South Dakota legislator wants more information on refugee costs, opposed by Lutherans and Muslim activist

If you are a new reader, you might want to catch up by having a look at my South Dakota archive especially as it relates to meatpackers and manufacturers (and mayors!) there pushing for ever-greater numbers of refugee workers. South Dakota was on my 2016 road trip to see some of those situations first hand.
And, see my previous post this morning to see who and what this South Dakota Senator is really up against—big powerful moneyed interests on the national level.
Here is the Argus Leader:

PIERRE — A state senator on Monday said he would convene a legislative panel to evaluate South Dakota’s immigration and refugee resettlement programs with an eye toward the cost to taxpayers.

neil tapio 2
Senator Neil Tapio:

Sen. Neal Tapio, a Watertown Republican and likely U.S. House candidate, said he was worried about the added expense immigrants and refugees placed on the state and local governments.

“Each level of government has expended costs but we don’t know what the costs are,” Tapio said. “We have to understand the impact these groups are putting on limited financial resources of our state.”

Refugee resettlement advocates said they hoped Tapio’s panel would highlight the positive aspects of bringing refugee and immigrant groups to the state including cultural diversity and long-term boosts to workforce and earnings.

[Republican] Gov. Dennis Daugaard said the efforts to probe the state’s immigrant and refugee placement procedures weren’t needed.


While the workgroup has not yet met formally, Tapio said members would weigh bringing legislation rescinding the state’s agreement to allow Lutheran Social Services to resettle refugees in South Dakota or requiring additional state oversight over LSS.

Lutherans find laborers for big business. Taxpayers fund Lutherans for that service. In fact, LSS’s mothership, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service headquartered in Baltimore signed two contracts with two BIG MEAT companies in 2017.  See here and here.
I had to laugh about this LSS CEO bragging about transparency with refugee resettlement. What a joke!

Betty Oldenkamp, president and CEO of Lutheran Social Services, defended LSS’ effort to keep lawmakers informed about refugee resettlement in the state.

taneeza islam
She came over from Minnesota where she was the “civil rights” director of CAIR.

“It’s our commitment to be very open and transparent with our information with our work with refugee resettlement in South Dakota,” Oldenkamp said, “and I think we have a good history of providing that to elected officials.”

Not a surprise that immigration lawyer Islam opposes any study of economic impact of migrant labor:

Taneeza Islam, executive director of South Dakota Voices for Peace, questioned the need for such a workgroup and said Tapio’s calls for an investigation put “immigrants, refugees and Muslims in real danger.”

More here.

Vermont: "Man" attacks elderly woman with machete at hotel for homeless

I saw the story yesterday and am looking around this morning for any news about the “man” (the alleged attacker) who happens to have a Muslim name and looks like he might be Somali.  I’m not seeing anything yet.
Is he a refugee, an illegal alien, an asylum seeker, a diversity visa lottery winner, what?
There should be a law that immigration status is immediately available in criminal acts like this!

Harbor Place
The attack happened at the controversial Harbor Place, a hotel for the homeless. The converted Econo Lodge was a source of controversy here in 2016:

Below is one of several stories on how a woman delivering meals for the homeless was attacked by a machete-wielding African “man” who then barricaded himself in his room for the next couple of hours.
From the Daily Caller:

A man armed with a machete assaulted an elderly volunteer worker at a homeless shelter in Shelburne, Vt., Friday morning, according to local police.

Abukar Ibrahim
Abukar Ibrahim

32-year-old Abukar Ibrahim attacked a 73-year-old Meals on Wheels volunteer while she was delivering food to Harbor Place, which provides temporary emergency housing to those in need.

While in the office, the female victim reportedly saw Ibrahim vandalizing her car. When she confronted him and tried to intervene, the man became violent, assaulting her with a machete.

The woman was taken to the University of Vermont Medical Center with multiple injuries, including a “significant leg wound.” She received treatment and was later released.

