Obama’s new program to create ‘refugees’ in Central America to be discussed in teleconference later this month

These are the train routes taken by the “children” last summer. Obama’s new plan is supposedly designed to keep the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ off the trains and put them into planes (airfare paid by you) with direct flights to cities across America. Map here: http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/mexicans-blame-americans-for-death-train/



The federal government is inviting you to a teleconference later this month to answer questions about the plan to bring kids directly from Central America to the US as refugees which then (as newly-minted refugees) will have all forms of welfare available to them, can bring family in later and become US citizens.   We told you about it in February.

Note that the media is not invited!

Dear Stakeholder,

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), in coordination with the U.S. Department of State (DOS), invites you to participate in a teleconference on Tuesday, March 31, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. (Eastern) to learn more about the Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee/Parole Program. The program provides certain children in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras with a safe, legal, and orderly alternative to the dangerous journey that some children are undertaking to the United States.


The CAM program began accepting applications from qualifying parents in the U.S. for their children on December 1, 2014. Only certain qualifying parents who are legally present in the U.S. are eligible to file for their children. Each qualified child must be unmarried, under the age of 21, and residing in El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras. In certain cases, the in-country parent of the qualifying child may also qualify for access if the in-country parent is the legal spouse of the qualifying parent in the U.S.


During this teleconference, representative from USCIS and DOS will provide an overview of the CAM program and answer questions.


To Join the Session by Phone

On the day of the session, please use the information below to join the teleconference.
We recommend that you call 10-15 minutes before the start time.

Toll-free call-in number: 1-888-606-7035

Passcode: CAM


Note to Media: This engagement is not for press purposes. Please contact the USCIS Press Office at (202) 272-1200 for any media inquiries.

If you have any questions, please email us at public.engagement@uscis.dhs.gov

We look forward to engaging with you!

  • CAM National Engagement Invite_ 3 31 15.pdf


Consider signing up!  Tell us what you learn!

Learn more about Obama’s plan to seed your communities with diversity.

Our extensive archive on the so-called ‘Unaccompanied minors’ is here58,000 of these minors came in 2014 alone!

Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time

As we have been writing ad nauseam lately, the Obama Administration is now out of the shadows with its plan to “seed” towns and cities across America with diversity.

‘Seed’ is their word!  Your community is the soil into which the migrants of all sorts (legal and illegal) are being planted according to Obama’s Task Force on New Americans.   It begs the questions:  Are we being colonized?  Do they plan to replace us some day?  Sound far-fetched?  Knowing Obama, are you willing to gamble on that?

President Barack Obama, flanked by Cecilia Muñoz, director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, left, and senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett are changing the people by ‘planting’ immigrant “seedlings” in towns across America!

We have long maintained a ‘fact sheet’ about how the UN/US State Department’s Refugee Admissions and Resettlement Program works, click here to learn more.

But, I realized yesterday, while thinking about the newest proposed seed community*** in Rep. Trey Gowdy’s backyard in Spartanburg, SC, that we needed a quick primer on what elected officials and citizens should know if they are being pressured to ‘welcome the stranger‘ (this guilt-tripping language is one way they pressure your town!).

So here are my Ten Things you need to know!

1)  In most cases, the United Nations is choosing our refugees.  Topping the list right now are Iraqis, Burmese, Congolese, Somalis and Bhutanese.  The UN is pressuring the US to take a large number, 10,000 or so, Syrians.  We are bringing in refugees from countries which hate us.  Your town does not get to choose who you get!  You will receive racially, culturally and religiously diverse people, usually very different from your local population and very different from each other.  That old ‘melting pot’ concept is dead because the numbers are too high.

2)  Often the US State Department’s chosen resettlement contractor for your town, sounds like a church group, or other benign-sounding non-profit.  They may have a religious-sounding name, but know that they are being paid by the head from the federal treasury to bring refugees to your town.  It is not the case that they are passing a plate on Sunday morning to pay for this very expensive program. Here are the nine major contractors which have 350 subcontractors working for them (headquartered in over 180 cities so far).

