Is Minnesota's welcome mat still out for refugees?

That is the question that the Twin Cities Pioneer Press seeks to answer in a longish article published yesterday.
(Was it ever really out, or were Minnesotans kept in the dark and never asked?)
Employing a technique we have become accustomed to seeing, reporter Bob Shaw uses a family as his ‘poster family’ that seems to be the kind of people America can absorb—hardworking, speak English, grateful—so as to get your sympathy juices flowing.  But otherwise, I think it is was a pretty balanced and generally factual piece.
It’s long and chock-full of information.  Here are some snips that interested me and I wanted to comment on (emphasis is mine):

Minnesota has the highest number of refugees per capita nationwide, according to the U.S. Census and refugee-support agencies. With 2 percent of the nation’s population, Minnesota has 13 percent of its refugees.


The cutback in the refugee inflow has shaken Minnesota’s network of sponsoring agencies.  [I don’t believe we are told in this article that the “sponsoring agencies” are handsomely paid for their ‘charitable works.’—-ed]

Kim Crockett
Kim Crockett (Center of the American Experiment) said residents often don’t speak out or even ask questions of the process for fear of being called racists.

They say the more refugees, the better. They argue that refugees boost the economy, diversify our state and eventually pay back the costs of their resettlement.

Yet, refugees cost an estimated $107,000 each in food aid, medical expenses and other services, according to one researcher. Communities have no control over the in-flow of refugees, yet they must share the cost of supporting them. And, according to Kim Crockett, vice president of the Center of the American Experiment, a conservative think tank based in Golden Valley.

“No one ever asks taxpayers: ‘Do you want to support this?’ ” she said. “When we question this, we are told that is mean-spirited, bigoted and xenophobic.”

Refugee advocates made a huge mistake!

I’ve been giving this above a lot of thought lately and have concluded that the refugee industry made a huge blunder years ago in its treatment of local citizens.  Of course the refugee advocates and contractors*** thought they could go on forever keeping information secret from the local people and now once the locals see that they have been kept in the dark and are reacting, the only thing left for the industry is to pull out the “racist” label, thus making locals even angrier.
Pioneer Press continues with more on that Notre Dame study which doesn’t seem to me supports the idea that more refugees are good for Minnesota. Twenty years! It is going to take twenty years for taxpayers to be repaid for their generosity!

Refugees are free to apply for taxpayer-funded government aid, like any other residents. Nonprofit groups often help them apply.

A 2017 Notre Dame study on the economic outlook of refugees said that after 20 years, refugees are more likely than native-born residents to be receiving welfare and food-support payments — and they are also more likely to be employed.

What does that tell you? Employed at what? Obviously work (like meatpacking in MN!) that doesn’t pay enough to allow them to get off of welfare!
Crockett thinks that initial outlay is too high as well and points out that although this is a federal program, the feds have dumped huge costs on the taxpayers of Minnesota:

The refugee resettlement program is a federal effort, but the federal government “does not compensate Minnesota, or the local school districts, cities or counties, who may find themselves coping with large concentrations of refugees,” Crockett says. So when many refugees end up enrolled in Medicaid or assistance programs such as those for housing or transportation or language study, Minnesotans absorb the extra costs.

This next bit is always said in understanding tones—refugees want to live with their own kind of people, near their own cultural and ethnic kindred spirits and relatives. 

Little Mogadishu
The Star Tribune posted a glowing account of life in Little Mogadishu (Minneapolis) last year.  Can you ever imagine such a story about a neighborhood that was proud of (and attempted to retain) its Christian English roots.  Why aren’t there calls (using words like racist and xenophobic) for Somalis to “welcome” diversity to their neighborhoods?

But, here is what I want to know—-why is that same understanding not given to people with European roots? Why are we told we aren’t permitted to seek out our kind of people, but it is so acceptable for say Somalis (and other refugee groups) to develop enclaves?  

Why isn’t that Somali, who wants to live with his kind, never called a racist?

