A speech heard round the world! Austrian: You are being replaced

Thousands gathered in London’s Hyde Park, at the famed “Speakers Corner” to hear jailed Austrian patriot and freedom fighter, Martin Sellner’s speech read by Tommy Robinson.
Sellner was blocked from entry into the UK because of his political views.
Raheem Kassam reports here at Breitbart.

Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson in Hyde Park, London, yesterday. Americans were there!

A reader suggested I post Sellner’s full speech, good idea!  Everyone who has any way of publishing something should do the same.
Show the British ruling elite that by attempting to silence Sellner they have only amplified his message!  (Emphasis is mine.)


Dear Friends, dear Britons, dear lovers of free speech.

I assume you all are lovers of free speech because you have come to Speakers’ Corner.

You might not understand all the fuss happening today around this speech. Honestly, I don’t understand it either.

My name is Martin Sellner. I am an Austrian patriot, and at the moment, I’m sitting in a detention cell in Colnbrook Bypass near Heathrow. My smartphone was taken and my girlfriend Brittany was separated from me. I currently don’t know where she is. We will be deported on Sunday.

Martin Sellner
Martin Sellner  @Martin_Sellner

Five minutes ago, they unlocked our cells and my fellow inmates are gathering in the prison wing. They are mostly illegals and eastern European criminals.

What brought me into this situation? What was my crime?

My crime was that I wanted to be here with you, to speak at Speakers’ Corner.

But let’s start with the beginning. I was invited by UKIP to present my movement at an event last Autumn. I represent Generation Identity — a patriotic European youth movement that is raising awareness about mass immigration and Islamisation.

Far-left people call us right-wing, people who want to shut free speech down call us ‘fascist’, and folks who hate their own culture call us ‘racist’.

In reality, we are just a group of young patriots fed up with the system, the mainstream press and lying politicians. We use peaceful activism to make our voices heard, and contrary to our friends on the radical left, who are probably swarming you right now, we never wear masks.

From Paris to Rome, from Vienna to London, we fight peacefully but without compromise for our freedom, our homelands, and our identity!

This is what I wanted to speak about in Autumn. But the conference was cancelled due to threats from the radical left. The venue would not take the risk. So they rescheduled it for March, this time keeping the venue secret — but again the terror of the left prevailed, and the venue dropped out.

But this time I did not want to let them win! It was about principles! (Also, our flights were already booked.)

My last refuge was Speakers’ Corner. I remembered my mother telling me about that special place when I was a child. It seemed almost magical to me. A place where everyone, without exception, could just stand on a box and start to speak to those who wanted to listen. I have always loved this tradition of Speakers’ Corner, which seemed very British to me.

But I came only to see that this tradition — the tradition of freedom of speech in the United Kingdom — is dead.

Your Country is blocking you from challenging ideas from the outside. This is a disgrace to our democracy!

I should be speaking in neat, warm a conference room right now, and you should be sitting in comfortable chairs. Instead, I’m in my cell and you are on the street in a standoff with the enemies of freedom of speech.

And this is very telling! Today there is a war going on for our freedom of speech. This war is being fought on the streets, by you!

Every man and woman showing her face today, standing shoulder to shoulder, is standing up against a new totalitarianism that has been growing for far too long. You can be proud of yourself. You might not even agree with me on every point — you are simply giving a statement that I should have the right to speak my mind freely.

I would love to be among you now. They prevented me from it. They locked up the speaker, but I know that the speech will find a way through the iron bars. It will find a way to you and you are going to hear what you government so desperately wants to protect you from.

Those words which they consider more harmful to you then rape gangs or terrorists who are let into your country again and again.

I’m going to tell you something nobody has told you before. It’s the biggest, most obvious secret of our media our politicians and our powerholders: People of Britain, you are being replaced.

There has always been immigration in your history. People coming in, assimilating.

But what’s happening today is different:

You are being replaced by massive Muslim immigration.

You see it everywhere: in London, in Manchester, but also already in the little countryside towns. A big replacement is going on.

And let me tell you: your politicians have no plan, no vision and no idea how to deal with the problems that come along. Problems like you have seen in Telford, Rotherham, and on Westminster Bridge.

All across Europe, there is a shadow hanging over our heads. The French are whispering about in the Metro, the Germans murmuring about it when they feel unwatched, Italians look left and right, and if nobody is listening they tell you: “I don’t feel at home anymore in my street. We are becoming foreigners in our own country.”

And again and again I hear: “We are not allowed to talk about it.”

And that’s the bizarre drama of the ‘Strange death of Europe’. We are being replaced, conquered by radical Islam, and we are not allowed to talk about it!

Dear Britons, defenders of free speech. Out of my cell in Colnbrook, I want to ask you something. Be honest and raise your hands.

