Mohamed is third most popular boy's name in St. Cloud, MN

Did you see the news that in Austria it is number three as well? At Breitbart here a few days ago.
Since Pew Research can’t seem to get the numbers (and growth!) of the Muslim population accurately pinned down, maybe this informal way of gauging an increase where you live can be used!

St. Cloud hospital
St. Cloud Hospital costs for interpreter services have jumped dramatically since 2010.

Here Leo Hohmann at WND tells us Mohamed (spelling varies) is now the third most popular boys name in the maternity ward at St. Cloud hospital when in 2013 it wasn’t even in the top 20.

We already know this is happening in London and Paris. [And Austria!—ed]

St. Cloud Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota, came out with its annual list of top 10 most popular baby names for 2017, and No. 3 on the list of boys’ names was a bit of a surprise.

No. 1 – Henry
No. 2 – Liam
No. 3 – Mohamed
No. 4 – Jack
No. 5 – Nolan
No. 6 – William
No. 7 – Jackson
No. 8 – Logan
No. 9 – Wyatt
No. 10 – Grayson

The hospital has been publicizing its top baby names for boys and girls for as long as anyone can remember, but this is the first time the namesake of the Islamic prophet ended up in the top five.

In fact, as recently as 2013 the hospital published a list of its “Top 20” most popular baby names, and Mohamed was nowhere to be found.

But in 2015, the name Mohamed showed up for the first time, coming in at No. 6 on the list of boy’s names.

The vast majority of Muslims in Minnesota are refugees from Somalia, and the Somalis have large families. Just since 2002, the U.S. State Department, in cooperation with the United Nations, has distributed more than 54,000 Somali refugees into Minnesota cities and towns.

Cost of interpreters is through the roof!  

(The other day I told you again about the Bill Clinton executive order that requires this cost to be absorbed locally).

…..the St. Cloud Hospital has been struggling to keep up with heavy translator costs due to the large number of Somali men, women and children receiving medical attention. In 2010, the translation costs were about $400,000, but by fiscal 2017 those costs soared to $1.7 million. The city started getting large numbers of refugees in 2008, and 10 years later the demographics of the city have been completely transformed.

St. Cloud Hospital serves three counties: Stearns, Benton and Sherburne.

“These are big, big numbers, these numbers are huge,” said area resident Ron Branstner. “I have complained about these translation costs at schools, medical facilities, courts and 911 center to our local councils to no avail.

Continue reading, much more here.
I have an extensive archive on St. Cloud, click here, and learn about the resistance there.

Iranian news agency takes note of US Muslim population numbers from Pew

woman with america flag head scarf
Photo Mehr used to accompany the story

I noticed over the last few days that news agencies around the world seemed to be fixated on the Pew Research conclusion that Muslims will over take Jews as the second largest ‘religious’ group in America by ? (predictions on how soon vary!).
My post is here.
But, this morning I was surprised to see that the huge Iranian news agency—Mehr News Agency—was paying so much attention that it appears to have lifted in its entirety World Net Daily‘s story on the findings.  (It might have left out a few bits of Leo Hohmann’s report, I didn’t analyze all of it, but enough to see that it was lifted mostly verbatim.)
I could find no attribution given to WND.
The fact that my name came up in an alert for a story at an Iranian news outlet is what inspired me to go have a look.

Germany: Shock! Crime has gone up dramatically since opening borders

Reuters is reporting that oopsy! violent crime on the rise in Germany due to refugees. But check out the interesting twist! (Hat tip: Mary):

BERLIN (Reuters) – Young male refugees in Germany got the blame on Wednesday for most of a two-year increase in violent crime, adding fuel to the country’s political debate over migrants.

These good Germans welcomed all, didn’t they?

Violent crime rose by about 10 percent in 2015 and 2016, a study showed. It attributed more than 90 percent of that to young male refugees.

Too funny!  They are quick to report it isn’t the Syrians, it is all of those from “other places” who came in along with the good Syrians.

It noted, however, that migrants settling from war-torn countries such as Syria were much less likely to commit violent crimes that those from other places who were unlikely to be given asylum.

Migration will be a key issue in forthcoming coalition talks between Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD). The arrival of more than a million migrants since mid-2015 hurt both parties in last September’s election.

The government-sponsored study showed a jump in violent crime committed by male migrants aged 14 to 30.

It’s that North African riffraff who are the culprits:

Around 17 percent of violent crimes in Lower Saxony that were attributed to refugees, for example, were suspected of being committed by North African asylum seekers who made up less than 1 percent of the state’s registered refugee population. North African asylum seekers have relatively slim chances of obtaining legal status in Germany.

Instead of proposals to close the borders and get rid of the troublemakers, the reader is left with this idea….
If they have a hope of staying and reuniting with family they will behave themselves!
Well gosh then, let’s make it all easier for them, give them hope of staying and presto! they will not commit violent acts.  Can’t you xenophobes see that!
The whole article is here.
For my complete archive on the  ‘Invasion of Europe’  go here.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society lawyers "save" Somali from deportation

In a touching tale, HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), bragged on its blog yesterday that, in a Baltimore, MD court, it saved Somali illegal alien Yaasir from deportation back to Somalia.

