We know that already, but as month number 5 closed last night (FY18 began on Oct. 1, 2017), we have more evidence that the refugee industry must be in complete financial chaos. President Trump is on target to break the Bush record of the two lowest refugee admission years since the 1980 law was signed by Jimmy Carter
As you know the whole admissions industry is based on a ponzi-scheme of sorts where nine federal contractors*** which monopolize all resettlement in the US are paid by the federal government on a per refugee head basis. Fewer refugees=less money in their coffers.
And, as I said here, the contractors got fat and lazy on the federal dole and have not raised sufficient funds to avoid layoffs and office closures.
I suspect too that there must be internal conflicts within the fake non-profit organizations*** and between them as they are bidding for fewer and fewer bodies.
8,583 refugees have been admitted in 5 months.
That means that, if the present rate continues, arrivals will be around 20,500 for the full year. And, that would mean that Donald Trump will beat the George Bush record lows:
In the immediate wake of 9/11, Bush admitted 27,070 in 2002 and 28,117 in 2003.
Here is a map from the Refugee Processing Centershowing where the 8,583 refugees have been placed so far this fiscal year.
I know the numbers are hard to read, nothing I can do about it.
Here are the top ten ‘welcoming’ states in descending order: OH, TX, WA, NY, CA, PA, NC, AZ, GA, IL. For the umpteenth time, if Congress doesn’t reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program in its present window of opportunity, you can expect the numbers to explode again as soon as Trump is no longer in the White House (unless someone like Trump is elected next time). *** For new readers:
These are the private contractors that are paid by the head to place refugees in your towns and cities.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! From most recent accounting, here.
In the meantime the right-of-center government is proposing to impose stricter criminal penalties in those 1,000 existing ghettos, or parallel societies.
Here is a story from a Leftist publication that says the Danish People’s Party wants to bulldoze these ghettos. https://squawker.org/politics/denmarks-far-right-is-planning-to-bulldoze-muslim-and-black-ghettos/
I found this latest news interesting as in the US we seem to be purposefully creating parallel societies as ethnic enclaves grow with the help and encouragement of Democrat political leaders, refugee contractors and local, state and federal government financial encouragement (come back later for my follow-up post).
The right-of-centre Conservative government is expected to unveil more details of its plan to impose more severe punishments in areas with relatively high numbers of immigrants. Lawlessness risks creating “parallel societies”, the government says.
Around 10 per cent of Denmark’s 5.6 million population are immigrants, 10 times more than in 1980.
You should know that George Soros has been promoting Somali migration to Denmark. See Open Society propaganda here: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/voices/somalis-copenhagen-growing-children-unwanted-immigrants
The government’s “ghettos” have populations of more than 1,000 where more than 50 per cent of residents are non-western immigrants, with the latest list including 22 districts.
The government estimates that 28,000 immigrant families “live in a parallel society”, making up around half of the “ghetto” populations.
The largest ethnic groups in that category were Somali at 44 per cent and Lebanese with 41 per cent, the ministry reported.
The latest proposal was part of a drive to eliminate “ghettos” by 2030, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said.
More here. Go herefor my complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
More on Denmark, here.
I am sure that when State Senator Neal Tapio proposed his bill and secured a hearing on it—a bill to slow refugee flow from certain countries to SD—he couldn’t have envisioned how that failed bill has now exposed so much about the fearful ‘leaders’ and the dishonest media in that state….
….’leaders’ who apparently aren’t afraid of jihadists, but of the power of BIG Business (like the meatpackers who want the cheap labor and call the shots) and Chamber lobbyists.
Did the newspaper there also bow to BIG MEAT power, or was it the Chairman of the committee who pressured the newspaper to change its story on the hearing in less than an hour? Chairman, Republican Senator Bob Ewing was clearly embarrassed when Hohmann said “you don’t want to hear the truth.” My guess is that he called the Argus Leader and had the original story taken down! Just a guess on my part! How fortuitous it was that Leo Hohmann, James Simpson and Phil Haney were all there to see it first hand.
They knew the local Argus paper had reported fairly in the first few minutes after they testified only to see that story removed and replaced (except for the url, LOL!) within the hour. So Senator Tapio didn’t get his bill advanced out of committee, but in fact gained much more in the fight to save western civilization. He exposed the feckless leaders in the legislature and the media’s dishonest complicity with them.
Be sure to see my two previous posts on Hohmann’s reports here andhere. (See the weak women ‘leaders’ selling us out!)
Then here is today’s newson how newspapers worldwide are doing the bidding of the global elites and attempting to reduce the natural and sensible resistance people have to being taken over by literally alien cultures.
A very disturbing story appeared in the European press this week that should concern all of us on this side of the Atlantic.
Stick with me while I explain why.
