Taxpayer-funded refugee contractors lead anti-Trump rally in DC tomorrow

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) tweeted to come on out to Washington DC tomorrow to ‘celebrate’ the one year anniversary of the President’s first so-called Muslim “ban.”
Here is the facebook page for the event.  If you happen to be in the DC area you might want to swing by and have a look-see.  Take pictures if you do!
(Highlighting is mine)



Impacted refugees, leaders, and dozens of organizations rally in front of White House and march to CBP headquarters in protest of continued anti-Muslim, refugee, and immigrant policies

Washington, D.C. – Hundreds will join local and national Muslim, immigrant, refugee, and civil rights organizations at noon on Saturday, January 27th in front of the White House to protest the one-year anniversary of the first Muslim and Refugee Ban and subsequent bans that have discriminated against communities and dismantled the refugee resettlement program. Impacted leaders still affected by the current bans on Muslim-majority nations will speak about family separation. Refugee leaders will protest the most recent refugee ban, which alongside other policy changes is estimated to result in only 15,000 refugees arriving this year, just a third of the 45,000 cap set by the President – the lowest in history.  [Wow! They think it will be as low as 15,000! They will surely all go broke with so few paying clients!—ed]

No stranger to DC protests.  This is Church World Service’s CEO being arrested in a pro-amnesty demonstration a few year ago.

WHAT: Faith leaders, Muslim-American community members, refugees, and advocates express opposition to a year of Muslim and refugee bans. Allies will form a human chain during Islamic midday prayer and march to the Trump Hotel and Customs and Border Protection headquarters. [Get pics if you go!—-ed]

Later in the day, we will engage in a creative visual act of protest at the Trump International Hotel with someone directly affected by the ban.

VISUALS: Human chain protecting Muslims during midday prayer, pro-refugee and Muslim posters

Afkab Hussein: Somali refugee separated from his family due to multiple travel bans
Imam Talib Shareef: President and Imam The Nation’s Mosque, Masjid Muhammad
Naeem Baig: Muslim spoken word artist
Rev. Reuben Eckels: Church World Service
Yasmine Taeb: Iranian American and Legislative Director for Human Rights & Civil Liberties, Friends Committee on National Legislation
Lakshmi Sridaran, South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)
Other speakers to be announced

12:00 PM EST on Saturday, January 27th. Prayer will be held at 12:20 PM EST. March to CBP begins around 1:30 PM EST.
5:45 PM EST on Saturday, January 27th. This creative visual act of protest will include someone directly affected by the ban available to speak to the media. Please meet at the entrance to the Federal Triangle Metro station, 302 12th St NW

12:00 PM EST action:
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
The exact location of the rally is on Pennsylvania between Madison and Jackson Place NW. On the street, in between Lafayette Square and the White House.
5:45 PM EST action: Federal Triangle Metro station, 302 12th St NW, Washington DC 20004

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Church World Service political activists just love to demonstrate as we said this morning:

Three (in red) of the nine federally funded refugee resettlement agencies*** are co-sponsors. What happened to the other six?

Co-Sponsors: American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), American Civil Liberties Union, American Family Voices, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council, Center for American Progress Action Fund, Church World Service, Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Defending Rights and Dissent, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries, Dulles Justice Coalition, Emgage Foundation, Franciscan Action Network, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Friends of the Earth, HIAS, ICNA Council for Social Justice, Indivisible, J Street, Justice for Muslims Collective, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, MomsRising,, MPower Change, Muslim Advocates, Muslim Public Affairs Council, National Council of Jewish Women, National Immigration Law Center, National Iranian American Council, National Religious Campaign Against Torture, Oxfam, Poligon Education Fund, reSisters, Shoulder to Shoulder, South Asian Americans Leading Together, Veterans For Peace, We Are All America, Win Without War

**Please note by choosing to attend this event, you are committing to participate non-violently and in accordance with the law, to work to de-escalate confrontations with others, and to obey the orders of authorized event marshals and of law enforcement. You also acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any injury or damage to your person or property resulting from or occurring during this event, and that you release all event sponsors and organizers (and their officers, directors, employees, and agents) from any liability for that injury or damage. If you bring a bag, please do not leave it anywhere as it is a security risk and will be confiscated by police. Please bring your own water, no water bottles will be handed out.**

Go here to see if Church World Service is speaking (and protesting) on behalf of your church!

***These are the nine federal resettlement contractors. Only three this time want to put their names on this event.  The number in parenthesis is the portion of their budget that you involuntarily pay!

