Trump State Dept. gives Aussies information we don’t have….

…..that the first of Australia’s illegal alien detainees have been notified that they will be coming to your towns within weeks!

Trump grin and Tillerson
Australian media learns before we do that Australia’s rejected asylum seekers will begin arriving in unsuspecting American towns within weeks.

That news tells us that the White House has determined to begin admitting a new batch of third worlders on October 1 and thus clearly has chosen to not suspend the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program while Americans are suffering (Harvey, Irma and now Maria).

As of  this writing the Presidential determination and accompanying report (which would outline how many we will take from Australian detention centers) has not been released to us—those paying for it and those who will have to live with the arrivals, reportedly from Bangladesh, Sudan and Burma (Rohingya Muslims)!

Was all of Trump’s ‘America First’ rhetoric at the UN yesterday just that—rhetoric?

Here is the Reuters news this morning about the Obama deal Trump called “dumb,” but nevertheless is apparently honoring starting today in order to save Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s political skin!

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Wednesday the first group of about 50 men and woman held in two controversial detention centers for asylum-seekers on remote Pacific islands will be resettled in the United States within weeks.

Nauru refugees
America! Here we come! The detainees are mostly men who have lived in a men-only camp, some for as long as four years.

The comments mark the first official timetable for when the United States will begin resettling up to 1,250 people held in Australian-run centers on Nauru and Papua New Guinea’s Manus island as part of a refugee swap deal struck by former U.S. President Barack Obama late last year.

Australia will begin resettling several dozen Central American refugees within weeks under the deal that U.S. President Donald Trump has described as “dumb” but has nevertheless said Washington will honor.

“There will be about 25 from both Manus and Nauru will be going to the United States and I just want to thank again President Trump for continuing with that arrangement,” Turnbull said in a video statement.

Three sources familiar with the process said about 25 men from countries such as Bangladesh, Sudan, and Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar held on Manus island were the first to be told on Wednesday, with a similar number on Nauru to be told Thursday.

One Sudanese refugee approved for resettlement told Reuters he would leave Manus Island in a few days. [If they are being notified, you know its a done deal!—ed]

Continue here.

This is something we would have expected from Obama, but we didn’t expect Trump to agree to this extremely unusual arrangement—taking another country’s rejected asylum seekers (and mostly Muslims to boot!).

In exchange some Central American economic migrants not even in the US will go to Australia as the benefit we get from the ‘deal.’

For new readers, my extensive archive on the Trump “dumb deal” is here.

If you want to tell the White House what you think, click here. Tell him you should be notified about which cities and towns will be ‘welcoming’ them.

Get ready for Rohingya! Refugee flavor of the year…

Burma OIC
In 2013 the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (57 Muslim countries), which has a powerful UN presence, wanted to open an office in Burma to ‘aid’ the Rohingya. Here fearless Buddhist monks said ‘no way.’ Read those signs!


Maybe you haven’t noticed yet, but Syrian refugees are last years’ refugee poster children. 

Now the media is moving on to the Rohingya (click here for what I think is the best pronunciation). Everywhere I turn there is media coverage of the Burmese Buddhist government attempting to limit the expansion and disruptive influence of its Muslim minority population.

I want to move on to other topics this morning, so I can’t possibly fill you in on ten years of posts I’ve written (203 so far) on the Rohingya problem.  Someone should write a book and I’ve done a lot of research for wannabe authors in my category called Rohingya Reports, here.

But, I want you to know this morning that the strife in Burma (aka Myanmar) with the Muslim Rohingya (fleeing to Bangladesh, a Muslim country) is being placed front and center at the UN just as President Trump speaks there today.

Here is Amnesty International taking its whack. Surprisingly, there is one little line in this article that you don’t usually see as most reports depict the Rohingya as pure as the driven snow.  And, of course, it is ALL Trump’s fault!

“The USA’s policy towards refugees has to be viewed in a global context. In the shadow of Trump’s cruel policies, other countries around the world have continued to dehumanize refugees and turn their backs on them,” said Salil Shetty.

Salil Shetty
Salil Shetty: “…Trump’s cruel policies…”

“Whether it’s the EU condemning refugees to abuse and exploitation at the hands of criminal gangs in Libya, or Australia subjecting refugees to severe physical and psychological damage in its offshore detention centers, rich countries have contributed substantially to the alarming deterioration of refugee rights.

“It is against this backdrop of governments’ callous treatment of people fleeing conflict and violence that the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis is unfolding before our eyes in Bangladesh.”

Bangladesh is a Muslim country and most Burmese believe the Rohingya are just a Bangladeshi ethnic group that illegally inserted itself in Burma decades ago.

