So what would motivate Chechens to kill gay men?

Just now I was scrolling around to see what the reaction is among members of the refugee industry about the Kennedy decision at the Supreme Court yesterday.

So I stopped by Amnesty International and see that, of course, they are not thrilled, here.

(But, as I have told you innumerable times, the Supremes went too far in the first place and much of what people are having anxiety attacks over will be moot in a few weeks.)

But, then I noticed this action item and was interested to see their involvement in saving gay men in Chechnya from kidnapping and death (that is good), but I noticed one important item not mentioned in their action item for supporters.

Amnesty to their supporters: Tell those bad Russians what you think…..


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So tell me, what have they failed to mention?

95% of Chechnya is Muslim. Islam directs the killing of gay men.

As the demographic makeup of a country becomes more Islamic, they become emboldened.

Maybe if Amnesty was more honest about the source of the prejudice they could save more people instead of making it sound like the bad ol’ [rightwing] Russians (who have little control over Chechnya!) are to blame.

When a Leftist Pope gets between a rock and a hard place (laugh of the day)

Or more specifically when he gets between the Muslims and the Buddhists in Burma.

Scratching his head: How can two “peaceful” religions be killing each other?

Burmese monks
See my report on the recent violence here:


See Pope in a pickle by George Neumayr at American Spectator (hat tip: Judy).

(Before you go on with your laugh, you need to know that the Buddhists do not recognize the label ‘Rohingya’ because they think the Muslims in Burma (aka Myanmar) are  simply Bangladeshi Muslims who moved into Burma illegally and deserve no special label. I’ve followed the issue for ten years and have a huge archive, Rohingya Reports, here. The latest outbreak of violence that began in 2012 resulted from a brutal rape and murder of a Buddhist girl by a gang of Muslims, something the media never mentions! You also need to know that the US has admitted thousands of Rohingya to America, most of them arriving in recent years.)

American Spectator:

In late August, the New York Times reported on a controversy only a pope like Francis would bother to court. Like many of his fellow Jesuits, Pope Francis exudes enthusiasm for every religion except his own. Out of this hyper-ecumenism has come a torrent of flaky tributes to what his predecessors would have called “false religions” and silly trips to remote countries with almost no Catholics. The Times reported on one such upcoming trip to Myanmar/Burma: “Pope’s Planned Visit to Myanmar Risks Stoking Religious Tensions.”

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Pope to Burma in November—watch for it! Should be fun!

The tensions to which the article refers don’t involve Catholics. There aren’t enough of them around to start a fight. The article refers to the fighting between Muslims and Buddhists. The latter group evidently finds the pope’s Islamophilia annoying and wants him to keep his nose out of their business. In February, Pope Francis rebuked Burma’s Buddhists for mistreating Muslims from Bangladesh who call themselves the Rohingya: “They have been suffering, they are being tortured and killed, simply because they uphold their Muslim faith.”


Besides, talking about his “Rohingya brothers” gives him a break from the difficult work of having to explain away jihad. Here is an opportunity, as Vatican correspondent Sandro Magister pointed out, where he can defend Muslims in the role of the persecuted instead of the persecuting. But the problem, as Magister notes, is that it also puts him in the awkward position of criticizing Buddhism, another religion that he is inclined to cast as impeccably peaceful. Maybe he can find a way to blame the tensions on Catholics, whose numbers in Burma’s dioceses have swelled to the point where they can fit into the back of a mini-van.

The Times gingerly approaches this squabbling among two groups of religionists it normally wants to protect and sanitize. The Times is also loath to criticize an interfering liberal pope. But even from its elliptical reporting one gets the sense that the Buddhists would prefer that the pope virtue-signal somewhere else…

This is a must read for those of you who love irony (and how dumb Leftist drivel gets them in trouble).

Continue here.


Not just in America: Statue of Polish king who saved Europe from the Muslim horde desecrated

See the story here at Gates of Vienna blog.

The other September 11th….




Austria is about to celebrate the 334th anniversary of the breaking of the Siege of Vienna, which took place on September 11-12, 1683. The force that rode to the relief of Vienna was led by King Jan (John) III Sobieski of Poland, who later became known as the “Hero of Vienna”. [Also called “the hammer of the Turks”—ed]

On the night of September 11 the king arrived with his troops at the summit of the Kahlenberg, the wooded hill that overlooks Vienna. Early the following morning he led his men in a charge down the hill and routed the Turks before the Gates of Vienna, saving the city.


Last night the statue of King Jan III Sobieski on the Kahlenberg was vandalized and damaged.

