50,000 refugee cap should be reached today, then what?

Then for the remainder of the 120-day ‘moratorium’ only refugees with certain relatives and certain “bona fide” connections to US entities will be admitted.

The Supremes—the US’s new legislative body!

Once we pass the CEILING for the first time in the history of the program, it is my view that the refugees will belong to the Supreme Court since it has taken it upon itself to unconstitutionally WRITE REFUGEE LAW!
Adding to the confusion going forward is the fact that the 120-day moratorium will  run in to late October (Supremes will likely not have ruled on the merits of the case by then).

September will be the real test for Trump’s Presidency on the refugee issue….

Late October (when the 120 days will be up) is a month PAST the legally required deadline for the President to send his 2018 refugee determination to the Hill. (Here is one of many posts on the ‘determination’ for new readers.)
In September, how will the White House handle that wrinkle SCOTUS has handed them?

The real test for President Trump on refugees comes in September! What will he propose for FY18?

LOL! Of course one thing the President could do is send a Determination to the Hill for FY18 of zero and tell Congress to reform the program in a serious way during a year-long moratorium.

(The Labrador bill isn’t much.)
Here is the story at KPCC radio in Southern California that got me going on this subject again this morning:

Federal officials expect the national cap on refugee admissions for fiscal year 2017 to be reached Wednesday, ushering in the Trump administration’s temporary travel ban affecting refugees.

Once that happens, all refugees will have to prove they have close relatives in the United States or established ties such as a job before they can gain entry. The new rules will remain in effect for at least 120 days, starting from late June when the U.S Supreme Court ordered the partial reinstatement of the Trump travel policy.


The State Department posted guidance listing the accepted categories of relatives: “a parent (including parent-in-law), spouse, fiancé, fiancée, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sibling, whether whole or half. This includes step relationships. The following relationships do not qualify: grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, and any other ‘extended’ family members.”

A department spokeswoman told KPCC by email that refugees scheduled to travel to the U.S. will be allowed in until the end of Wednesday. Then, “beginning July 13, only those individuals who have a credible claim to a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States will be eligible for admission through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.”

A relationship with a U.S. entity, such as a university or employer, can also qualify a refugee for entry on a case-by-case basis. However, the spokeswoman said refugees are not likely to have such ties and are more likely to have connections to relatives.

The State Department made clear that a relationship with a U.S. resettlement agency does not count as a qualifying relationship.

Remember when Donald Trump rolled out his first Executive Order and wanted to prioritize Christians and the contractors*** went crazy and said that was not fair. The lead squawker was the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society!
Well, you need to know, before you read this next segment of the story, that we have been prioritizing Jews from, first Russia, and now Iran (processing them after they get to Austria as visitors) as refugees to America! Learn about Lautenberg here.

The agency that Castro directs settles many Iranian Jews who travel to the U.S. via Austria, arriving through a refugee program that benefits religious minorities. He said one of his agency’s refugee clients has been waiting in Austria. She is being vetted by U.S. officials but likely will be stuck in Austria because she has no close relatives in this country.

Resettlement agencies say they have yet to receive guidance from the federal government about what happens once the 120 days of the temporary refugee travel ban are up.  [Again, the 120 days puts us in to the new fiscal year—what will Donald do in September?—ed]

“I suspect that what will happen is there will be a push to make this more permanent in some form,” Castro said. “I can’t imagine going back to the status quo prior to the order.”

I can’t imagine that either!  It would be political suicide for Trump if he reverts to the old system of secret refugee seeding by phony ‘religious’ charities!
All of my posts on the Supreme Court’s overreach are here.
***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizers paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities.  Because their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, the only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors from the process.

Heritage report: since 2002, 61 US refugees have engaged in terrorist activities

Here is Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily on the Heritage Foundation report entitled, “The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program: A Roadmap for Reform.
(Also, Fox News wrote about the report here as well.)

At least 61 people who came to the United States as “refugees” engaged in terrorist activities between 2002 and 2016, according to a new report authored by the Heritage Foundation.

Sheila Mastropietro, a resettlement worker in Lancaster, PA yesterday called it “ridiculous” that a refugee could be a terrorist: http://www.ydr.com/story/news/2017/07/05/5-things-you-probably-didnt-know-refugees-pa/450894001/ Mastropietro is front row right without head covering in NYT story featuring Lancaster: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/05/us/lancaster-refugees-trump-travel-ban.html

The report comes in the wake of the Supreme Court’s reinstatement of much of President Trump’s travel ban, and it also suggests that it’s impossible to vet Muslim refugees who may have no connections to known terrorist organizations but get radicalized after they arrive in the United States.

The Heritage Foundation identified scores of refugees, including many who came prior to 2002, as having taken part in activities ranging from lying to investigators about terror plots, to actually taking part in them. The report, aimed at reforming the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, or USRAP, calls for stricter limits and restrictions on refugees.

Under the current system, set by the Refugee Act of 1980, the president sets the annual cap on numbers of refugees allowed into the U.S. and Congress provides the funding. The State Department then contracts with nine private resettlement agencies, paying them millions of dollars per year to seed U.S. cities with Third Worlders.***

Since 1980 more than 3 million refugees [Ten Pittsburghs!—ed] have come to the United States, and more than 1 million of them have come from Muslim-dominated countries such as Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Sudan. Countries such as Burma and Australia have been more recently unloading their unwanted Muslim minorities on the U.S. and other Western countries.

“The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program should not be used as pretext to advocate for a global right to migrate nor is it a solution to conflict,” the study concludes. “Instead, the U.S. refugee admission program should be reformed to better advance U.S. interests.”

