Lutheran meeting in Allentown, PA gets contentious, but who is this wealthy 'Lutheran' group?

This is an update of the post we wrote here the other day.  Lutheran Children and Family Service of Eastern Pennsylvania held a public meeting to bring together churches in the Allentown area to prep them for the arrival of Syrian refugees.
The Morning Call reported on what happened next, here.

A Lutheran group that settles refugees in the Lehigh Valley got more than it bargained for at a meeting Wednesday when members of the Lehigh Valley Tea Party and other groups questioned whether some of those refugees might be terrorists.

Lutheran Children and Family Service, which oversees the refugee settlement program in the area, held an informational meeting at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Allentown on how churches and others can help in light of the Syrian refugee crisis.

Janet Panning, program director of Lutheran Children and Family Service, told the approximately 70 people in attendance that the agency expects to resettle about 120-130 refugees in the next year, including about 50-60 Syrians in 15 families.


Representatives of about 25 churches attended to find out how they would help. But when Panning and others on her panel started taking questions, it became clear that others in the audience were more concerned with whether the Muslim refugees might be terrorists, might try to impose strict Islamic law and customs on the United States and become burdens to society.

I am not going to get into the weeds of the misinformation spouted by Ms. Panning and others.  Read the whole thing and be sure to see the comments.

Two things!

Remember two things (no matter how maligned you might be at a meeting like this one):  First, you are paying for this whole resettlement business and have a right to know what they are doing with your money and to your town, and secondly, the FBI has testified to Congress that the Syrian refugees cannot be thoroughly screened to assure terrorists won’t get in!

You have every right to be there and to question those promoting the colonization of your community and using your money to do it!

Luanne Fisher
Luanne Fisher is the Lutheran CEO/President with the huge salary (below). Here she is as part of Lutheran Liberty. I think real Lutherans should be looking into this tangled web of groups using the name of your faith while milking taxpayers.

Lutheran Children and Family Service of Eastern Pennsylvania is rolling in YOUR bucks!
They are from Philadelphia where refugee overload means diversity is not such a beautiful thing and thus they need to be spreading their refugees out to surrounding towns and cities—Allentown is about 50 miles from Philadelphia.  More here.
Some parts of their website are password protected (what are they hiding there?).
If you think this ‘church’ group is passing the plate on Sunday mornings to pay for all of this, forget it.  By the way, they are a subcontractor of major federal contractor Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, here.
We had a look at the most recent Form 990 available for Ms. Panning’s organization and here is some of what we learned (p.9):

Gross receipts that year were:  $14,273,796

Government grants:  $13,506,480 (federal and state taxpayer dollars!)

So that comes to 95% funded by taxpayers!  This is not a private non-profit group, this is essentially a quasi-government agency!

It gets worse!

They spent $8,889,752 of your money on salaries, benefits, pensions, payroll taxes and management!

Now, have a look at the salaries for this NON-PROFIT GROUP! (p. 7)   Ahhhh!   Doing well by doing good!

CEO:  $411,357 (in compensation and related benefits)

Senior VP:  $269,734

Another Senior VP: $205,456

VP of Community Services: $153,837

So, when Ms. Panning is trying to tell an audience that they aren’t paid much, that all they get is $925 per refugee from the State Department, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe she doesn’t know herself how many millions come from taxpayers or how huge the salaries are of her senior leadership. Next time, how about sending CEO Luanne Fisher*** out to field the questions!
From The Morning Call:

The State Department, which works with Lutheran Children and Family Service on resettlement, provides $925 per refugee to help with the effort. The rest is up to the Lutheran Service group and churches that partner with the organization.

By the way, you need to know that when groups like this one seek volunteer help and donated junk, they get to count both the time and the donations as ‘cash’ so they can tell the federal government they have a little skin in the game.
Read the whole Morning Call update here.
Another Lutheran doing well by doing good is Jodi Harpstead, here at Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota.  How many more of them are out there sucking from the government teat?
p.s. If you have made contact with your Pennsylvania US Senators’ offices, please send them this post! Afterthought: Dr. Fisher makes twice what your US Senator makes, here.
*** Ms. Fisher was the CEO at the time of the filing of the 2012 Form 990 we were able to access and we can only assume she is still the CEO as of this writing.  It is the staff portion of their website that is password protected.

MN Governor Dayton: Don't like immigrants, get out of Minnesota!

Update:  A reader just sent me another story on the Governor’s demand to get out, here.
Earlier this week, in St. Cloud, MN, the Democrat Governor of the State—Mark Dayton***—made it pretty clear to those who have been questioning the mass importation of Somali refugees to the state—too bad for you, find another place to live.