Continue here.

Over three hundred years ago a horrific battle saved Europe from becoming a Muslim continent, but alas today, except for the Poles (and a few other countries of Eastern Europe) who do remember history, Europe will surely fall without a whimper through the Hijra—the migration.

Just a reminder that Donald Trump at least knew something about history when he traveled to Poland in July, here.

See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.

German election 3 weeks away; magazine says 60 Syrian terrorists in the country

Invasion of Europe news….

From Deutsche Welle:

Almost 60 former fighters from a Syrian militia group linked to al Qaeda came to Germany posing as refugees, German news weekly Der Spiegel reported on Saturday.

We will find out on September 24th whether there is hope for Germany, or not.,_2017

The former fighters are thought to have been members of the Owais al-Qorani Brigade and to have fought on various sides of the Syrian war.

Spiegel reports the group began the war on the side of the rebel Free Syrian Army before switching to the al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front. [Wasn’t the Free Syrian Army Senator John McCain’s pals?—ed]


The Spiegel report, citing security agencies, said the group’s members had participated in “numerous massacres of captured civilians and Syrian soldiers.” At least 300 people were killed in such massacres.

German security agencies have reportedly set up a special task force to investigate the group’s members in Germany.

Some 25 former fighters are being investigated, but another 30 unconfirmed members are believed to be in the country, the magazine reported.

More here.

My complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.

As violence in Burma escalates, US resettling more Rohingya Muslims

I don’t want to have to write a book (although I have written 201 posts on the topic at my Rohingya Reports category), so I’ll be brief with the background.

Burma is a Buddhist country and they want to keep it that way (I’m not judging them, you may).  So as a result, the US has for years been taking tens of thousands of ‘refugees’ representing Burmese minority religions. The largest numbers have been Christians.

Burmese monks
Burmese monks: No fear about political correctness! Imagine such a banner on a French or British street! (Or, San Francisco for that matter!)


So when I saw this latest news about an uptick in violence between the Buddhists and Muslims (Rohingya) by the Associated Press (story below), I had a check of  the number of Burmese being admitted to the US and how many are Muslims.

This isn’t just a story about far away Burma, this effects you—Americans—too!

The important takeaway from the numbers is that we brought no Rohingya to America in the first year I wrote RRW (2007), but I see that this year (2017) just over a quarter of the ‘refugees’ admitted from Burma are Muslim according to Wrapsnet.

The AP story references the 2012 riots between the Rohingya and Buddhists.  I saw the reports as they were coming in and the media shamefully never mentions that the fuse was lit that year when a Buddhist girl was raped and murdered by a gang of Muslim criminals.

Here are the facts about Rohingya resettlement to America:

In FY2008: We admitted 18,139 Burmese ‘refugees’ to America. The vast majority were Christians. None were Muslim.

I then checked numbers for FY2012: We admitted 14,160 ‘refugees’ from Burma and only 759 were Muslims (5%). After that year the numbers have steadily risen.

This year, so far in FY2017, we have admitted 4,803 Burmese and 1,269 are listed as Muslim (26%).

Here is the AP story which should be entitled, ‘Rohingya insurgent group takes responsibility for latest violence.’  Instead that news is 19 paragraphs down in the story.

burmese monks UNHCR
A picture worth a thousand words—UN High Commissioner for Refugees supports terror group. At least one portion of the red type says: NGOs get out! Politically correct they are not!

Violence in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state has driven thousands of ethnic Rohingya Muslims fleeing toward Bangladesh for safety, along with a smaller exodus of ethnic Rakhine Buddhists.

A majority of the country’s estimated 1 million Rohingya live in the northern part of Rakhine state, where Rohingya insurgents launched coordinated attacks last week against police posts, setting off allegedly brutal retaliation by government forces.

Human rights groups and advocates for the Rohingya say the army retaliated by burning down villages and shooting civilians. The government blames Rohingya insurgents for the violence, including the arson.


Tension has long been high between the Rohingya Muslims and Rakhine Buddhists, leading to bloody rioting in 2012.

Most of the violence since last week seems to be directed at Rohingya villages, but Rakhine Buddhists, feeling unsafe after the upsurge in fighting, are moving south to the state’s capital, Sittwe, where Buddhists are a majority and have greater security.


A Rohingya insurgent group, the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, or ARSA, took responsibility for last week’s attacks on more than 25 locations, saying they were in defense of Rohingya communities.

More here.

Sure hope DHS is doing some “extreme vetting” on the Rohingya arriving in your towns and cities.