….and plans to bring his wife and daughter to live here too! (He left them behind at least 5 years ago in ‘dangerous’ Iran).
Australia’s SBS Newsappears to be doing a series on those lucky, mostly Muslim, ‘refugees’ who attempted to get to Australia illegally and were then detained for nearly 5 years in offshore detention facilities with the Australian government refusing to consider their asylum claims. Many are hitting the jackpot and although Australia isn’t letting them in they are now free in America. And, every few weeks a new batch arrives.
Here is a story about one of those that Australia didn’t want, but Obama did and arranged for many to come just as he was walking out of the White House.
Trump is now honoring a deal he once called “dumb.”
(See my yuuuge archive on the Australia deal by clicking here.)
You can read the entire gushing storyyourself, but what got me is that the star of the story was initially headed for Malaysia, a Muslim country, and only at the urging of a friend got on a people smuggling boat headed for Australia.
As many of my readers have commented over the years—so if it was so dangerous back home, why did these men leave their wives and children behind?
[Phoenix, Arizona] is home to Reza Mohammad Nezhad, an Iranian refugee who in 2013 fled his homeland amid fears of persecution, and would eventually try to reach Australia. [They never tell us exactly why these Muslim men were persecuted. We are expected to take their word for it.—ed]
The 43-year-old left behind his wife and young child, hoping one day they could join him.
He travelled to Malaysia, then Christmas Island, but he was detained in Australia’s Manus Island holding facilities in Papua New Guinea, where he would spend almost four-and-a-half years.
Reza intended to settle in Malaysia after he fled Iran, but changed his mind after a friend there recommended Australia. People in Australia did not harass refugees, his friend said; they had freedom and a strong democracy. It would be a journey he would soon regret.
From Indonesia, Reza boarded a people-smuggling boat headed for Christmas Island. [Indonesia is a Muslim country too—ed]
“I was chosen to be resettled in Arizona,” he told SBS News through a translator. “I don’t know their reasoning, but they chose Arizona for me.”
[US State Department is building ethnic enclaves where people of certain cultures/religions get to live with their own kind of people and they have contractors facilitating the project! Never mind that you are a racist if you want to live with your people!—ed]
He has also got involved with the Iranian American Society of Arizona, which holds several cultural events in the city each week.
“There are many Iranians living here,” he said. “It’s a good city. I’m happy here.”
It’s warm too, which he likes, and he doesn’t feel out of place in a city packed with minority groups. More than 40 per cent of people in Phoenix are Hispanic; Mexico is just 200km to the city’s south.
In one year Reza will be eligible for permanent residency in the US. In five years, he will be able to apply for citizenship. He hopes he will be able to bring his wife and daughter to be with him soon. [Chain migration!—ed]
Continue hereand note the anti-Trump tone of the SBSstory even as it was Trump who is making all of this possible for these lucky jackpot winners!
A bill being discussed in the South Dakota legislature today represents a rare case where a legislator is willing to stare down the US State Department with a demand that those who live in the state have a right to say “NO” about who is resettled in the state as their tax dollars are gobbled up in the process.
State Senator Neal Tapio, a candidate for Congress, is sending a message.
Here is the AP story at The Seattle Times. AP obviously assumes the story is big enough to free it from local South Dakota media where it would normally be hidden from national view (so as not to give other states any ideas!).
PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota would suspend refugee resettlements from countries on “any federal travel ban list” under a measure awaiting a legislative hearing that critics argue would be struck down by the courts if it ever becomes law.
The bill is set to have its first hearing Wednesday before the Senate State Affairs Committee. Republican Sen. Neal Tapio’s legislation would also direct the state to refuse “chain migration” from citizens of countries on such a list. That system gives advantages to the relatives of legal immigrants.
Tapio, a congressional candidate, said a potential legal challenge would be worth fighting if the bill becomes law. He said the federal government doesn’t have the right to “make your neighborhood less safe.”
“We should fight for our wives and our daughters and our kids and our grandkids,” Tapio said. “This is about the future of our communities and the citizens that live within them.”
Taneeza Islam, an immigration lawyer and executive director of South Dakota Voices for Justice, said the bill’s sponsors don’t understand the “fundamental rights that we have in our U.S. Constitution” and didn’t think through how the proposal would be implemented.
Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s chief of staff, Tony Venhuizen, told the Argus Leader that the Republican executive opposes the bill.
More here.
We will be back tomorrow with news about the hearing.
We have written on many previous occasions about South Dakota, a rare pocket of resistance, where business (meatpackers!) and community leaders have often been out front in saying they want the steady supply of (cheap) labor that refugees and other immigrants represent in the state. Go herefor my South Dakota archive, and herefor other posts on Taneeza Islam, a former CAIR Minnesota lawyer who has moved (been moved?) to South Dakota to stir up action there.
Editor: Occasionally we post guest comments/opinion pieces from readers. This, below, is a comment a resident of Minnesota posted at this story last week:
Before you read Bob Carrillo’s comment, you might want to visit Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch yesterdayabout Republicans and Dems (pandering!) in the Minnesota state legislature by proposing to give nearly $20 million in taxpayer dollars to Somali community development (because of course we all know that poverty produces Islamic terrorists—NOT!).
(This post will be filed in my ‘What you can do’category—don’t be afraid to speak!)
From Bob Carrillo (highlighting is mine):
This week (Tuesday 2/6) was caucus week in Minnesota.
Two nights ago, I found myself compelled to call in to a local radio talk show host (Walter Hudson) (IHeart Radio 1130 AM – “Closing Argument”).
He was interviewing Mr. Phillip Parrish, a fairly straight laced, no nonsense, gubernatorial candidate for the State of Minnesota; a personality and intellect sorely need here in the land of Minnesota denial…
I was not particularly pleased with the tenor of the dialogue exchange by Mr. Hudson. He claims to be a conservative. However, in Minnesota, as true in many places in the country, what passes for a republican, or even a common sensed based conservative leaves many of us adults in the room wanting. In short, and with very few exceptions, Minnesota has become a breeding ground for adult-children posing as conservative thinkers, and RINO’s.
In any event, I was compelled to call in to Mr. Hudson’s radio program.
Needless to say the discussion, and exchange between myself and Mr. Hudson did not come off very well…at least from his end I believe.
After posing the following question to him, and citing a number of horrible examples of atrocities committed by radical Islamist’s in Minnesota, some resulting in the maiming and even death of Minnesota citizens, as absolute proof that this is not simply some ethereal debate relating to the differences between religious and cultural factions in Minnesota at all.
Using those pesky circumstances called FACTS, I attempted to make my case, in opposition to his wishful thinking (or not) approach to Minnesota’s growing and deadly problems, Mr. Hudson did his level best to deflect and to derail our discussion at every turn.
While attempting to bring the hostility level down several times during the conversation, it was clear to me that he had no intention of allowing me to get past his all-over-the-top, and emotionally driven ranting. …He was upset.. So upset, that even after he dismissed me just prior to a hard break, he referenced me personally a few times during the next hour (segment) of his program in a less than respectful manner. Since I used to host my own weekly radio talk show program for eight years, I found his tone and demeanor to be incredibly unprofessional and disrespectful.
To my initial question: Can you point to any place on the planet where this “social justice” experiment, which involves this clash of cultures (one of which, literally refuses to assimilate by intent and by design), has worked well for the indigenous people of that place, OR has not ended badly???
Where, in Europe, Australia, or in the US and Canada is the “group hug approach”, and philosophy of appeasement (COEXIST) working? …Just one place!
When Mr. Hudson obviously blew his stack on air, relating to my question, and then wandered around per his response in a manner, which I would only describe as angry and unintelligible, I then suggested that perhaps taking a “Straw Poll” amongst the many victims and their families here in Minnesota, who have been directly affected by this insane combination of public policy, he lost it again, and suggested that no straw poll was necessary, or some such reaction by someone in denial.