The state doesn’t keep track of refugees who arrive in the U.S. and then move to Minnesota. But the federal government does.

Minnesota accepted 4,523 refugees in the two-year period ending Sept. 30, 2015, according to the federal Office of Refugee Settlement. But at the same time, a second wave arrived — 3,864 refugees who moved from other states to Minnesota.

Minnesota’s secondary migration was larger than all other states combined. Second-place Iowa had 442 refugees moving from other states. [The story doesn’t tell you that most of the secondary migrants are Somalis and a few other African ethnic groups.—ed]

In other words, as soon as they have a choice of where to live, many refugees choose Minnesota.

“Minnesota has been a magnet,” said Bob Oehrig, director of Arrive Ministries in Richfield, an agency that handles refugees. He said Minnesota has what refugees want — jobs, good social welfare programs, and plenty of people from their home country [Somalia!—-ed].

There is much more here for you to chew on!

Strategic error!

***These (below) are the nine major federal contractors making decisions about who comes to your towns and cities. They are paid by the head to place refugees and are now in budgetary panic-mode as the Trump Administration slows the flow to America.
At some point in the last three decades they made a strategic (fatal?) error when they chose to act in secrecy and treat local communities and citizens with disdain and vilification instead of trying to be honest and understanding of concerns people have for their security, their culture and their wallets.  As a result the backlash against them is real and growing!

Mohamed is third most popular boy's name in St. Cloud, MN

Did you see the news that in Austria it is number three as well? At Breitbart here a few days ago.
Since Pew Research can’t seem to get the numbers (and growth!) of the Muslim population accurately pinned down, maybe this informal way of gauging an increase where you live can be used!

St. Cloud hospital
St. Cloud Hospital costs for interpreter services have jumped dramatically since 2010.

Here Leo Hohmann at WND tells us Mohamed (spelling varies) is now the third most popular boys name in the maternity ward at St. Cloud hospital when in 2013 it wasn’t even in the top 20.

We already know this is happening in London and Paris. [And Austria!—ed]

St. Cloud Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota, came out with its annual list of top 10 most popular baby names for 2017, and No. 3 on the list of boys’ names was a bit of a surprise.

No. 1 – Henry
No. 2 – Liam
No. 3 – Mohamed
No. 4 – Jack
No. 5 – Nolan
No. 6 – William
No. 7 – Jackson
No. 8 – Logan
No. 9 – Wyatt
No. 10 – Grayson

The hospital has been publicizing its top baby names for boys and girls for as long as anyone can remember, but this is the first time the namesake of the Islamic prophet ended up in the top five.

In fact, as recently as 2013 the hospital published a list of its “Top 20” most popular baby names, and Mohamed was nowhere to be found.

But in 2015, the name Mohamed showed up for the first time, coming in at No. 6 on the list of boy’s names.

The vast majority of Muslims in Minnesota are refugees from Somalia, and the Somalis have large families. Just since 2002, the U.S. State Department, in cooperation with the United Nations, has distributed more than 54,000 Somali refugees into Minnesota cities and towns.

Cost of interpreters is through the roof!  

(The other day I told you again about the Bill Clinton executive order that requires this cost to be absorbed locally).

…..the St. Cloud Hospital has been struggling to keep up with heavy translator costs due to the large number of Somali men, women and children receiving medical attention. In 2010, the translation costs were about $400,000, but by fiscal 2017 those costs soared to $1.7 million. The city started getting large numbers of refugees in 2008, and 10 years later the demographics of the city have been completely transformed.

St. Cloud Hospital serves three counties: Stearns, Benton and Sherburne.

“These are big, big numbers, these numbers are huge,” said area resident Ron Branstner. “I have complained about these translation costs at schools, medical facilities, courts and 911 center to our local councils to no avail.

Continue reading, much more here.
I have an extensive archive on St. Cloud, click here, and learn about the resistance there.

Refugees, which is it: Meatpacker laborers or helping the "oppressed?"

