Idaho: Iranian-American Pastor says stop Muslim immigration to America

Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim, told an audience in Twin Falls, Idaho on Monday night that more Muslim immigration to America is a threat to our national security.

FILER • A pastor from Washington state who is best known for preaching against Islam, said Monday night that immigration from Muslim countries should “immediately be limited and heavily scrutinized,” and that refugee resettlement should be ended.

“This is a direct national-security threat,” Shahram Hadian told the crowd at the Canyon View Baptist Church. “You don’t think that ISIS is going to embed? It’s already happened with the Somalis.”

The refugee program that the College of Southern Idaho has run since 1984 became a lightning rod of controversy in the area in April, after news broke that Syrians*** would be among the 300 refugees expected to be resettled in Twin Falls this October.

Please go read the remainder of the article.  We can’t show more or this paper will send me another threatening letter and editorialize that I am a thief!
***The UN, 14 US Senators and the federal resettlement contractors want 65,000 Syrians resettled in the US by the time Obama leaves office!
For all of our coverage of the Twin Falls, Idaho ‘pocket of resistance,’ go here.  And, see our new category for information on the growing number of ‘Pockets of Resistance’ here.
See Pastor Shahram Hadian on Blaze TV below in May (hat tip: Diane).


Denmark criticized for placing ads encouraging refugees to go elsewhere

Invasion of Europe news….

Copenhagen beach
In Denmark, beach goers say they are harassed by Syrian refugees.

Maybe we should be referring to the countries in Europe where the citizens have had it with the invasion by African and Middle Eastern so-called asylum seekers as ‘pockets of resistance’ as well!  For new readers, see our US ‘pockets of resistance’ category here.
One of the things that interests me about all the invasion news coming out of Europe is that rarely does the US media discuss how Europe is literally being overrun by migrants.
Have you even seen much news on Fox about this?  The NYT, I see has a brief AP story about the backlash going on in Germany earlier this week, but most American media says not a word about it.
In Denmark we have a couple of stories that demonstrate the anger of the average Danish citizen. 
Here we learn that girls at a beach are harassed by Syrian refugees:

Denmark: Syrian refugees harassing girls: “They follow after us, when we go home. It’s really scary.”

Then here is another story (hat tip: Maggie) about a homeless senior citizen who says she lost her apartment to refugees.

Meanwhile the Danish government is trying to stop the invaders entering Denmark with an advertisement campaign. 

Not endearing themselves to Danes!

The human rights industrial complex is howling!
From The Local:

“Integration Minister Inger Støjberg has come under considerable criticism from following her announcement last week that the Venstre government plans to run anti-refugee ads in foreign newspapers.

The minister said on Thursday that she is prepared to run advertisements in foreign newspapers that will contain information aimed at deterring refugees from coming to Denmark.

The announcement was made shortly after Jyllands-Posten revealed the contents of a document that human smugglers use to help asylum seekers compare the different levels of benefits in Europe.”

See the news here about the report smugglers are using to tell migrants which countries have the best welfare goodies!
See all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ here.   See our many posts on Denmark by clicking here.

Pocket of Resistance: Georgia watchdog tells us who is pushing refugee resettlement in the state as fallen hero returns home

We have been telling you about ‘Pockets of Resistance’ building around the country and one of those is in Georgia.  In fact, Georgia was one of three mentioned in that June 2013 Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) meeting I attended in Lancaster, PA when I heard the ORR call areas where citizens were questioning the program “pockets of resistance.”

Skip Wells
Lance Corporal Skip Wells returns home. The photo was very moving and reminded me of the funeral of one of the victims of the USS Cole Islamic terrorist attack who was from my home town. A funeral similar to this one was held for that young sailor at the Antietam National Battlefield in 2000 (11 months before 9/11).

That is also the meeting where I had learned that community organizers Welcoming America’ had been hired with your money to get your minds right on the concept of “seeding” your towns with immigrants.
Here is the latest from Refugee Resettlement Relief (this via an e-mail).  Refugee program responsible for admitting gunman!***

The recent memorial for Sprayberry High School graduate Skip Wells showed that “the budding life of the young man we all loved was senselessly, and abruptly, ended,” as Lt. Commander Dennis Wonders told the crowd Tuesday.