Australia "dumb" deal update: More vetting ordered for next batch of fake 'refugees'

This is now the third post in three days about the Obama deal with Australia to take to America over a thousand illegal aliens*** who tried to break into Australia and who were subsequently detained in offshore locations.  See here and here for background.
Amazing how little US media attention is being paid to the deal that Trump (foolishly in my opinion) went along with! 
Now we learn from RNZ (New Zealand) that a new round of vetting will begin shortly.

Manus protestors
Protests continue….  A picture worth a thousand words.

So far, if the detainee is from one of the banned countries, they are not being considered, but frankly that makes no difference because those on the way to your states are from mostly Muslim Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burma (Rohingya).
Radio New Zealand:

Refugees detained by Australia on Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island have been advised more vetting for United States resettlement will begin at the end of the month.

About 110 refugees from Manus and Nauru have been taken by the US so far, with another 130 from Nauru expected to go in the coming weeks.

The US agreed to take up to 1250 refugees from Australian offshore detention in November 2016.

A note telling the refugees about the upcoming vetting was posted online by the Kurdish journalist and Manus Island refugee Behrouz Boochani.

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“Journalist?” Social media is available to detainees like this one.  They probably all have phones too! 

It said the selected men would be transported to Port Moresby to attend appointments and then returned to Manus Island.

Refugees from six Muslim-majority nations including Iran will not be considered due to a US travel ban on their residents.

Australian statistics from 2014 indicate the majority of Manus Island refugees are from Iran.

More here.

Thought you might like to see some comments from readers to my previous post on the Australia “dumb” deal.

‘FatherJon’ from Australia says this:

No surprises that some of them couldn’t substantiate their bona fides, seeing as the trick was for them to destroy or sell their IDs prior to being landed in Australia in order to re-establish favourable identities as someone else. Unsurprisingly the do-gooders prefer not to acknowledge that, claiming the IDs were ‘lost’ at sea. As for ‘youngsters’ being amongst them, that’s more confected narrative, many of them were clearly young adult males at time of landing, but claimed to be under 18 yoa, in order to gain greater sympathy from laws dealing with children, similar to America’s problems with ‘kids’ from Latin America.

The list goes on…..they have more tricks than in Harry Houdini’s toy box!


I see that at least two of them want to study “human rights”. Will this study include our rights, the rights of legitimate citizens of this country? I feel that my right to safety and a quality of life that includes not being crowded or forced to compete for scarce resources are being violated by these people’s presence here. And what about the rights of people who have been murdered, raped, robbed and tortured by “refugees” who should have never been allowed into our country in the first place? If they are really so concerned with human rights, stop ignoring ours for a change.


As always seems to be the case, if these are truly refugees then where are the women and children?? If Australia was unwilling to integrate these men into their cities, why didn’t they just return them to whence they came? Their resulting anger, sexual repression and mental health issues after being sequestered for 5 years in a remote location are now America’s to bear. There is nothing about this bad “deal” that Obama committed us to that makes sense. Shame on President Trump!


I wonder if they’ll get a “Welcoming” parade from our local “welcoming” community organizers? We will be watching. We will hold them accountable. That is YOU LIRS in my area!  [LIRS is the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service which we learned previously is one of the federal contractors being paid to place the Australian rejects into US towns.—ed]

See my complete (extensive!) archive on the Australia “dumb” deal by clicking here.  If you once knew but have forgotten, as part of the unprecedented deal, Australia is going to take some Central American Christians now in Costa Rica in exchange. (So how are those people even our problem?)
LOL! Donald! It is “dumb!”
US to Australia: We will take over a thousand illegal alien Muslims off your hands.
Australia to US: And, in exchange we will take an undetermined number of Christian economic migrants presently living in Costa Rica off your (US) hands. (huh!)
***I repeat, legitimate refugees are to ask for asylum in the first safe place they land.  If they fail to be granted asylum by proving they would be persecuted if sent home, they should be returned to where they came from, not be given the ultimate jackpot—a free ticket to America.

Leftwing 'Frontline' takes a stab at defining the European right

But, as expected they use the usual language meant to describe people who want to control immigration as “nativists,” “populists” and “Islamophobes.”
Nevertheless, I found this article useful because it does confirm that what they call the Far Right or Radical Right is gaining power in Europe. Hoorah!

How the Far Right Has Reshaped the Refugee Debate in Europe


Poles demonstrate
You can bet Frontline loved this scary and powerful photo of Polish “nationalists” demonstrating!  Fires and flags are reminiscent to me of the 1683 Battle for the Gates of Vienna when the Polish army destroyed the Ottoman Turks and saved Europe for Christendom. (But, I doubt the Frontline people ever heard of it.)

Couldn’t one actually say that the refugee and migrant invasion is so great that sensible Germans, Poles, Hungarians, Swiss etc. are saying enough is enough because they do not want to be overrun and out bred.
The Open Borders Far Left, by permitting the refugee invasion, is shaping the debate in my view. The sensible people are reacting to the Left’s aggression.
Here is the opening segment of a longer interview. It is worth reading in its entirety.

