Special Immigrant Visas for Afghans help refugee contractors stay afloat

I heard recently that the refugee resettlement agencies (the big nine)*** which the State Department contracts to place refugees in your towns and cities were busy resettling ‘interpreters’ from Afghanistan and those federal payments were helping keep them financially afloat.
So…I checked some numbers at Wrapsnet and was amazed by what I saw.  Sure enough we are bringing in Afghans at an astounding rate.

From FY08 to FY18 we have admitted 49,358 ‘interpreters’ from Afghanistan and that number does not include their spouses and children. Holy cow!

Were there really nearly 50,000 people doing translation work for us? (And, more to come!) 
I know I can hear it now—-shouldn’t we take care of those who helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan (while we were helping their countries!), but really, 50,000 and more!  (I think you can also surmise from this flood of supposedly friendlies out of Afghanistan that we are done there, but that is a story for another blog.)

Know that our usual bunch of federal contractors are paid to place those ‘refugees’ as well.

Poster boy for Iraqis who helped Americans! Jasim Ramadon doing 28 years to life for brutal rape.   https://townhall.com/columnists/dianawest/2014/01/24/from-us-helpers-in-iraq-to-sex-criminals-in-colorado-n1783901

I early on wrote about the Special Immigrant Visa program for Iraqis that ol’ Ted Kennedy got placed in a Defense Authorization bill in the dark of night in 2006, but have never followed it closely. (Numbers of slots available were low. For comparison, we admitted 18,084 ‘interpreters’ from Iraq during the same time period we have admitted nearly 50,000 Afghans!).
However, I see this morning that Donald Trump, when signing the Defense Authorization bill for FY18, also signed in to law a new Afghan Special Immigrant Visa program which permits the entrance to the US of thousands more Afghans in that category.
Read all about it here, and note that the ‘interpreters’ don’t even have to have been employed directly by the US government! They could have been working for allies and presumably NGOs too!  
(I have something else I have to do today, so this is just your intro. to this under-the-radar push for more Middle Easterners to be distributed around the US.)
Here are screenshots of a few pieces of the data at Wrapsnet.

Below is the top of the data sheet on our Afghan admissions.

Circled in red is the column for Special Immigrant Visas compared to the number of regular refugees from that country.  On the fourth line down, that is California which is obviously being flooded.
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This is the bottom half of the same data chart:

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Refugee numbers (column one) are relatively low for Afghanistan, but the SIV numbers (column two) are huge!

See that in Trump’s first (partial) year in office (FY17) we admitted an astounding 16,866 ‘interpreters’ and in this fiscal year (2018) to March 5th we have already admitted 7,017! Again those numbers do not include spouses and children.
To conclude, although the regular refugee numbers are way down as we reported here.

8,583 refugees have been admitted in 5 months.

You can add to that another 7,017 paying SIV clients (and their families!) for the VOLAGs (resettlement contractors) to place in your towns.  (There are also ‘interpreters’ still coming in from Iraq, but numbers are much lower now.)
***Here are the nine federal refugee contractors. They have been complaining as their regular paying client numbers (refugees) have declined, but it seems they have some taxpayer supplied funds coming in with this huge push to bring in Afghan ‘interpreters’ and their families.
The original Refugee Act of 1980, that set up this monstrosity, envisioned a public-private partnership that over the years has almost completely morphed in to a federal program.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.

March 1 data in: Refugee admissions levels at historic low

We know that already, but as month number 5 closed last night (FY18 began on Oct. 1, 2017), we have more evidence that the refugee industry must be in complete financial chaos.

Trump and Bush
President Trump is on target to break the Bush record of the two lowest refugee admission years since the 1980 law was signed by Jimmy Carter

As you know the whole admissions industry is based on a ponzi-scheme of sorts where nine federal contractors*** which monopolize all resettlement in the US are paid by the federal government on a per refugee head basis.
Fewer refugees=less money in their coffers. 
And, as I said here, the contractors got fat and lazy on the federal dole and have not raised sufficient funds to avoid layoffs and office closures.
I suspect too that there must be internal conflicts within the fake non-profit organizations*** and between them as they are bidding for fewer and fewer bodies.

8,583 refugees have been admitted in 5 months.  

That means that, if the present rate continues, arrivals will be around 20,500 for the full year.  And, that would mean that Donald Trump will beat the George Bush record lows:

In the immediate wake of 9/11, Bush admitted 27,070 in 2002 and 28,117 in 2003.

Here is a map from the Refugee Processing Center showing where the 8,583 refugees have been placed so far this fiscal year.
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I know the numbers are hard to read, nothing I can do about it.
Here are the top ten ‘welcoming’ states in descending order:  OH, TX, WA, NY, CA, PA, NC, AZ, GA, IL.
For the umpteenth time, if Congress doesn’t reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program in its present window of opportunity, you can expect the numbers to explode again as soon as Trump is no longer in the White House (unless someone like Trump is elected next time).
*** For new readers:
These are the private contractors that are paid by the head to place refugees in your towns and cities.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.