FILE In this June 30, 2011 photo, Gov. Mark Dayton speaks during a news conference hours before the midnight deadline to pass a budget at the Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul, Minn. The Democratic governor and legislative Republicans are deadlocked over a $5 billion budget deficit. Republicans have refused any tax hike. (AP Photo/Genevieve Ross)
Gov. Mark Dayton: If you don’t like our Somali refugees, get out of Minnesota because they are here to stay! How much does BIG MEAT (the meatpackers) contribute to Dayton (just wondering)? Race-baiting is the distraction, follow the money!

Oh, and following on the point I’ve been making over the last few days, here, here and here, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was there.  As I said, CAIR is now taking an up front position on more refugee resettlement (and you can be sure it isn’t the Syrian Christians they are worried about!).
My guess is that CAIR was hoping the whole concept of the Hijra (Mohammed’s demand that Muslims migrate as a form of jihad) would not be out in the open and that we wouldn’t notice until it was too late, but we have.  So now they are openly pushing refugee resettlement.
From the Daily Globe  (thanks to all who sent it):

St. CLOUD — Harsh words and heartfelt sentiment were exchanged by community members and local officials on racial issues in Central Minnesota at the St. Cloud NAACP Community Conversation with Gov. Mark Dayton. [I don’t get it, doesn’t the NAACP know that all the migrants are taking jobs that African Americans need?—ed]

Hosted Tuesday at St. Cloud Public Library, about 100 people from diverse backgrounds gathered to ask questions of St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis, St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson, State Rep. Jim Knoblach, Minnesota Human Rights Commissioner Kevin Lindsey, Council on Black Minnesotans Community Program Specialist Kolloh Nimley and St. Cloud AFYA Pharmacy co-owner Dr. Edris Kosar.

From the start of the event, Dayton bluntly stated his opinions on the racial tension in St. Cloud and across the state in regards to immigration.

“Look around you. This is Minnesota,” Dayton said. “Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago. … This is Minnesota and you have every right to be here. And anybody who cannot accept your right to be here, and this is Minnesota, should find another state.”

Dayton said he was aware of some of the racial issues happening in the St. Cloud area and urged participants to take a stand against what he described as “unacceptable, un-Minnesotan, illegal and immoral” behavior.

“If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state. Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota. It’s not going to be again. It’s not going to be that in St. Cloud, or Rochester or Worthington,” Dayton said.

CAIR was there!

Another audience member took issue with the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, accusing the organization of being supported by terrorists.

CAIR Minnesota Executive Director Jaylani Hussein, who had previously addressed the crowd on his concerns on racial tension said his organization is not affiliated with terrorist groups.

See “Breeding terrorists in Minnesota,” here.
Minnesota has developed very active Pockets of Resistance.’  See especially our lengthy archive on St. Cloud by clicking here.
Changing the subject slightly!

Find out what health problems refugees are bringing to Minnesota!

Metro Refugee Health Task Force, here.  “Medically complex cases” entering Minnesota!
Some of you involved in the resistance in the state should attend these important meetings (next one is Nov. 3).  Follow the links, but here is what they say about the September meeting and what was discussed (remember you are paying for all of this!):

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Refugee and International Health Program (RIHP) staff presented on the latest refugee arrival  and health screening data; medically complex cases; special projects and community engagement; and emerging health issues.

I contend that if more Americans knew how much disease/parasites etc. were coming in with refugees they would be shocked into action—likely fearing disease more than Islamic terrorists!
***Interesting, Dayton’s first wife was one of the Rockefeller family heiresses.  Is that how he got his political start?

Interfaith group working with CAIR to colonize Connecticut with Syrian 'refugees'

CAIR becomes a player!

I’ve been reporting this morning (here) and in the last week (here and here) that there is a new player promoting the resettlement of third world refugees from countries where people hate us (from Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Burma and most recently Syria).
Having followed this issue for eight years I can attest to the fact that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), although stepping in to defend the ‘rights’ of Muslim refugees to, for instance, pray in the workplace, have not until just recently played an active (visible!) role in the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.
It seems that all of that is changing, and this video news clip from Connecticut shows CAIR’s leadership role in Connecticut to colonize ten towns with Syrian refugees.  And, readers, beware! these so-called ‘Interfaith groups’ are willing participants in changing the demographic make-up of your communities.  See CT Senator Richard Blumenthal (reduce security screening) in the clip!


“A group of leaders, activists and concerned people from various faith traditions in the region gathered on Oct. 11, Sunday, at Berlin Mosque, pushing for “Hope for Humanity” Syrian Refugee Initiative. The interfaith network includes representatives from Council on American-Islamic Relations, First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, Catholic Charities as well as refugee resettlement organizations including Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services and the International Institute of Connecticut.

‘Seeding’ ten cities as Connecticut colonization gets underway!

The group is looking to place ten Syrian refugee families in ten cities including New London and Old Lyme.”

