Breaking news: Michigan Gov. now says "no thanks" to Syrian refugees

Drudge is reporting the news late this afternoon….

Rick Snyder, governor of Michigan, listens at a public meeting in Detroit, Michigan, U.S., on Friday, March 1, 2013. Snyder said he plans to name an emergency manager to handle Detroit?s fiscal crisis, stripping power from local officials in a withered city that in 1940 was the fourth biggest in the U.S. and a thriving capital of industry. Photographer: Jeff Kowalsky/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Snyder: Security comes first….

Will the dominoes begin to fall?  Will other Governors demand a halt to Obama’s misguided plan to bring in 10,000 Syrians that the FBI says cannot be vetted?
And, funny coincidence I just a few minutes ago got off a radio interview in Michigan, but neither the host nor I had yet heard this incredible news. For our long time readers, this is a huge turnaround because the Republican Governor Snyder had earlier this year said he would like to resettle 50,000 Syrians in the state to “revitalize” dying Detroit, here.
Forty eight hours after Paris, here is the news —-a complete about-face by the Governor:

LANSING — Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says he is suspending efforts to bring Syrian refugees to Michigan in light of the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday.

“Given the terrible situation in Paris, I’ve directed that we put on hold our efforts to accept new refugees until the U.S. Department of Homeland Security completes a full review of security clearances and procedures,” Snyder said in a statement released by his office on Sunday.

“Michigan is a welcoming state and we are proud of our rich history of immigration,” the statement said. “But our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents.”

Huge test of states rights!

Now, we will be watching to see if this Governor (or any other of the fifty governors) have any power to halt the resettlement (by the federal government) of refugees in their states.

One of the Paris killers was a Syrian refugee who had passed through Greece

Breaking news and lead on Drudge just now:  Two of the terrorists are refugees who came through Greece, here.
The Guardian is reporting the news with a caveat.

Chuckles reverberated through the auditorium at Georgetown University Law School on October 29 when UNHCR Guterres explained in detail why it would be ridiculous for a terrorist to infiltrate the migrant flow to Europe…. yuk! yuk! yuk!

The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night’s attacks in Paris passed though Greece in October, a Greek minister told Reuters.

“The holder of the passport passed through the island of Leros on 3 October 2015, where he was identified according to EU rules,” said Nikos Toscas, Greece’s deputy minister in charge of policing.

A Greek police source told Reuters that European countries had been asked to check the passport holder to see if they had been registered.

The Guardian goes on to throw in some weasel words about how they aren’t sure yet that the dead man with the passport was the same man who crossed into Greece only a little over a month ago.

Is Antonio Guterres still laughing?

We told you here five days ago (when we learned of another refugee terrorist) that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees sent titters through the mostly young/naive audience at Georgetown Law school when he answered a questions from Jim Simpson and mocked anyone who fears just that—that terrorists would infiltrate the refugee flow to Europe (and America).
***Correction*** It wasn’t in response to one of Jim’s many good questions of the day, but actually at the end of Guterres prepared remarks in which he mocks the idea of terrorists coming in as refugees.
Go here to the video of the speech.  Go to about the 23:34 mark and listen to about 25:35 and hear him joke about the notion of terrorists in the refugee stream (you cannot hear the audience chuckling as I did sitting there).
We were there and heard it all!
Remember readers it is Guterres and his agency at the UN choosing our Syrian refugees and they have 20,000 picked out for us.
For all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ posts, click here.
Is Germany next?  Sweden? The UK?
Angry?  Go here to see what you can do.

Angry about Paris? Time for a moratorium on Muslim migration to America? Start with cutting the funds for it!

Mark Steyn said the “M” word (actually both of them!)—Moratorium and Muslim just a few minutes ago on Fox News (here).
We all know why Europe and France specifically are in the horrible place they are in now (being invaded and attacked from within) and it is because they have long “welcomed” Islamic Shariah-loving migrants to live among them.

So how do we get that MORATORIUM?

Eleanor Acer
Eleanor Acer of Human Rights First is lobbying Congress at this very minute to add a billion dollars to federal funding for MORE Syrian refugees to be admitted to the US! A billion dollars would nearly double what the Obama Administration is asking for.

You can get it by starting with the Muslim migration occurring through the Refugee Admissions Program between now and December 11th when Congress must vote on the funding for the program for 2016.

I was in Washington this week to brief Hill staffers along with Don Barnett (a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies) at the invitation of ACT for America about the UN/US State Department refugee resettlement program.  (I am going to post the handout I presented, but Paris has now intervened, will do it over the weekend).
The conclusion from several meetings we had was that—there is only one place at this very minute where you can direct your anger and your hard work—-and that is at Congress (both the House and the Senate) and at the funding for the migration!

Tell them to cut the funding for the US Refugee Admissions Program NOW!

Bills such as Rep. Babin’s and Rep. Michael McCaul’s are a good start for next year, but to really send a message from the American people, make Congress use its POWER OF THE PURSE!
And, btw, the No Borders agitators (like Eleanor Acer in photo) are busy just this week praising Senators Lindsey Graham and Patrick Leahy who will be seeking to put a billion dollars into the funding package coming up in early December for MORE Syrian refugees!
Call your Members of Congress, your US Senators and all in the leadership—Senator Mitch McConnell (KY is the leading state getting Syrian refugees right now!), Speaker Paul Ryan, and members of all key committees—tell them to cut the money for the US Refugee Admissions Program right now until they can assure America’s security!
And, don’t tell me that that is “unreasonable.” Our job is to tell them what we want and what we want them to do, not to figure out what sounds like a reasonable proposal or to help the squishy ones with their talking points and their images!
***Update*** How could I forget—the powerful Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Charles Grassley, has already called for a halt to funding for the program!

