Tent Foundation makes refugee hiring guide available to corporations

In November of last year, information came to us from a confidential source about Chobani Yogurt CEO Hamdi Ulukaya’s personal foundation, The Tent Foundation, contracting with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (one of nine federally funded resettlement agencies) to produce a guide for businesses to help them find refugee labor.

Here is just a bit of the background I gave about LIRS contract with Tent in a post almost a year ago:

For new readers, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is one of nine federal contractors*** hired and funded (on a per refugee-head basis) by the US State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS to place refugees in towns where citizens have no say in the matter and are generally kept in the dark about the process and plans for their communities.

Linda hartke 2
Linda Hartke’s sudden departure from LIRS has never been explained.

LIRS, approximately 96% funded by taxpayer dollars, is at the moment in a tight spot due to internal turmoil.

We have also recently reported on two other LIRS side ‘deals’ with global corporations— the meatpackers JBS Swift and Tyson Foods.

Now we hear that Ulukaya’s personal foundation, The Tent Foundation, has hired LIRS to write “a 15-page resource toolkit for employers laying out why they should hire refugees.”

According to a signed contract seen by RRW, the finished product was to be delivered to The Tent Foundation by the end of October.

Go to that post and see what an excited Linda Hartke said about their new funding source.

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LIRS hiring guide for the Tent Foundation is here:          https://www.tent.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Tent_Guidebook_FINAL.pdf

Hartke has since been removed as CEO of LIRS, a full explanation about her departure was never forthcoming.

In light of all the internal turmoil going on at LIRS over the last year, I had wondered if The Tent Foundation ever got its guide.

But, sure enough, here it is!

It is a useful guide for not only businesses looking for refugee labor, but serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program will find it full of information that could come in handy.

Although, Tent works in Europe, the guide is entirely devoted to finding and hiring refugee workers in the US.

I especially found useful the ‘Where to find refugees’ table that begins on page 17.

Below is just a small portion of the table that goes on for two additional full pages.

See which cities are the top ‘welcoming’ cities in America from 2007 to 2016 (mostly Obama years):

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There are a total of 136 locations on the list.  Apparently towns and cities receiving less than 100 are not included.     https://www.tent.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Tent_Guidebook_FINAL.pdf


In addition to less tangible benefits like feel-good bragging rights (corporate virtue signalling!) there are some economic reasons (besides wage issues) to bank an economic gain from hiring refugees.

Here is one!  A tax break!

Remember I mentioned that there was a tax break for businesses being touted as a way to encourage companies to hire people on welfare (here yesterday).  I see that on page 14, here at the Tent/LIRS hiring guide, the break is further explained.

Readers may not know that although most legal immigrants to America are not permitted to tap into welfare for several years, refugees are exempt from that prohibition and are able to almost immediately, with the help and guidance of their federally-assigned resettlement contractor (ie LIRS), sign up for myriad social service programs.

Here is what the guide advises….

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Go here to read the whole guide.


***Below are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.

Faithful readers are probably sick of seeing this list almost every day, but a friend once told me that people need to see something seven times before it completely sinks in, so it seems to me that 70, or even 700 isn’t too much!

And, besides I have new readers every day.

The present US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed if the system of paying the contractors by the head stays in place and the contractors are permitted to act as Leftwing political agitation groups, community organizers and lobbyists largely paid on our dime!  

And, to add insult to injury they pretend it is all about ‘humanitarianism.’

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  And, get them registered to vote eventually!

In most cases (LIRS for instance!), the percentage of their income paid by taxpayers is so high one could hardly call them private groups any longer. They are virtually quasi-government agencies.

From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income, as has James Simpson at the Capital Research Center!

State Department finally posts map where refugees are resettled in US


rpclogoAdmittedly I haven’t checked for a few months, so I’m not sure when this map was made public, but here it is!

In order to fit it on these pages, I opted for the smaller version, but if you go here you can see it in an easier-to-read size.

See the legend which tells you which of the nine contractors*** are working in each ‘welcoming’ city. The sites with more than one contractor operating (often in competition!) are sites that obviously get much larger numbers of refugees.

And, notice that some sites that existed in 2016 (see that map) are now gone! I’m not seeing Huron, SD or Charleston, WV on the new map, others?



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Go here and see that Wrapsnet has maps back to FY11. You might find it as interesting as I did to see what sites were primary resettlement sites in your state then compared to the FY18 map above.


***Here below are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.

Faithful readers are probably sick of seeing this list almost every day, but a friend once told me that people need to see something seven times before it completely sinks in, so it seems to me that 70, or even 700 isn’t too much!

