Former Rep and Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann tells us what has happened to Minnesota

Even after the (told you so!) attack at St. Cloud’s Crossroads mall last Saturday night, the first instincts of elected officials in Minnesota is to rally around the Somali Muslim population to protect their sensitive feelings.
In an interview with World Net Daily, Bachmann does not hold back!  (St. Cloud was part of her district during the years she was in Congress and trying to get her fellow members to wake up to Islamic supremacism and the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the Administration in Washington, DC.)
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:

Minnesota’s St. Cloud community is still reeling from Saturday’s knife attacks that injured 10 people and caused panic at the Crossroads Center Mall on Saturday, a day that police chief William Anderson said changed the city forever.

I hope I am still around to see Bachmann vindicated one day and John McCain shown to be the traitor who protected Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of our government.

But did it?

The city of 67,000 people sits 65 miles northwest of Minneapolis. It has been pummeled with Muslim refugees, mostly from Somalia, for more than a decade, and its citizens have been brow beaten into a form of politically correct submission to Islam, says former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.

“I would say that this attack did wake people up in the sense that this was real and it happened in our backyard and people are aware of it. But Minnesota is a state where we have been marinated in political correctness for quite some time, and the pushback against any type of conservatism is extremely intense. So people have no fight left in them,” Bachmann told WND.

To say anything negative about Islam immediately gets you branded a bigot, a xenophobe, a racist or an “Islamophobe,” she said. It doesn’t matter that Islam is not a race or that the term “Islamophobe” was invented by the extremist Muslim Brotherhood as a tool to cast Western Muslims as victims of oppression.

Continue reading here.  Could Minnesota be America’s first Muslim state?
By the way, if Hillary and her chief aide Huma Abedin make it to the Oval Office we are finished, but I don’t need to tell you that!
You might want to visit our top post over the last few days—it is from 2015—about how Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota is responsible for seeding St. Cloud with Somalis.

California World Relief refugee contractor lets cat out of bag: next year 20,000-30,000 Syrians will arrive

And, no doubt they will be at least 95% Syrian Sunni Muslims.

Kirt Lewis: Yippee! Sacramento could get 2,000-3,000 Syrian Muslims! Photo:

When the Obama Administration went to Congress last week with its official “determination” for FY2017 which begins in 11 days (on October 1) and said that they want 110,000 refugees from all over the world admitted in FY17, they very pointedly made no mention of how many Syrians would be in that huge flow.
But, here, at the end of a story about the cost of educating refugees in California, a World Relief spokesman tells us what they all know on the inside (but are keeping secret from you!). (Hat tip: Joanne)

Early indicators suggest the U.S. is going to see more Syrian refugees next year–probably between 20,000 and 30,000,” Kirt Lewis, director of the Sacramento field office for World Relief, said in an interview. “As a rule of thumb, about 10 percent of those will end up settling in Northern California, and especially in Sacramento.”

To heck with Obama, it is the Republican Congress that will be responsible if this happens because they control the purse strings.  Contractors like World Relief have virtually NO MONEY unless they have yours—your taxpayer dollars!
Call your member of Congress today!  See here.  But call yours even if he/she is not on the Freedom Caucus.

Find your member of Congress by clicking here.

Is the New York bombing suspect a refugee?

I don’t know. Maybe someone has already dug out the immigration information for Ahmad Khan Rahami (and I will be pleasantly surprised).
But, I woke up this morning and figured you would be wondering so I needed to at least address the fact that I don’t know, and am not going to spend a lot of time trying to figure out which of many LEGAL programs his family might have used.
***Update*** Here is a report that says he came as a child in a family that sought asylum here, so that makes him a refugee. The asylum process is the other half of the Refugee Admissions Program and the difference is that in the case of asylum, the migrant gets in here on his or her own steam, usually illegally, and then applies for asylum.  Clearly, if he is now a citizen, his father/family were approved political refugees. The other type of refugee we usually write about is chosen abroad and flown here.

This is a map from the Refugee Processing Center showing where nearly 10,000 Afghan refugees have been resettled between FY 2003 and up until September 1, 2016.

It is not as simple to figure out how Afghans got here as it is with the Somalis.  The Somalis we know are probably 95% (higher maybe) refugees admitted through the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, but Afghans have gotten in here over decades through many legal and illegal avenues.
By the way, when I opened RRW just now I see that our old post about Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota being responsible for the large number of Somalis in St.Cloud went viral overnight.  You might want to have a look at it if you’ve never seen it, or have forgotten it.  Click here to see all about LSS of Minnesota and St. Cloud.
People who have never paid attention before are starting to ask—how the h*** are we getting so many Muslims admitted to the US?
Back to Rahami:
CNN has a rather lengthy discussion about his activities as an adult, see here, this morning. And, I did see in one report yesterday that he really hates gays!  But, like with so many other Islamic terrorists, the federal government is going to hold tightly any information on the immigration history of the terrorist’s family.
I do know that Elizabeth, NJ (Rahami’s home town) is one of three major resettlement sites in New Jersey and it is the International Rescue Committee that is placing more Muslims there. (The IRC is the same federal contractor operating in Missoula, MT now.)