Screenshot (130)
Only one retweet in 19 hours? You can see how much people like this story!

The tale goes from one touching scene to another, in Yaasir’s 22-years, all written (and told by Yaasir) to elicit sympathy from the reader, and is likely what they presented to the court in Baltimore.
Read it here, then let me take the story to its bare bones (stripping it of all the fluffy feel-good language):

~There were bombs and fighting, but Yaasir’s family was not directly targeted.

~His big problem was because he was in a lowly clan and the more powerful clans were always out to get them.  (Clans are central to Somali culture and we have admitted to the US most, if not all, of them. Somalis discriminate against each other by clan. Is this our problem?)

~He was warned by family members to not play with children from the more powerful clans, but he did it anyway.

~As a teen he got into (as HIAS describes it)—“a bit of a scuffle”—with kids from a more powerful clan. Dumb? They kidnapped him, he says, and beat him up for two days.

~Not able to interact with other teens (What? no teens in his clan liked him either?), he quit school.

~HIAS:  “Yaasir soon fell in love with a girl from a more powerful clan and impregnated her.”  Her brothers came to kill him. Our problem?

~Angry father told him to get out and go to South Africa.

~Problem is that South African blacks hate Somalis (see my entire archive on South Africa here.  BTW, we are taking black African refugees from the rainbow nation. Insanity!). HIAS: H“began to encounter severe discrimination and abuse by hostile South Africans.”  I have to laugh because HIAS wants you to believe that the discrimination was from white South Africans!

~After a few months in SA, he ‘married’ a Somali woman and got her pregnant (or was it the other way around?)

~He always had to run from the South African police because he had no documentation. So he sends pregnant wife back to ‘unsafe'(?) Somalia.

~He then “made his way” to the US border beginning after he flies to Brazil. (There is zero mention of how he found enough money for a global jaunt!). This is perhaps the biggest issue that is never discussed—where did this kind of money come from?

~His struggle northward is described as “treacherous” which HIAS uses to show what a determined young man he is and therefore worthy of becoming an American.

~HIAS doesn’t tell us how, or when, he was detained on America soil. Was he here for months/years before he came to the attention of authorities, or was he detained as he crossed our southern border?

hetfield at NY anti-Trump rally
HIAS CEO Hetfield speaking at their anti-President Trump rally last February!

But nevermind, the tale ends happily when Yaasir finds himself in the arms of HIAS lawyers who work hard to get him through the asylum process.
As a successful asylee he becomes eligible for all the welfare benefits a refugee gets—which is pretty much everything!  And…

He is free in America and getting ready to bring his ‘wife’ and child (and probably parents, brothers, sisters, etc) to live with him happily ever after in America. (As soon as HIAS lawyers can stop DJT from killing chain migration!)

Go here to read Yaasir’s “fight” at HIAS’s blog.
For our huge archive on HIAS click here.
They are one of the nine federal resettlement contractors (paid with taxpayer dollars) placing refugees in your towns and cities, but obviously they are busy on a whole host of fronts to help Muslims and others get in to the US.
Readers need to know that I am not picking on HIAS to the exclusion of other contractors, it is just that they send out such tantalizing material for me to write about compared to some others.

Minneapolis woman stabbed by Somali in mid-December is speaking out

But, she has also left the state for her own safety!

What the hell is going on with the police in Minneapolis?

Leo Hohmann has the latest at his new website, click here.  See my earlier post on the attack here.
Below are a few snips from Hohmann’s detailed (update) report:

The tragic story of what happened to Morgan Evenson two weeks before Christmas is starting to gain traction in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Morgan evenson
Evenson gave the police a very detailed description of her attacker!

Ignored by the city’s largest newspaper, the Star Tribune, a second local TV station picked up the story Tuesday about the brutal attack by a Somali migrant that left the 26-year-old woman in a hospital bed with 14 stab wounds and a lacerated kidney.

It’s been nearly three weeks since a man described as a Somali immigrant attacked Evenson while she was walking home from work in uptown Minneapolis, slashing and stabbing her relentlessly while trying to drag her off of a public street.

She did not know the man and has no idea why he attacked her.


The fact that a Somali migrant targeted a young white woman while walking alone, and that he remains on the loose, has women watching their backs.

Several women told Fox 9 KMSP they are afraid to walk alone on the streets of this popular shopping district that they previously thought was safe.

And now the victim herself is speaking out, revealing new information about her attacker that cast doubt upon the official police narrative about what happened that night.


After being released from the hospital Evenson immediately moved out of state and said she fears for the safety of her friends still living in uptown Minneapolis….

Go here and see what she says about the attack and her attacker and what she wants to do!

And, see Hohmann’s discussion about the Minneapolis police department that seems to be controlled by the local Imams, putting their sensitivities before the safety of the non-immigrant community that still lives in Minneapolis.
For those reading RRW for the first time, go here (one of my all time top posts) and see who is responsible for Minneapolis becoming the Somali capital of America. Hint: Initially it was three of the refugee contractors listed below. But, last I looked, 5 or 6 of them have set up shop in “welcoming” Minnesota.