And, besides I have new readers every day.

The present US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed if the system of paying the contractors by the head stays in place and the contractors are permitted to act as Leftwing political agitation groups, community organizers and lobbyists paid on our dime!  

(By the way, see my earlier post today on the Libertarian think tank—CATO—why on earth do they support this system of millions of federal taxpayer dollars being given out annually to non-profit groups for charity work?)

And, to add insult to injury they pretend it is all about ‘humanitarianism.’

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  And, get them registered to vote eventually!

From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income, as has James Simpson at the Capital Research Center!

Libertarian think tank continues criticism of Trump refugee policy

I really don’t get it—why a Libertarian think tank, the CATO Institute is so hot for more refugees for America.  I can only assume it has to do with a pro-business orientation (the LEGAL worker issue again).  I’m not going to try to figure it out today.

CATO immigration policy analyst David Bier 

However, they had a handy graph in a story yesterday criticizing Trump for reducing the overall number of refugees entering the US and pointing out that the number of Christians entering has declined (which is actually a function of the overall decline in numbers).  Muslim entrants have declined at an even greater percentage.

This is the latest talking point from the refugee industry—that Trump isn’t admitting enough Christians—and CATO is carrying their public relations water.

Let’s have the debate!

I would really like to see a serious and honest public debate about the economic need for refugee workers, rather than the continued appeals to Americans’ emotions as CATO does here.

This is one of Bier’s wrap-up sentences:

By cutting the refugee program across the board, the Trump administration has not just violated a campaign promise to resettle more Christian refugees—it has condemned many more to desperate poverty, persecution, or death.

Have a debate about labor needs, but leave out the ‘humanitarian’ appeal because we know that isn’t was this is all about.

Here is Bier at CATO:

Trump Has Cut Christian Refugees 64%, Muslim Refugees 93%

Below is the graph from the story that you might find useful.


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This post is filed in my ‘Where to find information’ and ‘refugee statistics’ categories.

It’s official: US admits lowest number of refugees since Jimmy Carter’s Refugee Act signed in to law

Yesterday ended Donald Trump’s first full fiscal year for refugee admissions as FY18 officially came to a close.


Trump and GW Bush
President Trump breaks the GW Bush record for the lowest refugee admissions. However, I’m going to say it over and over again—-lowering the numbers for a few years is meaningless without a serious push for robust reform of the entire US Refugee Admissions Program!


The previous low admission year record belongs to George Bush who put the breaks on the US Refugee Admissions Program in 2002 with 27,070 arrivals due to fear of another 9/11.

Expect the media today to make comparisons to the mythical 110,000 refugee CEILING that Obama proposed as he was walking out the door.  They never mention that their hero had a couple of low years when he admitted tens of thousands below the ceiling he had proposed (click that link above and see the chart).


George Bush’s home state of Texas was the top resettlement state in the nation this past year! (Turning red states blue and the Rs can’t see it!):


Here is a map from Wrapsnet this morning. Total for the year is 22,491.


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map fy 18 total



Since the numbers are hard to read, Wrapsnet has an accompanying list.

Here below are the Top Ten Welcoming States.

By the way, for most of the years I’ve been writing about the refugee program, California, New York and Florida were always at or near the top:

Texas (so much for withdrawing from the program!)




New York


North Carolina




Since I know some faithful readers will be wondering, Minnesota was #11 , Michigan was #13, Florida #14, Maryland #19, Virginia #21 and Tennessee #23.

The bottom five states are below.  I always chuckle when I consider that former VP Joe Biden of Delaware was one of the pushers of the Refugee Act of 1980 and yet his own home state is near the bottom always.  In fact, 21 may be the highest number it ever ‘welcomed’ in one year!

Delaware (21)

District of Columbia (1)

West Virginia (1)

Hawaii (0)  LOL! the state the loves diversity!

Wyoming (0) the state that has wisely stayed out of the program for these last 38 years!

Inquisitive readers might want to visit Wrapsnet and play around with the data.  Click on the ‘reports’ tab and then go to ‘Interactive reporting.’  You then put in your own parameters for the search.  You can find out which towns and cities in your state received refugees.

Endnote: Since the fiscal year ended on a weekend, there could still be a few changes in the final tally.  I’ll update this report if I see that in the next few days.

With “public charge” rewrite, Administration building a legal wall to help slow migrant flow to America; however, refugees will still get welfare

President Donald Trump has many avenues to slow the immigration steam roller that is changing America by changing the people.

