Editor: From time to time I post comments more prominently that I think are important but would get little notice otherwise. This is a comment I received about my post two days ago, here.
Update October 19th: Don’t miss all the breaking news on St. Cloud today, here.
From St. Cloud Guy:
I have lived in St Cloud for a long time and I can’t believe how fast the city is going down. The housing market in St. Cloud is falling way behind all the surrounding cities because of the excessive refugee population. Also the schools have become some of the worst ones in the entire state of Minnesota. The Star Tribune estimated over 30% of St Cloud Apollo High School is Somalian now and the other high school St. Cloud Tech has a larger refugee population in its area. They have only been coming to St. Cloud in large numbers the last decade and a half. What will happen in another 10 years? Plus all the extra kids they have? 80%?
It’s very upsetting and frustrating that St. Cloud was a nice normal town that we could raise families here and go to decent schools. Now that is all gone and we have to take huge losses to sell our houses to get out of here. I really wish we would have a say in this since tax money is used for it. We almost have to move out of state, because any decent size city in Minnesota has or is starting to have problems with excessive refugees and poverty.
I don’t care if people want to migrate here but we need to stop paying for it with our tax money and let them get over here on their own and take care of themselves. That’s what all our ancestors did and that’s what made America so strong. At least that way the people that do migrate here on their own will be hard working and motivated to live the American dream not just sit at home collecting welfare checks and having babies.
See more comments worth noting and guest posts, here.
That is a rally partially sponsored by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to be held in Washington, DC this coming week. (As of this writing they have 847 confirmed planning to attend, here.)
I told you about it here when the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society was pushing its groupies to attend.
Curious about whether the other eight federal refugee contractors (some receiving nearly all of their funding from the US Treasury)*** were involved, I asked in that post if anyone knew.
I got my answer just now at twitter when the lobbying arm of the refugee industry (Refugee Council USA) put out this message:
So who are the membersof the refugee lobbying consortium. Here they are:
***Check out those logos, below are the nine contractors. Where is Congress? Shouldn’t there be a law that if you take most of your funding from taxpayers, you shouldn’t be marching in the streets against the President and us!
Think about it! All nine contractors (the Catholic church included!) are telling their people to march against the President and for CAIR!
Why don’t they just take good care of the refugees they are being paid to care for!
As Isaid here, the swamp is not going to be drained anytime soon, so my best advice to all of you concerned about the economic and cultural disruption in your communities fostered by the US State Department and its contractors choosing your town/city as a resettlement site (and the lack of transparency by federal government contractors in the process) must renew your efforts at the state and local level.
Here we have an excellent example of citizen action to get their local mayor and council to pay attention to their concerns. The citizens are asking for a moratorium on resettlement until their questions and concerns are addressed.
Watch the council meeting here. Begin at 13:45 to hear private citizens and then here again at 1:17:50 to hear Councilman Jeff Johnson say that he will be placing a resolution before the board at the next meeting. (Hat tip: Ron)
You too can do this!
Again, go here to play the video: http://stcloudmn.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=1324
I had to laugh, check out their rule that a citizen may have 2 minutes only two times a year to address the high and mighty. And, they only take 5 commenters at each meeting.
You can learn more about the St. Cloud council at their website, here. They said at the meeting that they accept letters and e-mail commentary.
Let me be clear, there is nothing in refugee law now to address the issue of a city having any power to halt resettlement to their city. However, the State Department has repeatedly said they will not place refugees in communities that don’t want them. So, if the council were to ask the federal government for a moratorium, it would (should!) carry significant weight!
But, if the council turns down a resolution for a moratorium, it becomes a very important educational opportunity for the community. If council members votes are recorded, the political stance (in support of, or opposition to, more resettlement and continued secrecy) of each council member becomes clear to the whole city.
Again, see mypost here. Some of you in St. Cloud might decide to run for mayor or council based on what happens next. Even if you don’t win, the exercise will educate even more voting citizens.
Please visit my post yesterdaywhere I told you about the ‘stakeholder meetings (quarterly consultations)’ held without the public, and the R & P Abstracts that are kept secret from the public.
You should be demanding that your mayor and council members (or whatever local govt. format you have) attend those meetings and receive the planning documents before they go to Washington and make an opportunity available for the public to comment on the plans before they are submitted to Washington each year!
