Kansas City Somali family of nine wants Trump to let Dad in to US

Leave it to the refugee industry’s public relations apparatus to get a story planted in the Kansas City Star just as Donald Trump arrived in the state next door for a rally for Kansas Republican candidates including gubernatorial candidate, a leading immigration control advocate, Kris Kobach.  One story is here.

(This Somali family lives in Kansas City, Missouri)

Here is the headline with the usual story line (family happy to be in America, only wish Dad was with them).

As Trump cuts refugee numbers, outlook dim for father to join KC Muslim family of 9

But, why wasn’t Dad with them and caring for them in Kenya (a safe country btw)?


welcoming Somalis in KC
The family arrived from Kenya in 2017 to cheers from local advocates for more refugee admissions.       https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/fox-24/somali-family-of-nine-touches-down-in-kansas-city-mo/653945636

Somali refugee Sahra Hassan Absuge and her eight children today enjoy what they could only dream of two years ago.

A two-story house. A couple of jobs. Schools. Donated appliances. [Food stamps and Medicaid fills the gap says the story.—-ed]

“I am so lucky,” Absuge said. “It’s by the grace of God that we are here.”

All that’s missing is her husband.

Also a refugee from Somalia, he seeks to one day join his Kansas City family after four years of being separated, trapped in another war zone. But chances for a reunion anytime soon appear slim, given ever-deepening cuts in the number of refugees allowed into the U.S.

Absuge and her children barely got in themselves.

Twenty months ago, dozens of cheering supporters at Kansas City International Airport greeted the family after they had squeezed through a tightening slipknot on refugee travel.

Continue here for all the happy talk and mention of their resettlement agency—Della Lamb—a Methodist group, a subcontractor of the Ethiopian Community Development Council (one of nine federal resettlement contractors that work for the US State Department).

Then a lament about a slowdown in family reunification:

At Della Lamb, Hyde and director of refugee resettlement Abdul Bakar could think of resettling only one Muslim on the Missouri side in the past year.

Absuge’s husband, the father of all eight of the children, is Muslim.

“There used to a good pipeline for family reunification,” said Judy Akers, Della Lamb’s executive director. “But there hasn’t been much spoken of that recently.”

Family reunification suspended in 2008 for Somalia….

Longtime readers may remember that the US State Department had to suspend the whole family reunification program for Somalis beginning in 2008 due to massive fraud in the P-3 (family reunification) program, see here.  The suspension lasted several years.

I sure hope Homeland Security is doing some robust vetting of Dad. He left their Nairobi village in 2014? (Someone check the age of the youngest child!).  But other news reports say they were living in a UN camp.

He went to Sudan looking for work in the middle of civil unrest there? And, then instead of returning to his family in a safe Kenya he ‘flees’ to Uganda. WTH!

Dad then ‘finds his family’ on YouTube videos?

He could have found them if he had returned to safe Kenya from his sojourn in Sudan instead of hotfooting it to Uganda!

KC Star continues….

….father left their Nairobi refugee village in 2014 to seek work in Sudan. He instead encountered homelessness, civil war and hunger before fleeing to Uganda. When his family resettled in America, his wife didn’t know if Abdullahi was alive or dead. [Really! Or did this family have a better shot of getting in to the US as women and children only?—ed]

Wow! Dad found after the family got to KC!

The father, through friends in Nairobi, learned of the family’s whereabouts with the help of the internet and those YouTube videos. “Search ‘refugees’…and our family of nine pops up,” Absuge said through the interpreter.

For those who want to read the whole long (anti-Trump propaganda) story, click here.

Denmark to UN: NO thanks, no more refugees

Invasion of Europe news…..

It isn’t just those mean ol’ eastern European countries like Hungary and Poland that are unwilling to accept refugees, Denmark has had enough.  So has Austria and Italy.

From The Local Denmark:

Denmark refuses to take in UN quota refugees in 2018

Denmark said Thursday it would not take in any refugees under the UN’s quota system in 2018, focusing instead on integrating those recently arrived in the country.

In 2016, the Scandinavian country suspended its participation in the UN refugee quota system, and has yet to resume it.

Inger Stoejberg
Inger Stoejberg Immigration Minister.  See the story from two years ago about Denmark taking valuables from migrants to help pay for their keep.  The Left was very unhappy:    https://www.timesofisrael.com/denmark-approves-plan-to-seize-migrants-valuables/


“We’re still in a situation where we’re struggling to integrate the many refugees who have come to Denmark in recent years,” Immigration Minister Inger Støjberg said in a statement.

So-called UN “quota refugees” are offered resettlement in a third country if the country where they first register as refugees cannot accommodate them.

A member of the liberal Venstre party in Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s conservative coalition government, Støjberg has orchestrated Denmark’s immigration policy since 2015.

“While an increasing number of refugees have entered the labour market, there are still too many who cannot support themselves,” she said.

More here.

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ file here.

CAIR Texas angry that refugee numbers dropping under Trump

No surprise of course, but I thought my Texas readers might like to know.

If you missed it the other day, see my post about the numbers for fiscal year 2018 that just closed on September 30th.

Texas was the number one resettlement state in the nation in FY18. 


From Houston Public Media:

Texas Sees Major Cuts in Refugees from Iraq, Syria in 2018


Texas welcomed 67 percent fewer refugees in fiscal year 2018 than in 2017, down to 1,697 people from 4,768.

