Finland seeing asylum seekers convert to Christianity after first application rejection….

….and authorities are scratching their heads and wondering if it’s for real. Really!

I’m thinking they need to be reading Bill Warner’s books!

Finland, of course, is where we saw a recent Islamic terror knife attack, here.

From New China News:

HELSINKI, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) — Asylum seekers of Islamic background have increasingly switched to Christianity in Finland, officials have said.

Eighteen year old Moroccan was arrested for the deadly knife attack on women. He was a failed asylum seeker who had not left the country.

Kari Kiesilainen, a head of section at the Ministry of Justice, told national broadcaster Yle this week that the number of converts has come as a surprise.

He did not give exact figures, but said the situation caused delays in application assessment as often an oral hearing may have to be arranged in the administrative courts.

This year Finnish authorities have rejected more applications than they accepted. Some 2,692 applications led to a status for “international protection”, whereas 2,847 were rejected. The rejected applicants can either leave the country or file a complaint to the administrative courts, otherwise they are subject to forced deportation.

New strategy!

Yle reported that a change of religion has been mostly claimed when the first application is dismissed and the applicant files a complaint.


Now, the question is, what are the real motives of the converts? Do they really want to get rid of their old religion or just want to increase the chances of staying?

While the civil servants are to shoulder the responsibility to figure out the reality, specialists from the national Evangelic Lutheran Church believe the new converts often take a personal risk in their decision and have usually considered their options carefully.

Marja Laihia, a specialist for immigrant services at the Central Administration of the Finnish Evangelic Lutheran Church, reminded that refugees arrive in an environment of religious freedom, which is new to them.

Talking to Xinhua, she said arrivals have mostly lived in countries were Islam is enforced, either by the state or at least by the extended families. “Now they are in a country where they can choose on their own,” she said. [Funny! Why then didn’t they choose on the first application?—ed]

More here.

See my Finland file, here. And, previous ‘Invasion of Europe’ posts are here.

ProPublica (recipient of Soros $) works with CAIR and SPLC to silence speech

……including mine apparently.

(By the way, see my post yesterday about how twitter is messing with accounts like mine.)

Last week Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily wrote an article about ProPublica coordinating with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Although frightening information in these dark days when free speech is under attack, I didn’t relate it to my decade-long research about the US Refugee Admissions Program.  Silly me!

First, here is what Hohmann said on Friday:

An investigative journalism center is passing off as fact a report by the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations that hate crimes against American mosques jumped sharply in 2015 and continue to occur at historically high rates — about once every three days.

ProPublica is a New York City-based nonprofit journalism center partially funded by billionaire George Soros that shares data-driven investigative stories with newspapers of all sizes and local TV stations across the United States.

See list of more than 100 U.S. newspapers, websites and TV stations that “partner” with the Soros-backed ProPublica.

But ProPublica‘s newest project on hate crimes is raising eyebrows because of its reliance on a questionable source for its data. The report says more than 370 “hate incidents” directed at U.S. mosques and Islamic centers have been catalogued by CAIR since April 2013.

“Most of the incidents are threats to worshippers’ lives or acts of vandalism,” according to the report, which depends solely on CAIR for its list of anti-Muslim hate crimes.

CAIR, which ProPublica refers to as simply “a civil rights group,” has been tied to the extremist Muslim Brotherhood and the terrorist organization Hamas.


ProPublica has received funding from the Soros’s Open Society Foundations, the Knight Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corp., Hewlett Foundation, Sandler Foundation and Atlantic Philanthropies.

Continue here.

ProPublica investigating me!

Imagine my surprise to see this morning that a reporter from ProPublica had written to me on Friday and gave me a 5 p.m. deadline to answer their questions.

Here is the entire e-mail from reporter Lauren Kirchner.  I know money matters greatly to these Leftists, but do they really think that I’ve devoted 10 years to researching and writing about how the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program needs to be reformed FOR MONEY.

Whatever they were writing has apparently been published, but I have no clue what they finally reported.

If you see it let me know.


Lauren Kirchner <>

Aug 18 (3 days ago)
to me

Hello Ms. Corcoran,

I am a reporter at ProPublica, a nonprofit investigative newsroom in New York. I am contacting you to let you know that we are including your website in a list of sites that have been designated as hate or extremist by the American Defamation League or the Southern Poverty Law Center. We have identified all the tech platforms that are supporting websites on the ADL and SPLC lists.

We would like to ask you a few questions:

1) Do you disagree with the designation of your website as hate or extremist? Why?

2) We identified one tech company on your website, PayPal. Can you confirm that you receive funds from your relationship with those them? How would the loss of those funds affect your operations, and how would you be able to replace them?

3) Have you been shut down by other tech companies for being an alleged hate or extremist web site? Which companies?

4) Many people opposed to sites like yours are currently pressuring tech companies to cease their relationships with them – what is your view of this campaign? Why?

Our deadline is 5pm EST today.

Thank you,

Lauren Kirchner





Here is my response to Ms. Kirchner (LOL! I am so offended!):

Dear Lauren,

I am a one person blogger. I have no funding. I get a few bucks here and there from grateful readers that goes to my pay pal account.

