State Department says it will reach 10,000 Syrians goal by the end of September

CNS News reporter Patrick Goodenough is staying on top of the numbers coming out of the US State Department and has the latest count today.  Thanks to reader ‘heymister24’ for letting us know about the up-to-the-minute numbers.

( – The State Department is committed to meeting President Obama’s goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States this fiscal year, and expects the numbers to “increase exponentially” over the summer, a spokesman said Tuesday.

With four months left in FY2016, the administration has admitted 3,566 Syrian refugees as of Tuesday – or 35.6 percent of the 10,000 target number.

Read it all and see their very informative graph which tells us that in the first 7 days of June:

Of the 761 admitted since the beginning of June, none are Christians. The 761 refugees comprise 759 Sunnis, and two other Muslims.

Remember readers that September 30th is not the end of it. All of those new resettlement sites we have been writing about (Reno, NV, Missoula, MT, Rutland, VT etc.), will get their Syrians next year.  Obama has one more shot at ‘determining’ who comes to the US and how many (for FY2017) just as he is leaving office and he has already said the numbers will be much greater than this year. Could a newly elected President in November, put a halt to the flow in January—YES! But, you can be sure Hillary won’t!
Other articles by Patrick Goodenough are here.
See the graph (Obama is saving Sunni Muslims as a first priority):

Düsseldorf in the news again as migrants burn down asylum center

Invasion of Europe news…..
The ‘religion of peace’ strikes again!
We just reported last night that an Islamic terror plot targeted at the German city of Düsseldorf had been thwarted and now here is news that squabbles over a Ramadan wake-up call caused one group of Muslim ‘asylum seekers’ to go on a rampage against another group of Muslims burning down their asylum shelter in their rage.
Ahhhh!  The joys of forced multiculturalism.  It is so beautiful to behold.
From Breitbart:

A massive fire at Düsseldorf’s major international trade fair grounds yesterday has been followed by reports that the blaze was set deliberately by migrants who were angry because of Ramadan.

Officially, some 160 migrants were resident at hall 18 of the Messe Düsseldorf conference centre, but it was a facility plagued by racial conflict which had seen violence spark before. Düsseldorf’s Express newspaper reports these conflicts were not between European German staff and their guests, but between the predominantly Arab residents, and a minority of Afghans who sided with the security staff running the facility — who were mainly Iranian.

According to the testimony of “several burly Moroccan refugees” which the paper had spoken to even as the hall burnt down, the Iranians employed by the German state to look after other migrants from around the world had “deliberately” not woken the Arabs up in time for their Ramadan breakfast following a long run dispute.

Just three weeks ago there had been another, much smaller fire at the exhibition centre as a migrant set fire to his mattress in protest against the accommodation.

Continue reading here and learn how the centuries old religious wars of the Middle East are now being replayed in Europe.
No Bible reading allowed in ‘refugee’ housing either!
All of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here.

Last week's Islamic terror bust in Germany did involve refugees

How many times in recent months have you heard defenders of the refugee migration to Europe say that surely ISIS militants wouldn’t bother with the arduous trek from Syria through Turkey, then to Greece and northward to Germany to get its men into position for an Islamic terror attack?  Well, that is exactly what the Düsseldorf plotters did!
From Deutsche Welle:

Hillary says she will run America like Angela Merkel has run Germany! Photo:

A clearer picture began to emerge Thursday of the investigation leading to the arrest of three Syrian men who were allegedly planning to carry out a terrorist attack in the western German city of Düsseldorf.

The terror plot was uncovered because a fourth Syrian man, identified as Saleh A., voluntarily turned himself into authorities in Paris on February 1 and admitted to the plot, officials said.

No kidding!

The arrests are likely to spread concerns that Germany has become a likely target for Islamic militants in Europe, especially as the nation continues to grapple with a massive influx of refugees.


According to prosecutors Salah A., 25, and one of the three men arrested in Germany, 27-year-old Hamza C., joined IS in Syria in the spring of 2014 and received orders to carry out an attack in Düsseldorf.

The two men traveled to Turkey in May 2014, before continuing separately through Greece to Germany in March and July of last year.

Continue reading here.
Click here for our archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

Tampa, FL women's support group expands at request from CAIR

Radiant Hands now takes care of Muslim refugees at the request of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
radiant hands
Is this a new model we can expect to see elsewhere?  Usually a US State Department contractor and its local subcontractor are paid to take care of refugees.  Do we now have a cottage industry of non-profit agencies growing up around the primary refugee industry? And, who pays Radiant Hands?
So much for assimilation if there are non-profits (most likely getting taxpayer dollars) that focus exclusively on one ethnic group of people. I wonder what would happen if the Salvation Army said they only wanted to help American-born Christians?
From Tampa Bay Times:

Radiant Hands initially provided individual counseling for women and families. But now 80 percent of the nonprofit’s clientele are Muslim and Arabic-speaking refugees.

