Kentucky Somali says the UN picked Louisville as his resettlement destination

cc Louisville logo
This is from a short article at The Catholic Record in Kentucky.  It’s about how difficult it was for a new employee with Migration and Refugee Services in Louisville to learn the ropes about the resettlement process.
I can relate since I’m still learning the system after writing about it for nearly 11 years, but one bit caught my attention!
Here is what Catholic Charities of Louisville’s “employment team leader” Somali Ahmed Hussein told the new guy on the block:

One of my co-workers who is always willing to share his story and answer questions about his experience as a refugee is our employment team leader, Ahmed Hussein.

Ahmed is a Somali refugee who came to Kentucky after spending eight years in a Kenyan refugee camp. I remember when I first met Ahmed, I asked why they chose Louisville as a destination, and his response was really eye-opening to the entire resettlement process, “Man, we didn’t choose Louisville, they (the United Nations High Commission for Refugees) choose for you, and you take the destination they offer.”

You know what!
Since the US State Department and their resettlement contractors*** NEVER explain to the public how locations are chosen (it is one of the most closely held secrets of the whole process), we’ll go with Mr. Hussein’s explanation until we get some real answers!
And, have a look at this graphic I found. It’s a couple years old, but it does give you some idea of where the UN is placing Somalis!

Somali cities map
I missed this article in 2016:

This is the Top Twenty list of cities (targeted by the UN?) from that map:

Minneapolis-St. Paul – 646
Columbus, Ohio – 412
Buffalo, N.Y. – 361
Syracuse, N.Y. – 307
Dallas-Ft. Worth – 302
Salt Lake City, Utah – 276
San Diego – 275
St. Cloud – 243
Louisville, Ky. – 236
Phoenix, Ariz. – 218
Seattle, Wash. – 212
Erie, Pa. – 207
Atlanta – 159
Glendale, Ariz. – 155
Tuscon – 154
Boston – 153
Houston – 150
Nashville – 148
Kansas City, Mo. – 145
Portland, Ore. – 132

See my Kentucky archive, here.

Contact the President by clicking here.  Tell him it is time to get the UN out of our refugee resettlement business!

*** These are the nine major resettlement contractors who keep this secret well: How is your town or city chosen?  
I post the contractor list almost every day because I want new readers to know exactly who is responsible for driving the US Refugee Admissions Program (in addition to the UN!).
(Catholic Charities works for the US Bishops.)
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services!  From most recent accounting, here.


Kentucky refugee numbers dip, drop, dwindle

We know that, so why am I posting yet one more “plummet” story that the refugee industry has fed the media?
Because in this story we see the beginning of the strategy for Fiscal Year ’19 which I mentioned here the other day.
Right on cue they have begun the PR push for pre-Trump levels of refugee admissions.
From The Messenger:

International Center of Kentucky faces dwindling refugee arrivals

Albert Mbanfu, the center’s executive director, met with community partners Thursday to discuss resettlement issues. Mbanfu said after the meeting that the center is experiencing a slowdown but that the federal government isn’t saying why.

(Learn about Stakeholder meetings, here.)

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Mbanfu is presiding over a Stakeholders meeting that includes school and health officials, etc. These meetings are supposed to be open to the public, so all of you should be finding out when they are held and request to be present. After all, as the taxpayers paying for all of this, you are the biggest stakeholder of all!  Photo:

The Messenger continues….

In light of this [discussion about Trump slowdown.—ed], Mbanfu said the center has been asked to rework its budget. He said in a follow-up interview that the center has made cuts and reduced staff.

“A year and a half ago we were at about 30 and right now, full- and part-time staff, we are down to 22, and there are still plans to reduce that further,” he said of the agency’s employees.


During the meeting, Mbanfu also discussed plans to scale back funding for refugee resettlement agencies across the country.

“Beginning Oct. 1 [Fiscal year ’19 begins that day.—-ed], not all of the refugee resettlement agencies will be open,” he said. “Many will close their doors.”

Mbanfu said the center’s volunteer agency, the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, is working on a proposal to keep its affiliated agencies open. More information should be available in August or September, he said.

This is what I wanted you to see!

Despite the low number of arrivals, Mbanfu told the center’s partners it is going to ask for permission to resettle 440 refugees next fiscal year.

The center was previously granted permission to resettle that amount before Trump took office.

I have to laugh.  I’ll bet some of those officials which have to cope with large numbers of refugees in the schools and health system are keeping their fingers crossed that 440 won’t be coming next year!
The strategy is taking shape!
Apparently, the strategy is for all three hundred or so subcontractors (of the nine major contractors***) to prepare Abstracts for the coming year as if President Trump wasn’t even there.  They know he won’t go for Obama-level numbers, but they plan to use their request for high numbers in the inevitable media agitation campaign.
Those Abstracts go to the US State Department (as a basis for next year’s determination) and if the DOS was smart they would put the word out right now that they won’t entertain any Abstracts that come in at Obama-era levels.  They could even put out a percentage.  For example an Abstract must come in at say 25% of its FY18 submitted level.

If the Trump State Department does not head this off now, they face another refugee industry anti-Trump media blitz come September.

(They will get one anyway, but at least the contractors won’t be able to use their submitted Abstracts in the process.)
BTW, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has never lifted a finger to reform the refugee program. At one point, after those Iraqi refugee terrorists were caught in his home town, Senator Rand Paul took a stand against the program, but quickly shut down his criticism.  I think KY is one of those states that welcomes cheap refugee labor for BIG CHICKEN! and for the Chamber of Commerce. 
Wouldn’t you like to know what ol’Mitch and Rand are telling Trump behind the scenes about refugee resettlement!
*** For new readers, these (below) are the nine federal refugee contractors that have been driving more refugee resettlement for over three decades.  The program will never be reformed as long as these fake non-profits are funded with taxpayer dollars and are permitted to wage political organizing/agitation campaigns.
The International Center of Kentucky works for the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a contractor which has a checkered past (in Kentucky too!).
Go here for my USCRI archive to see what I mean. Don’t miss this one: CEO Limon is out!
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services!  From most recent accounting, here.

Harrisonburg, Virginia: Perdue admits that they are hiring locally as refugee arrival numbers 'plummet'

When I saw this story yesterday at WMRA Radio , I figured it was one more of dozens of stories I mentioned here and here recently.  Talking points have obviously gone out to the gullible/biased media about the mean Trump Administration and its plummeting refugee admission numbers. I wasn’t going to bother posting it until I came to the juicy bit near the end.
Forget the humanitarian mumbo-jumbo, refugee resettlement is about finding cheap labor (supported with your tax dollars) for big corporations especially BIG MEAT and BIG CHICKEN!  And, the next time you hear about the bipartisan support for the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program remember the R’s are looking for laborers for their big business pals and Chamber of Commerce lobbyists.

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BIG CHICKEN companies like Perdue are being questioned about working conditions in plants around the country.  And, Church World Service brings them more refugee workers! Photo and story:

From WMRA Radio:

But last month, a Perdue spokesman confirmed that refugee applicants to the Bridgewater plant have dwindled significantly, and that the company is filling positions from the local community.

Before I give you the rest of the story, you should know that Harrisonburg is in the heart of House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte’s district.  The Judiciary Committee is responsible for the Refugee Admissions Program. I’d like to know if Perdue is the reason Goodlatte has never made any significant move to reform the refugee program!
Now here is the rest of the boo-hoo story.  At least WMRA Radio tells listeners that Church World Service is being paid by the feds (by you!) for their ‘religious’ charity!

Trump’s Policy Sharply Reduces Refugee Flow to Harrisonburg

Following President Trump’s decision to sharply restrict the number of refugees allowed into the United States, the State Department has informed refugee resettlement offices nationwide to trim operations or even close. One of those offices is in Harrisonburg, which has a long history of refugee resettlement.

Harrisonburg’s general open-mindedness, low cost of living and high employment in industries that don’t demand English, such as food production, have allowed the city to resettle from 175 to 200 refugees every year.

But the feds recently informed some 40 refugee resettlement offices nationwide to cut back their operations, according to Reuters. Twenty are expected to close.


Church World Service at White House
Church World Service protesting against Donald Trump at White House.

Jim Hershberger runs the resettlement office for Church World Service in Harrisonburg. Church World Service is one of nine agencies*** nationwide that contracts with the federal government to resettle refugees. He says ten branches of those agencies nationwide have already closed. Although there are no plans for the Harrisonburg office to close as of yet, it hasn’t had a single refugee arrival in two months since mid-February.


I am worried that we won’t have the money to continue to offer services to refugees like we like to do. [How about doing the hard work of raising PRIVATE money!—-ed]


Church World Service is funded by the federal government to help recent arrivals find jobs and apartments, and to enroll them in English classes, driving classes, and their children into school.

In fact, according to our most recent accounting, Church World Service is 71% funded out of your taxpayer wallets!
Here it comes! Slaughterhouse workers needed!
WMRA Radio continues…..

The changes are being felt at the poultry plants too. Poultry is a big industry in Rockingham County and long considered a pipeline for immigrants and refugees.

Perdue’s Kenneth Lambert. It’s a great business model for Perdue. Federally-funded Church World Service finds them workers and the taxpayers subsidize the other needs of refugee workers with food stamps, low income housing, medical care, etc.

Two years ago, the workforce at the Perdue plant in Bridgewater was 42 percent immigrant, according to its Director of Operations Kenneth Lambert.

KENNETH LAMBERT: Our countries are made up of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatamala, Honduras, Cuba, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Bosnia, Russia, Kenya and right now we have a couple of people from Uganda.

But last month, a Perdue spokesman confirmed that refugee applicants to the Bridgewater plant have dwindled significantly, and that the company is filling positions from the local community.

No comment from school officials regarding the refugee slowdown.  Gee, I wonder why?

Fewer refugee arrivals may impact local schools as well.

It’s really where the city’s status as a melting pot comes to life. Students in city public schools come from 51 foreign countries and speak more than 56 languages.

Because Harrisonburg High has long been overcrowded, plans are underway for a second high school. But when asked if fewer refugees arrivals have eased the overcrowding, school administrators didn’t want to comment.

More here.
Next up: Catholic Bishops (big business headhunters) whine too!
***These are the nine supposed non-profit groups (LOL! Six are ‘religious charities’) that act as headhunters for big business which welcomes the cheap, compliant labor (refugees can’t go home and don’t know how to complain!).
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services!  From most recent accounting, here.

Parents arrested in teen abuse case; father was an Iraqi interpreter for US

There are dozens of reports in publications around the world about the case of a missing San Antonio teen, Maarib al-Hishmawi, now found alive and well in the care of an unnamed organization that protected her.
She went into hiding because she didn’t want to go through with an arranged marriage (this is the United States!) and she reported she suffered physical abuse by her parents because of her refusal to essentially be sold to a man she didn’t know for $20,000. (Did I mention that this is the United States!).

Maarib screenshot
Photo from:

I read several stories on the case and note that some, including the Washington Post, skirted the subject of just how this family came to live in the US in the first place.
At other reports, including here at the Daily Caller, we learn that Maarib’s father was an interpreter and thus is likely to have been admitted on a Special Immigrant Visa.
Faithful reader know that I have been writing about the huge number of Afghans and Iraqis (with extended families) which have been arriving in the US for the last ten years and the pace has actually been increasing, especially from Afghanistan, during the Trump Administration. (This family obviously arrived during the Obama Admin.)
See my recent posts on SIVs here and here.
Here is the Daily Caller, but if you simply search for ‘Maarib al-Hishmawi’ you will see the story has gone viral.

Authorities arrested a Muslim couple from Iraq March 23 in San Antonio, Texas, for beating and torturing their daughter after she refused a forced marriage.

Sixteen-year-old Maarib Al Hishmawi ran away from Taft High School at the end of January and remained missing until authorities announced they found her as of March 24, according to the San Antonio Express-News. When authorities finally located Maarib, she told them she fled because her parents beat her with broomsticks, poured hot cooking oil on her, and choked her “almost to the point of unconsciousness.” These actions were due to Maarib’s refusal of consent to a forced marriage with an older man.

Iraqi girl parents
Parents arrested last Friday

“This young lady … was subjected to some pretty bad abuse because she didn’t want to be married to this person,” Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar told The Washington Post.

Maarib’s parents, Abdulah Fahmi Al Hishmawi and Hamdiyah Sabah Al Hishmawi, arranged in mid-2017 to marry their daughter to an older man once he agreed to pay the family $20,000, investigators said.


Abdulah became increasingly agitated during the investigation, blaming a lack of police effort for his daughter’s continued disappearance and even suggested she was kidnapped and taken back to the Middle East. Authorities found Maarib, however, in mid-March in another city. They declined to name the group who sheltered her during that time.