According to the Times of London, concerns have been raised about an “ethically dubious deal” between the government and national newspapers that involves journalists writing positive pieces about the Ireland 2040 plan.
The government’s “strategic communications unit” arranged for sponsored content to appear in local, regional and national newspapers including the Irish Independent and The Irish Times.
What is the Ireland 2040 plan, you ask?
It’s a €116 billion national development plan to prepare for an estimated population growth of one million people over the next two decades.
And where is this population growth going to come from, since Irish women have stopped having babies, as evidenced by their paltry 1.7 children per woman fertility rate?
So how does this relate to South Dakota, continue reading here(I don’t want to give it all away).
But here is a hint, the (second) story the Argus Leaderreported about the Tapio bill hearing is entitled:
Citing concerns of discrimination, S.D. panel shelves refugee resettlement ban
But the url still shows what the original title was:
Hohmann had told the chairman of the committee something he didn’t want to hear (there were audible gasps in the hearing room) and you can see it in the url above.
“You don’t want to hear the truth!”
Read the full accountat LeoHohmann.com.
It is happening all over the world! But, unless you are carefully monitoring your media, you would never know! (Real) leaders looking for something to do?
Craft bills and resolutions even if you know they won’t go anywhere, but do it to expose your weak elected officials and your dishonest media like this bunch in South Dakota.
For more on South Dakota, you might want to visit my archive on the statehere. It is a state I visited in the summer of 2016 on my tour of western states where BIG MEAT rules!
….but the fear isn’t about fear for the safety of citizens of South Dakota, it is the fear the Left and Islamic supremacists know how to stir—the fear of being called names or appearing ‘unwelcoming’ that will be the death of the west! Hohmann asks: Does Morgan Evanson, stabbed in Minneapolis only a few months ago by a still at-large Somali man, feel she was enriched?
And, so they give us gobbledygook about the beauty of cultural diversity and enrichment, about the need for vibrant communities.
Leo Hohmann has penned a follow-up to his story of a few days ago about his eye-opening trip to the American heartland.
(If you missed Hohmann’s first account of his opportunity to testify before the South Dakota Senate, go here first, and then read on below). I’ll call my post:
As I walked through the state Capitol in Pierre, S.D., last week, I was struck by the magnificent beauty of the building, especially the murals that cover the interior walls and ceilings.
Debra Owens of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce praised the cultural enrichment that Somalis bring to the state.
Many of the murals have a Christian theme.
The one right over the main Senate chamber depicts the settlers of this great state as they reached out to the Native Americans with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The very word “Islam” means “submission.” They push. We submit. This is the new norm in Western societies from Germany and Sweden to Canada, Australia and the U.S. This is how Western societies are being weakened from within.
As I sat through the senate hearings Wednesday on a bill that would have declared a moratorium on refugee arrivals from 10 Sharia-compliant nations, it became obvious that refugee advocates are skilled at dodging and deflecting questions/concerns South Dakotans have about the culture of violence being imported into their state.
It’s being imported to Sioux Falls and Aberdeen under the guise of humanitarianism and fixing labor shortages.
But perhaps the dumbest reason of all used to justify the resettlements was put forth by the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, which sent lobbyist Debra Owens to the Capitol to tell the people’s legislature that refugee resettlement brings “cultural enrichment and diversity” that benefits South Dakota.
SD Republican Senator Kris Langer fretted that the state might look “unwelcoming.”
As if the South Dakota culture has not become sufficiently enriched over the last 100-plus years and needs Somalia to help it out. Give me a break. That was an insult to the intelligence of every citizen of this wonderful state, including the Native Americans.
Hohmann lists and rebuts the many excuses he heard from legislators and those testifying on behalf of bringing more Somalis to South Dakota.
He asks?
Did Morgan Evenson, 24, benefit from cultural enrichment and diversity when she was stabbed 14 times by a Somali migrant while walking home from work in downtown Minneapolis?
I’ve only given you the bare bones of Hohmann’s story, go hereand read it all.
Then you might want to visit my archive on South Dakotahere. It is a state I visited in the summer of 2016 on my tour of western states where BIG MEAT rules! Endnote: You should see this story todayat ‘Progressives for Immigration Reform’ on how wages are rising for low-skill workers now that immigration is slowing.
The meatpackers of South Dakota will have to (boo hoo!) pay more for their slaughterhouse slave laborers if this keeps up!
It is an unnecessarily long article written by Politicoreporter Meredith Hoffman. You can read the whole thing. But, I do want to make a point or two before I move on to other things (like Leo Hohmann’s lateston his trip to South Dakota). The article begins as usual with a sympathetic case (star of the story) of an African woman who got in to the US and is now separated (because of Trump) from the children she left behind.
It goes in to the usual stuff we have been hearing about—the ban, Trump’s low refugee ceiling, the refugees trickling in, the ‘hardship’ the contractors are facing, but it mentions an issue I found most interesting.