3)  The contractor’s job is to get the refugee family their “services.”  That means they hold the refugees’ hands until they are settled usually in tax-payer subsidized housing, get them signed up for most forms of welfare including food stamps and other cash assistance, sign them up for health care and enroll the kids in school. This special class of legal immigrant is entitled to welfare!  The contractor is also paid with your tax dollars to give refugees job counseling and training.  The contractor may also be working closely with some big business (and the Chamber of Commerce) nearby which is looking for cheap labor.

4)  The contractor’s job ends in 3-6 months at which point they move on to bringing in the next fresh group of “clients,” often the relatives of the first group.  Earlier, and still struggling, refugees are left in the care of your social services department. At this point the contractors are entrenched in your town and will call you racists, rednecks and xenophobes if your citizens want to slow the flow.

5)  Your town will never get out of the program once the contractor has an office set up and staff to pay.  Many cities are trying to get out now and can’t:  Manchester, NH, Springfield and Lynn, Mass, Amarillo, TX come to mind. Because there have developed “pockets of resistance” (their words), the State Department is desperately out scouting for fresh territory.

6)  The greatest impact on your local social and economic welfare will be felt first in the school system, followed usually by the shortage of government subsidized housing.  Your school system may end up with 50 or more languages represented in the student population.  The number-one language of refugees entering the US right now is Arabic, Somali is number four.

7)  Refugees are permitted entry into the US with HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis among other medical problems.  Physical and mental health challenges will most likely overburden your local health department.

8)  Your local government is responsible (Clinton-era Executive Order) for providing costly interpreters for the myriad languages being spoken in the school system, the health system and the criminal justice system should problems arise.

9)  Refugees who do find work, work at entry level jobs and minimum wage so they will still be able to benefit from many welfare programs open to low-income Americans.  Elder refugees are eligible for SSI.   The refugees are Legal Permanent Residents and can begin the citizenship process quickly.

10)  If they say they are coming to your town with the first group of refugees, there is only one thing you can do!  ASK QUESTIONS IN PUBLIC.  Demand that your elected officials get involved. Demand that a community meeting be held, for the US State Department, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (in HHS), your state refugee office (if there is one) and their contractors, to answer questions from the citizens of the town or city. Get your Member of Congress and US Senators involved too!  Don’t forget your state legislators!   The State Department and its contractors HATE to answer questions!  Tell your local elected officials you want a public hearing!  Tell your elected officials that you want the federal government and its contractors to provide a plan!

You want them to answer questions such as these below. 

Remember you have every right to know what is being planned for your town.  They will bully you, call you names and say you can’t stop them anyway, but refuse to be bullied!

Demand answers (in public)!

Who is coming?  From where and how many?

Will they stop the resettlement if the town is becoming economically or socially stressed?

What security and health screening have the refugees undergone?

How many will come each year?

Who is paying for their health care?

Who is paying to educate the children who don’t speak English and may never have attended school?

Does your town have an adequate supply of government-supported housing?  Will demands for housing crowd out American elderly, poor or disabled citizens?

Where will they work?  Do we have high unemployment already?

I’m sure you can think of others.  After getting answers (good luck!) and having a vigorous public discussion, then your town can decide based on all the facts whether you will eagerly “welcome” New Americans to your community, or not.

Endnote:  There are other refugee experts in the country, so let me know if I’m missing anything here and I’ll add it!

Update!!!  Call this #11: an experienced researcher just reminded me that concerned citizens must form a citizens’ group to research the structure of the program in your state to obtain the FISCAL and legal facts about the program as the structure can vary from state to state.

*** This post (on Spartanburg) brought in the highest number of readers we have ever had for one post over a brief two days!  P.S.  I will be in South Carolina this coming weekend, here.

An afterthought:  If you should get a public meeting/hearing be sure to educate yourselves on the Delphi Technique, a strategy often used by government agencies wishing to control the outcome of a meeting.  Go here to see what Judy said about it in advance of the public meeting held in Hagerstown, MD in September 2007.

US Conference of Catholic Bishops wants US to do more for Syrian refugees; mum on how many to resettle

A delegation of Catholic leaders and one of their chief Washington ‘advocates’ (Anastasia Brown) traveled to Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey recently and concluded that we need to send the UN more money for ‘refugees’ in those countries and resettle more here.

