Top language of refugees entering the US since 2008 is still Arabic

We previously reported on data regarding top languages of refugees here in April of last year.
This is the latest from the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center, here.  This is data for the period from 2008 up until April 30, 2016.
Remember, these are only the languages spoken by refugees, this does not include those spoken by other categories of legal immigrants or of illegal immigrants.
Screenshot (36)
[If the above isn’t clear enough, this is the list: Arabic, Nepali, Somali, Sgaw Karen, Spanish, Chaldean, Burmese, Armenian, Kiswahili, other.]
We notice that since we reported a year ago, Somali has moved up to number three.  Also Kayah (a language from Burma) is off the list and Kiswahili (African language) replaces it at number 9.  I’m guessing that is because the State Department is moving ahead quickly with its proposed resettlement to your towns of 50,000 from the DR Congo.

Pay attention new refugee resettlement towns and cities!

When contemplating becoming a “welcoming” refugee community, remember you, state and local taxpayers are responsible for providing interpreters (Bill Clinton Executive Order!) for just about anything from medical treatment, problems in the school system and in the criminal justice system, etc. etc. etc.

Remind me again, why are Somalis our problem?

Invasion of Europe news….
I told you just last month that we are admitting 750 Somalis a month to the US right now adding to the well over 100,000 you have been supporting with your tax dollars for decades.
And, here we learn that thousands more are bailing out of Somalia and heading north to Europe.

Map 2016 Europe
The spring migration has begun!

But, what is the number one reason for the mass migration of Somalis out of THEIR country? It is due to the corrupt government and lack of jobs (not first a fear of al-Shabaab!).
From Bloomberg:

“Some say it’s because of insecurity, but others rationalize their departure due to rampant unemployment,” the head of Somalia’s immigration and naturalization department, Abdullahi Gafow Mohamud, said in an interview.

That’s the case for Ali Hassan Abdi, who graduated from university two years ago and hasn’t found a job. The 25-year-old says endemic graft — Somalia is ranked joint-bottom with North Korea on Berlin-based Transparency International’s global Corruption Perceptions Index of 168 countries — is “the number-one cause of mass migration.”

So tell us again why we need to be moving the population of Somalia to the American heartland?
See the latest Somali US terror trial, here.
All of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here.

Canada: Muslim Imam admits refugee resettlement is caliphate-building!

Syrian refugees are an important part of the plan!
What a find by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch (hat tip: Chris):

You can learn more shocking information about Imam Mazin Abdul-Adhim’s caliphate ideas (sounds like he would like to be the Caliph himself!) here:

This Toronto Sun story dates from January, and the video from November; we don’t usually post archival material, but this is important enough to make an exception. Mazin Abdul-Adhim says: “The problem is that we don’t understand our own system — the Khilafa (caliphate). And therefore, how do we support the people of Syria? We must send money and help the refugees that are coming here in every way that we can.” The Toronto Sun reports: “Helping Syrian refugees coming to Canada and building an Islamic caliphate are part of the same cause, according to a pro-Shariah speaker at an Islamic conference in Hamilton.”

How can they possibly be part of the same cause? How does helping the refugees who are coming to Canada aid the cause of the caliphate? The obvious answer is that they’re coming as emigrants in the way of Allah, to whom Allah promises a reward for Islamizing a new land (see, for example, Qur’an 4:100). Abdul-Adhim, speaking in Hamilton, Ontario, says: “We’ve been sitting and not really doing very much for the application of Islam in society … We’re required to call for something — the full implementation of Islam — we’re not allowed to call for anything else or compromise in any other way.” The refugee increases Muslims’ political and societal clout and strengthens these calls for “the full implementation of Islam.”

Continue reading at Jihad Watch and watch the video!
Go here to see our archive on Syrian refugees going to Canada thanks to the boy (Trudeau) and his silly campaign pledge. He is playing right into their hands and you can bet that behind closed doors Abdul-Adhim is having a good laugh!

African migrants now launching from Egypt

Invasion of Europe news….
I wasn’t going to bother posting this one more story about hundreds of refugees stranded in the Mediterranean and being rescued by the Italian coast guard (so what else is new!), but then I saw this particular group launched, not from the usual lawless Libya (thank Hillary), but from Egypt.
Why didn’t Egypt’s military government stop the launch, heck, you could hardly hide boats big enough to carry hundreds?
From DNA India:

Italy rescue
Italian navy or coastguard (reports vary) ferry mostly Africans to Italy. Why not ferry them right back to Egypt! This story says they rescued 1,000 illegal aliens in the last week alone.

Hundreds of refugees were brought to Italy on Friday having been rescued from the sea over the past day, however the majority were not Syrian, as previously reported, but came from a variety of countries, officials said.

The Italian coast guard, which orchestrated various rescue missions on Thursday, initially said most of the new arrivals appeared to be from Syria — a sign that Middle East refugees were shifting their route into Europe away from Greece.

However, further checks showed that while there probably were Syrians and Iraqis on board two rescued boats, there were also a large number of Egyptians, Somalis and Eritrean. In all, there were just over 800 people aboard the two vessels.

“The majority are not from Syria,” said Carlotta Sami, a spokeswoman with the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR, after a first group of 340 people were brought ashore.

She confirmed initial reports that the two boats had set sail from Egypt rather than Libya, which is the usual staging post used by people smugglers looking to move refugees into Europe from north Africa.

The story goes on to report that many were unaccompanied teenagers.
It seems all of Africa is going to be in Europe someday because there appears to be no will on the part of most Europeans to stop it.
Recently someone told me they had a friend in the travel business who was telling clients to see Europe NOW before it is completely colonized.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here where I bet we have a hundred posts going back years!