I also informed Walter that I have lived overseas, and I have traveled overseas extensively, AND I HAVE VISITED THE “NO GO ZONE’ IN PARIS. I told him that he does not want to see that here. But, indicated to hime that the seeds for that here in Minnesota have already been sown. (See Stories: uniformed “Sharia [ LAW ] Police” patrols being tolerated by the MPD in the Cedar-Riverside area OF Minneapolis, now known as “little Mogadishu”)
I did have the opportunity, while he was continuing to talk over me at every turn to make the following statement, leading to a question: “I do not see a bunch of wild eyed Catholic, Lutherans, Presbyterians, or Methodists, as an organized effort per their cultural group thinking process, running around, and committing such horrible, barbaric, violent (Anti-American) atrocities, directed at Muslims, or any other groups of people”, based upon some religious differences as the driver for all this mayhem.
I also stated as a fact, that this entire experiment in “social justice”, and the seeds of this being sown all over Minnesota, per this “Welcoming Communities” nonsense, is, for economic reasons, “Public Health reasons”, and “Public Safety reasons”, is UNSUSTAINABLE and DANGEROUS.
He continued to present, what I can only describe as disjointed philosophical drool, relating to this very serious and very real life situation we are facing here in Minnesota, and sounding like the “can’t we all just get along” mantra of the left crowd, and doing everything possible to run from the discussion points being made by me throughout our brief discussion. He was finally successful by cutting me off completely, and hanging up on the call. ..Bad form Mr. Hudson..
If I had been given the opportunity to do so, I would have asked him the following questions:
* Is all the collateral damage, which has truly occurred here in Minnesota, and with greater frequency with each passing day now, acceptable losses to you Mr. Hudson?
* Is there no question in your mind relating to the cause and effect analysis per your own thinking about all this?
* Does the other side (Muslim “community”) bare any responsibility whatsoever, for the behavior of far too many of their brothers and sisters of their “book”, whether covertly or overtly involved?
* Do these people deserve (per demand and intimidation) “TO BE TREATED AS A SPECIAL CLASS OF MINNESOTANS”??, while other Minnesotans have to follow the rules of any civilized nation, and submit to US CONSTITUTIONAL LAW – AND PUBLICLY DISAVOW ANY ALLEGIANCE TO “SHARIA LAW”?
* Should this “community” – including CAIR Minnesota and their director Jaylani Hussein, be expected – in fact required, TO PUBLICLY CONDEMN HAMAS, THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, AL-QADEA, BOKO-HARAM, and label these organizations PROPERLY as terrorist organizations, and disavow their connection and allegiance to such groups.
* Should they as (Americans?) be required to pledge allegiance to our American flag (as all other immigrants to the United States have done over time), and pledge to support, and defend OUR US Constitution, etc. etc.?
* When accepting any position in “public office” anywhere in the US, should they be swearing in per their “book”?
* Should their Imams be afforded to “special” privilege” of being able to host POLITICALLY ORIENTED TRAINING PROGRAMS IN THEIR MOSQUES, when other religions would be risking their “Tax Exempt Status” by doing the same.
* Should only “special people” be allowed to reach “sharia law” IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS here in Minnesota, and have PRAYER ROOMS, PRAYER BREAKS, AND PRAYER RUGS in OUR Minnesota PUBLIC SCHOOLS SYSTEMS, when, per a long standing US Supreme decision: the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Lemon v. Kurtzman. In the 1971 case, the court ruled that a three-pronged test has to be passed for religious involvement in public schools. Is there secular purpose for the activity? Does the activity actively promote religion or inhibit religion? Is the “entanglement” between church and state “excessive?”. Because there are no other religious groups afforded ALL OF THE ABOVE, in terms accommodations, there is a problem here..
* Should there not be far better screening for serious, and sometimes, deadly “communicable diseases” being imported into Minnesota per the “Refugee Resettlement Program, and certainly the illegal “Sanctuary City(s)” public policy in full bloom in Minnesota. Additionally, shouldn’t the various Departments of Health in Minnesota be required to STOP HIDING CASES OF ACTIVE TUBERCULOSIS, and other lethal and debilitating IMPORTED diseases, and MAKE MANDATORY ALL PROPER MEDICAL PROCEDURES – INCLUDING INOCULATIONS AND ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS – TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC THEY ARE OBLIGED TO SERVE?
* Should not the participants in “Female Genital Mutilation” of female children, serial rape of female children (as young as 4 years or 5 years of age) as well as all other crimes committed in Minnesota, be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the LAW (US Constitutional LAW), and those convicted, be imprisoned, deported, and (relating to crimes involving children), have their children removed for their custody PERMANENTLY?
