Minnesota Somalis: You're old and we are taking over

This week Judy sent me an interesting facebook post. I’ve decided not to name the author in order to spare her further aggravation.
Normally I wouldn’t post on a social media conversation except this one rings a bell.  I’ve heard it before.
In fact in earlier years in the life of this blog, I heard it from time to time.  Somali commenters told me that this country had a lot of wide open spaces and they planned to fill it.
In fact in 2010, a Somali woman communicated with me to warn that Somalis are creating what she called Tuulas (villages) throughout some states—she mentioned Minnesota and Kansas and Maine. She said:

I have read about what is going on in Kansas and in other small towns like Maine. Somalis will turn these small towns into a largely populated Somali town, because if Minnesota is the U.S capital of Somali people then a small town or city cannot stand a chance.

And, more recently a reader (a Somali?) has told me I am old so I am to be dismissed, implying that I can’t stop the inevitable wave anyway.
So this facebook post sounds perfectly in line with what other Somalis have said to me, and are saying:
From anonymous:

Yesterday, I had long social media conversations with two Somali Muslim gentlemen from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I asked them about their goals for improving Minnesota and how they feel about being an American. I also asked them about the million dollar upgrade at Cedar Riverside public housing that Mayor Jacob Frey promised its majority Somali residents this week. After I was called a racist, a fascist, a bigot, stupid and old, here’s what else they shared with me. Nearly verbatim. Thoughts?


Mayor cedar riverside
Don’t miss Leo Hohmann’s report on the Minneapolis mayor making special promises to special people.  https://leohohmann.com/2018/05/08/democrat-run-city-building-6-foot-fence-around-migrant-housing-complex-to-keep-intruders-out/


“Get with the program, miss. We are here to stay. We never left our Somali heritage or culture. That’s what America is missing. Please stop forcing us to your ways. You’re old and have very old ideas. Get with the program. I’m trying to have my son to be the first Muslim black governor of the state of Minnesota in next 20 years. He’s gonna run as a Democrat. Oh, and on those upgrades at Cedar Riverside. They better give us those upgrades and changes if the Mayor wants to earn our votes. Or else we can always get another Mayor next time around. You see how being an American works? I told you lady please get with the program because Somalis are the latest addition to black folks.

Why should we assimilate? Do you know how stupid you sound? Guess what? We’re here to stay and will transform America for the better. Get that through your thick, ignorant skull. You need to see a doctor. It’s inevitable that Somalis will be taking over and there isn’t anything you can do about it. Again, what’s wrong with Somalis taking over? It is inevitable! This land doesn’t belong to either of us. It is our time to populate it and rule it. Go back to Europe or wherever you’re from if you don’t like it.”

When populations rise, they get cocky (and careless).
And, they are amazingly confident even in light of the fact that Somalia is a failed state because they couldn’t manage to govern it without creating a hellhole.
I suggest that their Leftist trainers (who must be talking to them about ‘old white people’) teach them to not spill the beans prematurely…but then again, let ’em talk!
See my huge archive on Minnesota Somalis by clicking here.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation wants international pressure on Burma over Rohingya Muslims

My first thought when I saw this news, that the OIC was again ginning up a PR campaign to paint the Burma (Myanmar) Buddhist government as a bunch of Islamophobes and human right abusers, was this:
So why aren’t any of you big mouth countries displaying Muslim charity and inviting Rohingya to live in your countries?
Where are you Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE?

No fear! Burmese monks marched against the OIC in 2012:   http://www.buddhistchannel.tv/index.php?id=51,11144,0,0,1,0#.WvQvj4gvw2w

Readers DO NOT FORGET!  The US has invited 14,882 Rohingya in the last ten years to live in your towns.  And, they are still arriving now even under the Trump Administration.
But, they are not being “welcomed” in to rich Muslim countries!
Continue reading “Organization of Islamic Cooperation wants international pressure on Burma over Rohingya Muslims”

Czech Republic could be next EU exit country, says Gatestone author

Author Josef Zbořil gives three reasons, the first one has to do with the monetary system and the Czech peoples unwillingness to bail out countries like Greece, but it’s the next two reasons that interested me the most.
Here are a few snips from the Gatestone article entitled:

Integrating Islam or Islamizing Integration?

If polls are to be trusted, one of the next countries most likely to follow Britain’s lead and exit the European Union is the Czech Republic. In 2016, after the Brexit referendum, a mere 25% of the Czech public said it was satisfied with membership in the EU. There are three main reasons for this dissatisfaction.

Screenshot (435)
Organization of Islamic Cooperation   https://www.isesco.org.ma/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Strategy-for-Islamic-Cultural-Action-outside-the-Islamic-World.pdf


The second reason for Czech dissatisfaction with the EU has to do with the desire to retain a national identity, rather than blend completely into a general European “One”.


The third reason for Czech concern about the EU is that although its original aim may have been to establish inter-European integration — with mutual tolerance and respect even with and towards non-European cultures — it is becoming increasingly evident that immigrants from Muslim countries do not spontaneously integrate. On the contrary, there has been a controlled Islamization of integration, rather than the other way around.

