Wonders never cease: Bill Gates says African migration to Europe cannot be allowed to continue

“Europe must make it more difficult for Africans to reach the continent….”

Bill Gates

His ultimate solution to stop the flow is more aid to Africa, but we will skip that part (there are whole books written on how that effort has failed) and get right to the warning.
The stunning thing about this is that Gates is believed to be aligned with the political Left and even he can see where this is going….
Invasion of Europe news……
From Breitbart:

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has warned that Africa’s population explosion will overwhelm Europe unless the continent makes it more difficult for migrants to reach its shores.

I wonder did Bill Gates express his concern to the other globalists looking for open borders and the free flow of cheap labor at the World Economic Forum?

The American billionaire’s comments come as European leaders discuss what to do about the surging number of Africans arriving in Italy each week, with Rome calling for other European Union (EU) nations to open their ports to docking migrants so as to ease pressure on the Mediterranean nation.

In an interview with the German Welt am Sonntag newspaper, Gates said massive population growth in Africa will result in “enormous [migratory] pressure” on Europe unless countries increase overseas development aid payments.


…. Gates also spoke of a dilemma caused by ‘the German attitude to refugees’, referring to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to open Europe’s borders to illegal migrants arriving from the third world.

“On the one hand you want to demonstrate generosity and take in refugees, but the more generous you are, the more word gets around about this — which in turn motivates more people to leave Africa,” Gates told the Sunday newspaper. [Duh! No kidding—ed]

“Germany cannot possibly take in the huge, massive number of people who are wanting to make their way to Europe.”

Because of this, Gates stressed that “Europe must make it more difficult for Africans to reach the continent via the current transit routes”.


UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, on Saturday decried an “unfolding tragedy” in Italy.

More here.
The “tragedy” is a result of European and Italian “leaders” who were frankly too chicken to turn back the first few boats launched years ago. The Italian navy is actually picking them up throughout the Mediterranean. Grow a spine or give up!
I wonder if one day white Europeans (and white South Africans!) will be refugees processed by the UNHCR to come to America!  LOL! I see the UNHCR being abolished before they were forced to do that!
Click here for my complete archive on the Invasion of Europe.

"…an authentic immigrant invasion" is underway, as record breaking number of migrants make it to Italy in two days

It looks like the Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi (Hillary gets the credit for killing him and destabilizing Libya) may be right in the end. And, he wasn’t even thinking about the Syrian invasion via Turkey.

Muammar Gaddafi: We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. (April 2006)

Breitbart reports here  that 13,500 Africans made it to Italy in the last two days.  The journey through Africa, to Libya and to the coast is run by human traffickers, but then as we have reported on many occasions, NGO rescue boats joined by the Italian navy end up delivering them to the shores of Italy.

Invasion of Europe news…

Italy’s migrant welcome centers are in a state of “collapse” as huge waves of African migrants take advantage of the temperate climate to make the crossing from Libya to the Italian peninsula.

On Tuesday, 8,500 African migrants are reaching Italian shores aboard 14 different ships, adding to the 5,000 who arrived on Monday. The massive arrivals have led local media as well as politicians to speak of an authentic immigrant “invasion” exceeding the country’s capacity of assimilation.

Officials reported on June 15 that more than 65,000 migrants had arrived since the beginning of the year, but that was prior to the latest influx. Figures for the year now stand at 73,380 migrants into Italy, or a rise of 14.42 percent over the same period in 2016, when then-record arrivals had reached 64,133.

The exodus from Libya to the Italian coast has continuing unabated with no visible action on the part of the Italian government or the European Union to halt it. [All they had to do years ago was to safely turn back a few of the boats to the African coast to discourage  the mass migration from an overpopulated Africa.—ed]

The illegal immigrants who reach the Libyan coast from all parts of Africa (most recently, from the West), embark in the Mediterranean on makeshift boats. The majority of these are picked up either by NGOs or humanitarian organizations or official Italian Coast Guard or naval vessels.

Despite their intention to travel up through Italy into northern Europe, the vast majority of migrants end up remaining in Italy, mostly because the northern borders with France, Switzerland and Austria are closely watched.

