Tyson Foods Shelbyville, TN: all sorts of goodies to get and keep immigrant labor

This is the first in what will be many posts in my new category‘ Legal immigration and jobs.’  In fact, it’s this piece of information, now mysteriously missing from the US State Department’s website, that inspired this new category.

Clinton brings cheap refugee labor to Iowa

I’ve reported on this many many times on these pages.  I think the first time was when I wrote about the Clinton Administration acting as employment head hunter and dropping off thousands of Bosnian refugees in Iowa for the big meatpacker—IBP, here.  (Tyson Foods bought IBP in 2005).  That was such an eye-opener!  The Clinton Administration was solving an employment problem for big beef by bringing 6000 Bosnian “refugees” to Iowa in 1995.  And, Clinton, I am guessing, got a few benefits for his campaign war chest.  S**** Iowa and American workers!  Remember Hillary had that little lucrative connection to Tyson Foods too.

BTW, a former employee of Tysons told me that at one time these meatpackers paid very good wages and Americans were eager to do the work.

Cheap labor to Shelbyville, TN

Now jump forward in time to Shelbyville, TN last month.  I reported that acting Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, David Robinson, presided over a mission to Tennessee to ascertain just how things are going in the only state in the nation to pass a law to try to get the refugee flow under control.  (Although readers should know that Wyoming doesn’t participate in the refugee program for some unexplained reason).  Please read previous posts here on the visit to Tennessee.

After returning to Washington, Robinson penned a glowing piece about how great the refugee program is (wow! three million since 1975!) that was published at the Huffington Post.   But, keep in mind that Robinson is also the author of this ten-year-old report on how the program has been misused (to the detriment of the taxpayers and to the so-called refugees themselves!).

Here then is what Robinson said about Tyson Foods in an e-mail which originally was linked here at the State Department website (if you click on the link it is gone now):

In Tennessee, I heard firsthand the commitment of businesses to making
refugee resettlement successful. Tyson Foods support to refugees is
remarkable: $100,000 per year for on-site ESL, $3,500 per year for
college costs, 100% reimbursement for naturalization applications,
full-time interpreters on site, financial assistance, on-site banking,
and tax preparation services, all of which demonstrate why the company
had only a 12.5% turnover last year and has proven to be such a strong
example of leadership in integrating refugees, not just into their new
community, but into the wider U.S. economy.

WTF! So, let’s see, the town of Shelbyville has been roiled by controversy for years over the arrival of demanding, culturally challenging Somali refugees obviously lured by Tyson Foods with all sorts of special deals for them.   And, I am still working on finding out exactly what the tax benefits are to Tyson Foods for hiring LEGAL IMMIGRANTS (instead of Americans) in the first place. 

Click here to see what we get so Tyson Foods can have cheap labor.  I wonder does David Robinson sleep at night?  Never mind Robinson, how do you resettlement industry “church” people, in bed with big business and selling out small town America, sleep?

And, to top it all off, anyone who questions these arrangements, any taxpayer who doesn’t want to subsidize this deal, is promptly labeled a racist, xenophobic hater!  What a racket they have!

Epic trial taking shape in Tennessee for 23 Somalis charged in sex trafficking case

By all accounts it could be the largest trial in Tennessee history.  And, what has everyone surprised is that none of those who will stand trial in Nashville next month have cracked and asked for a plea bargain.

We first reported this story here in November 2010 and more recently here.

From The Tennessean:

Nearly two dozen defendants accused of participating in an interstate sex trafficking ring are scheduled to go before a federal jury next month in what is shaping up to be one of the biggest — and most unusual — trials in Middle Tennessee history.

In an era when limited resources and risk aversion have resulted in a dramatic rise in the number of cases that end in plea agreements rather than jury trials, not even one of the 30 defendants in the case has agreed to plead guilty, setting the stage for a massive trial in downtown Nashville that is raising a variety of issues both legal and logistical.