The fear among Czechs is that such a trend will lead, within a few decades, to a dangerous demographic shift and ultimate theocratic totality in Europe as in the Middle East.

This fear was expressed by figures such as Tomio Okamura, the leader of Czech Freedom and Direct democracy party, whose slogan, ahead of the Czech parliamentary elections in 2017, was: “No to Islam. No to terrorists.” Even former social democratic Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka stated: “When we see problems in other European countries, we no longer want Muslims in the Czech Republic.”

The “controlled Islamization of integration” was confirmed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in November 2000, in a document entitled “The Strategy for Islamic Cultural Action outside the Islamic World,” which states:

“The demographic constituents of western countries… will change and become subject to restructuring into a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. Thereby, western countries will no longer remain that harmonious and monolithic society constituted on the basis of a specific historical, economic, social and cultural lineage….

“Sensing the importance of Islamic communities and minorities in the west… immunize the second, third and even fourth generations of those communities, who settled outside the Islamic world, against cultural assimilation and loss of their Islamic identity.”


If European integration is to succeed without submission to Islamization, Europeans must choose the path of freedom, and replace empty phrases with practical steps.

More here.
In my opinion, the only practical step that will work is to not admit the hijra-driven Muslim migrants in the first place!
It is demography, demography, demography!
See my whole ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Georgia: Knife-wielding Somali refugee woman shot by police; CAIR says she was mentally impaired….

….and was wearing a hijab, thus making her an even greater target for trigger happy police.
Here we go again!  As Leo Hohmann says, here comes the Council on American Islamic Relations and the mental illness excuse!  What I want to know is, if so many of these violent Muslim refugees have mental problem, why weren’t they screened out in the super-duper screening process that Obama’s State Department/DHS claimed we had?
Hohmann’s post opens with this:

Police face backlash after officers shoot, kill knife-wielding Somali refugee near Atlanta

Edward ahmed mitchell
CAIR Georgia Executive Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell: The hijab could have caused police to react with less restraint!  Photo and bio:  http://www.cairgeorgia.com/about-us/394-executive-director-edward-ahmed-mitchell.html

How many times has a Muslim migrant attacked innocent Americans and the Council on American-Islamic Relations or some other advocacy group swoops in to suggest that the attack was a result of mental illness?

~It happened in the mall stabbings in St. Cloud, Minnesota, carried out by Somali refugee Dahir Adan in 2016 [when CAIR suggested Adan’s insomnia may have caused him to snap]

~It happened last summer when another Somali refugee threatened the townspeople of Faribault, Minnesota, with a knife.

~It happened after the Ohio State University car and knife attack in 2016 by Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan.

~It happened in the attack that killed 14 Americans in San Bernardino in December 2015 by Syed Farooq and his migrant fiancée.

~It happened in Chattanooga in July 2015 when five U.S. servicemen were shot and killed by Kuwaiti-American Mohammad Abdulaziz.

~And when Amina Ali Ahra, aka Iesha Ibrahim, a female refugee from Somalia, attacked and beat a Lawrenceville, Georgia, woman and her daughter with their own flagpole in 2016 the FBI refused to charge Ibrahim with a hate crime because it said she was mentally impaired.

Well, it happened again on Saturday, April 28, in Johns Creek, a suburb of Atlanta, where Somali refugee Shukri Ali Said, 36, was threatening her family members with a knife.

Read all of the details (with links) of what happened by clicking here.

EU, led by France and Germany, set to punish Hungary and Poland this week

Of course it all has to do with Hungary and Poland standing against the European Union that is demanding those countries take their ‘fair share’ of migrants who have arrived illegally by the hundreds of thousands in recent years because France and Germany were spineless.
If the EU cuts off their funds, why don’t they just join the Brits and leave the EU?
Invasion of Europe news….
From the Express:

Eastern EU states such as Poland and Hungary would be punished under the proposals if they are deemed to have fallen short of the bloc’s ‘democratic values’.

Trump and Macron
While Trump and Macron swooned, the Hungarians and Poles were standing firm against bullying from France and Germany.  Come on Donald, snuggling with Macron isn’t helping your image. Where is the State Dinner for Viktor Orban?

Brussels’ move comes after growing calls from Germany and France, the EU’s two most influential members, to punish rebel member states.

Under the proposals, to be unveiled by the EU’s budget chief Guenther Oettinger this week, bureaucrats would freeze access to funding for EU projects.

An EU source said: “The proposal will include the temporary freezing of funds in order to motivate a change of behaviour among states.”

The measures are likely to further increase tensions between Brussels and the populist, right-wing governments in Warsaw and Budapest.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has repeatedly clashed with the EU over the migrant crisis after refusing to sign up to refugee resettlement schemes.

And Poland has angered Brussels after introducing controversial judicial reforms judged anti-democratic by the European Commission.

See my previous posts on Hungary and Poland.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ file is here.