FAIR: Refugee resettlement costs taxpayers billions; welfare biggest chunk

I’m happy to see that more national immigration control groups are addressing the costly UN/US Refugee Admissions Program!  Where are you Heritage?

muslim-welfare chart
Graphic (using ORR data) is not FAIR’s or Breitbart’s, but is from a 2015 report by then Senator Sessions Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

John Binder writing at Breitbart tells the latest story here:

Over a five year period, American taxpayers are billed more than $8 billion for the resettlement of thousands of foreign refugees every year, a new study finds.

In research conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), analysts concluded that annual refugee resettlement costs American taxpayers about $1.8 billion a year, and over five years, about $8.8 billion.

FAIR’s research found that of the $1.8 billion annual cost of resettling refugees in the U.S., about $867 million was spent on welfare.

Continue reading here.
And, go here, for FAIR’s report.
Reminder: Over the next few days I will be traveling, so don’t look for new posts here at RRW (after today) until early next week.  I probably won’t be able to post comments either.

One third of fiscal year ends, refugee arrival numbers still low

The refugee arrival numbers would have to really take off in the next few months for the Trump Administration to get anywhere near the CEILING they proposed last September of 45,000 for FY18 which ends on September 30th.
So far, in 4 months, 6,704 refugees have been placed with almost every state seeing a few at least. Only Hawaii, Delaware, Mississippi and Wyoming have seen none.  However, as regular readers know, Wyoming is the only state that has never had a program.

Trump and GW Bush
Which will hold the record?

Will Trump break George Bush’s record?

At this rate, we could see around 20,000 admitted for the whole year which would give President Trump the distinction of the Prez admitting the lowest numbers in the history of the Refugee Act of 1980. (Kennedy, Biden, Jimmy Carter)
George W. Bush holds the present record of two years in the 20,000’s.
In the immediate wake of 9/11, Bush admitted 27,070 in 2002 and 28,117 in 2003.
Here is where the 6,704 for FY18 have been distributed so far:

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From WRAPSNET, the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. I know numbers are hard to read.   http://www.wrapsnet.org/admissions-and-arrivals/

Top Ten ‘welcoming’ states so far this year are:




 New York



North Carolina




Broken record alert!  Reducing numbers for a few years is good because it gives some overloaded communities a reprieve, however, unless the law is reformed nothing will be permanent and the post-Trump era could see a huge push to make up for what the Open Borders Left would see as lost time.
This post is archived in my ‘refugee statistics’ category, here.

Refugee numbers down 70% under Trump

Michael Patrick Leahy, who obviously likes numbers and has the patience to pour over them, posted a piece yesterday at Breitbart showing, on a calendar year basis, how the Trump Administration stacks up to Obama’s big last year.
(Readers, there are two ways to analyze numbers available at Wrapsnet, the State Department data base on refugee arrivals. One can search by fiscal year or calendar year. I tend to use fiscal year because it is the method used for budget purposes, but here Leahy uses calendar year data which might be more useful to citizens who aren’t policy wonks!)
Leahy at Breitbart:

During his first full year in office, President Trump delivered on his campaign promise to limit refugee admissions to the United States from countries that are known hotbeds of terrorism.

Trump and Hillary
Leahy also tells us what might have been had Hillary been elected President!

Overall, refugee admissions during the 365 full days since his inauguration at noon on January 20, 2017 have declined by 70 percent from the previous complete calendar year under the Obama administration.

From January 21, 2017 to January 20, 2018 (Trump Calendar Year 2017), a total of 29,620 refugees have been admitted to the United States, according to the State Department’s wrapsnet.org website, the source of the refugee admissions data used in this story.

In contrast, from January 21, 2016 to January 20, 2017, the last full calendar year of the Obama administration (Obama Calendar Year 2016), a total of 98,898 refugees were admitted to the United States.

The most compelling aspect of the refugee arrival data for President Trump’s first full calendar year is the dramatic drop in refugee arrivals from the seven countries identified as terrorist hotbeds (Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Iran, Sudan, Yemen, and Libya) in Executive Order 13769 to whom the travel ban initially applied.

Continue reading here. There is much more for those of you not ‘numerophobic!’ Did you know there was such a word?

What happens when President Trump is no longer President?

This is all good, but reducing the numbers for a few years is not sufficient for the long haul.
I can’t emphasize enough that if the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is not reformed (or killed outright) by Congress, by law!, before Trump is gone from office, nothing will have changed.  A new President, even a squishy Republican, will open the refugee admissions spigot and make up for lost time!
Sorry to say it for the umpteenth time, but, at minimum, if these nine federal contractors (acting as community agitators and activists while living off taxpayer dollars) are not removed from the system there will not be a long term fix.
(Number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income they receive from you—the taxpayer—in a recent financial analysis.)

LIRS website has been down for days?