It has been quiet for awhile—months I believe—since we’ve heard of another shipment of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers to America in that dumb deal Obama made and Trump is continuing.
Unlike feckless European leaders, Australia’s government at the time, rightly and successfully, blocked the arrival of migrant boats about five years ago and apprehended those trying to break in to the country. They were packed off to offshore island detention centers and efforts were made to get them to return to where they came from.
Most didn’t, and Obama rode to the rescue and said, sure, send these ‘refugees’ to America.
(Readers, this is a completely unorthodox and possibly illegal use of the Refugee Admissions Program.)
None had arrived yet when Donald Trump first set foot in the White House, so he could have (should have!) stopped the airlift before it began. He didn’t and they are coming to a town near you—mostly Muslims, mostly men, from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burmese Rohingya.
New batch is on the way…
Continue reading “More of Australia's rejected migrants headed to your American city”
Category: Refugee Resettlement Program
Lewiston, ME: Man attacked by gang of Somali teens dies
We told you recently that roving gangs of Somali ‘children’ and teens were terrorizing park goers in the Somali capital of New England, see here.
Now someone is dead.
Here is the brief article from the Lewiston Sun Journal that hints at a racial component but incredibly never mentions the ‘S’ word—Somali. (Hat tip: Maine First)
Lewiston man dies from injuries sustained in Tuesday night fight
Continue reading “Lewiston, ME: Man attacked by gang of Somali teens dies”
The dark underbelly of refugee resettlement in the US—churches neglecting refugees, working with questionable landlords
When I first began writing this blog in July 2007, one of the issues that attracted my attention was the puzzling decision by the Virginia Council of Churches, working for major resettlement contractor Church World Service, to place refugees in one of the worst buildings in the worst section of Hagerstown, MD.
But, here we are 11 years later and Church World Service has placed Congolese refugees in Greensboro, NC in housing that is managed by a company that has a record of many years of troubling business practices.
I’m sure CWS rejoinder is—well give us more taxpayer money and we will get them nicer apartments.
And, I say, this was supposed to be a public-private partnership, so how about you, CWS, raising private money from your churches to help these Africans you placed (so that North Carolina meatpackers could have cheap compliant labor)!
Continue reading “The dark underbelly of refugee resettlement in the US—churches neglecting refugees, working with questionable landlords”
Afghan special immigrant visa (SIV) holders and families enter US in high numbers
Maryland and Virginia are in the top five welcoming states…
I’ve been told that the flow of these ‘special’ immigrants are helping to keep federal money flowing to the resettlement contractors*** as they are treated as refugees (but not counted as part of the 45,000 ceiling set by the President last September) and as such, the contractors are paid by the head for their work in resettling them.
Just now I checked Wrapsnet to see what those numbers looked like. I’ve written other posts on the topic before, here, so this is an update.
Prior to FY14 we admitted small numbers of the people that supposedly helped us in some capacity in Afghanistan, but the number began to skyrocket in FY14.
The top year so far, 16,866 Afghan SIV arrivals, was in President Trump’s first year in office.
Top states for Afghan resettlement (regular refugees and SIVs) from FY07 to the present were California (20,171), Texas (8,229), Virginia (7763), Washington (2,898) and Maryland (2,745).
Here are some partial screen shots. The whole graph obviously doesn’t fit on the page.
Top of graph:
Bottom of graph:
The total number of Afghans admitted to the US, 60,623, above is from FY07 to the present. Less than 10,000 were determined to be refugees.
*** Here are the nine federal refugee contractors. They have been complaining as their regular paying client numbers (refugees) have declined, but it seems they have some taxpayer supplied funds coming in with this huge push to bring in Afghan ‘interpreters’ and their families.
The original Refugee Act of 1980, that set up this monstrosity, envisioned a public-private partnership that over the years has almost completely morphed in to a federal program.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees (SIVs too) and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! From most recent accounting, here.
- Church World Service (CWS) (71%)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)(93%)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) (99.5%)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) (57%)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular) (66.5%)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular) (98%)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) (97%)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (97%)
- World Relief Corporation (WR) (72.8%)
Ronald Reagan was NOT responsible for Refugee Act of 1980; fake news from The Salt Lake Trib
No wonder people can’t trust the big print media anymore.
Don’t mainstream media outlets have some responsibility to fact check letters to the editor or can anyone just make up ‘facts’ from history, that are very easy to check, and just throw them out there for the gullible public?
Before I get to the letter from someone named Eric Goldman, let me say that there was a time that I wrote in glowing terms about the reporting from The Salt Lake Tribune and that was when they did super reporting on the horrific rape and murder of Hser Ner Moo, a little Christian Burmese refugee, by a fellow refugee from Burma (a likely Rohingya) named Esar Met.
The Salt Lake Tribune actually sent a reporter to the camps in Thailand to get the full story. But, that was before the Mormon church had drunk the koolaide on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program and began enthusiastically welcoming refugees of all stripes to Utah.
Click here for all of my posts on this Utah murder case that was never thoroughly reported on a national level, but see what a good job the Trib did in its coverage.
(I think it was never widely reported because Esar Met didn’t fit the media image of a refugee—lovable, grateful and hardworking.)
Now back to my beef today with The Salt Lake Tribune…..
Continue reading “Ronald Reagan was NOT responsible for Refugee Act of 1980; fake news from The Salt Lake Trib”