After visiting Lesbos, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin calls for 100,000 Syrians to be admitted to US

This is really not surprising news as Durbin has been the leader of the Senate Jihad Caucus for many months (he initially called for 65,000 Syrian mostly Muslim migrants to be admitted to the US last spring), so jumping to 100,000 is no surprise (and they mean to get this done before Obama leaves office).

‘Refugees’ on Lesbos. I wonder did Senator Durbin and the girls see any of these starving (!) Middle Eastern young men who had the foresight to bring along a selfie stick when they successfully invaded the Greek island of Lesbos.

What is a surprise is that although he sits on the Senate Immigration in the National Interest Subcommittee, he has no idea how the Refugee Admissions Program works—the UN is selecting our Syrians from their camps in the Middle East—we won’t be scooping up any of Europe’s excess migrants.  (With the exception of those landing on the island nation of Malta where we have been taking their illegal migrants off their hands since the Bush Administration—a wholly illegal operation btw!).
I wonder what the trip cost the US taxpayers for 4 Senators to travel to Europe.  Along with Durbin were Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).  
I mentioned the Senate women yesterday who are willing to jeopardize your security and put more financial costs on your states.
From the St. Louis Post Dispatch:

WASHINGTON • Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., is calling for the United States to take in 100,000 Syrian refugees, ten times the amount the administration of President Barack Obama said last month that the United States would try to accept in the coming year.

Durbin did not put a timetable on his call for 100,000, but said he came to the conclusion that the United States needed to do more to relieve the refugee crisis in Europe after visiting refugee camps in the Greek island of Lesbos over the weekend. He and Sens. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.; and Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., made the trip.


Durbin said the United States had a long history of accepting refugees but had taken in fewer than 2,000 Syrians since the civil war began there in 2011. He said that although the U.S. had been the largest donor of money and material for the refugee crisis, it should do more.

“I can tell from calls to my office there are families and there are churches and temples, synagogues, open to the notion of helping these people being assimilated into America, and that is what we have done in the past, and what we should do again,” Durbin said.

Apparently Durbin doesn’t know that the Obama administration has banned the word “assimilation.”
Again, I know you think it’s a waste of time, but it only takes a minute to call Durbin’s office and tell him (politely) how he is destroying America. Clearly he is getting calls from the friends of federal resettlement contractors. The more refugees they resettle the more money (your money!) they receive as they are paid by the head to resettle refugeesHere is a list of Durbin’s offices.
Although all of the citizens working in ‘pockets of resistance’ do need to focus on your local efforts, if your US Senators are members of the Senate Jihad Caucus, here, you should be letting them know what you think about bringing tens of thousands of Syrians to your towns.  Even if you think your Senators are useless, you must let them know this is not a freebie issue for them.

Germany: Sex crimes plaguing asylum centers

Invasion of Europe news….

70% of supposed ‘refugees’ arriving in Germany are men!

Here come the men! Rep. Steve King had a suggestion in Iowa yesterday:

This is news from last week that we didn’t get to, from Reuters (emphasis is mine):

Germany’s police union and women’s rights groups accused the authorities on Tuesday of playing down reports of harassment, sexual assault and even rape at refugee shelters because they feared a backlash against asylum seekers.


…. police union chief Rainer Wendt said he believed that authorities in Germany’s federal states, which are responsible for housing asylum seekers, were playing down the problem of assaults on women in the shelters.

“It is understandable that there is the desire to calm things down politically,” Wendt told Reuters. But he, along with women’s groups, believed that ignoring the problem would be counterproductive. “There is a lot of glossing over going on. But this doesn’t represent reality,” he said.But police union chief Rainer Wendt said he believed that authorities in Germany’s federal states, which are responsible for housing asylum seekers, were playing down the problem of assaults on women in the shelters.

“It is understandable that there is the desire to calm things down politically,” Wendt told Reuters. But he, along with women’s groups, believed that ignoring the problem would be counterproductive. “There is a lot of glossing over going on. But this doesn’t represent reality,” he said.


