As we wait for news about who the terror plotters are in Australia—the ones arrested for planning to take down an Australian airliner—I thought this short news item was telling. How can the US be so stupid, so snookered by the Australian government!
While many countries have opened their doors to Muslim migrants from the Middle East, the journey has not been as easy for Christians in search of new homes after fleeing from intense persecution from their countries. However, an aid agency that extends help specifically to Christians is working to change the picture. The Barnabas Fund has set up a program that helps believers from the Middle East to resettle in Australia.
As of May 2016, Operation Safe Havens has rescued a total of 1,071 Christian refugees worldwide, and 823 of these are now living in Australia. However, these figures are small compared to the number of Muslims refugees that have been taken in.
In the UK, according to Barnabas Fund, from July to September 2016, only 13 of the 1,583 refugees from Syria were Christians. This means only 0.8 percent of Syrian refugees who entered the UK for that period were Christians, when the Christian population of Syria represents 10% of the total.
How are we doing on the Syrian Muslim/Christian ratio?
I hadn’t checked the numbers recently, but see now at Wrapsnet that in FY17 the US admitted 6,461 Syrian refugees up to today. 96% of those we admitted (from October 1, 2016 to today) are Muslims.
Then I checked just those who were admitted since Trump’s inauguration day (January 20th to today), and yikes! the percentage of Syrian Muslims vs. Christians is even higher under Trump at 98%!
Since January 20th, we admitted 1,873 Syrians and 1,840 are Muslims.
***See my ‘Australia deal’ archive by clicking here.
It was only two days ago that I told you that “assimilation” is a dirty word in the lexicon of the Open Borders/Refugee industry. I also told youthat we have admitted over 40,000 ‘refugees’ from the DR Congo (so far) with a UN agreed upon goal of taking 50,000.
(DR Congolese refugees are the largest ethnic group coming in under the Trump Administration. Only 3.8% are Muslim, if you are wondering.)
Now both posts serve as background for this stunner from Manchester, NH about a refugee from DR Congo who beat a woman (no mention if it was his wife) and was given a free pass by the legal system because he had come from a violent culture.
After reading the story here and here, I realized why the refugee advocates and officials have mentioned in the past that women from the DR Congo will need lots of (costly) mental health treatment.
Not just women and children!
And, we were led to believe that we were getting mostly women and children. I just checked the demographic data atWrapsnet and was shocked to learn that men and women are pretty much equal in number and in fact in the 21-30 age group in most years, men arriving here out-numbered the women in that group!
Here is a bit from the story at tip: Joanne):
Assimilation is one of the most critical aspects of any successful immigration system. It determines whether an aspiring migrant will be able to adapt to a nation’s values, laws, and culture. And no, this type of assimilation doesn’t mean that one must throw away all of the cultural heritage that makes a person who they are. Rather, it means that they must reconcile their heritage with the laws and values of the nation they wish to join.
A breaking story in New Hampshire highlights the importance of this concept. According to court records obtained by the New Hampshire Union Leader, a prosecutor dropped domestic violence charges against Augustin Bahati, a Congolese refugee, when she unilaterally decided “that he lacked the cultural competency to participate in the American justice system.” In essence, this means that the prosecutor determined Bahati was still so rooted in his old culture – where domestic violence is presumably acceptable – that he was incapable of being legally responsible for violating American domestic abuse laws.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where Bahati is originally from, sexual abuse and domestic violence are commonplace. In fact, The DRC is often referred to as “the rape capital of the world.”Throughout the 20-year, ongoing civil war within the republic’s borders, the Brooking’s Institution estimates that as many as 48 rapes occur every hour, largely stemming from members of rival militias. In addition, there are very few laws on the books aimed at protecting women from spousal abuse.
This decision is highly troubling, especially since Bahati’s alleged crimes include “striking, pushing, grabbing, kicking and pulling out the hair” of a woman who was 27 weeks pregnant, according to the Union Leader. What the Manchester prosecutor seems to be saying, is that Bahati’s domestic abuse should be tolerated, because he is new to the United States and still acting according to the moral and legal standards of his native country.
Continue readinghere.
And, don’t miss the Union Leaderstory here.
Does your state ‘welcome’ refugees from the DR Congo?
Most states do. Only HAWAII, Delaware, West Virginia and Wyoming have escaped!
Since this big resettlement began in earnest in FY2013, we went back to that year (up to the present day) at Wrapsnet. 40,216 are living in your towns and cities. Only 9,784 to go to please the United Nations, but I have never seen one of these camp clean out projects end when they promised it would!
Here are the Top Ten states with the most DR Congolese refugees arriving since FY2013:
This latest was predicted and reportedhere by Michael Leahy at Breitbart two days ago. Update: Here is Leahy’s (Breitbart) take on this latest legal mess the Supreme Court is responsible for creating!
Judge Derrick Watson took advantage of the mess the Supreme Court made in its recent ruling (as Justice Thomas predicted) to once again attempt to stop President Trump from carrying out a simple 120-day moratorium on refugee resettlement in order to analyze the program and determine whether security screening is sufficient.