* Where are the home grown, or imported to Minnesota, terrorists being trained in Minnesota, or being conditioned to act and behave this antisocial and uncivilized manner, hate the infidel, hate Americans (while loving AND EMBRACING all the “free goodies” per our ridiculous welfare distributions systems), being schooled to believe that they can threaten and intimidate with impunity, rape children and women, kill or attempt to kill, commit arson, and a whole host of offences against OUR American society (with impunity), in spite of how short a time, or how long a time they have been in this country – AND AMPLE TIME ENOUGH TO ASSIMILATE? Who is teaching all this and where?
* There is certainly more, but this will do for now.
In any event, I called back after being cut off, relating to our brief encounter on the radio, and proposed the following to Mr. Hudson, per his call screener: I expressed a desire to be a guest on his program for two hours – up close and in studio – and an open, direct, and respectful discourse between one another relating to these interrelated and interconnected, and extremely critical issues concerning and impacting ALL MINNESOTANS today… I even suggested that he could invite his favorite Imam to sit in as well.
I left my name, some background information about me, my phone number, and asked for a return phone call. What do you think Walter. Shall we have a go?
I am still waiting…
What do you think? Will Hudson invite Carrillo on as a guest? I wouldn’t bet on it, but you never know! We will see what kind of a ‘conservative’ man Hudson is!
For more comments and guest columns, go here.
Why do they need to speak English if they aren’t going out into the workplace?
Because, of course, USCRI (one of nine federal refugee contractors***) and others on the No Borders Left want to be sure they can pass a citizenship test and ultimately vote.
And, know that even if the refugee flow into the country is slowing down, federal grants are still going out for various and sundry ‘needs’ of the refugee community.
The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is still sending out millions of dollars that is helping the contractors stay financially afloat through the Trump admissions slowdown.
(New readers might want to see that the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) recently ditched its longtime leader—-Lavinia Limon—here.)
Yes, elder refugees are eligible for Social Security benefits!
And, before I get to the story at the Albany Times Union about USCRI’s $180,000 grant, readers need to know that we admit refugees to the US who are over 65 years old and that they are eligible for Supplemental Security Income(see here).
Curious about how many senior citizen refugees we admit, I checked some numbers at Wrapsnet.
I couldn’t find an over all number so here are some selected ethnic groups.
From FY09 to today we admitted refugees over 65 years old from (I only looked up a few nationalities!):
Burma (1,844)
Bhutan (4,458)
Iraq (5,099)
Somalia (598)
Syria (207)
Surely, for the whole refugee population from every country, the number of refugees eligible for SSI in the last ten years must be 20,000-30,000!
And, I don’t know if the refugee industry advocates got rid of the rule (they were trying) that requires the senior refugee to attain citizenship in seven years or become ineligible to continue receiving their gratis SSI. (Too lazy this morning to search for it!) USCRI Albany is being paid by you, the US taxpayer, to help senior refugees get their servicesand is seeking volunteers in Albany because Albany has run out of American senior citizens in need of volunteer help.
And, btw, the volunteers will do the actual work while some USCRI staffer is paid with the grant money to ‘administer’ the program.
From the Albany Times Union:
ALBANY — When 64-year-old Raaida Aldabass first came to the U.S. from Syria one year ago, she used to cry every day that she wanted to go back to her country.
“But now it is better, she is happy because she’s learning the language,” Rana Safeih, Aldabass’ daughter, said in Arabic.
Aldabass is one of nearly 30 senior citizen refugees receiving ENL tutoring sessions.
These sessions are just one of multiple new services the Albany chapter of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants has been providing to its older refugee population after receiving a three-year, $180,000 grant in January 2017.
“The main idea is to connect refugees with already-existing services,” said Jake Slutzky, program coordinator at USCRI-Albany.
The program, called Services to Older Refugees, is broken up into two categories: community outreach and education, and intensive case management. USCRI provides their nearly 30 older refugees extensive assistance in areas such as housing, medical care, legal assistance and social integration, to name a few.