Trump is getting an earful in New York this week, but he likely will never be told about the last few words in this paragraph….

World leaders gathering in New York for this year’s UN General Assembly are expected to discuss the spiraling situation in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, from where the long-persecuted Rohingya population have been forced to flee because of an unlawful and totally disproportionate military response to attacks by a Rohingya armed group.

Gotta give Amnesty a little credit, they are at least reporting that the Rohingya have been agitators of recent waves of violence.

You need to know! This is not about some far off Asian country!

We have admitted 19,110 Burmese Muslims to the US since FY07 (according to Wrapsnet).

One of the contractors welcoming the devout Rohingya to your towns and cities is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. See my story, here, in 2013.

When a Leftist Pope gets between a rock and a hard place (laugh of the day)

Or more specifically when he gets between the Muslims and the Buddhists in Burma.

Scratching his head: How can two “peaceful” religions be killing each other?

Burmese monks
See my report on the recent violence here:


See Pope in a pickle by George Neumayr at American Spectator (hat tip: Judy).

(Before you go on with your laugh, you need to know that the Buddhists do not recognize the label ‘Rohingya’ because they think the Muslims in Burma (aka Myanmar) are  simply Bangladeshi Muslims who moved into Burma illegally and deserve no special label. I’ve followed the issue for ten years and have a huge archive, Rohingya Reports, here. The latest outbreak of violence that began in 2012 resulted from a brutal rape and murder of a Buddhist girl by a gang of Muslims, something the media never mentions! You also need to know that the US has admitted thousands of Rohingya to America, most of them arriving in recent years.)

American Spectator:

In late August, the New York Times reported on a controversy only a pope like Francis would bother to court. Like many of his fellow Jesuits, Pope Francis exudes enthusiasm for every religion except his own. Out of this hyper-ecumenism has come a torrent of flaky tributes to what his predecessors would have called “false religions” and silly trips to remote countries with almost no Catholics. The Times reported on one such upcoming trip to Myanmar/Burma: “Pope’s Planned Visit to Myanmar Risks Stoking Religious Tensions.”

Screenshot (827)
Pope to Burma in November—watch for it! Should be fun!

The tensions to which the article refers don’t involve Catholics. There aren’t enough of them around to start a fight. The article refers to the fighting between Muslims and Buddhists. The latter group evidently finds the pope’s Islamophilia annoying and wants him to keep his nose out of their business. In February, Pope Francis rebuked Burma’s Buddhists for mistreating Muslims from Bangladesh who call themselves the Rohingya: “They have been suffering, they are being tortured and killed, simply because they uphold their Muslim faith.”


Besides, talking about his “Rohingya brothers” gives him a break from the difficult work of having to explain away jihad. Here is an opportunity, as Vatican correspondent Sandro Magister pointed out, where he can defend Muslims in the role of the persecuted instead of the persecuting. But the problem, as Magister notes, is that it also puts him in the awkward position of criticizing Buddhism, another religion that he is inclined to cast as impeccably peaceful. Maybe he can find a way to blame the tensions on Catholics, whose numbers in Burma’s dioceses have swelled to the point where they can fit into the back of a mini-van.

The Times gingerly approaches this squabbling among two groups of religionists it normally wants to protect and sanitize. The Times is also loath to criticize an interfering liberal pope. But even from its elliptical reporting one gets the sense that the Buddhists would prefer that the pope virtue-signal somewhere else…

This is a must read for those of you who love irony (and how dumb Leftist drivel gets them in trouble).

Continue here.


As violence in Burma escalates, US resettling more Rohingya Muslims

I don’t want to have to write a book (although I have written 201 posts on the topic at my Rohingya Reports category), so I’ll be brief with the background.

Burma is a Buddhist country and they want to keep it that way (I’m not judging them, you may).  So as a result, the US has for years been taking tens of thousands of ‘refugees’ representing Burmese minority religions. The largest numbers have been Christians.

Burmese monks
Burmese monks: No fear about political correctness! Imagine such a banner on a French or British street! (Or, San Francisco for that matter!)


So when I saw this latest news about an uptick in violence between the Buddhists and Muslims (Rohingya) by the Associated Press (story below), I had a check of  the number of Burmese being admitted to the US and how many are Muslims.

This isn’t just a story about far away Burma, this effects you—Americans—too!

The important takeaway from the numbers is that we brought no Rohingya to America in the first year I wrote RRW (2007), but I see that this year (2017) just over a quarter of the ‘refugees’ admitted from Burma are Muslim according to Wrapsnet.