Ali Noorani of the National Immigration Forum tries both arguments in USA Today.

ali noorani twitter
Ali Noorani on twitter: @anoorani

I wasn’t planning to post on one more hysterical story about Trump refugee numbers being low and thus decimating the refugee contractor industry, but I can’t resist mentioning one little bit of the story entitled:

Refugee admissions to U.S. plummet in 2017

Before I get to Noorani, Mark Krikorian summed it up with this:

“Elections have consequences,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates for lower levels of legal and illegal immigration. “This is what he said he’s going to do, and he’s doing it.”

Readers, for years and years, refugee advocates pretended they have nothing to do with the global meatpacking industry and its ‘need’ for cheap migrant labor, but now even savvy DC operatives like Noorani trot out the argument feigning concern for Midwestern economies.

Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, which has advocated for a higher refugee cap, said many Midwestern cities depend on refugees to work in the meat-packing and poultry plants that sustain their struggling economies.

Okay and if that establishment Rightwing argument doesn’t float your boat, he moves on to moral duties, historic roles and oppressed people so he can hit the Leftwingers too:

As more migrants are fleeing their homelands, Noorani said now is the worst possible time for the U.S. to retreat from its historic role as a “moral beacon” for the oppressed.

“There are ways to help refugees get to places of safety and begin a new life that serves the American interest,” Noorani said. “Past administrations have been able to do that. This administration is not that so interested.”

American interest? Or global meatpackers’ interest (subsidized by US taxpayers)?

Dakota Provisions
Photo credit: Me

This “new life to serve American interests” was on full display in a Washington Post story (hat tip: Melanie) the other day about a South Dakota turkey plant and how it gets its migrant laborers (this time plane loads from Puerto Rico to join the refugee labor force, but they have to pay back their airfare out of their paychecks!).
It made me sick, especially because I traveled to Huron in the summer of 2016 to see how that plant, Dakota Provisions, was changing (forever) the city of Huron.
Is this what Noorani thinks “serves the American interest?”  Grover’s interests maybe?

If I ever stop writing this blog, I’m writing a modern day “The Jungle.”  It is long overdue!

I can happily skip eating turkey!

Minneapolis woman stabbed by Somali in mid-December is speaking out

But, she has also left the state for her own safety!

What the hell is going on with the police in Minneapolis?

Leo Hohmann has the latest at his new website, click here.  See my earlier post on the attack here.
Below are a few snips from Hohmann’s detailed (update) report:

The tragic story of what happened to Morgan Evenson two weeks before Christmas is starting to gain traction in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Morgan evenson
Evenson gave the police a very detailed description of her attacker!

Ignored by the city’s largest newspaper, the Star Tribune, a second local TV station picked up the story Tuesday about the brutal attack by a Somali migrant that left the 26-year-old woman in a hospital bed with 14 stab wounds and a lacerated kidney.

It’s been nearly three weeks since a man described as a Somali immigrant attacked Evenson while she was walking home from work in uptown Minneapolis, slashing and stabbing her relentlessly while trying to drag her off of a public street.

She did not know the man and has no idea why he attacked her.


The fact that a Somali migrant targeted a young white woman while walking alone, and that he remains on the loose, has women watching their backs.

Several women told Fox 9 KMSP they are afraid to walk alone on the streets of this popular shopping district that they previously thought was safe.

And now the victim herself is speaking out, revealing new information about her attacker that cast doubt upon the official police narrative about what happened that night.


After being released from the hospital Evenson immediately moved out of state and said she fears for the safety of her friends still living in uptown Minneapolis….

Go here and see what she says about the attack and her attacker and what she wants to do!

And, see Hohmann’s discussion about the Minneapolis police department that seems to be controlled by the local Imams, putting their sensitivities before the safety of the non-immigrant community that still lives in Minneapolis.
For those reading RRW for the first time, go here (one of my all time top posts) and see who is responsible for Minneapolis becoming the Somali capital of America. Hint: Initially it was three of the refugee contractors listed below. But, last I looked, 5 or 6 of them have set up shop in “welcoming” Minnesota.