Continue here.
If you are an American of Italian descent, it might be a good time to see your ancestors’ homeland before it is too late.
Looking for some light summer (beach!) reading about Africa and Europe?  Check out these novels from three prescient authors…..


See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.
I just now wondered when I began writing about the invasion and after scrolling back through dozens and dozens of posts in this archive, it looks like my earliest one is in 2010.
Do you wonder sometimes if there were Romans who foresaw the fall of the empire? Or, is it possible they didn’t identify the invaders/Barbarians until it was too late?
Incidentally, “Submission” became one step closer to reality in the wake of recent French elections.

A picture worth a thousand words, civil war coming to Europe?

When I heard the news about the attack on Muslims leaving a mosque in London early this morning, I wondered if it was all ratcheting up, and dare I say, wondered if a real civil war was coming to, not just the UK, but to Europe as well.  It seems it is just a matter of time!
See this image that Voice of Europe put on twitter yesterday:

As you know, Poland is refusing to take Muslim ‘refugees’ demanded of them by the EU, see here last week.
President Donald Trump will be in Poland on July 6th.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Stealth Invasion author: Trump must fight on refugee issue as he did on climate 'deal'

Our friend Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily tells us what he thinks of the Trump Administration’s weakness on the refugee issue.
From WNDRead it all, but here is the wrap-up:

Hohmann does not believe Trump is taking the refugee resettlement issue seriously enough. The veteran journalist warned in his book there is a historic demographic shift of Muslims out of the Middle East and Africa into Western Europe, Canada and the U.S. That shift is known as “civilization jihad,” and the resettlement of Muslim refugees in the West is one component of it.

“Stealth Invasion” is the ONLY full length book critical of US refugee policy.

“This is a situation where 1,500 foreign nationals are entering our country now every week,” Hohmann cautioned. “In many cases, when they come from chaotic, broken nations like Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, we have no idea who these people are and are simply accepting whatever story they give us about their so-called persecution. Yet, we allow Christians who are legitimately under a genocide in Iraq and Syria to languish there unprotected.

“Something must change, and soon, or there will be no more hint of Christianity in the Middle East, which is where the faith took root 2,000 years ago. Trump the candidate seemed to understand these troubling trends, but Trump the president seems confused, misdirected and ill-advised.”

Hohmann wishes Trump would fight the establishment on the refugee issue the same way he fought it on the climate change issue.

“I’d like to see the president approach the refugee issue with the same wisdom, energy and courage with which he approached the Paris climate-change deal,” the writer stated. “It took a lot of guts to defy the globalists and pull out of that bad deal, so we know President Trump has it in him to take on these entrenched, anti-American interests.”

More here.
Readers ask me all the time: what can I do?  Read ‘Stealth Invasion’ and contact the White House by clicking here.

Too funny! 'Anonymous' channels me and Daniel Horowitz

Reader Sonya sent this video (thanks!) of ‘Anonymous’ from Saturday entitled: Anonymous–Message to the President of the United States (Donald Trump).
He admonishes the Trump Administration and tells them to cut the refugee numbers entering the US to zero (where have I heard that before?).
LOL! Toward the end of the five minute video (with 257,596 views right now), I thought his British-accented words sounded familiar!  The phrase about having to “drag Congress kicking and screaming” is what got my attention.
Here is my post (from June 6th) on Daniel Horowitz’s prescription for the President and my comments that ‘Anonymous’ (whoever he is!) is using (LOL! I have no copyright):

You will be hearing more from me going forward on the specific legislation needed to scrap or reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.  But, I tell you that the Republican ‘leadership’ in Congress will not lead on this and will have to be dragged kicking and screaming to lift a finger to reform/re-write the Refugee Act of 1980.

In my view, there is only one thing the President can do to move Congress on the issue and that is to put a complete halt to the USRAP. He must set the refugee admissions level at zero! And, leave it there until reform measures are passed by Congress!

And, here is the truth:  if he makes no move along those lines, or the additional lines addressed by Horowitz, he will be blamed for a Manchester in America (not Ryan, not McConnell, not the refugee contractors, not the ‘deep state’ blocking his moves, not the media or the Leftwing).

The blame will be on DJT exclusively.

Here is just a bit of the transcript:

Watch the video here:


Whatever it takes to get the message to the President!