Just fyi, I have been to St. Cloud twice in recent years. You can see my whole archive on the controversy there by clicking here.
I think RRW’s first mention of St. Cloud was by Judy in 2008 when she wrote about Somali students harassing a fellow student’s service dog, here.
Lutheran Social Services of Minnesotais the primary contractor in St. Cloud responsible for placing large numbers of Somalis there.
This post is filed also in my category entitled ‘What you can do.‘
Because frankly the Washington swamp is alive and well! Some important swamp creatures are the Chamber of Commerce and other business lobbyists looking for more customers and cheap labor! Do not be fooled! Refugee resettlement is not, first and foremost, driven by humanitarian zeal!
Church leaders say the event is purely religious, but there are concerns it could be seen as endorsing the state’s refusal to let in Muslim migrants.
The feast day marks the anniversary of a Christian victory over Ottoman Turks at the sea battle of Lepanto in 1571.
People were bussed in from more than 300 churches to points all along the border.
They stood in lines, some on beaches on the Baltic Sea, some in fields and some in towns.
We want our Catholic faith to continue, to keep our children safe, that our brothers from other countries can understand that our faith is unwavering and that we feel safer, not only in Poland but also in the world.”
Halina Kotarska, 65, said she was expressing thanks for the survival of her son in a car crash, but also praying for the survival of Christianity in Europe.
“Islam wants to destroy Europe,” she said, quoted by the Associated Press. “They want to turn us away from Christianity.”
Some priests and Church commentators said the event could be seen as support for the government’s refusal to accept Muslim migrants, a policy backed by a majority of Poles.
Poland, along with Hungary and the Czech Republic, refused to take part in an EU deal in 2015 to relocate refugees from frontline states Italy and Greece.
The Polish position has put it at odds with the Vatican….
If you want to learn more about this last great sea battle to turn back the Muslim invasion of Europe and about the later land battle at the Gates of Vienna (victory thanks to a Polish king), go here.
The Poles get it! Puzzling how few Europeans (and Americans) can’t grasp the lessons of history.
For my lengthy archive on the Invasion of Europe, click here.
Addendum!What a coincidence that the Poles kicked off their prayer for Europe on the same day US Bishops launched their PR campaignto get Americans’ minds right on more migration to America!
Update October 8th: 22 Rohingya (posing as refugees) in Bangladesh charged in massacre of Hindus, here.
This is not new news to me!
I’ve been hearing about this problem for years—the US State Department, with unwavering faith, seems to think it can place Muslims in Christian communities and the melting pot will perform its magic and presto! there will be love and acceptance all around.
Burmese Muslim Esar Met was placed in a housing complex in Salt Lake City (by the US State Dept. contractor there) housing mostly Burmese Christians. He was found guilty in 2014 of brutally raping and murdering a Burmese Christian child. A reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune found that the Muslims were separated from the other Burmese minorities and were housed in separate parts of the camps in Thailand. But housed together in America! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/05/15/utah-burmese-muslim-refugee-sentenced-in-brutal-rapemurder-of-little-girl/
Burmese Christians and other Burmese religious minorities (including the Chin) have been terrorized back home by Rohingya Muslims for decades and they fear it will begin again in Ft. Wayne, Indiana!
(Ft. Wayne first came to my attention ten years ago because of the very high TB rates there in the Burmese community. Also, many years ago I received a call about how fearful the Burmese Christians there were when resettlement contractors began placing the Rohingya in their neighborhoods.)
Please pay attention readers!
We have been admitting thousands of Rohingya to the US for the last ten years (just short of 20,000 so far)! Trump will be admitting more!
From this article we learn that the Rohingya enclaves growing in the US are in Chicago, Milwaukee and Ft. Wayne. But, don’t forget the brutal murder in Salt Lake City! And, I have some recent stories about Rohingya in Phoenix and that sexual pervert in New Hampshire in my HUGE Rohingya Reports archive, click here.
Do you know what is the most remarkable thing about this story?
It is the fact that a publication like VOA is even putting this in print! The times they are a changin’…..
The crisis [latest conflict began in 2012 when a gang of Rohingya men raped and murdered a Buddhist girl—ed] has increased the number of Rohingya refugees arriving in the United States, and since 2015 they outpace the number of Syrians resettling here.