Some of the starkest drops in refugee arrivals were from Iraq, Iran and Syria, majority Muslim countries.

Iraqi refugee resettlement dropped from 949 to 25 in Texas. The number of Syrian refugees went from 455 to just one in fiscal year 2018.

Sobia Siddiqui, CAIR TX    https://cairtexas.com/about-us/who-we-are/

Sobia Siddiqui, communications coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations Texas Chapter, said the cuts are discriminatory.

“Our president ran his campaign and one of his strongest and most vocal points is that he called for a ban on all Muslims,” said Siddiqui.

She said there are refugee families in Houston who can’t be reunited with family members facing dangerous situations abroad because of the ban.

“There’s a lot of anxiety and uncertainty about if people will be able to have their families rejoin them back here in the United States or even in Houston,” said Dan Stoecker, CEO of The Alliance, which offers refugee services in Houston.

More here.

The Alliance is a subcontractor of the Ethiopian Community Development Council, the smallest, and likely most vulnerable to a federal budget cut, of the nine refugee contractors that monopolize all resettlement to the US.

In 2016,  I excitedly reported that the State of Texas withdrew from the US Refugee Admissions Program, but you can see that without a follow-up legal challenge by the state it was a meaningless move.  The contractors now run the program in the state!

State Department finally posts map where refugees are resettled in US


rpclogoAdmittedly I haven’t checked for a few months, so I’m not sure when this map was made public, but here it is!

In order to fit it on these pages, I opted for the smaller version, but if you go here you can see it in an easier-to-read size.

See the legend which tells you which of the nine contractors*** are working in each ‘welcoming’ city. The sites with more than one contractor operating (often in competition!) are sites that obviously get much larger numbers of refugees.

And, notice that some sites that existed in 2016 (see that map) are now gone! I’m not seeing Huron, SD or Charleston, WV on the new map, others?



Screenshot (714)


Go here and see that Wrapsnet has maps back to FY11. You might find it as interesting as I did to see what sites were primary resettlement sites in your state then compared to the FY18 map above.


***Here below are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.

Faithful readers are probably sick of seeing this list almost every day, but a friend once told me that people need to see something seven times before it completely sinks in, so it seems to me that 70, or even 700 isn’t too much!

And, besides I have new readers every day.

The present US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed if the system of paying the contractors by the head stays in place and the contractors are permitted to act as Leftwing political agitation groups, community organizers and lobbyists paid on our dime!  

(By the way, see my earlier post today on the Libertarian think tank—CATO—why on earth do they support this system of millions of federal taxpayer dollars being given out annually to non-profit groups for charity work?)

And, to add insult to injury they pretend it is all about ‘humanitarianism.’

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  And, get them registered to vote eventually!

From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income, as has James Simpson at the Capital Research Center!

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Politics driving EU migration debate

Duh! No kidding!

Invasion of Europe news….

UNHCR Filippo Grandi:

“Responsibility-sharing has been replaced by responsibility-shedding.”

Clever phrase by Grandi but a whole lot of average Europeans (Americans too!) are asking why it is their responsibility to save the African continent.


Grandi with Soros
UNHCR Grandi glad-handing with Soros! Oh happy day!   https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/12/04/israel-ready-to-deport-thousands-to-africa-un-furious/


From the Malta Independent:

UN refugee chief says Med migrant rescues ‘taken hostage’ by politics


The head of the U.N. refugee agency says returns home among the millions of Syrians living abroad are few, and insists that rescues on the Mediterranean Sea have been “taken hostage by politics” — and must be restored.

Aquarius 2
58 migrants who had been kept out at sea for days have now disembarked in a deal that will divide the group four ways.  France, Germany, Portugal and Spain will share them as Italy refused to let the Aquarius 2 dock.      https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2018/09/30/58-Aquarius-migrants-disembark-in-Malta/4651538326085/

Filippo Grandi also urged Myanmar’s government to do more to create the conditions for Rohingya Muslims to return home. Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya have fled to neighboring Bangladesh to escape a bloody crackdown since August last year.

The wide-ranging address by Grandi at UNHCR’s annual executive committee meeting on Monday comes as the European Union has been riven by discord over how to handle an influx of migrants in recent years — though the rate has dropped off from a record high in 2015.

The new government in Italy, which has taken a stricter line on migrants, has refused to allow in some boats that retrieved desperate people who left from Libya, dropping the dilemma of whether to take them in on fellow EU countries like France and Spain.

Grandi, who is Italian, appealed to Europe to preserve its asylum policies. He noted that Libya — the main launch point for migrants hoping to cross the Mediterranean — has strengthened its coast guard in recent months, but not its other institutions.

As a result, more would-be migrants and refugees have been getting forcibly returned to Libya, and “that means more and more people exposed to exploitation and detention — in horrific conditions.”

“Responsibility-sharing has been replaced by responsibility-shedding,” Grandi said, alluding to the EU squabbles. “Pushing people away cannot be the answer, and negotiating disembarkation boat by boat, even when successful, is not a good option.”

Go here for more.

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

And, don’t miss Hillary cackling about killing Qaddafi and bringing down the Libyan government which allowed Libya to become the invasion gateway to Europe.