Across Europe, parties on the far right are experiencing renewed vigor, fueled by economic uncertainty, cynicism toward the European Union, and anger over an ongoing crisis that has brought more than 1.5 million refugees and migrants to the West since 2015.

By last October, there were right-wing nationalist members of parliament in 24 European countries. In Germany, the EU’s largest country, the Alternative for Germany party became the first far-right group in more than six decades to win seats in parliament, with co-leader Alexander Gauland vowing after the election to fight “an invasion of foreigners.”

These parties have helped reshape the immigration debate in Europe. In countries like Hungary, razor-wire border fences have gone up to keep refugees and migrants out. Elsewhere on the continent, there’s been an upsurge of protests against refugees. In Poland, for example, an independence day celebration of around 60,000 people this past November was marred by thousands of far-right nationalists waving banners of “White Europe,” and chanting slogans of “No to Islam.”

Frontline’s big expert is an associate professor at the University of Georgia at Athens, GA. He is a Dutch Leftwinger indoctrinating your American kids.

According to Cas Mudde, a political scientist at the University of Georgia and a leading expert on far-right politics in Europe, Europe’s far right has used the refugee crisis to its advantage — channeling decades-old stereotypes about immigrants to rally support for their cause. These parties didn’t create anti-immigrant stereotypes, he says. Rather, they feed on them to influence the conversation.

Ahead of FRONTLINE’s Jan. 23 premiere of Exodus: The Journey Continues, we spoke with Mudde about the rise of Europe’s radical right, the refugee crisis, and why he considers the current political situation a “crisis of liberal democracy.”

This interview has been edited for clarity and length.

What are the defining tenets of Europe’s far-right movement?

The vast majority of the parties that are relevant are parties that are best called “radical right.” That means that they accept the basics of democracy — that the people elect their leaders — but they have major problems with some of the liberal protections of democracy. Most notably, minority rights. And so, they combine nativism, authoritarianism and populism. [Watch the increasing use of the word authoritarian because the Far Left is attaching that word to President Trump.—ed]

The assumption is that nativists are bad people and Frontline and Mudde want you to get that message loud and clear. LOL! they worked the word “nativism” into the story six times!
I might suggest ‘preservationists’ is a more applicable term—-preserving culture and western civilization seems like a more accurate driving force for a growing number of Europeans and Americans.

We’ve obviously seen our own resurgence of many of these same beliefs in the United States. How has Europe’s nativist, populist movement paralleled what’s happening here?

Well, in the narrow sense of the movement, there are not so many links. The radical right forces here, they are first and foremost American organizations with very few ties to Europe. Much of their nativism stands in a very long tradition of American nativism, going back at the very least to the mid-19th century. It is a bit different because there is a different enemy: Mexicans. [Huh?—ed] It also feeds into, of course, the specific history of racism and African Americans that Europe doesn’t have.

Look at his language dripping with bias—Islamophobic!

The strongest ties are actually within the Islamophobic community, because that argument is very similar. They have the same view because Islamophobia is not just about the Muslims inside of your country, it’s also against so-called “global Islam.” But I find it pretty stunning how prominent and salient Islamophobia is in a country like the United States, which has such a tiny Muslim population, which is not the case with the Muslim population in Europe.

Could that be because Americans are smart and are studying Islam and looking to Europe as the canary in a coal mine and they don’t want to be a dead canary country (as Mudde’s homeland is about to be, or is already!).

Much more here.
See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, here.

Australian rejected 'refugees' on the way to US this week!

We can get excited about the slowdown in the normal refugee flow to America (see post yesterday), but here comes the very abnormal flow—58 of the Australia-rejected mostly single men who have been detained by the Aussies for as long as four years will now be free in America.
The deal, originally agreed to by Obama as he was walking out the door, represents an application of international refugee law that is simply unheard of and possibly illegal.
A legitimate asylum seeker is to ask for asylum in the first safe country in which he or she arrives.  If Australia rejected them, they should be returned home, not given a ticket to America!

Australian detainees on the way
Here they come, mostly Muslim young men that Australia refused to admit to its mainland.   Photo: SBS News

This batch is going to: North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Georgia!  

And, you know that resettlement contract agencies in those states know they are coming and this will all be kept secret from your ‘welcoming’ towns!

Here is the latest about the hush-hush movement of 58 of the men from mostly Middle Eastern countries to Anytown, USA.
From Australia’s SBS News (emphasis is mine):

Ian Rintoul, activist and refugee advocate, says 40 left on one flight on Tuesday morning bound for Manila where, he says, they’re due to be split up – one group bound for New York, the other group travelling on to Los Angeles.