Enterprising reporters might call the IRC in Elizabeth and ask if the Rahami’s are one of their families.
Or, maybe Senator Sessions could wring it out of the USCIS for his hearing tomorrow.
I did find this interesting article on how Afghans can get to the US.  It’s a how-to guide in English.  The article mentions using the Diversity Visa Lottery:

The easiest way is to enter the Diversity Immigrant Lottery. Each year approximately 50,000 green cards are issued to foreigners chosen randomly from a computer program.

If more Americans understood how that works there would be as much outrage as there is now about refugees. But, I’m not going there now because I have many more interesting things I want to post today.
So, as soon as someone finds out how this particular terrorist’s family got here, let me know and I’ll post it (it could years from now before we find out!).

Congress rushing to get Continuing Resolution done so they can beat it out of town

So, time is of the essence to call your member of Congress and tell him/her to follow the appeal laid out in the Babin/Brat letter.
Tell your member to call the leadership and urge them to cut the funds for refugees from terror producing parts of  the world.

UNITED STATES - MARCH 19: House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., right, whispers to House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., during the House Republican leadership media availability after the House Republican Conference meeting in the basement of the Capitol on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call) (CQ Roll Call via AP Images)
Majority leader McCarthy and Speaker Ryan have the power to save your town from becoming the next St. Cloud, MN, but will they lift a finger!

The key leadership in the House who should be hearing from their fellow Republicans (and from you) are:

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy

Rep. Hal Rogers (Chairman of the Appropriations Committee)

Again, your member should call those three and tell them to cut the funding for refugees coming from terror-producing regions of the world (I would tell them to halt the whole program to be reviewed when a new Administration arrives in Washington).
The timing could not be better in light of the Somali terror attack in St. Cloud yesterday and it is looking like an Afghan, legally admitted to the US, might have been responsible for the attack in New York and the failed attack in NJ over the weekend.
We promised to give you the full list of those who bravely signed on to the Babin/Brat letter, they should be commended and urged to hang tough. (All Republicans in Congress were presumably given an opportunity to sign this letter last week and unless listed below, they obviously failed to do so.)
(Prime targets for your appeal should be to the House Freedom Caucus. Everyone of them should have signed the Babin/Brat letter.  Those who did sign are listed below.) ***Update*** I’ve compared the lists for you, go here to see House Freedom Caucus members who haven’t supported Babin/Brat.

St. Cloud Somali Jihadist one of nearly 150,000 Somalis admitted to US in refugee program in over 3 decades

I don’t know what to make of the fact that the Somali jihadist in St. Cloud, MN has not been officially identified when his father and the Somali ‘community’ fingered him yesterday.
Here is what the Minneapolis Star Tribune said about his identity. Here is my post yesterday.

We have admitted tens of thousands of Somalis to your towns and cities in over 3 decades and it is George W. Bush who is responsible for three really big years. Obama could still beat him in overall numbers.

Breitbart has a story pinning the blame for the large number of Somalis in the US on Hillary Clinton, but let’s be fair!  Every President’s State Department since the early ’80’s has admitted Somalis to America.
Back in 2008 I painstakingly went back to annual reports for many years (before we had access to the Refugee Processing Center) and here is what I reported and subsequently updated each year since.
I’ve taken the numbers I had gathered and grouped them by the President whose State Department was admitting the refugees.  If, as we are told, the St. Cloud jihadist came to America with his family 15 years ago, that would have put him in Clinton’s last bunch or Bush’s first bunch.
We have been taking Somalis ever since Somalia’s civil war in the 1980’s. Why is it our problem if the myriad Somali clans can’t get along or govern themselves!

The numbers below are only for the US Refugee Admissions Program!

(These numbers do not include other ways Somalis have entered the US such as Temporary Protected Status, Diversity Visa Lottery winners, asylum seekers, students and other who over-stayed visas, or illegal aliens we have not yet found.)
Reagan and Bush (the first): 4,413

1983-93:   4,413

(Black Hawk Down, Oct. 3, 1993)
Bill Clinton: 35,635

1994:  3,508

1995:  2,524

1996:  6,440

1997:  4,948

1998:  2,952

1999:  4,321

2000:  6,002

2001:  4,940

George W. Bush (43): 48,865

2002:   242    (Guesses why this is so low?  9/11 freaked everyone out!)

2003:  1,708

2004:  12,814

2005:  10,101

2006:  10,330

2007:  6,958

2008:  2,523 (family reunification suspended when widespread fraud discovered)

2009:  4,189  (on the rise again even though family reunification is suspended still!)

Barack Hussein Obama: 46,378 (so far)

2010:  4,884

2011:  3,161

2012:  4,921

2013:  7,600

2014:  9,000

2015: 8,858

2016 (one month short of a full year): 7,954 (1,099 went to Minnesota in the last 11 months)

2017: Technically this is O’s too because he is right now (September 2016) making the decision for 2017.

I figured (above) for the first year of a new President, who comes in to office almost 4 months after the fiscal year began, he is not responsible for that year’s refugee numbers.
The question everyone should be asking this week, after noticing that security screening is useless if the Muslim ‘youths’ we raised with our tax dollars grow up to be killers, is, WHY ARE WE STILL TAKING IN SOMALIS GOING ON 4 DECADES! WHY DID WE TAKE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SOMALIA FOREVER ARE WE?
Call your Member of Congress and US Senators today and all week! Tell them to cut off the flow of migrants from terror-producing countries by cutting off the funding in the Continuing Resolution!
Tell them to get on the Babin/Brat letter!