Only Malta and Finland on target to take allocated migrants from Italy and Greece under EU 'sharing' scheme

“All these measures have the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility at their core – a principle that binds each member state.”

(Frans Timmermans)

Invasion of Europe news….
If you are a regular reader of RRW, you know that Italy and Greece have taken the brunt of the invasion of Europe as those two countries are the most easily reached from Africa and the Middle East.  You also know that a complete and shameful lack of will several years ago by the European Union to turn boats back to the African (or Turkish) coast resulted in a wave of hundreds of thousands of migrants attempting to get to Europe.

I’d like to ask the European Commissions first VP, Timmermans, what is fair about demanding that countries that wanted the boats turned back years ago are now expected to take a certain number of migrants because big, prosperous countries like Germany, France and others had no spine.

Of course Italy and Greece can’t manage the numbers, so a ‘sharing’ scheme was designed in 2015 where European Commission member states were apportioned a certain number of the mostly economic migrants to welcome to their countries.
Below is a screenshot showing how many each country was expected to take and how many each had agreed to.
Here is the latest news! Surprise! Quotas are not being met!  Only Malta and Finland are on target we are told.
If you think none of this involves us—Americans! Think again!
Most maddening to me is that Malta is getting praised for being on target when we, the US, take about 500 fake refugees off their hands each year!
See my recent post on this outrageous relocation of mostly African boat people to your towns that began in the Bush Administration.
From The Guardian:

European countries have accepted less than 10% of the 160,000 refugees they promised to move to safety from unsanitary and cramped camps in Italy and Greece, leading the European commission to warn it will “accept no more excuses”.

Only 13,546 relocations have been carried out so far – 3,936 from Italy and 9,610 from Greece – amounting to just 8% of the total the EU committed to relocate in 2015.

Just two member states, Malta and Finland, have met their resettling obligations under the relocation scheme that will close in September.


Despite February setting a monthly record with about 1,940 relocations, the pace of relocation is still well below the targets of at least 3,000 a month from Greece and at least 1,500 from Italy.

Hungary, Austria and Poland refuse to participate in the relocation scheme. The Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovakia are doing so on a “very limited basis”. The UK, which can opt out on parts of European asylum policy, has chosen not to participate.

During a press conference in Brussels, the commissioner for migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, warned that infringement proceedings against member states, including huge daily fines, could soon be levied.

Continue reading here.
As I understand it, these numbers represent migrants who have not already been approved through a normally long asylum process. If I am right about that, then The Guardian’s chart calling them “refugees” is inaccurate. They should be referred to as ‘migrants.’
This is a screenshot of the 2015 allocation goals (from The Guardian): what the European Commission expects and what countries actually agreed to.  The numbers may have changed since 2015, but you get the idea….
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here (it extends back many years). My Malta archive goes back to 2007 or 2008, see here.
President Trump supposedly stopped the flow from Malta to America in his first immigration order. It isn’t clear to me whether that survived the court challenge.  We will know more in a few days.

Germany attempting to root out refugee jihadists, watching 570

The clincher to this story is in the last sentence.  570 “dangerous” refugees are being watched.  Surely they could get rid of them before they commit a terrorist act!
And, how many more are still unknown to them?
Invasion of Europe news….
From Newsline:

German police arrested two migrants from Syria and one from Bosnia on Thursday in Dusseldorf. The arrest was for alleged war crimes in war-torn Syria, including the mass murder of three dozen civilians back in 2013.

I’m guessing that Mama Merkel is trying to look tough in the lead-up to German elections this year.

Federal prosecutors said that 35-year-old Syrian refugee, Abdalfatah H. A., a suspected member of the Al-Qaida linked Al-Nusra Front is accused of 36 counts of war crimes for executing 36 Syrian government employees in 2013.

Another Syrian refugee, 26-year-old Abdulrahman A. A., also a member of the Al-Nusra Front is accused of handling the funds, vehicles and weapons for one of the combat units of the jihadist group.


On a separate arrest, the southern state of Bavaria said that authorities have arrested a 33-year-old Bosnian, who was suspected of suppling vehicles to the Sunni militia, Janud al-Sham.