The Supreme Court literally unconstitutionallylegislated when it created a way to go around a Presidentially-determined ceiling as defined by over 3 decades of refugee law and said refugees with a “bona fide relationship” to a family member or to an “entity” could come in over the 50,000 ceiling reached yesterday (here). BTW, today we have now exceeded the 50,000 ceiling by 168. We are at 50,168 this morning.
Before I give you Politico’s version of the judge’s decision in Hawaii yesterday, let me be clear!
The US State Department under Sec. of State Rex Tillerson must ignore this decision!
(They should have ignored this rogue judge’s earlier decision as well! You should write to the White Houseand tell Trump to stand against this runaway judiciary!)
One Hawaiian judge deciding for one Imam (and the refugee-rejecting state of Hawaii!) should not be the one to define “bona fide” a wholly new legal term and a new construct for resettlement thanks to the overzealous SCOTUS. Where the hell is Congress, btw? Writing law is their job! Here is Politico:
A federal judge in Hawaii ordered the Trump administration on Thursday to allow grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles and other relatives of people in the U.S. to circumvent the travel ban policy, dealing a temporary blow to one of the president’s signature initiatives.
In an order issued Thursday evening local time in Honolulu, Judge Derrick Watson also prohibited the administration from blocking refugees with a commitment from a resettlement agency in the U.S., a move that could revive the flow of refugee admissions this year.
The decision was a victory for opponents of the travel ban, who hoped to broaden the universe of people who could bypass the president’s policy, which temporarily bars travelers from six majority-Muslim nations and suspends the refugee resettlement program.
The Supreme Court issued an order on June 26 that allowed the embattled measure to go into effect, but included the caveat that affected travelers with “bona fide” ties to a person or entity in the U.S. should not be subject to the ban.
In the realm of refugee resettlement, the administration stood by the contention that a connection to a resettlement agency alone would not meet the criteria to avoid the ban.
The federal judge added that a refugee with a commitment from a resettlement agency met the standard for a “bona fide” relationship spelled out in the Supreme Court order.
“It is formal, it is a documented contract, it is binding, it triggers responsibilities and obligations, including compensation, it is issued specific to an individual refugee only when that refugee has been approved for entry by the Department of Homeland Security, and it is issued in the ordinary course, and historically has been for decades,” he wrote. [Don’t let the refugee contractors*** fool you, here we have it, this is about their compensation by you, the American taxpayer!–ed]
“Bona fide does not get any more bona fide than that.”
On Twitter, an attorney for the plaintiffs, the state of Hawaii and a local imam, celebrated the momentary legal win, which could be met with appeals by the federal government.
Appeals! The Administration better simply ignore this single judge and the Imam!
This post is filed in my ‘Supreme Court’ category,click herefor other stories on the hash the Supreme Court has made of refugee law.
***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizerspaid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities. Because their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, the only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors from the process.
Pew Research Centerhas done some useful number crunching using the data available to you as well at Wrapsnet.
DR Congo tops the list!
Here are their findings in two simple graphs. Readers should know that the flood of refugees coming in from the DR Congo are part of afive year plan agreed to during the Obama Administration to clean out the UN camps housing ‘refugees’ from the DR Congo. We reported this news in June 2013, here.
We agreed to take 50,000 over five years! As of today we have admitted 40,204!
The group contains many women with mental health issuesand children (very costly to the US taxpayer). And, if other UN camp clean outs are any indication, we won’t stop at 50,000!
Last fall we showed youwhere 33,000 from the DR Congo were placed in America. Most from the DR Congo are not Muslims.
From Pew Research:
I have two categories that might be useful to readers wanting to dig in to data. One is entitled ‘refugee statistics’ and the other is ‘Where to find information,‘ but I warn you both are huge. This post is archived in both.
And, you can thank the Supreme Court for unconstitutionally legislating in its decision late last month.
I showed you here over the weekendthat no ceiling has been exceeded in the over 35 year history of the program.
My worry is that what SCOTUS has done has been to literally obliterate the responsibility for refugees the law gives to the President and to Congress by defining a new standard for admittance—to those with “bona fide” relationships—ceiling be damned!
Even if one argues it is temporary, it is still an outrage! How dare the Supreme Court say that those in a newly coined category—those prospective ‘refugees’ with bona fide relationships—are not a security threat to us! That is the President’s job! Did the justices even read the Refugee Act of 1980?
But, how do you challenge the Supreme Court? And, are the contractorssecretly cheering because they have longed for the day when the CEILING would become meaningless.
To top it off, there is another legal challenge before the rogue Hawaii judge that might further gum up the works (see Breitbart’s Michael Leahy on that potential legal quagmire, here). Chaos and confusion reign, just as Clarence Thomas (with Alito and Gorsuch)predicted.
And, this was completely unnecessary becausethe Trump Administration could have simply lowered the ceiling when they came in to office without any Executive Order. The most they had to do was notify Congress!
As of yesterday afternoon, we have admitted 50,086 refugees to the US in this fiscal year.
Here is where the 50,086 were placed.
Here are the top ten ‘welcoming’ states. LOL! Hawaii is near the bottom as always with 3 whole refugees!
All of my posts on the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision are archived here.
There are many stories in the media today about the ceiling having been exceeded, if there is anything useful (other than the same old babble), I’ll update this post.