One US resettlement agency has confirmed they are coming, but you can be sure that you, citizens of that town, will not be told!

US, Australian and United Nations authorities involved with the transfer have all refused to confirm or deny the transfer details, but at least one refugee agency in the United States told SBS News that they have received official advance notice of several arrivals.  [Who?—ed]

Refugees will be resettled in locations which include North Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia, according to information from refugee advocates and resettlement agencies.

26-year-old Shafiq Turi, who said he has been told he will be resettled this week in Elizabeth, New Jersey….


54 refugees from Nauru and PNG were resettled under the arrangement last year.

“I’m so happy for those people coming here,” said Reza Mohammad Nezhadtazkam, a 43 year old Iranian man from Manus Island who was resettled in Arizona last year.

So 58 in this group plus 54 last year, and 130 additional ready to go too!

The Guardian reports that roughly 130 people from Nauru will also be transferred in the upcoming cohort, with advocates expecting that a flight from Nauru will depart later this week.

‘A horrible deal’

Trump and Turnbull
Trump should have followed his initial instincts. If just one of these men turns out to be a criminal or terrorist, it will be on Trump. We will be watching!

The official shroud of secrecy around the transfers has made it challenging to report on the progress of the deal, which rose to prominence when it was the subject of a combative, leaked conversation between President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in January last year.

President Trump denounced the agreement as “a horrible deal, a disgusting deal” in the late January call, a transcript of which was later published by the Washington Post.

“This is going to kill me,” he said. “I am the world’s greatest person that does not want to let people into the country.”


Refugees are met at the airport by American resettlement agencies and taken to temporary accommodation when they reach their final destination.

As with all refugee arrivals in the United States, resettlement agencies then spend the next few days assisting refugees with applying for identification, government documents and employment services. [And WELFARE!—ed]

There is much more at SBS News, click here.
If there are any real investigative reporters out there, you could call resettlement agencies in each state mentioned and see if any will admit that they have Australia’s rejected ‘refugees’ to pick up at the airport shortly!
Go here to find a US State Department-funded resettlement agency near you!
And for new readers, see my entire archive on the “Dumb” Australia deal, here.

Charleston, WV: They aren't getting their Syrian refugees, but mosque makes aggressive move

Leo Hohmann has the full story at his new website entitled:

West Virginia school district signs off on mosque’s ‘indoctrination’ of teachers

…which describes a brazen push with school system permission to indoctrinate teachers about Islam reportedly using allegations of bullying in the schools as the pretext for ‘educating’ the teachers.
This demonstrates a pattern of aggressive proselyting we have observed as Muslim immigrants begin to make their presence known in cities that have had little experience with this kind of ‘diversity.’

Islamic association of WV (1)
The city’s only mosque – Islamic Association of West Virginia – doubled in size about two years ago. CAIR, or the Council on American Islamic Relations, announced plans last year to open an office in Charleston…

They are often aided and abetted by local so-called ‘Interfaith’ groups representing the religious Left. (Ring a bell South Dakota!).

But, first a little background to set the stage:
Catholic Charities has had a small resettlement office in Charleston for a long time, but a couple of years ago, as the Interfaith group jumped on the ‘we-want-Syrian-refugees’ bandwagon, they found Episcopal Migrations Ministries (99.5% funded by taxpayers) willing to put in for a new office in Charleston specifically seeking Syrian Muslims.
I wrote about their unusual desire to specify a particular ethnic group in 2016.
Normally a budding new subcontractor is happy to get whatever ethnic groups are sent their way. After all, it is about ‘humanitarianism’ right!
They didn’t get their wish, as Hohmann relates, and the office approved by Obama’s State Department was killed when Trump came in, partially due to Trump’s ‘ban’  on Syrians and partly due to organized citizen opposition in Charleston.

They aren’t getting their New Americans yet, but readers need to know that they are just waiting for Trump to be gone from the White House!  So, in the meantime, they are “educating.”

Fast forward to this past week when we learned that the The Islamic Association of West Virginia had sent an invitation via the school system directly to individual teacher’s mailboxes inviting them to learn about Islam at a special upcoming event—-The Islamic Association of West Virginia: Get to know your Muslim student event!
Can you imagine if the local Baptist Church (any other faith group) went to the School Board and asked to put invitations in to teachers’ boxes about an upcoming ‘know your Christian students event.’  They would be laughed out of the office!
It would never happen.

So why did the Islamic Association of WV have success? It is spelled F-E-A-R!

Now, see Hohmann’s riveting reporting on what happened and is happening in Charleston, WV! See how teachers are afraid!
Do you see the pattern where you live?
See my archive on Charleston, WV by clicking here.