With men accounting for about 70 percent of asylum seekers, other groups across the country have demanded gender-segregated accommodation and safe zones for women.

At least 800,000 asylum seekers are expected in Germany this year, and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s popularity has fallen with polls showing many voters believe she is taking too soft a line on allowing them into the country.

Continue reading here.
See also, Germany: Crime swells by 65% with arrival of Muslim ‘refugees.’
Our archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.   And here is more on the mess ‘Mama’ Merkel is making in Germany.

CAIR blasts Rep. Steve King for comments on Middle East refugees

King put forth a sensible alternative to bringing Iraqis and Syrians to the US (and thus adding them to our welfare rolls).

Let them fight for their own country or go to Saudi Arabia!

Rep. Steve King
Here is the story at the Des Moines Register:

An organization representing the rights of Muslims in the U.S. has criticized U.S. Rep. Steve King for comments the Iowa Republican made Monday about refugees fleeing Syria.

Speaking at a rally in Sioux City with U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, King chastised the idea that the U.S. would accept Syrian Muslims, saying they would be unable to assimilate into the country.

“I can’t find models of the folks that, let’s say do the hajj to Mecca, I can’t find models where they’ve assimilated into the broader culture and civilization wherever they’ve gone,” said King, a U.S. representative.

In a statement Tuesday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, called that statement a “bizarre claim.”

Every sensible person viewing the photos of the invasion of Europe thinks the same thing as King expresses below—why aren’t these fighting-age young men at home fighting for their country?

At the rally, King also said refugees should be trained to defend the countries they are fleeing.

“So, I say instead, the refugees that come out of Iraq and come out of Syria: first, I’d train them and say ‘go back and defend your country.’ Give them uniforms … but if you can’t get them to do that then send them to Saudi Arabia where they have the air-conditioned tents at Mecca. Those tents are not busy for 11 months out of the year and they would assimilate into that culture like a hand into a glove,” King said.

Of course, commonsense is not in vogue these days, and the Muslim ‘refugees’ are participating in the Hijra (CAIR is smoothing the way)—the migration encouraged by Mohammed to bring Islam to the land of the infidels.  97% of the Syrians being admitted to the US are Muslims.
As refugee resettlement continues unabated, you know that one day CAIR hopes to have enough voters in Iowa to get rid of King and others like him.  Young patriots—have more babies!
Take a minute and contact Rep. Steve King and thank him for his forthrightness.  Click here and call one or all of his offices.

Republican Governor Snyder welcomes Syrians to Michigan; Arab activists want more welfare

We’ve written about Gov. Snyder and his plan to re-populate Detroit with 50,000(!) Syrians, but where does he expect 50,000 (or even 5,000) to work, or will they just bring federal welfare dollars to the city?
Here is the latest from the The Detroit News (hat tip: Joanne).  Emphasis is mine.

Haifa Fakhouri
Does Ms. Fakhouri understand that the vast majority of the Syrians she is advocating (for Michigan) will be Muslims?

Michigan, already home to one of the largest communities of Syrian immigrants in the nation, can expect even more in the coming months as lawmakers warm up to the idea of welcoming more people from the war-torn country.


The prospect of accepting the migrants has support in Michigan, where about 4,000 refugees were resettled last year, with more than half of those from Iraq, according to data from the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement within the Department of Health & Human Services.

“Gov. Snyder believes Michigan should be a welcoming state,” said Dave Murray, spokesman for Gov. Rick Snyder. “We are open to working with the federal government to see if there is a role that Michigan can play with this issue.”

It’s unclear how many Syrian refugees could end up living in Michigan. Resettlement inside the U.S. is influenced by several factors, including whether the refugee has relatives living in the U.S. already, and the capacity of the resettlement agencies in local communities to handle individual or special casesand languages spoken.

“Each state also has the ability to comment on the capacity of the agencies and the communities in which they propose to place refugees,” said Danna Van Brandt, an adviser for the U.S. Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration within the State Department.