Who among of you has ever been in the following situation: You grab a beer after work, or you are visiting your girlfriend’s parents for the first time, or you meet other children’s parents at school — and suddenly the conversation moves to politics: radical Islam, immigration.

Who of you in this very moment was faced with the decision between speaking his mind and facing problems, or complying and staying silent?

Raise your hands and be honest.

I will not be able to see the results, but every single hand is too much. This amount of fear should not exist in a society. Speech that has social costs and severe consequences is no longer free. It has a price — and our Government and the Antifa are working everyday to raise that price.

No freedom of speech means no democracy. In front of our very eyes this country is becoming a tyranny, shutting all debates about immigration down, until demographics solves the issue by replacement.

People of the UK. I might be in a cell right now, but you all are in a cell. It’s the prison of fear and silence your government and the PC tyranny has locked you in since the days of your childhood.

I ask you, I command you, break free!

Patriots of the UK: come out of the closet. Make your dissent visible by visible acts of resistance that inspire others. I know for certain that millions in the UK think like me. Those millions should be on the street now.

We need a coming out of the silent majority, or Britain is lost. We need a free, open and honest debate about immigration, Islam and demographics, so we can sort these problems out together.

And I know that the force is still in you. With your Brexit vote you stunned the world! The will and the life of the British nation is not broken.

Initially, I asked if freedom of speech is dead in the UK. You, every one of you who came today, is a living sign that the tradition of the UK is not dead! You are the livley tradition of your nation, saving its face before history.

People of the UK — remember who you are! Remember your glorious past, you are sons and daughters of knights, kings, explorers, philosophers and artists. Who is the sovereign in this country?

Is it big money?

The mainstream media?

The politicians?

It’s you — the people. You, the silent and invisible majority who said NO during Brexit. You can say NO again — no to Islamisation, no to mass immigration, and no to the great replacement.

And YES to your identity — yes to your security, yes to your heritage and the future for your children.

And all this is impossible without to freedom of speech.

I know, if these words will find their way to the UK and even to Speakers’ Corner, it will be victory for our cause.

If they did, and if you are hearing them now, I tell you: go further on that winning street. Don’t be afraid because we have an ally that is unbeatable: Truth.

The battle, our battle for freedom of speech, has just begun, and Speakers’ Corner will become a symbolic place in that struggle.

When you go home know I want you to bring the spirit of Speakers’ Corner with you.

Every single person who raised his hand because he could relate to this moment of fear, when he did not dare to speak his mind.

Promise me: Next time I will overcome my inner fear. Next time I will speak up!

We are all praying that Europe will save itself before it is too late, but….
Never forget, Obama’s people were right up front about it—they said they were changing America by changing the people.  In America, we have a chance now to turn that around, make the most of it!  This is not the time to take a break just because Donald Trump is in the White House. They will be attempting to come back!

West Virginia citizen activist now on the Deep State's radar

In some ways I almost don’t want to report on the latest from LeoHohmann.com because I don’t want more Americans who stand up for America and Western Civilization to live in fear of our own government, but you need to be forewarned!
Hohmann’s chilling piece is about our friend Brenda Arthur in Charleston, WV entitled:

Deep state attacks: Gov’t ‘Fusion Centers’ spying on patriots concerned about Islam


Brenda Arthur testifies on refugee resettlement Feb. 22, 2017, before the West Virginia House of Delegates Homeland Security Committee in Charleston. West Virginia.

Below is some of the story, but please read the whole thing.  I’m just setting the stage with the following snips:

Brenda Arthur received an unexpected visit on March 8 that, one week later, leaves her feeling more than a little uneasy.

At her door that day was an officer with the West Virginia State Police. He wanted to know about her involvement in a Freedom of Information request regarding a local mosque.

Arthur, who will turn 67 this summer, serves as leader of the West Virginia chapter of ACT For America, whose mission is to educate Americans about the advancement of Islamic principles in Western societies.

Islamic association of WV
Islamic Association of WV was expanding presumably to accommodate Syrian refugees the local ‘Interfaith’ community was pushing to resettle prior to the election of Donald Trump. 

As a Jewish American, she was concerned about a major expansion of the Islamic Association of West Virginia in her hometown of South Charleston. This mosque has hosted an openly anti-Semitic preacher in the past, and so she went to city hall in late January to have a look at its construction permits and site plans, something that is within the right of every American citizen under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and state open-records laws.

She had no idea that this perfectly legal activity, performed every day by citizen watchdogs across the U.S., would prompt a visit from the state police.


Workman’s [the officer who came to Arthur’s door] unit is part of the West Virginia Intelligence Exchange, a secretive outfit that works closely with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s “intelligence fusion center” in West Virginia.

All 50 states have at least one DHS fusion center, and the story of Brenda Arthur lends credence to the views of civil libertarians that these centers, whatever their stated purpose, have been weaponized against law-abiding American citizens.

