423 Syrians admitted to US in first two months of fiscal year; 99% are Sunni Muslims

I love it, so many reporters are on the case now!  This morning I see Drudge is prominently featuring a CNS news story about how all of the Syrians admitted to the US after the Paris terror attack are Sunni Muslims, click here for that story.  Lots of good information there!
Below is a map (from the Refugee Processing Center) of where the Syrians have been resettled in the US since October 1 (the first day of fiscal year 2016 until yesterday November 30th, assuming the data is up to date as of yesterday).
Two months into the fiscal year, the Obama Administration has 9,577 to go to reach its goal of 10,000 Syrian (mostly Muslims) for this year.
Top five states where the Administration is seeding Syrian Muslims:  No surprise California is numero uno, but that they are pouring them into PA is a surprise, and then KY, OH, and TX round out the top five.  (Hey Mitch and Rand, where are you?)
map Syrians end Nov. 30
Checking the religion numbers for the first two months of fiscal year 2016, it is even worse than two weeks ago.  Of the 423 admitted so far, 418 are Sunni Muslims.  That comes to 99% Muslim and you can expect numbers like that to continue because the UNHCR is picking our refugees and he told an audience at Georgetown Law School recently (here, we were there), that the Christians are not persecuted because the “regime” (Assad) protects them.  I guess for the UNHCR, ISIS is not a persecutor!
Go here if you want to play around with the US State Department data base (called the Refugee Processing Center).

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

Texas governor threatens lawsuit against resettlement contractor over Syrians

Abbott vs. Miliband!

The threat is directed at the International Rescue Committee*** headed by the former British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband. The lawsuit would pit Abbott against Miliband who came to the US in 2013 to head up the largest (financially) of the nine US resettlement contractors.
From the Houston Chronicle:

Texas Governor-elect Greg Abbott addresses media during a news conference, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2014, at the Capitol in Austin, Texas. Abbott is the first new Texas governor in 14 years — and he did it in a landslide. He crushed Democrat Wendy Davis by one of the biggest margins in any of three dozen gubernatorial races across the U.S., carrying nearly 60 percent of the vote by early Wednesday as Texas underwent its biggest political shake-up in decades. (AP Photo/Austin American-Statesman, Jay Janner) AUSTIN CHRONICLE OUT, COMMUNITY IMPACT OUT; INTERNET AND TV MUST CREDIT PHOTOGRAPHER AND STATESMAN.COM; MAGS OUT
Texas Governor Greg Abbott

AUSTIN – Texas officials are escalating their opposition to Syrian refugees with a new order aimed specifically at resettlement groups that have indicated they will accept people fleeing the war-torn country: change your mind or risk getting sued by the state.

Texas health commissioner Chris Traylor issued the first lawsuit threat over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in a letter to the Dallas branch of the International Rescue Committee, which said earlier this month that it supports accepting Syrian refugees.

miliband bananas
Miliband bff Soros, Clinton and Samantha Power takes lucrative job as head of the IRC. Photo and story: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2299583/David-Miliband-quits-Britain-280-000-U-S-charity-job-earning-DOUBLE-brother-Ed-gets-Labour-leader.html

“We have been unable to achieve cooperation with your agency,” Traylor wrote in the letter, which was released to the Houston Chronicle late Sunday, adding that, “Failure by your organization to cooperate with the State of Texas as required by federal law may result in the termination of your contract with the state and other legal action.”

Similar letters are expected to be sent to any refugee resettlement group that takes a similar position against Gov. Greg Abbott.

Go to the Houston Chronicle for more and to see the letter.  Alas, it isn’t just Syrian Muslims going to Texas, but the state has been a target for the resettlement of large numbers of Somali and Iraqi Muslims as well.

Eight of nine major resettlement contractors operating in Texas:

Abbott may have to sue eight of the nine federal resettlement contractors (this is from Part II of my Texas trilogy of posts).  These are the nine federal resettlement contractors:

Please go to this list of subcontractors everywhere and scroll down to Texas.
Texas is the number one resettlement state in the nation! And, never forget, Democrats and the No borders agitators are working day and night to turn Red states Blue—Texas is their number one target!
Recognizing how lucrative the ‘welcoming’ Texas turf is (contractors are paid by the head to resettle refugees), eight of the nine contractors have set up shop somewhere in Texas.  The only one with no office there yet is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society!
For more on Texas, go here to our three part series from earlier this summer.
And for much more on David Miliband and his friends in high places, click here.   Hillary adores him!
***From this post:

International Rescue Committee (secular)
(From 2012 Form 990)

Total revenue: $456,122,865
Govt. grants and contracts (including travel loan income): $332,271,151
Percent taxpayer funded: 73%
Top salary: $485,321  (this is the salary of the former CEO, but we assume Miliband is pulling down similar numbers).

