Vermont: Rutland citizens say, let's take care of our own first!

Update May 16th: For those concerned citizens of Vermont, please go to this post today about Reno.  The same federal contractor is involved in both cities. There will be a document just like the one I have posted on Reno for your city too! Ask your mayor if he has seen it!
That is the common refrain I hear from just about everywhere in America where refugees are being seeded into unsuspecting communities.  What about our own people, our own poor and disabled, they ask.

Vermont refugee office
The Vermont refugee program is run by the federal government through its contractor the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. As a Wilson-Fish state, elected state officials have no say over the program. USCRI and the feds call all the shots. USCRI is headed by Lavinia Limon who was Bill Clinton’s director of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement. To learn more about Limon, go here:

For new readers we have been reporting on the controversy on-going in Rutland ever since the mayor told a surprised public that he had agreed that Rutland could take 100 Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees.  See here and here.
Here, at, we learned that a group of citizens protested the mayor last night.
My suggestion to those of you with concerns in Rutland is to contact the mayor of Manchester, NH, Ted Gatsos, and ask that he come and speak to your group or maybe send a delegation to New Hampshire and ask him how it’s going there.  I am sure the Manchester mayor would advise Rutland to not open Pandora’s box because once the refugees begin coming there will be NO END TO IT.  There will be many more than 100 in the end!

Thursday night, the Rutland community got the opportunity to learn more behind the plan to bring 100 Syrian refugees to the city this fall.

It’s a meeting Mayor Chris Louras held amidst controversy for not initially including the public in the decision.

“We do not have a TD Garden anywhere in the County of Rutland, and if I were to engage in a public and answer dialogue and a broad forum with everyone in the county invited, I would have to plan for a 65,000 capacity.” Louras said.

Before the meeting, about 20 people gathered outside Rutland Free Library with signs, showing their concern for a plan they say was a surprise. Matt Howland and David O’Brien expressed their opinions.

“The city is not just gonna roll over and take this without asking the hard questions, without holding people accountable and making them put forth the answers and making a plan and let the community know what’s going on,” Howland said.

Be sure to visit the site to watch the video!
By the way, the Boston Globe tells us there are no mosques in Rutland (yet!).

One more Somali terror trial underway in Somali capital—Minneapolis

Ho hum!  Move along, nothing to see, just some rootless naive young men who want to create a caliphate.  But, these are young men you raised with your tax dollars and who were given a good education and every opportunity to make something of themselves. Instead they chose the call of Allah to wage jihad and go kill some infidels.

somali defendent
The latest batch of Somali refugee defendants. Trial is expected to last a month. Lucky taxpayers! We paid for their resettlement and we get to pay for their trial and incarceration! Wow! What a deal!

By the way, this is getting so wearisome, but feel it’s my duty to keep our archives up to date and that is why I’m posting it!
From NBC News:

Federal prosecutors on Wednesday opened their case against three Minneapolis men accused of plotting to help ISIS, a trial that could offer a rare look at how impressionable young Americans succumb to the the terror group’s appeal.

The defendants, from the city’s large Somali community, are among dozens of native-born Americans who have been charged with supporting ISIS, a fraction of whom have taken their cases to trial. Six other connected to the Minneapolis case have already pleaded guilty, and one reportedly fled the United States and made it to Syria, where many Western recruits aspire to join the fight against Bashar Assad’s regime.

The men on trial — Mohammed Farah, Abdirahman Daud and Guled Omar, all in their early 20s — say they are innocent of charges they conspired to provide material support to ISIS and commit murder abroad. During jury selection this week, some family members complained the defendants were not getting a fair trial, according to NBC affiliate KARE. One tried to have his lawyer removed, but the judge would not let that happen.

Opening statements began Wednesday, with the government going first. The trial, expected to last about a month, is expected to reveal some of the motivations and recruitment techniques behind one of the most troubling aspects of ISIS’ rise as a global terror threat: the growing list of Americans who seek to join or act on its behalf.

A 2015 study of those arrested for supporting ISIS found that they tend to be young, American-born and drawn more to the idea of an Islamic caliphate than a desire to commit terrorist acts in the United States. [At least that is what they want you to think!—ed]


Minnesota’s Somali communities are one of the centers of such activity, authorities say.

More here.
If your community is about to become a new “welcoming” resettlement sight, look what you have to look forward to!
We are admitting over 700 Somalis a month to the US right now and that number is expected to rise if Kenya goes through with closing the massive Somali camps in that country.

Federal contractor IRC and Maryland Dems pressuring governor to "welcome" Syrians to the state

Update:  Thanks to Richard at Blue Ridge Forum you can now see who the Maryland reps are who support the placement of Syrian Muslim refugees in Maryland.  See here.  So what are the Republicans going to do to come to the governor’s defense?
Even though Governor Larry Hogan can’t (as things stand now) stop the resettlement of refugees to Maryland, a group of Maryland Democrats are pressuring him to publicly welcome them.