In the wake of the attack, Ibrahim, who police identified as the assailant, barricaded himself in a room for two and a half hours. He supposedly taunted police officers from inside the room before deciding to come out and surrender. The attacker was sent to the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility on charges of attempted murder.

He will be arraigned tomorrow.
For more information on the “welcoming” state of Vermont, click here.
Shelburne is only 15 miles from the USCRI affiliate in Vermont—-Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program.  Inquiring reporters might want to call there and see if Ibrahim is one of their’s.

Denmark may take more radical action against immigrant "ghettos"

Invasion of Europe news!

(I plan to get back to writing as many posts as possible on what is happening in Europe to help America, in my small way, dodge the diversity-is-beautiful bullet during this window of opportunity President Trump has opened.)
Yesterday I reported on German news—can you believe it was even published—about refugees bringing violent crime with them to “welcoming” Germany.
denmark muslims
Here is RT on the latest from Denmark which is trying to save itself (unlike Sweden and Germany):

The right-wing populist Danish People’s Party (DPP) has unveiled a radical seven-point plan to tackle social problems in migrant-dominated areas, after the country’s PM said he planned “to physically bulldoze” ghettos.

The most contentious part of the initiative, which has dominated headlines this week, is a curfew on unsupervised under-18 children on the streets of so-called problem areas after 8pm.

Martin Henriksen, the DPP immigration spokesman, says there is already legislation that allows local authorities to impose such restrictions, and that it won’t be applied to students or those with jobs, nor at all times. He said the DPP plan would ensure children study rather than rove in teen gangs.

Martin Henriksen
Henrikson (Danish Peoples Party) says mosques project “divisive symbolism.”

Visible policing will also be intensified in the “ghettos,” which boast some of the highest crime rates in the country. Among other suggestions is a moratorium on the construction of mosques with minarets, as they project a “divisive symbolism,” Henrikson, an MP, told Arab News. Instead, Muslims will be encouraged to pray in unmarked spaces, such as “warehouses and offices.”

In 2017, Denmark received just 3,500 asylum applications – the lowest number since 2008 – but the Danish People’s Party believe conditions for would-be asylum seekers need to be made stricter to whittle this down further. It further proposes that those with temporary asylum must not be given citizenship, but sent back to their homeland as soon as it is safe.

Last month, Henrikson suggested that rejected applicants should be sequestered on one of Denmark’s 300 uninhabited islands prior to deportation.

While most of these ideas would be considered shocking in neighboring Sweden and in Germany, the parties of Denmark’s governing coalition offered no clear official comment – perhaps due to their reliance on the DPP’s 37 parliament seats to secure a parliamentary majority.

More here.
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive which extends back many years is here.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society lawyers "save" Somali from deportation

In a touching tale, HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), bragged on its blog yesterday that, in a Baltimore, MD court, it saved Somali illegal alien Yaasir from deportation back to Somalia.

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Only one retweet in 19 hours? You can see how much people like this story!

The tale goes from one touching scene to another, in Yaasir’s 22-years, all written (and told by Yaasir) to elicit sympathy from the reader, and is likely what they presented to the court in Baltimore.
Read it here, then let me take the story to its bare bones (stripping it of all the fluffy feel-good language):

~There were bombs and fighting, but Yaasir’s family was not directly targeted.

~His big problem was because he was in a lowly clan and the more powerful clans were always out to get them.  (Clans are central to Somali culture and we have admitted to the US most, if not all, of them. Somalis discriminate against each other by clan. Is this our problem?)

~He was warned by family members to not play with children from the more powerful clans, but he did it anyway.

~As a teen he got into (as HIAS describes it)—“a bit of a scuffle”—with kids from a more powerful clan. Dumb? They kidnapped him, he says, and beat him up for two days.

~Not able to interact with other teens (What? no teens in his clan liked him either?), he quit school.

~HIAS:  “Yaasir soon fell in love with a girl from a more powerful clan and impregnated her.”  Her brothers came to kill him. Our problem?