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

It is Sunday morning: Is your church lobbying Congress for 100,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US

Yes! It probably is, if it is one of thirty seven member communions of the National Council of Churches***
Editor’s note:  This post is about Church World Service, one of nine major federal resettlement contractors pulling out all the stops in a massive PR campaign to go beyond Obama’s plan to bring in 10,000 MOSTLY MUSLIM Syrians this fiscal year. Also involved in the campaign is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops/Catholic Charities, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
This is what Church World Service head honcho has to say about the propaganda campaign being launched in your churches.

McCullough CWS
CWS CEO Rev. John L. McCullough arrested at the White House in 2014 while protesting for amnesty for illegal aliens. These are not ‘churches’ but are Leftwing community organizers. McCullough pulls down a handsome six-figure salary partially funded by US taxpayers to do his NO borders political activities. Photo at Sojourners: https://sojo.net/articles/faith-leaders-arrested-white-house-calling-immigration-reform

See also Leo Hohmann’s lengthy article at World Net Daily yesterday on the campaign for Muslim migration to your towns and cities.
From The Northwestern (which appears to be using a CWS press release verbatim):

Responding to recent announcements that certain governors will not accept Syrian refugees for resettlement in their states, Church World Service President and CEO, the Rev. John L. McCullough, urged public officials to avoid knee-jerk reactions, to reject misplaced blame and to stand in solidarity with Syrian refugees, who are themselves victims of ISIS.

The terrorist attacks in Paris will certainly change our world. There may be little that we can do individually to stop the horrors of terrorism, but we can at least offer shelter and support to the families fleeing violence in their own countries.

Please look at the reports on refugees published by Church World Service visit www.cwsglobal.org and get involved


You may also consider contacting your senator and representatives in congress and encouraging them to authorize the acceptance of 100,000 Syrian refugees into the US (a number suggested by the National Council of Churches), rather than the 10,000 the government is currently considering.

Oh, and don’t forget to send us money!

Please consider sending a donation to Church World Service to support their refugee programs and contacting your representatives in Congress to encourage opening our doors to accept many more refugees.

More here.
And, btw, Church World Service was the major contractor that came to my county back in 2007 and that first drew me into this serious issue.
Are you a member of one of these faith communities?  If so, it is time to stand up to your church!
*** Members of the National Council of Churches pushing for 100,000 mostly Muslim Syrians to be admitted to the US.  This is a very handy list of the churches that have become active in hard Left community organizing (add the USCCB and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the gang is all here):
African Methodist Episcopal Church
The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Alliance of Baptists
American Baptist Churches in the USA
Armenian Church of America, Eastern and Western Dioceses
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Church of the Brethren
Community of Christ
Coptic Orthodox Archdiocese of North America
Ecumenical Catholic Communion
The Episcopal Church (USA)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Hungarian Reformed Church in America
International Council of Community Churches
Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad
Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, American Diocese
Mar Thoma Church
Moravian Church in America, Northern and Southern Provinces
National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
National Missionary Baptist Convention of America
Orthodox Church in America
Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the USA
Polish National Catholic Church
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.
Reformed Church in America
Religious Society of Friends, Friends United Meeting
Religious Society of Friends, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America
The Swedenborgian Church of North America
Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, Archdiocese of the Eastern United States
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
United Church of Christ
The United Methodist Church

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

Libs in Canada change their minds: let's not rush into this Syrian refugee thing we promised

You knew it had to happen, the new Trudeau government couldn’t possibly get it done—-bring in 25,000 Syrians by the end of THIS December.

Justin Trudeau, his wife Sophie Gregoire and their children Xavier and Ella-Grace celebrate after he won the Federal Liberal leadership Sunday April 14, 2013 in Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld
Does Canada’s boy wonder know what he has done to his children and grandchildren?

They still want 25,000 (actually now they are saying 35,000) but over a longer time and apparently what is happening south of the border, in the US, has influenced the decision to slow down.
As they colonize Canada, Canadian immigration officials, working in the new government, have said they will take refugees selected by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees which means they will take mostly Sunni Muslims.
Here is Christian Today on the decision. They say they will focus on women and children. Young single men won’t get in unless they are gay, or traveling with Mommy and Daddy.
Now this is the question I have been asking for years as this rush to save the homosexuals of the Middle East has gotten underway—how are they going to know they are gay?  Take their word for it? (ISIS leaders are laughing their heads off!).

Canada has delayed its plans to bring 25,000 Syrian refugees to the country after New Year amid concerns in the U.S. over the vetting-system and the possible embedding of Islamic State (ISIS) militants among the refugees.

Immigration Minister John McCallum made the announcement early this week, saying the refugees will come in batches with only 10,000 expected to land by Dec. 31 this year, an additional 15,000 in January and February 2016, and some 10,000 more later in 2016 for a minimum of 35,000.