German Federal prosecutors have launched about a dozen investigations on war crimes committed in Syria and Iraq, as well as multiple cases of refugees being suspected of membership to jihadist groups.

Germany’s population of Islamic extremists has risen from 100 individuals in 2013, it had swell to 1,600 in a span of four years. The German security and intelligence agency (BfV) said that they are keeping close tabs on about 570 individuals who they consider as ‘dangerous’ and are capable of orchestrating terror attacks.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here, and dozens of posts on Germany are here.

South Africa: Is the Rainbow Nation headed to black on black riots again?

But wait! This can’t be, South Africa is the mecca of welcome, haven’t we been told that for decades?  And, haven’t we been told that blacks cannot be racist and xenophobic?  That is what the mainstream media wants us to believe even as South Africa’s ongoing xenophobia proves the lie!

South African blacks are unwelcoming toward their fellow Africans. How can this be?

There are a bunch of stories this morning on the latest round of tensions between migrants coming in to the country and the local South African blacks who see them as drug dealers and thieves who abuse their women and steal their jobs.

So why should you care in America?

Because we bring hundreds of those illegal migrants who get to South Africa from elsewhere on the continent as REFUGEES to your towns and cities.  Checking Wrapsnet this morning I see that we admitted 364 from South Africa to America just in the first 4 months of this fiscal year alone!
I doubt that any of the 364 ‘refugees’ are white South Africans!

I wonder if the Trump Admin. will subject them to “extreme vetting.” One of the reasons I think their 7-country focus is a dumb idea is that we get unvettable fake refugees from all over the world.

Here is the latest from one publication (Quartz Media):

Pretoria, South Africa

South Africa’s capital was gripped by anger on Friday (Feb. 24) as a march against illegal immigration stoked fear, violence and xenophobia.

A group calling themselves the Mamelodi Concerned Residents from a township in Pretoria staged a march against what they see as South Africa’s lax immigration policies, distributing an inflammatory flyer that stated:

“Zimbabweans, Nigerians, Pakistanis etc. are not our countrymen. Zimbabweans, Nigerians, Pakistanis etc. bring nothing but destruction; hijack our buildings sell drugs, inject young south African ladies with drugs and sell them as prostitutes. How is that helping us? They have destroyed beloved Johannesburg and now they are destroying Pretoria.”

Pay attention! I repeat: This hatred for African migrants is coming from mostly black Africans!

Despite the group’s purported focus on immigration policy, the demonstration had far more sinister undertones that erupted onto the streets as open hatred for African migrants. All month, there were sporadic attacks on the homes and businesses of Malawians, Nigerians and Somalis. Many feared this was a precursor to the deadly violence seen in 2008 and 2015.

Continue reading here, there are lots of photos.
More here yesterday.  See this video too….

Go here for our South Africa archive, we have followed the Rainbow Nation lie for years.

Send this story and others like it around.  It is important that alternative media let the world know that there is a big lie going on in South Africa—that it is a welcoming rainbow nation!—and that the mainstream media works very hard to keep the myth alive.

LOL! I wonder if the Southern Poverty Law Center could add all of black South Africa to its ‘haters’ list.  Nah! The ‘haters’ are the wrong color!

Right on cue! Immigrant riots break out in Sweden

Although such crime and riots are not new to us, apparently a very large number of liberals (and some Republicans too!) did not know that Sweden was so close to the edge.

Stockholm immigrant neighborhood set ablaze. Trump is right!

But actually of greater interest than the fact that this latest violence seemed to break out on cue after Donald Trump commented Saturday on the trouble Sweden was having with Muslim migrants, is the fact that CNN this morning actually reported on it!
Here is CNN:

Stockholm, Sweden (CNN)Riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood of Stockholm Monday night, as residents clashed with police officers and set vehicles on fire, Swedish police say.

Officers were forced to call in reinforcements when a crowd began to gather in the suburb of Rinkeby during the arrest of a suspect, according to a statement from Stockholm police.

Stockholm regional police chief Ulf Johansson said the clashes may have been a result of their “increased pressure on criminals in the area.”