Do not talk to them!

Whitehead [John, founder of the Charlottesville, Va.-based Rutherford Institute] has strict advice for any law-abiding citizen who is approached by law enforcement asking questions about their personal activities.

“If they come to your door, do not talk to them. If they call you on the phone, do not talk to them.”

Whitehead said the intimidation tactics used by fusion centers are similar to the East German Stasi and other secret-police agencies.

“They’re copying the tactics of former totalitarian regimes and the slightest mistake can get you in trouble,” he said.

Hohmann continues, please read it all so you know how to handle the situation should it happen to you.
It is going to get harder before it gets better, so please hang in there all of you!
You might not have Brenda’s bravery (or that of Johnson in my previous post), but there are so many things you can do to save America and save Western Civilization—find your niche and work at it every day!
Read more about Arthur by clicking on my Charleston, WV archive here.

Uzbek refugee admits he wanted to kill California prison warden by slitting his throat

This is one of those stories I’m sick of writing about.  I’ve followed Fazliddin Kurbanov’s ‘career’ since his arrest in Idaho in 2013.
He is one of those Uzbeks that we have admitted to the US since the Bush Administration who were already radical Islamists back home, and why we took hundreds is still a mystery. Rumor is that the CIA and State Department teamed up to get them here.
This is the latest at The Sun (San Bernardino):
By the way, some stories just list him as an “Uzbek national” but others, like ABC here have it right.  He was a refugee, now he will cost US taxpayers a fortune as we care for him in prison!

An Uzbek national already serving a 25-year terrorism-related sentence has entered a guilty plea for trying to slit the throat of the warden of the Victorville federal prison in a 2016 attack.

Fazliddin Kurbanov
From Kurbanov’s earlier facebook page.

Fazliddin Kurbanov, 34, faces sentencing on June 4 before United States District Judge Virginia A. Phillips in Los Angeles after he entered a guilty plea Tuesday, March 13, to one count of attempted murder of a federal officer. 

Kurbanov attacked then-Warden Calvin Johnson of the Victorville Federal Correctional Institute on May 31, 2016 in a dining facility, where Johnson was standing “near the serving line to be accessible to inmates during the lunch service” court papers said.

Kurbanov, armed with an approximately 4-inch prison-made shank, grabbed Johnson from behind and tried to cut the warden’s throat; when Johnson raised his hands to protect his throat, Kubanov instead slashed the warden on his left side, the document said.

Kurbanov admitted in an interview with authorities that he had made the shank, found a way to conceal it, and intended to kill Johnson with it, the court papers said. The attack took place five months after Kurbanov was sentenced in the terrorism case in Idaho.

Johnson was seriously injured in the attack, but has recovered and is now working at another prison in the federal system, the U.S. Attorney’s office in Los Angeles said in a statement.

Obama’s US Attorney for Idaho, Wendy Olson, was concerned with American rabble that might act up during Kurbanov’s 2015 trial!   https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/07/14/as-trial-opens-for-idaho-refugee-alleged-terrorist-idaho-statesman-reports-on-refugee-program/

In January 2016, Kurbanov was sentenced to 25 years in prison for for conspiring and attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and possessing an unregistered destructive device. He was convicted after a trial.

Prosecutors in that case said Kurbanov made contact with a website for the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and discussed with the website administrator “his animosity toward Americans, particularly the military; his desire to build a bomb; possible targets in the United States, including military bases in Idaho and Texas; and his need for instruction on how to construct and remotely detonate a bomb,” according to a statement by the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Idaho.

He also discussed possible targets with an FBI confidential source, including the United States Military Academy at West Point, the prosecutor’s office said.

Go here for my complete file on Fazliddin Kurbanov.
His Idaho trial came at a time when tensions began to rise in that state about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. The US attorney and others went to great lengths to minimize the news about the trial.
See my Idaho archive here.

Hungary working to build anti-invasion alliance

Everyone knows this can’t continue…..

More Invasion of Europe news….
In light of recent election results in Austria and Italy, Hungary and Poland are working to build a new coalition that seeks to preserve Western values and Christianity in Europe.
Before I get to that Reuters story, see Patrick Buchanan here who astutely comments on what people are willing to fight for (and I hope and pray he is right!):

Who owns the future? Who will decide the fate of the West?

The problem of the internationalists is that the vision they have on offer—a world of free trade, open borders and global government—are constructs of the mind that do not engage the heart.

Men will fight for family, faith and country.

But how many will lay down their lives for pluralism and diversity? Who will fight and die for the Eurozone and EU?

Now here is Reuters on the latest development from Europe and those who know history and want to save Europe!

BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungary aims to coordinate more closely on refugee policy with Austria and Italy after elections there boosted anti-migrant parties, broadening an alliance of EU states focused on internal security.

Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Monday that the approach to migration of the Vienna government and the center-right in Italy was very similar to the bloc’s central European member states.

winged hussars 2
The Poles, the Hungarians and the Austrians are remembering history! And, I bet so are the Muslims!

“So it is obvious that we will work together in the future,” he told Reuters in an interview.

“This is not against the western part of Europe, this is against migration, and this is in favor of our interests because we put security first.”

A bitter row over migration policy sparked by the biggest influx of refugees into the European Union since World War Two has undermined trust within the bloc and weakened its unity, with its eastern states refusing to sign up to a quota system favored by several richer members to the west and north.

In refusing to accept Muslim refugees, Hungary and its neighbors in the Visegrad group – the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia – have cited security concerns and the desire to preserve the traditional Christian make-up of their societies.

Upcoming election—Trump should invite him to White House!

[Hungarian PM Viktor] Orban has been one of the EU’s hardliners on migration and is campaigning on a fierce anti-immigration agenda ahead of Hungary’s own national election on April 8, when he will seek a third term in office.

More from Reuters here.
And go here for my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive and don’t miss my earlier post this morning about the invasion from Africa.

Linda Sarsour, CAIR’s top gun Nihad Awad, and Imam Suleiman among those arrested on Capitol Hill this week

This story isn’t something I would normally bother posting (it is a ho-hum story), but since I was just introduced, via NPR, to Dallas Imam Omar Suleiman yesterday I thought it was an interesting coincidence.

Omar Suleiman, CAIR Director Nihad Awad and Linda Sarsour arrested. Refugee contractor Church World Service helped organize the protest.


Yesterday we learned that Muslim leaders who had once said they would open their mosques to people of all faiths escaping ICE, have changed their minds. 

I described how Suleiman so skillfully deflected and snowed the NPR reporter. He shifted the blame to Trump and his merry band of haters when I suspect their change of heart had more to do with realizing that having a bunch of infidels living in their mosques could be problematic.

But when I looked more deeply into the demonstration story this morning, I saw that one of the nine federally funded refugee resettlement contractors—CHURCH WORLD SERVICE—was an organizer of the media stunt making this story very much of interest to RRW because taxpayers fund CWS to the tune of $62 million a year!

Now here is Al-Jazeera on the demonstration:

Muslim-American leaders have been arrested at the US Capitol while urging Congress to stand against President Donald Trump’s effort to end a programme that protects certain young immigrants.

This is a still shot from the corny CHURCH WORLD SERVICE video from a corny demonstration. I guess they mean ‘democracy’ is sick and weak as the actor is being held up by none other than Nihad Awad (CAIR!) and Suleiman. Who comes up with this stuff?

Omar Suleiman, Dawud Walid, Mujahid Fletcher, Talib Shareef and Nihad Awad of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Zahra Billoo, and Linda Sarsour advocated immigration reform before getting arrested on Monday.

The protesters participated in an act of civil disobedience at the office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, demanding that he meet them to hear their concerns.Muslim-American leaders have been arrested at the US Capitol while urging Congress to stand against President Donald Trump’s effort to end a programme that protects certain young immigrants.


Quoting Malcolm X, Talib Shareef of the Muslim Alliance of North America said: “Almighty Allah has told us to stand for justice. We are not weak in faith and we are here for a mobilization.

“We stand here in the spirit of Malcolm X with the people who are affected by these policies.”

Imam Suleiman, who I read about yesterday, depicts himself as a moderate Imam deeply involved in the Dallas interfaith community.  But, make no mistake—it is “white supremacy” he sees as the root of all evil (and so must Church World Service!).

“This is creating real fear,” Suleiman said, adding that the imams are fighting white supremacy because Islamophobia, racism and hostility against immigrants all stem from the same roots.


Couldn’t figure out how to link the hokey video, but if you go to their twitter feed for March 5, you can find it.

Church World Service was clearly an instigator of this comical demonstration.

It should drive all of you crazy to know that according to a recent accounting, they received 71% of their income from US taxpayers—that amounted to about $62 million for the one year!

They can have free speech all they want, just not with our money!

(Where is Congress? Where is Paul Ryan allowing our money to be used for stunts like this?)

Recently they protested outside the White House as well, see here.  And, this is what I said in that post:

If you belong to any of these churches (below) know that Church World Service was representing you outside the White House in January and this week at the Capitol. 

They also hold the annual “Crop Walk,” so if you disagree with their political tactics you need to start speaking up!

Are they speaking for your church? They obviously believe they are!

And, incidentally it was a Church World Service subcontractor responsible for placing refugees in Western Maryland where I live and so they are directly responsible for birthing RRW (nothing to do with white supremacy and everything to do with transparency and how our government spends our money).

See all of my previous posts on CWS by clicking here.

Here are the churches they represent:

Member Communions

    African Methodist Episcopal Church