Next bunch of Australian detainees headed to US yesterday

Australia did not grant them asylum (refugee status), but we are in what has to be the dumbest refugee deal ever heard of!

Manus island detainees
Some of these men are already walking free in your US town! Manus Island locals don’t want them there:

This bunch of 35 (flying yesterday) will bring the number of mostly single Muslim men from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Rohingya (Burma), free to walk the streets in Any Town, USA, to nearly 200.
Do we really expect these fighting age young men to go cheerfully into meatpacking companies to do slaughterhouse work? 
But, take heart! Trump’s travel ban is saving us from Iranians—BFD!
I will repeat, if just one, of what could ultimately be 1,250 of the newly minted ‘refugees,’ becomes a problem it will be on Donald Trump because he should have followed his original instincts this time last year and killed the “dumb” deal!
And, refugee contracting agencies should be shaking in their boots because just one bad apple will bring more anti-refugee headlines.  Recently we learned that some were going to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina, here.
See all of my dumb-deal posts by clicking here.
From The Guardian:

Another 35 refugees are leaving Nauru for the United States on Sunday, the third group to depart Australia’s offshore immigration centres this week.

Almost all are single Afghan, Pakistani or Rohingya men, along with one Sri Lankan family and one Bangladeshi refugee, said Ian Rintoul of the the Refugee Action Coalition.

The makeup further confirms fears that Iranians, who make up the largest national group on Nauru, have so far been excluded from the US intake. Iran was proscribed by Donald Trump’s “travel ban”.

So far 84 people have flown from Nauru and another 85 from Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island to the US under the resettlement deal, with at least one more flight expected to leave this month.

About 2,000 refugees and asylum seekers remain in Australia’s offshore system.

The controversial “US deal” – decried as “dumb” but upheld by Trump – was brokered by his predecessor, Barack Obama, and the Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, in September 2016.

There is much more (here) including a lengthy discussion about how some of the ‘refugees’ were just walking around Manus Island, minding their own business, when they were attacked by local police.
And, of course the detainees have twitter accounts to alert the world of the abuses they supposedly suffer.
Trump is scheduled to meet with Australian Prime Minister Turnbull later this week, see here.

In my opinion, the President should be inviting Hungarian PM Orban to the White House instead!  LOL! They could compare notes on how much George Soros hates them!

Brave Israeli journalist disguised as Syrian 'refugee' enters German belly of the beast

Invasion of Europe news….
He entered Germany to show how easily an Islamic extremist could get in pretending to be a Syrian refugee and he infiltrated the Muslim Brotherhood there.
See my earlier post this morning, here.
Now if we only had journalists like this one….
From the Unhived Mind:

Prominent Israeli journalist Zvi Jecheskeli, who went undercover as a devout Muslim, has revealed how easy it may be for Islamists to pass through Germany’s borders and become a “Syrian refugee.”

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Not just about Germany. He said of the USA: “The biggest revelations in this series are in the United States.”

Jecheskeli spent several years risking his life to film a documentary on the role and influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the streets of Germany, France, Britain and Turkey. While the organization is legal in some countries and has affiliated political parties, its outlawed as a terrorist group in others, including Russia, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. [The Muslim Brotherhood is LEGAL in the USA.—-ed]

Infiltrating the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood is a challenge indeed, as the group is “known for its distrust” of outsiders, whom they would “never” allow a glimpse into their plans, Jecheskeli told Die Welt.

His five-part series, entitled “False Identity,” recently began airing on Israeli Channel 10.

The Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, kept close taps on Jecheskeli and wired him with secret cameras and microphones in order to rescue him in case of emergency.

The challenge was to find out whether a Muslim fundamentalist can legally enter Germany and make contacts with fellow Islamists. For his daredevil tour, with the help of acting and retired Mossad agents, he transformed into Sheikh Khaled Abu Salaam, aka Abu Hamsa.

“I wanted to talk about the dangers that Europe is exposed to by radical Islam. I am not bound by the codes of political correctness and can openly speak the truth,” Jecheskeli, Israel’s best-known expert on the Arab world, told Die Welt.