The AP story references the 2012 riots between the Rohingya and Buddhists.  I saw the reports as they were coming in and the media shamefully never mentions that the fuse was lit that year when a Buddhist girl was raped and murdered by a gang of Muslim criminals.

Here are the facts about Rohingya resettlement to America:

In FY2008: We admitted 18,139 Burmese ‘refugees’ to America. The vast majority were Christians. None were Muslim.

I then checked numbers for FY2012: We admitted 14,160 ‘refugees’ from Burma and only 759 were Muslims (5%). After that year the numbers have steadily risen.

This year, so far in FY2017, we have admitted 4,803 Burmese and 1,269 are listed as Muslim (26%).

Here is the AP story which should be entitled, ‘Rohingya insurgent group takes responsibility for latest violence.’  Instead that news is 19 paragraphs down in the story.

burmese monks UNHCR
A picture worth a thousand words—UN High Commissioner for Refugees supports terror group. At least one portion of the red type says: NGOs get out! Politically correct they are not!

Violence in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state has driven thousands of ethnic Rohingya Muslims fleeing toward Bangladesh for safety, along with a smaller exodus of ethnic Rakhine Buddhists.

A majority of the country’s estimated 1 million Rohingya live in the northern part of Rakhine state, where Rohingya insurgents launched coordinated attacks last week against police posts, setting off allegedly brutal retaliation by government forces.

Human rights groups and advocates for the Rohingya say the army retaliated by burning down villages and shooting civilians. The government blames Rohingya insurgents for the violence, including the arson.


Tension has long been high between the Rohingya Muslims and Rakhine Buddhists, leading to bloody rioting in 2012.

Most of the violence since last week seems to be directed at Rohingya villages, but Rakhine Buddhists, feeling unsafe after the upsurge in fighting, are moving south to the state’s capital, Sittwe, where Buddhists are a majority and have greater security.


A Rohingya insurgent group, the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, or ARSA, took responsibility for last week’s attacks on more than 25 locations, saying they were in defense of Rohingya communities.

More here.

Sure hope DHS is doing some “extreme vetting” on the Rohingya arriving in your towns and cities.

Malaysian government ticked-off at UNHCR for not sharing refugee data, fear ISIS infiltration

Thanks to Joanne for sending this very useful story about how a government of a Muslim country, fearing terrorist infiltration of the refugee flow in to their country, can’t get the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to share data on those the UNHCR has given refugee ID cards to in Malaysia!

Why should this interest us in America?

Because already in this fiscal year (2017) we have admitted refugees of several nationalities to the US from this ‘refugee’ pool maintained by UNHCR in Malaysia!  (See below from Wrapsnet)

Before I even give you the story, keep in mind that as of June 30th, 2017, 2,704 ‘refugees’ have arrived in the US from Malaysia!

From Free Malaysia Today:

Story entitled:

Let us vet your refugee database, govt tells UNHCR


Fear of Islamic State militants and other undesirables entering the country under guise of refugees sees home ministry pressing for more cooperation from UN agency.

PETALING JAYA: With concerns over the movement of Islamic State (IS) militants into Sabah and other entry points in the country, the government has asked the United Nations agency responsible for refugees to share its database of refugees in Malaysia, Channel NewsAsia reported.

Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan spoke of the fear that some IS militants may have slipped into Malaysia and obtained refugee cards issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in order to move freely in the country.

Some refugees being processed to the US from Malaysia are Burmese Rohingya Muslims. Photo:

“The UNHCR has issued cards but the home ministry is not involved in the process of vetting at all. They don’t collect biometric data.

“This does not help our enforcement effort especially on transnational crime, human trafficking and terrorism. So we want to know whether any IS links have penetrated their numbers,” Nur Jazlan was quoted as saying by the Singapore-based news broadcaster.

There are said to be about 150,000 refugees and asylum seekers currently carrying the UNHCR card.

“The refugee numbers reported by the UNHCR keeps increasing. And since the Malaysian public now is very concerned about the presence and high numbers of foreigners, it’s time the government identifies and closes all loopholes where they can enter. And the UNHCR route is one of them,” the deputy minister told CNA.


The UNHCR website reveals that there are 149,200 refugees and asylum seekers registered with the agency in Malaysia as of June 2017.

About 90% of these refugees are from Myanmar, with the remaining made up of Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Yemenis, Somalis, Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans and Palestinians.

More here.

Of course I am sure you are saying, well golly, most of these are from Muslim countries and so is Malaysia, so why can’t they stay there? (But that would not help advance the Hijra!).

Here is a screen shot of the data base page showing that in this FY alone we process 2,704 that the UN has chosen for us in Malaysia!



To learn more about processing countries, go here.