Twenty-nine people, mostly Somalis from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, were charged in November 2010 with running a prostitution ring that sold Somali girls as young as 12 years of age in cities including Nashville. A 30th defendant was indicted in May 2011. In addition to sex trafficking and conspiracy, the defendants also are accused of alleged crimes such as credit card fraud and burglary.

Somalis don’t rat on each other so many believe that is what is keeping any of them from cracking.   Actually I’ve followed lots of Somali crime stories in different locations throughout the US and Canada and it is this African cultural practice that has made it so difficult for law enforcement to solve crimes involving Somalis.  Remember they didn’t grow up with the same prohibitions about lying that those of us who had a Judeo-Christian upbringing have been taught.  Frankly, they lie.

Observers are chalking up the lack of plea agreements in the case to a number of factors.


“The Somalis have a cultural thing about testifying against each other,” said former U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee Ed Yarbrough, who agreed that the trial is on course to be the largest, in terms of the number of defendants, in Nashville history. “I think it’s cultural. That’s what I’ve been told.”

Read the whole story, but this last paragraph shows us again that even while on trial they are whittling away at our judicial system.

The trial, expected to last months, will require modifications of Haynes’ courtroom to ensure there is enough space for the defendants and attorneys. The judge also has granted the defendants’ request to take breaks consistent with Muslim prayer times.

Yes, indeed! I expect they will put on quite a show in the good judge’s courtroom.

Catholic Charities Tennessee tries to pretend refugees don’t use welfare for the longterm

Here is an opinion piece from The Tennessean (published while I was away over the weekend) once again highlighting the problems encountered in many states regarding the supposed speedy self-sufficiency refugees are said to attain upon resettlement.  Even if we didn’t have the facts and figures, it defies logic that tens of thousands of third-worlders, many with no English and little formal education, are arriving in the US and becoming self-sufficient within months.

Writer Don Barnett, tells us more about the visit earlier this month by a high level entourage from Washington to his native Nashville.  We told you about it here and here.

Reacting to public concern about the U.S. refugee program and not wanting to lose another city for its resettlement program, the U.S. State Department mounted a charm offensive in Nashville recently.

The visit from Washington consisted of a press conference preceded by small group meetings involving David Robinson, the director of the State Department’s refugee bureau; local program participants; a lobbyist; and state legislators.

Tennessee’s law allowing localities to request a “time out” from the program if social services are shown to be overly burdened was deemed compatible with federal law. Why it was needed at all was the question raised during the visit. After all, according to Tennessee’s state refugee coordinator, refugees “are financially self-sufficient within a few months and are not dependent on public welfare.”

Actually, a federal study of refugees who arrived in a recent five-year period shows high welfare usage among refugees. Almost 45 percent of refugees in this group ages 16 and older are on Medicaid (TennCare in Tennessee — 35 percent funded by state taxes). According to a Metro Nashville Social Services report: “More services will be needed for the refugee and immigrant population. More translation services are needed now. Currently, there is more demand for rent, utilities, medical and transportation assistance.”

Read it all.

Readers might also wish to visit the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s 2008 annual report to Congress and note that on pages 92 to 94 are some very interesting tables about welfare usage (in 2008! imagine what it is today!).   We learned early in the report that the refugee program costs the US taxpayer around $1 billion per year (for on average 60,000-80,000 refugees).  And that doesn’t include some of the costs on Table II (page 92).

Nearly 30% of refugees that year were on some type of cash assistance,  44% were receiving medicaid or other money for medical costs, 24% were getting assistance with housing and a whopping 50% were receiving food stamps.

On page 93 is another interesting table which tells us the big users of “public assistance” in 2008 were the Africans and Middle Easterners.  Hmmmm!

The states with the highest welfare usage were 1) California (no surprise), 2) Missouri (surprise) 3) Washington State (page 94).

Tennessee is the only state in the Nation which has taken steps to ascertain just exactly how much the refugee program is costing the state in order to better get a handle on this issue of “self-sufficiency” trumpeted by federal contractors like Catholic Charites.   New Hampshire is also seeking a legal remedy that would allow a community to opt out of the program should the city (the taxpayers!) be unable to afford the public assistance costs of importing poverty to America.