In his investigation, the 47-year-old journalist, who speaks perfect Arabic, shows how easy it is for the Islamists to smuggle followers to Europe, the newspaper reported. “All you need to get asylum in Germany is a Syrian passport.” And that proved to be as easy as pie.


“With Allah’s help, you are starting a new, Islamic life here,” the German social worker with Palestinian roots tells Jecheskeli while giving him advice on how to trick German authorities and bring his family to Europe.

More here.
My Invasion of Europe archive is here.  Go here for an extensive archive on Germany.
Readers: Let me know if you find out how to see this film in English.

Germany: 'refugee' terrorist admits he was sent by ISIS and told to wait for instructions

You’ve probably seen the news, but I wanted to be sure it was in my archives and it fits with other news I have to share this morning.
Invasion of Europe news…..
From Breitbart (hat tip: Joanne, others):

Three Syrian migrants are currently on trial in Hamburg for being members of a terrorist cell and one of the men has admitted that the Islamic State terror organisation sent him to Germany telling him to disguise himself as a refugee.


German girls
Come on in say German girls in 2015. Big smooch!


The three Syrians, aged between 19 and 27, came to Germany during the migrant crisis in 2015 and were arrested in September of 2016 at asylum homes in Ahrensburg, Großhansdorf and Reinbek near Hamburg, Suddeutsche Zeitung reports.

For the last eight months, the judges in the court have tried to determine whether or not the men were sent by the Islamic State, or whether they were radicalised independently.

The eldest defendant, 27-year-old Mohamed A., confirmed to the judge that he had been commanded by the Islamic State terror group to infiltrate the wave of refugees and wait in Germany for further instructions.

The 27-year-old said that he trained with the terror group in its former capital of Raqqa for three months with four different weapons before heading to Europe. An Islamic State member also gave him a forged passport along with a sum of $1,500.

More here.
My Invasion of Europe archive is here.  Go here for an extensive archive on Germany.

Human rights activist wakes up about Muslim migrants in Germany, admits she was wrong

Editor: There is some controversy surrounding what exactly Rebecca Sommer said especially about possibly retiring to Poland. But, this interview at looks completely legit. I have taken the liberty of creating paragraphs in her story for easier reading.

German girls
German girls in 2015.  Photo and story:

From Bulgarian news

Recently we from published an article about German activist, artist and humanitarian Rebecca Sommer. We were contacted by a friend of hers about certain inaccuracies and therefore contacted Rebecca. She was kind enough to send us a translated version of the original interview she made for Polish media.

Rebecca Sommer is an internationally known German artist, journalist, photographer and award-winning filmmaker. She’s been living in Berlin since 2012. Before returning to Germany, she worked as a non-governmental human rights advocate with special advisory status ECOSOC (UN Economic and Social Council) at United Nations headquarters as well as in Geneva. She specializes in the rights of indigenous peoples. For over a decade, she worked with UNHCHR (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), with UNPFII (United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples) and with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).


N.O-S .: Rebecca, you have worked for many years with refugees and immigrants, you are a well-known human rights activist. Already years before the refugee wave 2015, you was [were] a well-known person fighting for unlimited admission of these people to Germany. What influenced the change of your views?

Rebecca Sommer: I would like to point out that I have never endorsed “unlimited” admission of migrants, because it is impossible for any country to adopt indefinitely.

I am a humanist and human rights activist. For the first years I believed that people who come here are real refugees and are happy that they will be safe now and because of that they will show a good faith in order to adapt here and to integrate. But with time, step by step an unpleasant awakening came about.

The reasons for this were so complex that I just could not ignore them anymore. For sure, one of the main turning points was 2015 New Year’s Eve in Cologne. Then I finally had to admit to myself that that this behavior suits the overwhelming majority of Muslims, the way they see things, with whom I had to deal with in my life. In that moment I said to myself: “Rebecca, now you have to pull the emergency breaks, last but not least because as a human rights advocate you are oblied [obliged?—ed] to focus also on women’s rights, with your responsibility to us, as a woman.