Continue here as Hohmann lists some of the refugee Islamic terrorist cases.
I confess, I haven’t read the report.  Would someone tell me if it includes any mention of the system where contractors are paid by the head to place refugees in unsuspecting cities and towns.  If these middlemen are not removed from the process there will NEVER be real reform.
Tell the President what you think!
***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizers paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities:


Today we reached 49,255 refugees, 745 away from Trump 50,000 cap

And, once we pass the 50,000 cap (aka ceiling), then the Supreme Court will be effectively running the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. 

Refugees arriving over the Presidentially-determined ceiling of 50,000 are the responsibility of nine unelected judges who have decided that relatives can’t possibly be terrorists!

The ceiling has been a cornerstone of  the refugee program for 37 years and last week the Supremes took it upon themselves to lay out fuzzy parameters for exceeding the ceiling set by President Trump that no President in at least a decade has exceeded (maybe ever!).
I just checked the latest numbers at Wrapsnet and see that as of today we have admitted 49,255 refugees this fiscal year.  (The fiscal year ends September 30th).
We should hit 50,000 within a few days.  So, will the members of the court begin getting the daily Presidential security briefing when that happens? And, come to think of it, who tells the Supremes that they have exceeded their Constitutional authority? Hmmmm?
Here are the top ten ‘welcoming’ states (so much for Texas trying to get out of the program):


Just so you know, 3 states and the District of Columbia got less than 10 each (Mississippi–6, Hawaii–3, DC–2, and Wyoming–0).
This post is filed in my ‘Supreme Court’ archive.

500,000 Syrian 'refugees' return home to Syria in the last 6 months!

Here is the news being reported everywhere in the last couple of day….
So, if they were all escaping  the Syrian regime and it is still in place, why return?  Truth is they weren’t all running from Assad, but from rebels and ISIS.
From Qasioun News:

Agencies (Qasioun) – The U.N. refugees agency UNHCR said that nearly half a million Syrian refugees have returned to their homes since the beginning of the year.

How about a hotline for unhappy refugees to call in to the DOS to get help to go home? https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/01/16/comment-worth-noting-lets-have-a-repatriation-fund-to-send-unhappy-refugees-home/

Andrej Mahecic, UNHCR spokesman said that humanitarian agencies recorded a “notable trend of spontaneous returns to and within Syria in 2017, with more than 440,000 internally displaced people going back to their homes in the first six months of this year.

Another 31,000 refugees have come back from foreign countries in the same period, particularly from Turkey, where authorities agreed to open the borders to allow thousands of people to celebrate the end of Ramadan with their families. Some of these refugees will opt to return to Turkey, but others will stay, according to local media reports. In total, 260,000 refugees have gone back to Syria from neighboring countries since 2015.

Most people returned to the cities of Aleppo, Hama, Homs and Damascus, over which the government has taken back control from the rebels. The reasons for their return vary: Some are looking for their missing relatives, others want to find out what’s left of their belongings and others think the security situation has improved enough for them to come home to live.

You will never hear this!

As time goes on and if the Syrian situation improves, the US Department of State (and its contractors) will never report how many Syrians resettled in America, at great expense to the US taxpayer, will opt to go home to Syria!
In fact, I previously heard from unhappy Iraqis that they wanted to go home after finding out that the streets are not paved with gold in America.
I think Wrapsnet should keep data on refugees who leave America to go home!
See my post: “Syrians are opportunists” from August 2015, here.
I guess the refugee industry must soon find some new poster children to use as propaganda for their open borders agenda!

Virginia: Iraqi refugee to plead guilty today to lying on refugee application

She failed to disclose a family relationship to an Iraqi terrorist.  Ho hum! There was no American fatally affected.
I’m joking because in a story I read within the last day, but can’t remember where, a pro-more-refugees advocate qualified his comment about no refugees committing terror attacks to say—no US refugee committed a fatal terror attack on US soil.  That isn’t true, and, the main reason there aren’t more is that the cases have been foiled!

This is the story we reported in March.
(Dear Supreme Court, family members lie!)
We learn that the Iraqi female liar will admit guilt today.
From AP at the Lincoln Journal Star (hat tip: Joanne). BTW, I searched and searched for any photos of the perps, but found none.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — A Virginia woman living in the U.S. as an Iraqi refugee for the last decade is scheduled to plead guilty Wednesday to federal charges after being charged with hiding her ties to the kidnapper of a U.S. contractor. [Translation—she lied on her refugee application and in her screening interviews!—ed]

Enas (eh-NAHS’) Ibrahim of Vienna was charged in March on allegations of visa fraud.

Prosecutors say Ibrahim, her husband and her husband’s brother all came to the U.S. and settled in the suburbs of the nation’s capital after receiving refugee status.

But prosecutors say the two men are brothers of Majid Al Mashhandani, who admitted participating in the 2004 kidnapping of U.S. contractor Roy Hallums.

Fraud, fraud and more fraud!
In addition to leaving out any reference to the Islamic terrorist brother because people told them in Iraq (who told them, a refugee contractor!) that they would be rejected from the refugee program if they revealed the terrorist brother, they FABRICATED PERSECUTION STORIES FOR THEMSELVES.
See the DOJ press release from March with all of the details of their lies.

How many more Iraqis lied to get in as refugees and to gain citizenship?

Checking Wrapsnet just now, I see that since the US opened the floodgates for Iraqis we have admitted 140,576 with no end in sight!
Virginia is number seven in the top ten receiving states with 4,536.

Alaska got 49 and Hawaii got a whopping four!