Marine Skip Wells, who graduated 3 years ago from Sprayberry High School in Cobb County, was one of the 5 U.S. service men murdered by a Muslim terrorist. The shooter and the rest of his family were in Tennessee courtesy of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement (RR) Program, the same program that is place here in Georgia and financed by the Georgia General Assembly.

The financing brings in Refugee Resettlement contractors, licensed by the government, and they permanently set up shop in DeKalb They then funnel refugees to DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb, and every other county they can find in Georgia. This is the same program that brought the Boston Marathon bombers to the U.S.

Visit Refugee Resettlement Relief for more on who in Georgia is behind the program.  And, follow them on twitter, here.  See an earlier post we wrote on RRR and its leader Joe Newton, here.
*** As we said here, no one so far (that I know of) has actually admitted that the gunman’s family benefited from our UN/US State Department Refugee Resettlement Program or its companion method for entry into the US—the asylum portion of the refugee program. Nevertheless, it is my number-one best guess about how they got in as legal immigrants.

Until some real mainstream investigative reporter has the curiosity to do the research, or someone in the federal government has the spine to tell us how the Abdulazeez family got into the US, I’m going with my best guess—they were political refugees.  Prove me wrong!

This post is archived in our new ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category where we want you, in other pockets, to learn what fellow Americans are doing to expose the refugee program where they live.  You are not alone!

Tom Tancredo: In wake of Chattanooga, we need moratorium on Muslim immigration to America

Yikes! I hadn’t seen this, but apparently Tancredo told Trump to tone it down on immigration rhetoric recently.

Former Congressman and former Presidential candidate Tom Tancredo writing at Breitbart says it is time for a moratorium because we are at war:

Okay, “Muslim immigration halted in wake of Chattanooga terrorism attack” isn’t today’s newspaper headline. But it ought to be.

We ought to halt all legal immigration and refugee resettlement from Muslim-majority countries and declare an indefinite moratorium — until two changes occur. First, we must devise a better way to identify and deny admission not only to terrorists but also to persons who sympathize with radical Islamism. It will surprise the average American to learn we are not capable of doing that today.

The need for those new rules is highlighted by a recent poll showing more than 40 percent of Muslims in the U.S. would like to see Sharia law imposed, and an alarming number admit a sympathy for ISIS and radical jihadists.

Second, we must change naturalization laws to create a 7-year probationary period during which any new citizen of any religion or national origin can be stripped of citizenship and deported easily if the person demonstrates any support for radical Islamists.

Why do this? Because we are at war with radical Islam. It is time we started acting like we understand that reality.

There is more, continue reading here.

I maintain that it isn’t just terrorism, or the threat of terrorism, we should fear. It is colonization!

It is the Hijra, the migration of sharia-loving Muslims which will overwhelm us someday with their sheer numbers alone we should fear.  Look to Europe!  It only takes a small percentage of the population to be Muslim and the pressure begins for the indigenous population to change to accommodate Islam.  It begins with just the smallest of demands: halal food in school cafeterias, special prayer breaks in the workplace, no alcohol or dogs in taxi cabs, a bending of certain laws to accommodate religious practices for family matters and women’s rights, etc.
As tragic as the terror attacks are for American victims, the greater tragedy is the expansion of an Islamic caliphate worldwide.

More headaches for Germany as asylum center torched

The latest ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…..

Update July 23rd:  German Justice Minister condemns attacks on asylum centers.

Over a thousand residents of the Bavarian town of Eichstatt say “Nein” to plan to house asylum seekers. Photo:

From National Catholic Reporter:

Munich—A German Catholic church leader condemned an arson attack that destroyed a reception center for asylum seekers.

Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich-Freising, president of the German bishops’ conference, said the attack revealed that “some groups” were trying to “sow hatred” against migrants.

The July 16 incident in the Bavarian town of Reichertshofen, is the latest in a wave of attacks against hostels for asylum seekers as anti-immigration sentiments rise in Germany in the face of unprecedented numbers of asylum applications.

Noting that there have been 150 attacks against centers for refugees and asylum seekers in the first half of 2015, Marx said the church must make clear its opposition to such “hatred and violence.”


About 1,200 of the 7,780 residents of the town, located 40 miles north of Munich in the diocese of Eichstatt, had signed a petition against the project.


Germany is expecting an influx of 450,000 refugees and asylum seekers this year, which is more than double the number of those who arrived in 2014.

With numbers that high, I suspect that tensions are going to get a whole lot worse.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.