The clashes come days after US President Donald Trump suggested that immigrants in Sweden were to blame for an increase in crime across the country.

In recent years, Sweden has taken in more refugees per capita than any other European country, which has fueled tensions and caused a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment.


In 2013, large scale riots flared for a week in the Swedish capital, with gangs setting fire to schools and a police station.

In 2015, more than 160,000 people — many from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan — arrived in Sweden seeking asylum.
The country granted asylum to 101,025 refugees — about 1% of the total population — from 2012 to 2015.

Continue reading here.
CNN, however, can’t let go of two things.  One, there is a brief mention of the high unemployment rate of the migrants. No kidding! So how on earth does the Swedish government think they are going to afford tens of thousands of restless young Middle Eastern men? (Call it Sweden’s suicide wish!)
These migrants are also dumb or they would be reading the news, have restrained themselves for a few weeks, and not have given Trump a victory.
And, CNN could not resist quoting some Swedes laughing at Donald Trump who deny that anything is amiss even in the face of overwhelming evidence that they have a problem.
Our entire Sweden archive is here. And, see our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Trump is right about Sweden; it has long been my pick for the first EU country to fall

…anyone who wants to find out how not to handle a migration crisis is welcome to pay us [Sweden] a visit.

(Tove Lifvendahl)

Invasion of Europe news…..
Everyone talks about France and Germany, but, for years, my money has been on Sweden as the first country to fall to the tide of overwhelming Muslim migration.
If you don’t know what Trump said at his rally in Florida on Saturday, look it up. He did not say Sweden had a terrorist attack.  In fact, what is happening to Sweden is worse than a one-off Islamic terror incident. Mass Muslim migration is taking down the whole taxpayer-supported safety net, and ultimately (I don’t see how they get out of it) Sweden, as we know it, will not exist.

The Spectator article is mild compared to what you can quickly find on Sweden’s migrant crisis elsewhere. Like this:

We have an extensive archive on Sweden, go here and see what I mean.  And, as you look through those posts from over the years, remember that we—America—cannot copy Sweden’s disastrous model!
When the Muslim population reaches a critical level, their supremacism kicks in! (Hijra!)

This is one of several articles we will likely see in the coming days that confirms the grievous error made by the politically correct majority of Swedes.
From Tove Lifvendahl at The Spectator (from last fall):

For a British boy to be killed by a grenade attack anywhere is appalling, but for it to happen in a suburb of Gothenburg should shatter a few illusions about Sweden. Last week’s murder of eight-year-old Yuusuf Warsame fits a pattern that Swedes have come slowly to recognise over the years. He was from Birmingham, visiting relatives, and was caught up in what Swedish police believe is a gang war within the Somali community. Last year, a four-year-old girl was killed by a car bomb outside Gothenburg, another apparent victim of gang violence.

For years, Sweden has regarded itself as a ‘humanitarian superpower’ — making its mark on the world not by fighting wars but by offering shelter to war’s victims. Refugees have arrived here in extraordinary numbers. Over the past 15 years, some 650,000 asylum-seekers made their way to Sweden. Of the 163,000 who arrived last year, 32,000 were granted asylum. Sweden accepts more refugees in proportion to size of population than any other nation in the developed world — when it comes to offering shelter, no one does it better. But when it comes to integrating those we take in (or finding the extra housing, schools and healthcare needed for them), we don’t do so well.

It may be news to the rest of the world, but gang warfare has been a feature of our country for years now.


‘If you are not prepared, you are unprepared.’ These are the words of Fredrik Reinfeldt, our former prime minister, and perfectly sum up Sweden’s migration crisis. We still hear politicians defiantly claim that our country is a humanitarian superpower — but they don’t do so as often, and they sound distinctly less smug when they do. The Swedish Way might not shine quite as brightly as a beacon to the world. But anyone who wants to find out how not to handle a migration crisis is welcome to pay us a visit.

Continue reading here.
I disagree with one point here, “politicians” do not deserve all the blame, it was the naive Swedes themselves, after all, who voted these ‘leaders’ in to office!
Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.