Calling Senator Ted Cruz!

If you are a Senator Cruz fan, this is his chance to show leadership when the Senate takes up 2016 funding very soon.  (Of the Presidential candidates, you know for sure Marco Rubio won’t do it, but maybe Rand Paul will take a leadership role especially since Kentucky is a leading Syrian resettlement state).
Endnote!  It isn’t just mostly Syrian Muslims entering the US as refugees but thousands are coming from Iraq, Somalia, Burma and Afghanistan to name just a few sending countries.

Canadian Left all excited by prospect of 25,000 Syrians to arrive before end of THIS year

….But, don’t place them in resort lodgings in the woods!

Beaverfoot Lodge
Learn more about the beautiful setting of Beaverfoot Lodge:

My alerts from yesterday (BP=Before Paris) are filled with many stories from Canada, from provinces across the entire continent, where citizens are gearing up to “welcome” the Syrian Muslims—25,000 of them—promised by Canada’s new President who is sticking by his pledge to get them relocated in Canadian towns and cities by the end of December.
Lucky Canada!
I had to laugh though about this story—don’t put them in the woods!
We previously reported on how Sweden had made a mistake by offering rustic resort lodgings to Muslim migrants, here.  We were told by readers that it has to do with the trees (where spirits hide!).
Doesn’t that old line—beggars can’t be choosers—come to mind!
From CBC News:

Some refugee advocates have applauded a B.C. resort manager’s offer of accommodation for incoming refugees, but others are now questioning whether a lodge in Golden is the best place for the newcomers.

Beaverfoot Lodge is located about a half an hour away from Golden, and resort owner Raphael Assaf believes it would be an ideal location for new refugees to live temporarily once they’re in Canada.

Marilyn Perry, chair of the Central Okanagan Refugee Committee, disagrees.

“Refugees have already been in refugee camps — they don’t need something else temporary. They need to be able to find a group and a house and get located in a city and begin to integrate,” said Perry.

Refugee support groups are scrambling to prepare for the 25,000 refugees from Syria and Iraq Justin Trudeau promised his government would accept by the end of the year.

Perry, who’s based in Kelowna, thinks the new Canadian government will begin processing applications from people fleeing Syria and Iraq quicker once the logistical challenges of the government hand over are dealt with.

That’s when it will become difficult for “isolated situations” like Beaverfoot Lodge to handle the influx of people, she says.

Continue reading here.
Our complete archive on Canada is here.

Carson and Cruz, first Presidential candidates to speak out on Paris slaughter—say no Syrian refugees to America

There may be others by now, but here is the first story I’m seeing before dawn today reporting on reactions by US Presidential candidates.  ***Update*** Here is a story at Breitbart that must have been posted before terror erupted in Paris last night—see where the Presidential candidates were yesterday afternoon BP (before Paris).  Bush, Kasich and Rubio all said they want MORE refugees.
***Update #2***  Mediaite reported on Ann Coulter tweets last night (after Paris):  “Donald Trump was elected President tonight,” here.  Paris may in fact have been a clarifying moment for many—try to imagine each of the 2016 candidates as President of the US if a similar horror happens here.  Who would you wish to be in the Oval Office?
From Buzzfeed:

carson cruz
Senator Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson: No Syrian refugees should be admitted to US. Where is your candidate?  Let us know and I’ll update this post.

Following the deadly attacks in Paris Friday night, two prominent Republicans have called for the United States to table plans to accept thousands of Syrian refugees, citing terror concerns.

Sen. Ted Cruz wrote in a statement on Friday that the U.S. needs to “immediately declare a halt to any plans to bring refugees that may have been by ISIS to the United States.” Cruz has raised security concerns before about the prospect of accepting more refugees at this point from Syria.

Presidential candidate Ben Carson said in Orlando, Florida, that Congress should act to block the Obama administration’s plan to accept more refugees.

“If we’re going to be bringing 200,000 people over here from that region — if I were one of the leaders of the global jihadist movement and I didn’t infiltrate that group of people with my people, that would be almost malpractice,” Carson said, according to the Washington Post.

Congress can act to block Obama’s Muslim migration plan (refugee resettlement) in just a few weeks as Congress must act by December 11th to fund the government through fiscal year 2016 (this is separate from the dept ceiling issue of just a few weeks ago).

Congress could do its job for once by using the POWER OF THE PURSE to restrain Obama!

***Update*** This is what you should tell Congress to do!  Cut the funding!
They will pounce on Carson for the 200,000 number, however…..
As for Carson’s mention of the 200,000, note he said “from the region.”  It isn’t that high for one year, but Obama was talking about 2016 and 2017 when he said 85,000 refugees this year and 100,000 next year.  Don’t forget we are taking tens of thousands of other Muslim refugees from Iraq, Somalia, Burma and Afghanistan in that number as well—it is not just Syrians—from the region.
Consider that you rarely hear of the 30,000 plus coming as asylum seekers annually by first getting across our borders illegally or overstaying a visa and then asking for asylum.  Then there is Temporary Protected Status and that astounding monstrosity—the Diversity Visa Lottery—which brings in another 50,000 legal migrants a year, many from countries that hate us!  And, we haven’t even mentioned student visas!
So before someone latches (with criticism) on Carson’s high number, demand that the Administration give an accounting of how many Muslim migrants are being admitted legally to the US each year!  It is probably approaching 200,000, but no one (on the outside) knows for sure.
For more on the 2016 Presidential candidates see our category entitled, ‘2016 Presidential campaign.‘  (We have older categories for both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns as they related to refugees and immigration generally.)  I was surprised to see that we have already written 91 posts on the 2016 campaign.   Without a doubt, immigration is THE issue for 2016!
Endnote:  Watch this video!