Making it harder for wannabe future ‘new Americans’ to stay, is to require that they won’t suck off the federal teat in the process of advancing toward a green card and future citizenship.

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Stephen Miller is at it again says Politico

But before you get excited, know that refugees and asylees (and a whole bunch of other categories of legal immigration) are exempt from a proposed rule change.

When the bill that became the Refugee Act of 1980 was debated in Congress, ol’ Teddy Kennedy promised that we weren’t simply bringing more impoverished people to America to place on welfare.  He lied!

I want to know why the supposed humanitarian NGOs (the contractors) presently being paid by us, the taxpayers, to take care of refugees can’t use their own money to feed and house the refugees they say they love.  After all, they claim that the refugees quickly find work and become self-sufficient!

Here is Politico which obviously is sending a message for Dems and Leftwingers to strongly oppose (protest!) the proposed rules they claim are straight from the evil brain of White House aide Stephen Miller. Never mind that controlling immigration was the primary reason Donald Trump was elected to sit in the Oval Office and Miller is one of the few who remember the promise!

The Leftwing media focus on Miller is a classic Saul Alinsky tactic.  I suspect he finds the attacks amusing.


Immigrants may be denied green cards if they’ve received benefits


The Trump administration proposed expanding its pre-election crackdown on immigration by denying green cards to legal immigrants if they have received government assistance.

Under the new rule, which the Department of Homeland Security posted online Saturday, immigrants can be denied so-called “lawful permanent residency” if they’ve received certain government benefits — or if the government anticipates that they may do so in the future.

The measure represents the latest move by White House aide Stephen Miller to reduce drastically all immigration to the U.S., both legal and illegal, and reflects his strong conviction that doing so will improve congressional Republicans’ chances in the midterm elections. The benefit programs targeted include the the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (welfare), Medicaid, and Medicare Part D (prescription drug subsidies).

The regulation could force millions of low-income families to choose between government assistance and permanent settlement in the United States.

Advocates fear it could ultimately restrict children’s access to food and health care.
The move will affect mainly legal immigrants and their families, since undocumented immigrants are not eligible for most federal benefits.


The proposed regulation would provide a more robust enforcement mechanism for longstanding statutory boilerplate that bars immigrants “likely to become a public charge.”


Trump’s fatal error in the end could be his failure to put people like Von Spakovsky in his administration so loyal aides like Miller would not be virtually alone in fighting the deep state.

Roughly one million people become lawful permanent residents each year — a generous allotment, according to Hans von Spakovsky, a senior fellow with the conservative Heritage Foundation.

“We can be choosy about who we allow into the country,” he said. “One of the primary factors ought to be ensuring that the legal immigrants who come in are people who can financially support themselves.”

Approximately one-third of the federal budget goes to health insurance subsidies and social safety net programs, according to the non-partisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities — an expenditure the Trump administration and Republicans seek to reduce.


A range of activists spent months preparing for the rollout of the proposed regulation and plan to wage an opposition campaign. The proposal will now be subject to a public comment period, an opportunity for opponents to mount an assault on the plan.

A coalition led by the National Immigration Law Center and the D.C.-based anti-poverty Center for Law and Social Policy will push for a wide range of businesses, organizations and government officials to submit comments.

Refugees, Asylees, Cuban/Haitians, Special Immigrant Visa holders, those here through the ridiculous ‘temporary protected status’ program, more! are all exempt!

The prospective regulation wouldn’t apply to all immigrants. Refugees and asylees are exempt, as are certain victims of domestic violence and children who qualify for “special immigrant juvenile status,” which is available to minors who were abused, neglected or abandoned by a parent.

Foreigners who apply for “temporary protected status” to remain in the U.S. after a natural disaster or armed conflict in their home countries will also be exempt, so long as they received a blanket waiver to absolve them of any public charge considerations.

See Jim Simpson’s chart on how many refugees and others have been approved as ‘new Americans’ in the last ten years and know that all of these will be exempt!***

It isn’t clear if the UAC ‘children’ will continue to receive welfare but I suspect they will.


Continue here if you wish.  Politico, through its long report, is helping the Left figure out who opposes the draft measure and offering a blueprint on how best to fight it including stalling it by overwhelming the system with thousands and thousands of comments.

***If you need more proof than what Politico says, here is a screenshot of a portion of the draft regulations exempting refugees and asylees.  This is from page 85 but more exemptions are on page 86,87,88, and 89!


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The list of exemptions goes on for four more pages!