The letter was initiated by Jamie Raskin (D) running for Congress using this as one more campaign stunt. But, voters make note that Raskin is advocating for more Muslims to be placed in Maryland.

And this is really stinky timing for the refugee pushers because the lead agency behind the pro-Syrian Muslim refugee lobbying campaign is none other than the International Rescue Committee that made big news yesterday because it is under investigation for fraud in Turkey where it is supposedly helping Syrian refugees.
If you are a new reader there is something you need to know when reading this story.
Governors do not have the power (yet) to stop the placement of third worlders into their states.
However, they do have the power to withdraw the state from the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program as the governors of Kansas and New Jersey did in April. Although it causes bureaucratic confusion and brings media attention (both good things!), the gesture is meaningless unless the governor then files a States’ rights lawsuit that is waiting and ready to go at the Thomas More Law Center.
Frankly I don’t see Maryland’s Republican governor with that much gumption to protect the taxpayers of the state. I hope he proves me wrong!

As I mentioned above, be sure you read yesterday’s post on the corruption investigation of the IRC which is one of the primary refugee resettlement contractors operating in Maryland.

So below is a bit of the news yesterday at the Washington Post (emphasis is mine):

Several dozen Maryland state lawmakers, including Democratic House nominee Jamie B. Raskin, have written Gov. Larry Hogan (R), urging him to endorse the settlement of Syrian refugees in the state.

Hogan joined other governors last year in saying he would oppose the entry of refugees unless the federal government could provide specific assurances that they are properly vetted and do not pose a security threat.

State Department officials have said repeatedly that all refugees — including Syrians — undergo rigorous screening before being granted refu­gee status.

IRC Maryland
Ruben Chandrasekar runs the Maryland office of the IRC and just yesterday it was revealed that his organization was being investigated for corruption involving Syrian refugees in Turkey.

But Hogan spokesman Matt Clark said Wednesday that the governor’s position has not changed. “To my knowledge, the federal government has not provided any additional information on changes . . . in the process,” Clark said.


The letter was initiated by Raskin, a state senator from Montgomery County and the Democratic nominee to succeed outgoing U.S. Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D), and Dels. Brooke E. Lierman (D-Baltimore) and David Moon (D-Montgomery).


Ruben Chandrasekar, an official of the International Rescue Committee in Baltimore, said the agency has resettled 60 Syrian refugees in Maryland in the past two years and is prepared to place as many as 100 in the coming year. [99% of the Syrian refugees entering the US now are Muslims—ed]

“If President Obama follows through on his promise to bring in 10,000 Syrian refugees, we hope to have a very busy summer,” said Chandrasekar, whose organization worked closely with the advocacy groups that spearheaded the letter from lawmakers to Hogan.

Yeh, I will bet the IRC worked closely.  They are paid by the head to resettle refugees into your towns and cities and it is in their financial best interests to keep the spigot open.
Most refugees in Maryland go to Baltimore or Silver Spring, but hundreds of others are scattered around the state. Most recently a resettlement contractor was making inquiries in Hagerstown again.
If any reader finds a copy of Raskin’s letter, send it my way! We do need to publish the names of all who signed it.
And, don’t hold your breath that the Washington Post, which is happy to pimp for Raskin, will report on the corruption scandal surrounding the IRC!  The alternative media is on the story however, here Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily digs deeper.

United Nations unhappy with slow movement of Syrians to permanent resettlement

Not much new from the New York Times as they point out that Obama could be embarrassed at the fall session of the UN because the flow of Syrian Muslims to your towns is going too slowly for Ban Ki-moon.

Portrait of SG
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon wants Obama to step up the Syrian Muslim resettlement to the US. Obama will be on the hot seat at fall meeting of UN if he doesn’t deliver! Trump should use that September meeting to highlight his views on relinquishing our sovereignty to the UN.

There are two bits of information in here that were somewhat informative and that is why I am posting it.
Here is how the NY Times story begins:

UNITED NATIONS — The Obama administration’s effort to step up asylum for Syrian refugees is going so slowly, it may not meet the president’s deadline for accepting at least 10,000 by the end of the fiscal year.

More than seven months since the president pledged to resettle the most vulnerable Syrians, the United States has let in less than a fifth of that number — 1,736 through the end of April, according to government figures.***

That slow pace could undermine the administration’s diplomatic push to advance the cause of refugees at a time when other countries are putting up taller barriers to their entry. President Obama and the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, have said they will raise the issue of refugee resettlement at this year’s General Assembly session, and Mr. Ban issued a report on Monday calling on world leaders to rally around a new “compact on responsibility-sharing for refugees.”

This is the first bit of information you should know.  I’ve been telling you about how the NO-borders agitators are attempting to broaden the definition of what is a refugee.  Watch for a push for us to take in “climate refugees.”