Liar, liar pants on fire!

It is absolutely NOT true Ms. Van Brandt that each state has the ability to comment on the capacity for the communities to handle more refugees, as all of you working in ‘pockets of resistance’ can attest.  If they consult at all, they consult only with ‘friendlies’ like Gov. Snyder!

More welfare please!

The Detroit News continued with, get this, they want more welfare for Michigan refugees!  This when we already know ,thanks to the work of Senator Sessions’ office, that Middle Easterners (Muslims and Christians) are gobbling welfare at a higher rate than other refugees.

Activists in Metro Detroit’s Arab community are pushing for the federal government to offer more aid to refugees from the Middle East and Africa.

“We’ve seen refugees coming here from the Middle East for the last 36 years,” said Haifa Fakhouri, president, CEO and founder of the Arab American and Chaldean Council….


The Arab American and Chaldean council is helping refugees through programs run by the United Nations, Catholic Relief Services and through efforts by churches and mosques, Fakhouri said.

Someone please do an economic study to counter the idea that refugees bring boom times to dying cities!
Logic tells us that that is simply impossible.  Leave out the welfare dollars, the special loans for start-up refugee businesses, and money for HUD housing (coming from Washington, from taxpayers!) and then do the study!  Be sure to factor in the remittances leaving the US permanently as refugees send money “home.” 
Finally a clever reporter notices!
Every time you hear about how we have to help Europe out of its crisis remember that the vast majority of our Syrian refugees are chosen by the UN from UN camps, and here we see that 15,000 are in the pipeline from UN camps (previously we were told 17,000).  Whether it’s 15,000 or 17,000 that is still over the 10,000 Obama says we will take in FY2016 (which got underway on Oct. 1).
Does Ms. Fakhouri understand that 97% of the Syrians who came through the Refugee Admissions Program so far are Muslims!
The Detroit News:

The refugees from Syria would be people who are already in the pipeline and waiting to be let into the United States, not the thousands working their way through eastern Europe and landing in Greece. It was not immediately clear how admitting a larger number of Syrian refugees who are in the processing pipeline would help alleviate the crisis that European countries are grappling with.

About 15,000 Syrians are waiting for the clearance process to conclude, according to the State Department.

There is much more including a list of Michigan elected officials for and against the Governor’s wish to bring ’em in!  Continue reading here.
By the way, back in 2008, the US State Department slowed the flow to Michigan as the state was overwhelmed with welfare-gobbling refugees, so what changed their minds?

Dutch citizens riot! Won't stand by and watch cultural suicide!

Invasion of Europe news…..

Geert Wilders is right, Europe is being invaded and it looks like the average Dutchman is going to stand and fight.  The latest riot is over the Dutch government’s decision to give housing to refugees before Dutch citizens.  Here Wilders warns the Dutch Parliament about the Hijra—the Islamic migration to Europe.

Here is news from Michael van der Galien writing at Pajamas Media yesterday (hat tip: Judy):

Hundreds of thousands of self-proclaimed refugees from the Middle East (many of them are actually gold diggers who are coming to Europa in order to live off the government’s dime) have arrived in Europe in recent months. This mass exodus out of especially Syria has been partially fueled by German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s promise that her country would take in all the refugees it had to take in.

The only problem? She got more than she bargained for. Much more. And the same goes for the rest of Europe.

In fact, so many “refugees” have made their way to the Old Continent that West European governments are having a hard time dealing with them. In the Netherlands alone, refugee centers are overwhelmed. As a result, the Dutch government has now announced that many refugees with a residence permit will be moved into normal homes. This means that these newly arrived immigrants will live in houses originally meant for Dutch citizens. The latter may have been waiting on waiting lists for years, but to no avail; refugees are given priority.

Read it all, it is quite extraordinary!
And, btw, refugees in America are gobbling up government subsidized housing at a rapid rate leaving low income Americans and the disabled on long waiting lists for help.
For all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.