Saleh, an Egyptian Muslim raised in the United States, said she never expected to be serving the refugee community, a group she never knew existed. She is also the director at Bayaan Academy Home School Co-op.

Her clientele shifted in August 2015 when CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights group that works to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America, asked her to help refugees from Muslim or Arabic-speaking countries.

She got her first family in October and her organization has now taken in and helped 110 refugee families. The newest family came in on Wednesday, she said.

Most refugees are from Afghanistan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Iraq and Syria. Radiant Hands helps the families settle in for up to a year.

Many are either severely ill or have disabilities, Saleh said.

“They’re coming for health and education,” she said. [Technically refugees come because they can prove they are PERSECUTED, not for simply a helping hand, but nobody is following the law anymore!—ed]

The hardest part is getting the refugees to learn English, she said. [Why bother if you aren’t working and are collecting disability?—ed]

A partnership with Lutheran Services Florida helps the refugees find jobs. The CARIBE program, an adult education project funded by the Florida Department of Children and Family Services, offers free English classes and Radiant Hands provides transportation for them, Saleh said.

Are taxpayers paying for any of this?  

If you live in Florida, please do some research and find out if taxpayer dollars are funding ‘Radiant Hands’.   Just as I was wrapping up I came across their facebook page and information on a program they did in January—family safety, okay.
I was thinking maybe a program on turning off the stove before leaving the house, or keeping your smoke detectors in good working order. NO! the “safety program” is described as this (WTH!):

Radiant Hands hosted a Family Safety Seminar on January 9, 2016 which addressed numerous safety issues in our local Muslim community.

The first part of the seminar addressed Islamophobia and featured presentations from CAIR and a law enforcement representative. The topics ranged from how to cope with Islamophobia from a legal standpoint from CAIR staff, as well as practical tips from a retired correctional officer, whose expertise stems from experience after the September 11, 2001 tragedy in New York.

After Part I of the seminar there was a martial arts demonstration and lunch was served.

Sheesh! Was taxpayer money used for this?

No break for NH as feds approve just short of 500 new refugees for the state

We have a huge archive on the problems in Manchester, NH with refugee overload and the mayor’s efforts there to get the flow under control, please click here for dozens of posts on the city whose school system struggles with over 80 languages spoken within its student body.

Barbara Seebert
Barbara Seebart (left) made the announcement for the state of NH. Here we are told NH usually only gets about 200 refugees (huh?) a year and likely no Syrians.

The numbers for the new fiscal year (to begin on September 30th) were published here on Saturday.  Manchester, Concord and Nashua will be ‘welcoming’ a total of about 500 refugees selected by the UN and the US State Department.
Citizens concerned in those three cities should be demanding that your elected officials get a copy of the R & P Abstract (a planning document)*** that the resettlement contractors working in the state have produced.  
The document (usually kept secret) should be made public, but I’ll bet the agencies have never even mentioned that document to the mayors and councils in the three cities.

According to figures provided by Seebart, the predominant countries of origin for the projected new arrivals for both Ascentria Community Services (formerly Lutheran Social Services) and the International Institute of New Hampshire (IINH) are Bhutan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Iraq. The proposed resettlement sites are Manchester, Concord and Nashua. [You will get Syrian Muslims in NH!—ed]

The International Institute of New Hampshire’s proposed caseload is for 225 individuals – 170 individuals or 25-35 families in Manchester, and 55 individuals or 10-15 families in Nashua.

Ascentria Community Service’s proposed caseload is 270 individuals: 135 individuals or 30-35 families in Concord, and 135 individuals or 30-35 families in Nashua.

When that photo was taken in 2015, someone got it wrong.  NH didn’t take 200 refugees in fiscal year 2015, but 446 according to the US State Department’s own data.
Checking that data just now I see that Manchester got 120 refugees from 9 different countries in FY2015, so for FY 2017 they will be upping that number by 50.   (Since we are still in about the middle of FY2016 I didn’t bother checking this year).
*** See Reno, Nevada’s R & P Abstract here to get an idea of what information this document contains.  Reno’s primary resettlement contractor, USCRI, is the same one operating through its subcontractor, the International Institute of NH, in New Hampshire.