The report that Mr. Ban issued this week also pressed countries to start negotiating a deal to embrace migrants who are crossing borders for reasons other than war, including “hazards related to climate change.” Those discussions, which he said he hoped would start this year, are likely to be even thornier.

And, this is why Russia could continue to gain dominance in the world—-they aren’t taking in the mostly Muslim Syrian refugees! Putin isn’t marching to Ban’s orders!  Of course, China doesn’t take refugees either.  Their thinking surely goes along these lines—why burden our economies, bring in cultural upheaval and possible Islamic agitators.

Russia, a major supporter of the government of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, has not resettled a single Syrian refugee, according to the United Nations.

More here.
*** Just checking “government figures” as of May 10th.  We admitted 1,943 Syrian refugees (of the 10,000 Obama wants) and 1,922 were some flavor of Muslim. That keeps the percentage at 99% Muslim for the Syrians resettled in your states so far this fiscal year.

First major western city elects Muslim mayor (who loves refugees)

Of course he would because many of the world’s refugees are Muslims and it is through their migration (the Hijra!) that London, indeed the whole of England, has effectively been conquered.

London’s new mayor Sadiq Khan joined the #RefugeesWelcome campaign

It is this business of electing Muslim mayors that is one of the issues that concerned me in 2007 when I launched Refugee Resettlement Watch.
But first…
You’ve all seen the news from London, if not, here is one report from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:

The United States recently saw its first Muslim-majority city council elected in Hamtramck, Michigan.

But voters in Britain’s capital and largest city just delivered an even bigger prize to Islam.

London elected Sadiq Khan as its mayor on Friday, making him the most powerful Muslim politician in the Western world.

Kahn’s rise is a testimony to the fact that major sections of the city are already close to 50 percent Muslim, and critics say many of its non-Muslim residents seem comfortable with turning the top elected post over to a man with questionable connections to terrorists.


Khan was accused of being unfit to become London’s next mayor after footage emerged of him describing moderate Muslims of being “Uncle Toms.”


Cameron announced May 4 that Britain would accept an undisclosed number of unaccompanied Syrian children seeking asylum in Italy, Greece or France. Britain has already agreed to resettle 20,000 Syrian refugees, not nearly as many as Germany but more than the U.S.


Dr. Mark Christian, who grew up in Egypt the son of a Muslim Brotherhood father and became a child imam by the time he was 14 only to later renounce Islam and become Christian, said the rise of Muslim politicians in major European cities is inevitable given the brisk pace of Islamic migration.

Glory to Allah buses
Islamic Relief (a charity!) has launched a bus advertisement campaign in London with ‘Glory to Allah’ banners. They are celebrating Khan’s election although they claim it is to raise money for charity. Readers should know that Islamic Relief USA (a sister organization) has been identified working with Muslim refugees in a couple of US states so far.

Conquest without the sword!

“The narrative that he is connected to radical Islam is by itself something the West invented, trying to differentiate between regular Islam and radical Islam. Islam is Islam,” he said. “The mindset of Muslims, whether Mr. Khan is devout or not, is such that he will be used by other Muslim leaders to accomplish things that have never happened through the sword.”


In truth, the views of a “moderate” Muslim like Khan differ from the violent jihadists only as a matter of strategy. The end goal of the Brotherhood is Shariah, Christian said.

Continue reading here.

Goal of electing 30 Muslim mayors in the US by 2015!

Hendi and Obama
Hendi and Obama.

That is what an Imam told an audience in Saudi Arabia in August of 2007 as reported by the Washington Times (front page story!).
As far as I can tell, no one paid any attention to Imam Yahya Hendi’s confident prediction.
Of course Hendi and his fellow strategists failed (so far), but that doesn’t mean that they have given up.
If Muslim migration continues unabated, America too will have Muslim mayors.
Here is Hendi (the Islamic chaplain at Georgetown Univ.):

“Last year, we elected the first Muslim to Congress, and I expect that by 2015, there will be three or four, as well as at least 30 mayors,” he said, adding that the number of Muslim lawyers in the United States has multiplied since September 11.

Indeed! if Muslims were here to assimilate and not advance shariah, why on earth would it matter to them what religion elected officials are? And, why go to Saudi Arabia to report this ‘progress?’

This is what I said in 2007 when there was complete silence about Hendi’s admission of their goals in America:

Can you imagine if some Catholic or Jewish leader was telling a foreign nation that they were working toward 30 (any number) Jewish mayors, or 30 Catholic mayors, all hell would break loose in the mainstream media!

I’m laughing envisioning a Jewish US mayoral candidate going to Israel and bragging that he was part of a movement to elect 30 Jewish mayors in the next few years—he or she would be driven out of town by the media. Similarly a bragging Catholic candidate reporting in to Rome would suffer the same fate. Why did no one slam Imam Hendi at the time? Fear?