~Angry father told him to get out and go to South Africa.

~Problem is that South African blacks hate Somalis (see my entire archive on South Africa here.  BTW, we are taking black African refugees from the rainbow nation. Insanity!). HIAS: H“began to encounter severe discrimination and abuse by hostile South Africans.”  I have to laugh because HIAS wants you to believe that the discrimination was from white South Africans!

~After a few months in SA, he ‘married’ a Somali woman and got her pregnant (or was it the other way around?)

~He always had to run from the South African police because he had no documentation. So he sends pregnant wife back to ‘unsafe'(?) Somalia.

~He then “made his way” to the US border beginning after he flies to Brazil. (There is zero mention of how he found enough money for a global jaunt!). This is perhaps the biggest issue that is never discussed—where did this kind of money come from?

~His struggle northward is described as “treacherous” which HIAS uses to show what a determined young man he is and therefore worthy of becoming an American.

~HIAS doesn’t tell us how, or when, he was detained on America soil. Was he here for months/years before he came to the attention of authorities, or was he detained as he crossed our southern border?

hetfield at NY anti-Trump rally
HIAS CEO Hetfield speaking at their anti-President Trump rally last February!

But nevermind, the tale ends happily when Yaasir finds himself in the arms of HIAS lawyers who work hard to get him through the asylum process.
As a successful asylee he becomes eligible for all the welfare benefits a refugee gets—which is pretty much everything!  And…

He is free in America and getting ready to bring his ‘wife’ and child (and probably parents, brothers, sisters, etc) to live with him happily ever after in America. (As soon as HIAS lawyers can stop DJT from killing chain migration!)

Go here to read Yaasir’s “fight” at HIAS’s blog.
For our huge archive on HIAS click here.
They are one of the nine federal resettlement contractors (paid with taxpayer dollars) placing refugees in your towns and cities, but obviously they are busy on a whole host of fronts to help Muslims and others get in to the US.
Readers need to know that I am not picking on HIAS to the exclusion of other contractors, it is just that they send out such tantalizing material for me to write about compared to some others.

Minneapolis woman stabbed by Somali in mid-December is speaking out

But, she has also left the state for her own safety!

What the hell is going on with the police in Minneapolis?

Leo Hohmann has the latest at his new website, click here.  See my earlier post on the attack here.
Below are a few snips from Hohmann’s detailed (update) report:

The tragic story of what happened to Morgan Evenson two weeks before Christmas is starting to gain traction in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Morgan evenson
Evenson gave the police a very detailed description of her attacker!

Ignored by the city’s largest newspaper, the Star Tribune, a second local TV station picked up the story Tuesday about the brutal attack by a Somali migrant that left the 26-year-old woman in a hospital bed with 14 stab wounds and a lacerated kidney.

It’s been nearly three weeks since a man described as a Somali immigrant attacked Evenson while she was walking home from work in uptown Minneapolis, slashing and stabbing her relentlessly while trying to drag her off of a public street.

She did not know the man and has no idea why he attacked her.


The fact that a Somali migrant targeted a young white woman while walking alone, and that he remains on the loose, has women watching their backs.

Several women told Fox 9 KMSP they are afraid to walk alone on the streets of this popular shopping district that they previously thought was safe.

And now the victim herself is speaking out, revealing new information about her attacker that cast doubt upon the official police narrative about what happened that night.


After being released from the hospital Evenson immediately moved out of state and said she fears for the safety of her friends still living in uptown Minneapolis….

Go here and see what she says about the attack and her attacker and what she wants to do!

And, see Hohmann’s discussion about the Minneapolis police department that seems to be controlled by the local Imams, putting their sensitivities before the safety of the non-immigrant community that still lives in Minneapolis.
For those reading RRW for the first time, go here (one of my all time top posts) and see who is responsible for Minneapolis becoming the Somali capital of America. Hint: Initially it was three of the refugee contractors listed below. But, last I looked, 5 or 6 of them have set up shop in “welcoming” Minnesota.