Nashville is at the epicenter of the growing concern, not just about the cost of resettlement, but also about the cultural trauma experienced by communities receiving large numbers of Muslim refugees.  We have a whole category on Nashville, here.  By the way, The Tennessean has generally been hostile to any criticism of immigration and you will see that if you visit some posts in the Nashville category.

British Freedom Party leader warns America

Update:  Weston to speak in Toronto as well, here.

Imagine 2030 might have been the title of his speech.

Why that particular phrase?  It is the year that the Great Britain we know will be gone, warns Paul Weston, taken over by a multicultural mishmash who will undoubtedly be governed by Shariah law.

The other night while writing about immigration issues in Maryland, I came across a vile group calling itself Imagine 2050—the year they say America will no longer have a majority western culture.   For fun, go to Imagine 2050 and enter your group or your state and see what they are saying about what you believe and the efforts you are making to curb out-of-control immigration.

Now back to Paul Weston’s warning in Nashville posted at New English Review:

Weston’s message was sobering. Like Geert Wilders, he is trying to “warn America not to go down the same Islamic road” as has Europe and Great Britain. He quoted Samuel Huntington saying that when civilizations are in the process of dying, their inhabitants nevertheless remain under the “illusion of permanency,” even during the kind of massive demographic transformation England has experienced in the last 50 years. In the 1960’s Muslim immigrants numbered in the tens of thousands, but today, thanks to intentional Labour policy to “rub the noses of right-wing in diversity,” they number anywhere from 3 to 8 million in a population of around 65 million. The exact figure is unknown due to the open door immigration policies of those who were trying to further the “revolution” by making the indigenous Britons a powerless minority in their own country. And this is already happening in many areas which have been transformed into Sharia zones. Of course these new immigrants create a bloc vote for the Labour Party.


Weston maintains that this open door immigration policy is treasonous.

Civil war!

The non-indigenous population under age 40 is growing at ten times the rate of native Britons and Weston estimates that the tipping point, when the non-indigenous under 40 population becomes the majority is just 18 years in the future, in 2030. He openly warns of the possibility of civil war unless something is done right away.

Read all of the Freedom Party’s prescriptions for halting the demographic slide into oblivion for native Britons.   Here is one of twenty.

Halt any further immigration for a period of five years.

Read it all!

State Department refugee officials in Tennessee this week

Update:  More accounts of the State Department’s trip to calm down the state of Tennessee over refugees, here and here.

I expect this was a mission to calm things down in a state, the only state!, that has taken action to set up a process to put a moratorium in place if a local community can’t handle the number of refugees the State Department is planning to send (with the help of federal contractors like Catholic Charities).

Here is the story:

A top U.S. State Department official, who spent two days in Tennessee discussing the state’s refugee resettlement program, said he wants to give communities a “louder voice in the process.”

“We believe it’s in the best interest of the United States that we pursue this program, but also we need to recognize the community nature of the program,” David Robinson*, acting assistant secretary of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, Migration, said during a news conference Thursday.

Robinson has been in the state for a two-day visit with community members, local government officials and employers to discuss the resettlement process.

The problem, Robinson said, is not about refugees but from people lumping refugees and immigrants — who often are associated with illegal immigration — in the same group.  Refugees are a very distinct subgroup of migrants, those who have a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group and are brought here legally, he said.

“These are people we reached out to, people we identified as in need of a solution,” he said.  [LOL! Like the Kosovars we brought to the US for a Clinton/Gore photo-op only to send back again later, or how about more recently the Uzbeks we brought for some political reason of our own—ed]

Tennessee is the first and only state to pass a law** that mandates resettlement agencies to report quarterly to local governments and allows local communities to apply for a “moratorium” on refugee resettlement if those agencies overload local resources.

*Robinson, readers may recall, wrote a report for the National War College in 2000 in which he demonstrated how refugees were used as political pawns in Clinton’s Bosnian War.

** The Tennessee law is discussed here in case any other state wants a model!