“I’ve been saying time and time again, that yes we want to bring them fast, but we also want to do it right,” he said, according to Fox News. “We’re happy to take a little more time.”


McCallum said the Trudeau government will this time give priority to the “most vulnerable” such as families, women at risk and members of the LGBT community.

Single men will only be granted admission if accompanying their parents or if they are part of the LGBT community, according to Canadian newspapers.

LOL!  And, here is that word “robust” again.  Would someone please explain “robust security screening.”  Do they really think the voters are that dumb?

President Pierre Trudeau has said robust security screening continues to be a high priority in Canada in the light of recent terror attacks.

Continue reading here.
I’ll wager they can’t even get 10,000 admitted by year-end.
Meanwhile Montana ranchers take up watch on US northern border.
See our extensive Canada archive by clicking here.

Indiana: ACLU files lawsuit against governor on behalf of resettlement contractor over Syrians

This is news from the day before Thanksgiving and would not have caught my eye except for the fact that the resettlement contractor—Exodus Refugee Immigration—was the subject of a post here earlier this year when they said they would welcome Syrians to Indianapolis because a major Muslim Brotherhood organization was located nearby!

Islamic Society of North America is headquartered in Indiana. Refugee contractor cites that piece of information to justify bringing Syrian refugees to the state. Photo: http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/islamic-society-north-america-isna

First, here is the story from the Associated Press about the lawsuit:

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A lawsuit challenging the Indiana governor’s decision to stop state agencies from helping resettle Syrian refugees alleges that the action wrongly targets the refugees based on their nationality and violates the U.S. Constitution and federal law.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana filed the federal lawsuit Monday night on behalf of Indianapolis-based nonprofit Exodus Refugee Immigration. It accuses Gov. Mike Pence of accepting refugees to Indiana from other countries but not from Syria.

The first-term Republican governor objected to plans for refugees to arrive in Indiana following the attacks in Paris. Five days after the Nov. 13 attacks, a family that had fled war-torn Syria was diverted from Indianapolis to Connecticut when Pence ordered state agencies to halt resettlement activities.

The ACLU of Indiana filed a motion Tuesday asking a federal judge to put a temporary hold on Pence’s directive that state agencies stop helping with the resettlement of Syrian refugees by using federal money to provide services such as housing and medical care.

Continue reading here.
It’s going to be interesting to see if the governor has any power.  I wonder what would happen if Pence did not single out the Syrians and instead said Indiana wouldn’t take any refugees from anywhere—now that would be fun to see!
Expect to see more lawsuits like this one against the governors.

Here is what I said back in March about this resettlement contractor—Exodus Refugee Immigration:

This is a really informative news report from reporter Gretchen Frazee at Indiana Public Media.  The story begins with a warm introduction to a Syrian family which has just arrived in Indianapolis with the help of federal resettlement contractor Exodus Refugee Immigration which is a subcontractor of both Church World Service and Episcopal Migration Ministries (two of the big nine contractors).

Muslim Brotherhood organization nearby!

We are told that one reason Indianapolis was chosen is that the Islamic Society of North America is nearby (ahhhhh!)

Carleen Miller, Executive Director of Exodus Refugee Immigration
Carleen Miller, Executive Director Exodus Refugee Immigration: Indiana is a good place because Muslim Brotherhood organization is headquartered here. “This year the number will be small…then their relatives will come and then their relatives will come.”

From Indiana Public Media:

The State Department normally sends refugees to cities where they have friends or family. But Lababidi and Alhamoud didn’t know anyone in the U.S., so the government used a kind of formula to determine which location had the resources to best meet their needs.  The department determined that place was Indiana.  [I sure would like to see this formula!—ed]

“The main thing is that refugees go to a place that’s welcoming, that has a cost of living they can survive in, that has employment and opportunities,” says Carleen Miller, the executive director of Exodus Refugee Immigration, which is handling Syrian families’ resettlement in Indianapolis.

She points out that the Islamic Society of North America is based just outside of Indianapolis in Plainfield. There is also a mosque which many Syrians attend in Fishers and a group of Christian Syrians at a nearby church.

“There are people who are interested in Syrians in our city, so it makes for a good environment for them to be successful,” Miller says.

Not the first time the ACLU is working with a federal resettlement contractor. 

Way back in July 2007, our first month in existence, we reported on a lawsuit in Tennessee where a resettlement contractor (also affiliated with Church World Service) filed a lawsuit with the ACLU (and CAIR) so the resettlement contractor would not have to give information to the FBI about the location of some missing Iraqi refugees.  Of course, the issue is different, but shows the willingness of the ACLU to join forces with a federal resettlement contractor, a ‘church’ group which is a subcontractor of Church World Service.
I’ve been wondering all these last 8 years why the ACLU isn’t interested in suing the federal “church” contractors over the separation of church and state!