Michigan: Do we see a new trick by the US State Department to keep information from citizens?

For new readers, and for seasoned activists too, we have been telling you for several years to obtain your R & P Abstracts for your city.

The R & P Abstract (Reception and Placement Abstract) is prepared by your local resettlement agencies each year in advance of the new fiscal year which begins October 1 (we are now in FY18) which outlines a kind of wishlist for the number of refugees your city has the ‘capacity’ to absorb, from where they will come, and what amenities your community has to offer.

Those amenities include housing, jobs, medical care, schools, etc.

To see examples of these important planning documents, see here about Reno, Nevada, and here about St. Cloud, MN.

The Abstract is prepared by a local non-profit group refugee office and then goes up the chain to one of nine major federal resettlement contractors*** who present them to the US State Department in order for the DOS to prepare the President’s Annual Determination and for the contractor to get its federal bucks (on a per refugee head basis).

You will find the Abstract very informative, that is, if you can get it!

Keeping the Abstracts from the public is part of the secrecy game going on with the US Refugee Admissions Program!

If you call your local resettlement office (see list here) they will either tell you that you can’t have a recent Abstract (ask for FY18) or will pretend they don’t know what you are talking about.

Now to Michigan….

Everyone should visit Dearborn once in your life!

After running in to the roadblocks set up by the refugee contractors, the leaders at Secure Michigan have in the past gotten their Abstracts by doing a state public information act request (like the Freedom of Information Act at the federal level).

Not this year!

Incredibly the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees a state refugee coordinator, told Secure Michigan that quote:

“We do not have the resettlement agency proposals you are requesting.  We no longer receive them.”

Just think about that, the Michigan DHHS is not able to see the plans that some non-profit contractors have with the federal government to place refugees in Michigan cities.

The state is not permitted to know what nationalities are coming, where refugees will likely work, what housing opportunities are available in various cities and so forth?

And, here is the takeaway for me: If the state doesn’t have the Abstracts, they can’t be obtained by you—taxpaying citizens—through public information act requests!

The MDHHS went on to say:

The US Department of State chart is the only data we have regarding his request” 

Here are the raw (anticipated) numbers for Michigan:

Screenshot (1187)_LI
At the present rate of entry, Michigan will be lucky to get 600-800 refugees this year. Resettlement contractors will be hurting for taxpayer dollars. 


I just checked Wrapsnet and so far this fiscal year, just short of two months, Michigan has received a grand total of 96 refugees. If this pace continues, Michigan would be looking at 600-800 for the year.

If you would like to try to get your FY18 R & P Abstract, go here and find which offices are operating in your city (remember they can place refugees from 50-100 miles from this office).

Call those local offices and ask for the R & P Abstract for this year, FY18.  If they refuse, then call your state refugee coordinator (list here) and ask that person. If the coordinator gives you a runaround then consider doing a freedom of information request using your state’s laws (you should be able to find templates for that request on line).

Don’t forget Congress!

And, to make your elected officials earn their keep. Contact your US Congressman’s office and ask him or her to get you the FY18 R & P Abstract for whichever resettlement offices are working where you live.

To have even more fun, call your local elected officials (mayor, council, etc) and ask them if they have the plans, the R & P Abstract, for your town or city. I’ll bet they don’t and I will bet that they have no clue what you are even talking about—dereliction of duty in my opinion!

By the way, not to hammer the point too hard (but I will!), the Heritage Foundation clearly has no clue about the resettlement process and the secrecy surrounding it as there is no mention of YOUR issue (the problems impacting you where you live) in their “reform” proposal that focuses on America looking good to foreign governments!

This post is filed in my ‘What you can do’ category, here.

***These are the nine federal refugee contractors (paid by you) making plans for your towns and cities. See that Michigan has six of the nine bidding for bodies from the US State Department.