“Folks need to learn English and pass the U.S. citizenship test, but do not have the mobility to get to class,” Slutzky said. “Volunteers go to the refugees’ homes to teach them English at a time that the grandchildren or children who speak English are home, so they can help with the lesson. Besides helping with ENL, you’re helping an elderly person keep their mind active and become self-sufficient.”
More here.
And, this isn’t just happening in Albany, here is a story from Phoenix about elder refugees who have many needs, including mental health needs.
By the way, if you wonder why USCRI supports the DACA kids and every other group of illegal aliens here in the US, just know that if amnesty is granted, USCRI and the other contractors expect to be hired by the feds to help the ‘New Americans’ get their services too!
*** These are the nine federal contractors paid by you to place refugees in to hundreds of towns and cities via their subcontractors (see directory of offices).
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place those refugees and get them signed up for their services (like SSI)! USCRI is 98% taxpayer funded!
That would be Charlottesville, Virginia.
When I saw the story headline at something called The Daily Progress, I initially wasn’t going to bother reading the Op-Ed by Harriet Kuhrbecause I figured anything with Daily Progress in it would be some commie publication.
It is, in fact, the sole daily newspaper in the Charlottesville area, and the International Rescue Committeeis the only federal resettlement contractor working to change that portion of Virginia.
Opinion/Commentary: New immigration policies have been devastating
(Trump is a bad guy column!)
But, I’m glad I read it because opinion writer and International Rescue Committee‘s face in that city, Harriet Kuhr,has an important factual error that I see repeated by the Open Borders Left whenever they get a chance.
They say that Ronald Reagan is responsible for the Refugee Act of 1980. It just ain’t so.
He presided over it during its first year (as it admitted thousands escaping Communism), but it was the brainchild of Senator Ted Kennedy (who else!) and it was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter (who else!). See here March 18,1980. (It was 8 months later that Reagan whipped Carter by winning the Presidency.)
And, just so you know, when these Leftists try to make the program sound like it was a bipartisan effort they are spinning like tops. See the list of co-sponsors to the Kennedy bill (not exactly a balanced group):
Sen. Javits, Jacob K. [R-NY]
Sen. McGovern, George [D-SD]
Sen. Randolph, Jennings [D-WV]
Sen. Pell, Claiborne [D-RI]
Sen. Ribicoff, Abraham A. [D-CT]
Sen. Moynihan, Daniel Patrick [D-NY]
Sen. Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [D-NJ]
Sen. Riegle, Donald W., Jr. [D-MI]
Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]
Sen. Hatfield, Mark O. [R-OR]
Sen. Tsongas, Paul E. [D-MA] Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] [To this day, Delaware only takes less than 10 refugees a year!–ed]
So here is what Harriet is trying to sell to the good citizens of Charlottesville at The Daily Progress:
The Refugee Resettlement program is one of the United States’ most valued traditions.It is the bar that sets the standard for other resettlement programs; an effort above party politics that enshrined the core common values of our nation to tackle global problems right here: that families ought to be together; that our children should have a better future than we had; that hard work, persistence, strength, and character would be treasured in our great land. [Our children means something very different to me!—ed]
Ronald Reagan began this tradition, and his successors strengthened it. They understood that it supported our global leadership and national safety, and it stoked a humanitarian tradition, an entrepreneurial spirit, and collective economic success. [What a load of mumbo-jumbo!—ed]
This tradition is something we at IRC see come alive every day, thanks to the talented and resilient people we, and the Charlottesville community, have the opportunity to work with.
Read the rest of her pitch here and see comments. You can see our friend Jim Simpson has jumped in.
This other commenter, Brad London, immediately goes to the sorry old ‘you are a racist’ line and yammers about the Native Americans.
If he wants to give America back to the Indians, then I want to give North Africa and most of the Middle East back to its early inhabitants (before the Muslim invaders came)—to Christians and Jews!
Here is screenshot of the Simpson/London exchange. If you want to get in on the action, click here.
See my archive on the International Rescue Committeehere. It is the financially largest of the nine contractors that are paid to place refugees in to your towns and cities.
(Numbers in parenthesis below are the percentages of their funds that come involuntarily from you).
And, I will continue to repeat: as long as taxpayers pay for fake non-profit groups like these to distribute refugees around the country and then to politically organize against us (who disagree with them), the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed.