Frankly I’ve been rooting for Rep. Keith Ellison to be the face of the Democratic National Committee. I think he would finally finish off the party.
The smooth Tom Perez is much more calculating, devious and dangerous. Perez was elected yesterday, and as I said on twitter the Hispanic beat out the Muslim for the face of the party….hmmmm!
Perez has been a longtime advocate for Open Borders who snookered Republicans in Maryland for many years.
I wrote probably 20 posts about him, here at my tea party blog shared with my friend Judy (when I had more time to write on subjects other than refugees).
He was most recently Obama’s Labor Secretary, but his years at Obama’s Justice Department saw him as an attack dog against states attempting to get voter ID laws in place. He vigorously ignored immigration law and saw it as his mission to weaken local police departments. I expect that AG Jeff Sessions will have to cope with Perez’s legacy there by rooting out lawyers installed by Perez.
Here are screenshots of just a couple of pages of posts at Potomac Tea Party Report:
Go here to learn more about new DNC chairman Thomas Perez. If anyone wants to write a lengthy expose’ on Perez, there is a lot of background information on those pages.
An afterthought: I have to laugh when I hear Democrat pundits say that Perez is a more mainstream Dem than is Ellison. Perez is every bit a Leftist as Ellison, just that he hides it better.
Category: Obama
Beware Somalis, others, coming from US claiming a passion for Canada as they illegally cross the border
I was surprised to see this Op-ed published in the Washington Post—a message to the media to look more closely at those going across the Minnesota border in to Canada.
It is too simple to say that the rise in numbers has anything to do with who is in power in Washington (the rise began several years ago during the Obama Administration):
The great challenge of Canadian journalism in the age of Trump is resisting the temptation to cram all bilateral news into a flattering narrative that contrasts crazed, bigoted America with righteous, inclusive Canada.
Canadian papers have been brimming lately with sensationalistic stories of U.S. Muslim refugees “pouring” into Canada to escape President Trump and his “Muslim ban,” risking life and limb to cross unmanned portions of the border in weather icy enough to literally freeze off fingers. Things reached a social media peak when a maudlin photo of a jolly Mountie escorting a young family over the snowy 49th parallel went viral.
Yet in the service of a tidy morality tale, much about these border crossings is being reported inaccurately, or at the very least, enormous amounts of complicating context are going conspicuously ignored.
Go here to continue reading. I especially want you to see the discussion about “asylum shopping.”
And don’t miss the 2014 story about one Somali who slipped in to Canada and the FBI asked Canada to hold him for questioning.
My previous posts on the ‘flood’ of migrants heading north to ‘welcoming’ Canada are here.
Remember that there is no reason that legal asylum seekers or legal refugees have any need to head to Canada. Those making the dash to get out of the US are obviously living here illegally.
Trudeau can have them!
Refugees trickling in now as March 3rd approaches; 50,000 is not low enough!
There are some rumors floating around that the new EO on refugees, especially those entering from the seven terror hotspots previously identified, won’t happen until next week. But, it is only a rumor, and LOL!, Trump could be signing it shortly, for all I know.
However, we do know that the US State Department alerted refugee contractors (the nine volags) here that they should expect the spigot to stop around March 3rd, a week from tomorrow. I’m assuming this advance notice is so they can clear up those cases coming in and there won’t be anyone caught at airports who could make a scene for the media.
I see this morning at Wrapsnet that we are already at 36,637 today (up from 36,461 yesterday) for this fiscal year.
So unfortunately the Trump team didn’t cap the arrivals at my recommended 35,000 and must still be aiming for 50,000 this year.
50,000 is not that low!
I wanted to throw a shoe at Karl Rove on Fox News sometime yesterday or the day before when he said that Trump had cut the number in half for refugee arrivals.
Sorry to be a broken record, but when Obama set the CEILING, for most of the year he would no longer be in the White House, at 110,000 that was his dreamland proposal. If Hillary won, surely that is where we would be headed, but with Trump’s win, it allows the refugee industry to cry foul because they thought they would get the whopping 110,000 (a figure not seen since well before 9/11).
Here (again) are the numbers we admitted since FY2001 (in red are the years we were BELOW 50,000!):
2001: 87,259 (this year’s number would have been proposed by Clinton in the fall of 2000)
2002: 45,896
2003: 39,554
2004: 79,158
2005: 69,006
2006: 41,223
2007: 48,282
2008: 60,191
2009: 74,654
2010: 73,311
2011: 66,424
2012: 58,238 (Obama had a low year here!)
2013: 69,926
2014: 69,987
2015: 69,993
2016: 84,994
Check my math, but that looks like the average is around 65,000 per year, so Trump’s 50,000 represents only a 23% drop (again you better check my math! I know you will!) from the average number in the last 16 years.
There is still time for the Trump team to set the ceiling lower yet for this fiscal year! And, frankly Congress must begin to reform this out of control program or else we go back to the same old flawed system in a few months!
Go here and see why it is important for you to let Donald Trump know what you think!
Update: Here is Fox News saying the ceiling reduces entry by 50%! It is so maddening to see how screwed up the media can be when it is something one knows a bit about!
Nonprofit Quarterly: Entire System of Refugee Resettlement Nonprofits Teeters on the Edge
“The question is: Is this just 2017, or is this business as usual going forward”
(Anya Abramzon)
Our title is the headline of a story at a publication for non-profits. Another headline is: Nonprofits, Your Sole Goal in 2017: Pick a Fight with Trump!
And, this one: Your Nonprofit’s Role in Reframing the Post-Election Discourse!
Remember this is the rarefied club that many tea party groups were unable to join when the Obama IRS blocked many 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 applications for conservative-leaning groups a few years ago.
Maybe the Trump Administration should start to look in to the whole non-profit system in America and ask this question:
Are federal funds being used to fuel Leftwing political action?
I’m sorry to have to continue to repeat some key points, but the article entitled, ‘Entire System of Refugee Resettlement Nonprofits Teeters on the Edge,’ contains some points we need to continue to make.
Non-profit Quarterly:
The United States was slated to receive 110,000 refugees in fiscal year 2017, so this cuts that flow in half. So far, it has taken in in 32,954 since October 1, 2016, which means that just over 17,000 additional refugees will be allowed into the U.S. through the end of September. A four-month hiatus on accepting new refugees is now in place.
As I explained in some detail here, that 110,000 was a hoped-for number from Obama in the final months of his presidency for a year he would not be in the White House. 110,000 is much higher than anything he accomplished during his previous 8 years.
And, as I pointed out here, Trump’s 50,000 is not that low when one examines post-9/11 refugee admissions.
This morning we are at 36,461. Four days ago we had admitted 36,205, so the slowdown has begun.
Ponzi scheme revealed.
One important thing all of this turmoil in the refugee industry reveals is that the whole program is built on a kind of Ponzi scheme that requires a continuous flow of paying clients (refugees!) to keep the system afloat.
Non-profit Quarterly continues….
This is one part of Trump’s trio of executive orders on immigrants and refugees that was not stayed. It has shut down the pipeline for refugees and the $2,000 that is paid to refugee resettlement groups to help each individual, and that makes sustainability for these critical agencies pretty difficult. [LOL! I like the use of the word ‘pipeline’ by this publication!—ed]
This, of course, should create concern, because once those elements of infrastructure are gone, rebuilding them and their local relationships will create untold additional cost and delays. “It will impact all nine resettlement agencies, so the infrastructure for refugee resettlement in our country—built over decades, at least since the Refugee Act of 1980—could be decimated,” Matthew Soerens of World Relief said.
While some of the networks are launching fundraising campaigns to try to maintain their services, raising enough to replace federal dollars may be a real long shot, even for a system at relative rest. For instance, in 2015, approximately $42 million of World Relief’s $62 million budget was federal grants. [If they can’t raise private money to stay afloat it means that the general public does not support what they are doing!—ed]
In many cases, the agencies may be national, but their offices are local. These local satellites*** do the real work of helping refugees gather necessary documentation and assisting them in finding housing, job training, and public benefits. But all in the system recognize the system as a public-private partnership, and when the federal government shuts down their pipeline, the whole system freezes, creating a very serious situation.
This so-called public-private partnership has become a largely publicly-funded program as the resettlement contractors, like World Relief, have come to depend mostly on their taxpayer-funded payments and were doing little over the years to raise private funding.
As Abramzon asks, “The question is: Is this just 2017, or is this business as usual going forward? I think it’s important for all of us to know that.” Unfortunately, by the time that question is answered, it may be moot for some of the agencies involved.
Continue reading here.
To answer Ms. Abramzon’s question (how far forward is this slowdown going?), it is imperative that Congress get involved and reform this entire system. EOs are only good for a president’s term in office (as Obama has learned the hard way). It is past time for Congress to stop being lazy (and chicken!) and reform the system!
Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County is a sub-contractor of HIAS which has filed suit against the Trump Administration for cutting off its federal money supply. See here.
***For new readers: Since some of you are new readers arriving here in great numbers daily, it requires me to continuously repeat that there are nine major federally-funded refugee resettlement contractors. When you see one like this, Jewish Family Services in Michigan, and wonder who they work for, go to one of the nine VOLAGs website and look for ‘affiliates’ or ‘partners,’ or visit this data base and look for your state. You will see abbreviations for the BIG NINE in the lefthand corner of the entry.
And, while I’m at it, explaining basics to new readers, you might want to visit my Frequently Asked Questions, here.
BIG NINE VOLAGs crying for (your) money!
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)
Where did the FY2017 refugees go so far; 34,825 as of this morning
For new readers (and there are many of you!), refugees are admitted on a fiscal year basis. In September of each year, the President sends a determination letter (and report) to Congress and tells Congress how many refugees are proposed for the upcoming fiscal year that begins on October 1 and from which regions of the world they will be taken. Congress’ role is to “consult” only.
Here is Obama’s last determination.
President Trump has already lowered Obama’s ceiling from 110,000 to 50,000. We argue that Trump could go lower still and avoid the Constitutional challenges being raised right now, see here, by lowering the ceiling across the board, across all ethnic groups.
Here at Wrapsnet this morning we see where the 34,825 have been placed in the last 4 and 1/2 months (the US State Department added 395 since yesterday):
Here are the top ten receiving states (turning red states blue!):
This post is filed in our Trump Watch! category as well as ‘refugee statistics’ and ‘where to find information.’