Abdulah immigrated to the U.S. in 2016 from Iraq with his six children after having worked for the U.S. forces as an interpreter, he said. Maarib’s family held two year visas for the U.S. but did not go into detail about what kind of visas they were, Officials told San Antonio Express-News.  [I don’t know what the reference to two years is, perhaps they have to renew it at that time.  I’ll see if I can find out.—ed]

More here.
I should mention that SIV families come under the care of the usual gang of US State Department resettlement contractors and are treated as refugees. So, assuming they were resettled in San Antonio, resettlement agencies headquartered there would know them. I guess these parents missed the cultural orientation sessions they were supposedly given.
I expect to see women’s rights activists and the NOW gang out in force condemning arranged marriages!
Find resettlement agencies working where you live by clicking here.  They can place refugees within a hundred miles of those offices.

South African xenophobia is the reason some Somalis are in Mankato, MN

When I saw this—one more story on Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ and the slowdown in refugee arrivals to America, it was just one more ‘ho-hum’—so what else is new.
But, like most of the stories a little nugget pops out that gives me a better picture of how the UN and the US State Department are changing America.  Only rarely do I see stories that tell us where other African blacks experiencing hatred from black South Africans are moving to. This is one of those where we see the pipeline start to finish!
Of course they can’t call it racism when its black vs. black, so for those Somalis who arrived in South Africa as illegal aliens and were transformed into refugees for your towns and cities by the thousands, they say it is xenophobia that is responsible for their ticket to America.
cws logo
The story is about Mankato, MN a city that went from a 19% poverty level in 2000 to a 26% in 2015 being resettled with Somalis by the Minnesota Council of Churches (a Subcontractor of Church World Service).
That (left) is the CWS logo in the picture below…..

cws protest at wh
Here we have an anti-Trump protest by federally-funded Church World Service and HIAS with CAIR at the White House in January.

…. and it is Church World Service that is paid gobs of taxpayer dollars to run the resettlement program for the US State Department out of Kenya and out of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Here is the Mankato Free Press falling for the big boo-hoo story on the drop in number of Somalis arriving in that southern Minnesota city.

MANKATO — Refugee resettlement in the Mankato area has slowed over the past year amid President Donald Trump’s attempts to ban travelers from certain Muslim-majority countries.

The local drop is a reflection of what’s happened statewide and nationwide, adding further uncertainty for refugees already in the middle of lengthy resettlement processes.

Somali refugees and their families awaiting reunification in Mankato have been most impacted by the ban.

Ben Walen, director of refugee services with the Minnesota Council of Churches, said his organization knows of 16 individuals who would’ve likely settled in Mankato before September 2018 if the ban never happened. Now he doesn’t expect them to arrive in Minnesota before the end of the year. And an arrival next year is anyone’s guess.

Then this is what I found most informative.  Minnesota Council of Churches employee, Habiba Rashid, came to Minnesota as a refugee from xenophobia in South Africa (aka the “Rainbow Nation”).  Then she got her family in through chain migration.
So, as I have been saying, the white South Africans who are being persecuted by racist black South Africans should apply to the UN and Church World Service to get to the US as refugees.  Head on over to that UN/Church World Service office in Johannesburg and (try to) get on the list!
After all, CWS is paid by the head to bring refugees to the US, it shouldn’t matter to them whether they are black or white, right?
Mankato Free Press continues…

Habiba Rashid, 3rd from right is a Somali ‘refugee’ from xenophobic South Africa.  Photo:

Not knowing when the wait will end has been hard on families in the area, said Habiba Rashid, who settled in Mankato with her husband six years ago.

“Families here are panicking,” she said.

Now a community navigator in the council’s Mankato Area Refugee Services office, she waited six years before her resettlement here and another four afterward for her mom, dad and siblings younger than 18 to join — a timeline she describes as “lucky” compared to others. She said a term like “chain migration” is a misleading term for what should be thought of as family reunification.

Calling it chain migration also assumes refugees can just attach family members to their resettlement applications, which she said doesn’t resemble her experience or the experiences of the families she knows.


Aid organizations try to comfort them, knowing many waiting for resettlement grew so restless they turned to dangerous crossings into Europe.

Others who wait out the process in countries like South Africa, like Rashid’s family did, face xenophobic attacks.

More here.
If I were organizing a campaign to bring the persecuted white farmers to America, I think I would start writing to key offices at Church World Service, like these below:
Address to Church World Service.  Re: Save the South African White Farmers!
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See my extensive South Africa archive, here.
Don’t miss my post from yesterday where Minnesotan Bob Enos tells us what a fictional Somali family is costing taxpayers of that state and nation.