I have tried to justify these constantly repeated patterns of behavior and mind set of most of the refugees, their way of perceiving the world, which is based on their religion, Islam, and their culture, for example in such a way – that they are new here.

I believed that their medieval views would change over time. I placed great trust in our libertarian, equitable European and western values, and I naively thought that every person must welcome them and take them on. But after looking back through the years of repetitive experiences and my own work environment as a volunteer, I had to admit to myself that when it comes to Muslim refugees, they have grown up with completely different values.

They have been passing through brainwashing and are indoctrinated by Islam and most have no intention of taking over our values – worse, they look at us „unbelievers“ with superiority and arrogance. I call it the „Kopftuch im Kopf“ (headscarf in the head).

And additionally, after their arrival here, many of them fall into the tentacles of fundamental Imams, (the political Islam imported from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc.) who strengthen and encourage their fundamentalism, that prohibits them to integrate with us „infidels“ and our way of life, prohibits the acceptance of our perception of the world and our scientific achievements. And unfortunately, the German state seems to have no longer any control over it.

Another good example which helped me to open my eyes, happened in 2016. I then learned the truth about a certain group of refugees, whom I looked after for a long time. They had become my friends in the meantime. I helped them during the asylum procedures, I dealt with their official matters, I got them apartments, furniture, cell phones, computers, clothing, courses, jobs, scholarships and spent countless free hours of my private time on their individual cases.

At a certain moment, I finally realized that these people were playing a wrong game with me Taqyyia. I was deceived by them, which disappointed me a lot. I was constantly warned against this Muslim misleading strategy, by people from Arab countries and Kurds who did not only flee from war zones, but had to flee from Muslims.

However, I did not want to listen to them. And suddenly it turned out that those people I did everything for, who drank, danced and laughed with me; who did not pray, did not go to the mosque, did not follow Ramadan, mocked religion and deeply religious people, they all, while eating my food and sitting in my garden, called me behind my back “a stupid German whore”.

This not only hurt me a lot, because I was their friend, their sister and their mother, and I really trusted them, but it gave me another impulse to reflect. Because they were a living example and hope for a successful integration and also for friendship between Western-oriented and Arab-Muslim people.

I helped them, protected and supported them and gave them real friendship. I accepted them with open arms in Germany and for this I got disrespect by their words and deeds as a “thank you”.

The interview continues here.
My Invasion of Europe archive is hereGo here for an extensive archive on Germany.

Hungary First: Orban government proposes anti-Soros legislation

Hungarian government poster portraying financier George Soros in Budapest
Posters say: “Don’t let George Soros have the last laugh”

Invasion of Europe news…..
This is a Reuters story from two days ago (just getting to it). Emphasis below is mine:

BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungary’s nationalist government introduced legislation that would empower the interior minister to ban non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that support migration and pose a “national security risk”.

The bill, submitted to parliament late on Tuesday, is a key part of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s anti-immigration campaign targeting U.S. financier George Soros whose philanthropy aims to bolster liberal and open-border values in eastern Europe.

The government says the bill, which would also impose a 25 percent tax on foreign donations to NGOs that back migration in Hungary, is meant to deter illegal immigration Orban says is eroding European stability and has been stoked in part by Soros.

Orban and Soros
Orban vs. Soros

Hungary and Poland are both under nationalist governments that have clashed with the European Union leadership in Brussels over their perceived authoritarian drift deviating from EU standards on democracy and rule of law.

But Orban’s message, championing conservative Christian beliefs and rejecting multiculturalism, has gone down well with Hungarian voters and his Fidesz party is expected to secure a third straight term in a general election due on April 8.

The bill says that NGOs that “sponsor, organize or support the entry or stay of third-country citizens on Hungarian territory via a safe third country to extend international protection … qualify as organizations supporting migration”.

Such activity – including campaigning, advocacy, recruiting volunteers, producing information booklets – would have to be approved by the interior minister, who could deny permission if he saw a “national security risk”.

There is much more here.

What I want to know is: Will President Trump invite Orban to the White House so we can watch Leftists’ heads explode?

Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Don’t miss my post on the IRC just yesterday where we reminded you that Soros is pals with David Miliband!