For new readers, the USCCB is the largest of the nine resettlement contractors*** planting seedlings (aka New Americans) (Obama Administration lingo, not mine!) in your towns and cities.

98% of the Bishops migration program is funded by you, the US taxpayer.  Did you pay for their trip to Europe?  You must have because I doubt very much that they passed a plate in your parishes for their travel money!

That is Bishop Elizondo leading a pack of priests at the US border in April 2014. Were they inviting the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ to come on in? https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/06/26/us-catholic-bishops-chairman-kids-coming-across-border-should-be-viewed-as-refugees/

Missing from the press accounts and their report (under the auspices of Bishop Most Reverend Eusebio Elizondo, chairman of the USCCB)  is any criticism of the Obama Administration for moving slowly on Syrians.  The USCCB and the other refugee contractors beat Bush up every month for over a year when he wasn’t moving fast enough to bring in Iraqis back in 2006 and 2007.

Bishop Elizondo testified to Congress a year ago: 15,000 Syrians now!

Also missing (or at least I didn’t see it), is any mention of the fact that the Bishops testified in Congress in January 2014 that they wanted the US to bring in 15,000 Syrians a year.

Here is a report on Bishop Elizondo’s testimony to Congress a year ago at Catholic Culture:

Noting that the number of Syrian refugees has risen from 550,000 in October 2012 to 2.3 million today, the chairman of the United Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration urged the Congress to increase aid to Syrian refugees, permit 15,000 Syrian refugees to enter the country, and to encourage other nations to welcome refugees as well.

Here is a press account at Independent Catholic News about the recent trip and report:

The Syrian refugee crisis – now totaling nearly four million refugees- has reached a “tipping point,” in which countries in the region are no longer able to handle the flow of refugees across their borders, warns US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) officials who recently traveled to the Middle East.

“Without more international support, we will find Syrians fleeing extremists being turned away and forced back to danger,” said Anastasia Brown, interim executive director for USCCB’s Migration and Refugee Services (MRS).

“The global community, led by Europe and the United States, needs to increase its support in order to prevent a humanitarian crisis.” A delegation of USCCB officials which visited the region in late 2014, released their report March 6. Entitled “Refuge and Hope in the Time of ISIS: The Urgent need for Protection, Humanitarian Support, and Durable Solutions in Turkey, Bulgaria, and Greece,” the report looks at the plight of Syrians in the three countries, a growing trek for Syrians attempting to reach Europe.


The delegation’s report lists several recommendations to address the crisis, including increased refugee assistance and resettlement.

By the way, they also say we need to help those three countries—Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece—with their overload of so-called ‘refugees’ (really most are economic migrants) from other countries who have arrived as illegal aliens to those three already besieged countries.

The report recommends that the US and the EU resettle more Syrians and other refugees (from those three countries) including Iraqis, Afghans, Congolese, Somalis, Eritreans, Sudanese and others, but falls short of saying how many.

Readers remember that the number of Syrians entering the US will be falling way short of the 15,000 the Bishops had been dreaming of when the FBI testified to Congress recently that there is no way to properly screen the Syrians for security concerns.

And, don’t miss ‘Bishops between a rock and a hard place’ here.  When you take Caesar’s money, Caesar owns you!

*** The federal resettlement contractors (almost completely funded by US taxpayers) looking for new resettlement sites.  And, it wasn’t just the Bishops asking for over 10,000 Syrians a year to be admitted to the US, several other testified in Congress for more Syrians, here.

Migrant “integration” vs. “assimilation,” how the Obama Administration is changing the language with devastating results

….But, it wasn’t just Obama, according to the prescient Tom Tancredo, writing here in 2013, the subtle change in what we expect of immigrants to America has been going on for more than a decade.

Author, and former Congressman Tom Tancredo saw it all coming while “good citizens and patriots were asleep at the wheel.” How frustrating it must be to know Americans weren’t listening (and still aren’t!).