The Trump Administration has shifted a focus away from sending USCIS officers abroad to interview prospective refugees and sent them instead to the border and elsewhere in the US to process the huge backlog in US asylum claims that piled up as Obama shifted these officers abroad. Asylum a huge and growing problem!
Other than Mexicans, extra-continentales, arranging their movement to the US border, getting travel advice and information about immigration lawyers! From: https://newrepublic.com/article/146919/this-route-doesnt-exist-map
Readers, the asylum issue is huge and will become an even greater challenge if this horrifying story at The New Republic (hat tip: Judy) is any indication…..
….many thousands of migrants who can’t get in to an increasingly unwelcome Europe are headed to South America with the goal of reaching our southern border.
These are all clever people who know that if they are caught at the border, they will ask for political asylum (there will be an immigration lawyer waiting for them) and will spend years here as that process slogs along.
Now to Politicoand the usual whinefest. This is only a small bit of the story.
I see that Barbara Strack, after ‘retiring,’has begun talking to the media. (Emphasis is mine, along with paragraph breaks for easier reading.)
….workers’ [the usual cabal] impression of engineered chaos comes as the State Department is already using low numbers of refugees to justify the closure of dozens of offices of resettlement agencies, which are private nonprofits that contract with the federal government***. The resettlement agencies and employees still standing are left with the question of how to do their jobs under an administration that at best is making resettlement a very low priority.
In a year in which the president simply banned whole groups of refugees from entering the United States, it’s far from unexpected that arrivals would be below those of previous administrations. But Trump’s high-profile executive orders halting refugee admissions last year are just part of the resettlement program’s disruptions.
More than a year after the original ban, resettlement workers paint a picture of chaos and confusion, and a field that has been upended by dramatic, sometimes seemingly arbitrary, changes.“If the refugee resettlement program were an assembly line in a factory, it works efficiently because every station knows what to do and how to do the handoff,” said Barbara Strack, who was chief of the Refugee Affairs Division at the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the Department of Homeland Security until retiring three weeks ago. “What the administration has done this year is break that assembly line in multiple places at the same time.”
Trump is prioritizing asylum processing and that makes them all pretty angry, but should please those (like you and me!) who don’t want to see asylum seekers allowed to roam free until their cases are heard.
It’s not just the bureaucratic re-routing that is holding up the process. Another dramatic impetus for the drop in refugee arrivals is that USCIS is assigning about half of its Refugee Affairs Division officers to the border and to asylum offices in the U.S. interior instead of abroad, Strack said, which has a dramatic effect on USCIS’ capacity to do refugee interviews.
Under past administrations the reverse has been true: Asylum officers were occasionally sent abroad to help screen refugees, especially under the Obama administration, which ordered as many asylum officers as necessary to help screen enough refugees to reach the ceiling, she said. (The Obama administration came just shy of its 85,000 ceiling in fiscal year 2016, with 84,994 refugees.)
Readers might remember that Obama was hellbent to get as many Syrians in to the US as possible during his last year in office and hired many more officers to get them processed. Politico continues….
With only half the resettlement officers working abroad as usual, the Department of Homeland Security has had to cut back drastically on trips for employees to screen refugees in those countries, known as circuit rides.
DHS cut its circuit rides to fewer than five locations abroad in the first quarter of this fiscal year, which began in October, resettlement sources said. That’s less than one-third the usual amount in that same time period in previous administration.
The rides were also shorter, staffed with fewer officers and included none to the Middle East, multiple resettlement sources confirmed. And while DHS has added more locations to its second quarter, the rides will remain much shorter than their usual six-to-eight-week duration, and still include no Middle East locations.
Then this! Trump: A ceiling is a ceiling, it is not a goal!
As we have said ad nausea, the Refugee Act of 1980 describes a ceiling chosen by the President in advance of the fiscal year. A ceiling is a cap, not a goal to be achieved. The refugee industry has for decades attempted to make it a goal to be reached!
…..the people I spoke to in the resettlement world all agreed on one thing: The Trump administration is more than happy to stay far below that 45,000-refugee ceiling. “Past administrations have looked at the ceiling [wrongly—ed] as a goal,” said Strack, who served in the federal government 26 years and in refugee resettlement the past 12. “That’s not the case for this administration.”
So to conclude… They can call it “engineered chaos”, but I see what the Trump Administration is doing is pretty clear.
Why process more people abroad when wannabe ‘refugees’ are piling up at the US border, or are already here and have never been screened?
Sounds like there is a clear goal here to keep us safe and create order out of the chaos Obama left us with!
***These are the private contractors that are paid by the head to place refugees in your towns and cities. Come on Politico why can’t you tell your readers how many millions they are paid annually to do their ‘charitable good works!’
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! From most recent accounting, here.