Demand transparency!

The best advice I can give for Connecticut citizens (potential ‘Pockets of Resistance’) is for you to go to your local elected government and ask what the Mayor and council (or county commission) are going to do to demand, at minimum, transparency so that everyone in the city or county knows what they are in for as the cost to local and state taxpayers is enormous (not to mention the social costs of ‘welcoming’ diverse ethnic and religious immigrants who have no intention of assimilating).
Demand that the US State Department and its contractors present a plan to the local community that includes the cost of resettlement and describes the potential social and cultural impact to the community.
The mayor of Athens, Georgia demanded such a plan a year ago and as far as I know, no refugees have yet been resettled there.
See here where we learned that the US State Department is telling reporters and Congress that there is “consultation” with the community.
Go to this list and find the resettlement contractors working in Connecticut.  Call them and ask for the R & P Abstract for FY2016 and ask them for a schedule of the upcoming “quarterly consultations” they hold with stakeholders (you, as tax payers, are stakeholders—maybe the most important stakeholders of all!)
By the way, Connecticut did resettle the largest number of refugees of the New England states in FY2015 which ended on Sept. 30th, see map here.

CAIR steps into refugee debate in Redlands, CA

We told you the other day that concerned citizens have stepped forward in Redlands, CA to question their local elected government about any plans they might have heard about to resettle refugees in Redlands.  Of special concern are the Syrian Muslims now expected to arrive in large numbers in the coming months.
This is new….

“This paranoia and phobia is rooted in a combination of ignorance and bigotry.” (name calling will get you no where!)

CAIR is the Council on American Islamic Relations and is active (and makes news) in demanding rights for Muslims in America.  However, it is only recently that they have become publicly involved in the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department as we told you about here in Connecticut recently (more on CT later this morning).
We have long suspected that they have been quietly advancing the Hijra to America, but again, only recently have we seen news that they are out in the open promoting refugee resettlement.
From Redlands Daily Facts (emphasis is mine):

REDLANDS >> Southern California Islamic leaders have responded to comments made by members of the Redlands Townhall and Redlands Tea Party Patriots about the possibility of Muslim Syrian and African refugees resettling in town.

Members of both groups last week asked the City Council members their plan if asked to resettle refugees. They said they were concerned that Muslims who have beliefs contrary to the United States Constitution and ties to terrorist groups could be living in Redlands.

There is no formal proposal to resettle refugees in Redlands.

Mohammad M. Hossain, founder of the Islamic Center of Redlands, said the refugees are homeless and have nothing, so everybody has a duty to help them — that they would be grateful and not commit violence.

The Islamic Community Center of Redlands in Loma Linda is inviting the public to an Open Mosque Day on Sunday in the wake of the comments made during the Oct. 6 City Council meeting.

The center in Loma Linda declined an interview but sent comments by emailed statement.


Victoria Hargrave of Redlands Townhall said on Wednesday that our nation is based on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and we value freedom of speech, freedom of religion and property rights as protected by the Constitution. She said Muslims reject these values and are coming to America to impose Sharia law.

“This paranoia and phobia is rooted in a combination of ignorance and bigotry,” said Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and chairman of the Syrian American Council in a telephone interview Wednesday about the Redlands tea party concerns.

More here…..
I wonder would the mosque and CAIR be involved at all, if we were saving mostly Christian Syrians and not resettling mostly Muslims as we are now.
Concerned citizens should follow the example of the grassroots groups (the pocket of resistance) in Redlands, and go on the offensive by preemptively telling your local elected government that you are concerned about third world refugees coming to your towns especially because those refugees are going to place a large financial burden on state and local taxpayers, in addition to posing a potential security threat.

Remember the Director of the FBI James Comey testified in Congress just last week that they cannot screen Syrian refugees (truth-be-told, they can’t properly screen the Somalis, the Iraqis and the Afghanis either!).

My video shown on Newsmax TV

Maybe we will hit 2 million views one of these days!   The video we made with the Center for Security Policy back in April has over 1.7 million views as of this writing.
Be sure to check out our second Youtube video here about the Senate Jihad Caucus wanting 65,000 Syrian mostly Muslim refugees to be admitted to America (they have recently bumped the number up to 100,000 before Obama leaves office!).
By the way, when Donald Trump says he will send them back if he should become President (we applaud his bravery in saying this), but please know that will never happen once they have been admitted during Obama’s remaining time in office and are disbursed to 48 US states (see map).  Only a tiny fraction of the refugees we’ve admitted to America ever go home willingly and we have never forcefully sent any home even once their country has stabilized.
Last night our first Youtube video was shown on the Steve Malzberg show on Newsmax TV (thanks to all who notified me and to Brenda for the link).

Malzberg:  If this keeps up we are going to lose our country!