In revelations about Obama’s Task Force on New Americans, that we first mentioned here (and noted the love affair with the word “integration”), we begin to see the full-flowering of how Obama and the Socialist Left is changing (or planning to change) every town in America! by planting “seedling” immigrants who will replace you some day.

Another word for what they are doing is “colonizing” America—start using that word!

(Also you will see in my next two posts how they are already out in the country “integrating” your towns and cities, and the new integration means getting the New Americans signed up for their welfare goodies!).

Before I get to Tancredo’s piece, reader Julia sent us these definitions for the words “integration” and “assimilation.”  Do you see the important difference?

By the way, the average American (or dumb Member of Congress, or dumb Republican Party leader) is going to hear the Obama propaganda about “integration” and think that sounds just peachy.

(n) integration, integrating, desegregation (the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community)

(n) assimilation (the state of being assimilated; people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family)

Note that “integration” implies the community must do the the work, must change (you know the focus on soil!) while assimilation implies the work falls on the immigrant to change!

From World Net Daily (hat tip: Julia):

We haven’t heard much about assimilation of immigrants lately. If that seems odd, there is a reason for the silence.

There is no “assimilation debate” because assimilation as a policy goal of our civic culture has already been abandoned.

The new watchword is “integration.” The integration of immigrants has replaced assimilation in the lexicon of not only the United States government but the private-sector institutions dealing with immigration.


Yet, this makeover is not something that was started by the Obama administration. It has been under way for more than a decade, promoted by first multiculturalists in the universities, followed by foundations and immigration attorneys. The process went unnoticed because good citizens and patriots were asleep at the wheel.

No one protested this amazingly seamless transition, and no one has protested that the standards for the successful “integration” of immigrants into American society are very different from the old standards for measuring the success of assimilation. The result is that today, it is nearly impossible to question the status or success of assimilation.

 Read it all.

Everyone reading this piece needs to start demanding that immigrants ASSIMILATE!  Use the word!  Better still, it is time to demand a MORATORIUM!

Endnote:  Ever since we began writing RRW in 2007, we had a category called ‘community destabilization’ to archive posts like this one.  It has 928 posts in it, as of this writing.  Today we are adding a new category called ‘Colonization’ in addition to the milder-sounding destabilization.

‘Arab’ human rights group wants Yemen to be designated a Temporary Protected Status country

Our many new readers might not know about another LEGAL immigration program that is a sham.

Called Temporary Protected Status, it is anything but temporary.  The program basically works like this: big event, like a natural disaster or war, happens in a country, US then says anyone already in the US from that country doesn’t have to go home.  They can be here on a Visa or for some other reason (illegally?) and they then can apply for TPS and virtually never go home!

They can work, get drivers licenses, do anything a legal citizen can do except vote (and they are probably doing that too!).

LOL! And, right now all of those holders of TPS status are waiting for the Obama amnesty!

The group should more accurately be called: Arab Human Rights Council


So is it any surprise that a newly-formed Arab group—that calls itself AHRC (American Human Rights Council***), where surely the ‘A’ in reality stands for Arab—has asked the Obama Administration to designate Yemen as a TPS country!

Check out the list of TPS countries right now.  The designation usually lasts for 18 months and then is just simply renewed, time and time again!   Honduras has been on there since 1999, El Salvador 2001, and one of the most recent additions is Syria!

From the Arab Daily News:

(Dearborn, MI) March 4, 2015 – The American Human Rights Council (AHRC) urges the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), namely DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, to designate Yemen for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). In accordance with 8 U.S.C. § 1254a, the Secretary of Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country’s nationals from returning safely, such as an ongoing armed conflict.


“The reality in Yemen is truly tragic and our Yemeni brothers sisters deserve better. Given the dire situation in Yemen, and generosity of this country with foreigners from countries facing turmoil, it would be inhumane to remove Yemeni nationals from the US to Yemen. We urge Secretary Johnson to designate Yemen for TPS and urge our fellow human rights organizations to advocate for the designation as well,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC executive director.

There is more gobbledegook, here.

*** Be sure to click on that link and you will see exactly who these ‘American’ human rights advocates are!

To learn more about Temporary Protected Status, click here and see our many previous posts on the topic.