I have been voicing my research findings and my opinions for ten years as a charitable gift of my personal time (note that there is no advertising on my blog).

The SPLC is despicable. They are such liars!

Again, I have no group! It is just me in my basement doing research.

I check my e-mail infrequently so just seeing your e-mail this morning.

Do whatever you want, it will only solidify public opinion against the SPLC and your publication for silencing speech you don’t like.

Yours truly,

Ann Corcoran

Alas, no retirement for me!

They truly don’t understand that there are Americans who are fighting for an important cause and whenever in the future I’m tempted to retire from my lucrative blogging work, I’ll remind myself of this and keep on going if it kills me! 

More later, in the meantime, see me and my hate group here!

Finland: Moroccan Muslim asylum seeker was targeting women in terror spree

“Then a person ran towards us shouting ‘He has a knife’, and everybody from the terrace ran inside. Next, a woman came in to the cafe. She was crying hysterically, down on her knees, saying someone’s neck has been slashed open.”

(A witness)

Surely you know what happened in Finland on the heals of Barcelona, but here from Reuters we get more facts on the killer and the poor innocent women who were sadly in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Over the years we have written a few posts on Finland, but it isn’t as easily accessible (or slovenly welcoming) as other Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway.

This Reuters story is surprisingly unrestrained and relatively free of whitewash (or is that because those quoted weren’t pulling punches and speaking in politically correct terms?):

HELSINKI/TURKU, Finland (Reuters) – Finnish police said on Saturday that an 18-year-old Moroccan man, arrested after a knife rampage that killed two people and wounded eight, appeared to have targeted women and that the spree was being treated as the country’s first terrorism-related attack.

Finland’s loss of innocence. Photo:

The suspect arrested following the attack on Friday after being shot in the leg by police in the city of Turku had arrived in Finland last year, police said. They said they later arrested four other Moroccan men over possible links to him and had issued an international arrest warrant for a sixth Moroccan national.

Finnish broadcaster MTV, citing an unnamed source, said the main suspect had been denied asylum in Finland. The police said only that he had been “part of the asylum process”.

The case marks the first suspected terror attack in Finland, where violent crime is relatively rare.

“The suspect’s profile is similar to that of several other recent radical Islamist terror attacks that have taken place in Europe,” Director Antti Pelttari from the Finnish Security Intelligence Service told a news conference.


Both of those killed in the Turku attack, and six of the eight who were wounded, were women, the police said. The two who died were Finns, and an Italian and two Swedish citizens were among the injured.

Ville Tavio (Finns party): Asylum system is primary means of entry for terrorists.

“It seems that the suspect chose women as his targets, because the men who were wounded were injured when they tried to help, or prevent the attacks,” said Crista Granroth from the National Bureau of Investigation.

“The act was cowardly … we have been afraid of this and we have prepared for this. We are not an island anymore, the whole of Europe is affected,” Prime Minister Juha Sipila said. [Well, maybe not Poland and Hungary that have closed their borders to Muslim migration!—ed]


Some members of the nationalist Finns party, which was kicked out of the government in June for their new hard-line anti-immigration leadership, blamed the government for what they said was too loose an immigration policy.

“The asylum system is the primary road for illegal immigration, used also by the terrorists. Harmful immigration can be controlled only by reducing Finland’s attractiveness, or by border controls,” said Finns party lawmaker Ville Tavio.

Much, much more here.

What is asylum?  (As opposed to refugee resettlement)

In the refugee resettlement process, wannabe refugees must prove they are persecuted, the UN screens them (supposedly!) and a country accepts them and flies them in.

For asylum, the wannabe refugee makes his or her way to a ‘safe’ country and then applies for asylum (or often called political asylum).  They are supposed to make a case that they would be persecuted if returned home.  Europe is dealing with mostly asylum seekers (many are phony and are really economic migrants) who are basically loose in the country until their cases can be processed.

And, are often loose because they have been rejected and no one has made them leave!

So, it is a misnomer when you hear the Left and political leaders refer to asylum seekers as refugees. They are not legitimate refugees until their cases have been processed and the governmental body responsible has granted them asylum.

See my Finland files here.  Invasion of Europe archive is here.

Washington state Somali shot dead by police was refugee from Dadaab

In case you missed the update from World Net Daily about the “man” who sliced open a police officers head in Kennewick, Washington over the weekend (when everyone was busy focused on Charlottesville), here we learn that Hussain Hassan was from the UN’s Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya.  So much for screening—either security or mental health!


Dadaab in Kenya


See my post yesterday, here.

Wrapsnet has a very cool feature and that is the map showing “processing” countries. This Fiscal Year, through July 31, we processed 5,228 refugees through Kenya to American towns and cities.  Most of those would have been Somalis from Dadaab.  The total number of Somalis admitted to the US this FY was 5,899 through July 31.

Recently a Somali (sounded educated) wrote to me to tell me that there is a huge amount of fraud going on at Dadaab, but of course I have no way of verifying his information.

By the way, only Turkey sends us more refugees than Kenya.