But instead of landing in Chicago or Milwaukee, two cities home to a large number of Rohingya, Tahir and her family instead arrived in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and became one of the first Rohingya families in the area. [Don’t you just love it—arrived! Arrived like they picked Ft. Wayne on a map. They were placed there by the US State Department and its contractors!—-ed]
A Burmese community
Burmese community members believe there are now more than 150 Rohingya families living in Fort Wayne, and although their numbers are growing, their community remains a small fraction of the more than 6,000 Burmese of various ethnic groups now living in the city.
Can you believe it! VOA continues:
Most of the foreign-born Burmese population in Fort Wayne speak a different language and practice different religions than the Rohingya, and the ethnic tensions and religious persecution that fueled their flight from Myanmar don’t necessarily end once they arrive here.
“Why I don’t like Rohingya to come to Fort Wayne is … most of them, almost 100 percent, are Muslims,” said Burmese Chin community leader Abraham Thang, who moved to Fort Wayne in the 1990s.
“They’re blood is Muslims, not Buddhist, not Christians. They did very terrible job, like attacking the military and police post, and killing and murdering the Hindus. That is not good for Rohingyas. That is the big mistake by Rohingyas.”
Thang, a pastor at the Myanmar Indigenous Christian Church, was one of the few Burmese willing to talk to VOA about Rohingya resettlement in Fort Wayne, and while he emphasizes these views are his own opinions, they are indicative of the same resentments Rohingya face in Myanmar.
“I don’t mind they practice what they believe,” Thang explained to VOA. “What I mind is extremism. Most of the terrorists come from the Muslim community. This is what I am thinking in my mind personally. So my opinion is, rather than sending Rohingya to Fort Wayne, and not sending them here is better don’t send Rohingya to Fort Wayne.”
With mayors like these! “We try to pride ourselves in being a welcoming community…”
Mayor: All welcome here
“That’s unfortunate,” said Fort Wayne’s mayor, Tom Henry. “I want anybody from Myanmar to know they are welcome in our community.”
Henry, a Democrat, has made Burmese integration into life in this city of more than 250,000 a priority of his administration.
“We try to pride ourselves in being a welcoming community, an inclusive community, a community that allows people to assimilate throughout our community and if they want to ultimately become an American citizen, we’ve got the tools in place to help that happen. So when I hear that there is that kind of tension and anxiety behind the scenes, that disturbs me.”
But some community members, like Thang, worry that an increasing number of new arrivals will only fuel tensions.
“I foresee the Burmese people and the Rohingya people in the future, sooner or later, we will have conflict and that is not good for the Fort Wayne community.”
Again, my Rohingya Reports category ishere (209 previous posts) with enough material to write a book!
See also my post yesterdayabout political action that should be aimed at mayors and local elected officials.
Go hereto see which contractors are working near you. Surprise! Not! Looks like Catholic Charities is the resettlement contractor in Ft. Wayne. I believe they were responsible in Salt Lake too. Memory lane: In 2013 I was there to heara Catholic Bishops’ lobbyist tell the State Dept.—we want more Rohingya!
I have lived in St Cloud for a long time and I can’t believe how fast the city is going down. The housing market in St. Cloud is falling way behind all the surrounding cities because of the excessive refugee population. Also the schools have become some of the worst ones in the entire state of Minnesota. The Star Tribune estimated over 30% of St Cloud Apollo High School is Somalian now and the other high school St. Cloud Tech has a larger refugee population in its area. They have only been coming to St. Cloud in large numbers the last decade and a half. What will happen in another 10 years? Plus all the extra kids they have? 80%?
It’s very upsetting and frustrating that St. Cloud was a nice normal town that we could raise families here and go to decent schools. Now that is all gone and we have to take huge losses to sell our houses to get out of here. I really wish we would have a say in this since tax money is used for it. We almost have to move out of state, because any decent size city in Minnesota has or is starting to have problems with excessive refugees and poverty.
I don’t care if people want to migrate here but we need to stop paying for it with our tax money and let them get over here on their own and take care of themselves. That’s what all our ancestors did and that’s what made America so strong. At least that way the people that do migrate here on their own will be hard working and motivated to live the American dream not just sit at home collecting welfare checks and having babies.