if a rally is being planned near you, if so, counter it in some way!  The important thing, no matter how you do it, is to get the message to your fellow patriotic citizens that these groups (including many of your own faith-groups) do not speak for you!
Here are the opening paragraphs of the toolkit that is obviously supported by the nine federally funded refugee contractors*** that make up the guts of RCUSA.  (Remember Church World Service is their piggy-bank)

Screenshot (152)
I could be wrong, but as of this writing I think they have left this open in edit, if so, have fun!

***The federal refugee contractors that are all members of the secretive RCUSA.
Readers, you have two choices: speak up or quit your church!
If you are a member of one of these faith groups (btw, many mainstream Protestant churches are member communions of Church World Service) and disagree with them joining CAIR etc. against the President, you must start to speak up in your church or synagogue! The cultural Marxists knew they had to get to the churches to change America and they are doing it!
The number in parenthesis after each is the amount of their income provided by you (from the US Treasury) in 2015.
It must end! Are they going to be ‘humanitarian’ groups helping refugees or are they Leftwing community agitators? If Anti-Trump community organizers, cut them loose from the federal teat!
They can have their free speech, but not with our money!

This post is filed in my ‘What you can do’ category, here.  You will find lots of ideas you can do from the comfort of your homes!

Austria: Mahmoud took the money and went home!

They are trying it all over Europe—paying the migrants to go home!

It is something we have advocated here as well.  Believe me, it is cheaper than incarceration and deportation and way cheaper than migrants of all stripes living (for years!) off the generosity of the US taxpayer for food, shelter, education and medical care.
going home
Here is the story from NPR (hat tip: Joanne):

158,000. That’s roughly how many refugees are stuck in limbo in Europe right now.

Many of them got to Europe in late 2015, when the refugee crisis reached its peak, and have been waiting since then to see if they’ll be formally accepted into the European Union.

To cut down on the wait time and economic impact of this massive influx, some countries and nonprofits in Europe have embraced a new idea — pay refugees to go back to the countries they left in the first place.

Mahmoud Abdelwahab is one of the people who has been waiting. He’s 25, and originally from Mosul, Iraq. In early 2016, he quit his job as a cook and came to Europe, ending up in Vienna.


….the Austrian courts have been overwhelmed by applications. When the migrant crisis reached its peak back in 2015, the number of people wanting to stay in Austria tripled.

Instead of waiting longer, Mahmoud late last year made a tough decision. He decided to leave Austria and go back to Iraq.

“He saw other Iraqi people receiving the negative decision that they have to go back,” Epaid says. “And that’s why he decided for himself to back, before he got a negative.”

That decision — to voluntarily leave the country — is exactly what the Austrian government wants refugees to do.

Last spring, Austria announced that it would give 1,000 euros (roughly $1,219 USD) to the first 1,000 refugees who signed up to leave on their own.

The program was successful, and the government extended the offer to more refugees. It’s an incentive that’s gaining traction across Europe.


He’s taking the buyout, he says, to go home and use the money to buy a car and become a cab driver.

“Two years … [I] was here for nothing,” Mahmoud says as Epaid translates. “It didn’t make any sense to come here.”

More here.
And, LOL!, if I could run the immigration program (in any country) I would hire Mahmoud for a huge sum of money and have him filmed saying that in public service announcements to be shown all over the Middle East and Africa!
And, for my readers who just want to see them arrested and taken in chains to an airport, I don’t want to hear from you so don’t bother commenting. (Of course there would have to be all sorts rules put in place, like they can’t come back next week.  I know that!)
Heck, if we could pay the supposedly educated DACA kids (the Dreamers!) to go back to their countries of origin they might actually (if they have been educated by the US) help their people and their homelands improve themselves, and the world would be a better place.
Come on President Trump, give it a try.  Offer to pay them to return to where they came from, with maybe a little starter money, and see how many will sign up.  Call the program Dreams from my Father’s Homeland!
There would be a little humorous side benefit for us as we watched the Dems scream bloody murder about wasting taxpayer dollars….
(I’m shutting up! I’m getting carried away!).
Click here to see all my posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’