And, what will that mean for the social structure of the country?
More Invasion of Europe news…..
You can’t make this up!
I’ll bet there isn’t one of you reading this who doesn’t know the answer right now before you even read the story! One of those young men is asylum seeker Youssaf Khaliif Nuur, from Ethiopia, who has been charged in the murder of a white aid worker. Sweden has opened its doors wide to the Middle East and Africa and who rushed in? Surprise!—young men! Mostly young Muslim men!
Here is how the story at the Daily Mail begins (it is an AP story so maybe that explains its ditzy-sounding opening paragraphs):
STOCKHOLM (AP) — Famous for its efforts to put women on an equal footing with men, Sweden is experiencing a gender balance shift that has caught the country by surprise: For the first time since record-keeping began in 1749, it now has more men than women.
Swedes don’t quite know what to make of this sudden male surplus, which is highly unusual in the West, where women historically have been in the majority in almost every country. But it may be a sign of things to come in Europe as changes in life expectancy and migration transform demographics.
“This is a novel phenomenon for Europe,” said Francesco Billari, a University of Oxford demographer who is president of the European Association for Population Studies. “We as researchers have not been on top of this.”
Ten paragraphs into the story we get the first hint of what has happened to Sweden.
Statistics officials say Sweden’s demographic shift is mainly due to men catching up with women in terms of life expectancy [Oh, really?—ed]. But the arrival in recent years of tens of thousands of unaccompanied teenage boys from Afghanistan, Syria and North Africa is also having a significant impact.
Sweden’s biggest male surplus is in the 15-19 age group, where there are 108 boys for every 100 girls. That imbalance could grow to 115-to-100 this year when the impact of last year’s record number of asylum-seekers — including more than 35,000 unaccompanied minors — is reflected in the population statistics.
You know this will not end well for the white women of Sweden (thousands upon thousands of young men with raging hormones and no women for them). After citing a warning from an American university researcher, the reporter goes on to quote other ‘experts’ who say everything will be hunky-dory.
A warning from an American:
Valerie Hudson, director of a program on women, peace and security at Texas A&M University, said this should make Swedes concerned, because her research has linked skewed sex ratios in China and India to more violence against women and higher crime levels.
What’s happening in Sweden, Hudson said, “is one of the most dramatic alterations of demography over such a short period of time that I’ve ever seen.”She called it ironic that a country considered a beacon of women’s rights isn’t paying more attention to the issue.
Continue reading here because other women’s advocates downplay the news (naively in my opinion).
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. And, we have written many postsover the years about Sweden, my pick for the European country that falls to the Islamists first.
Brenda Walker sent testimony to the US State Departmentby the deadline yesterday and then posted it here at her excellent blog, Limits to Growth.
She says, “Washington’s refugee rescue project has gone from an expensive do-gooder welfare program to a dangerous national security threat,”and goes on to urge readers to look at Europe to understand what is coming our way.
“Europe shows the horror Washington is rushing willy-nilly to imitate. For those of us who value women’s rights and safety, the mass sexual attacks that occurred on New Years in Cologne and other cities were a reminder of how bad Muslim diversity can be. On February 15, the AP reported that of the 73 suspects arrested thus far out of more than a thousand criminal complaints, the “overwhelming majority” were refugees, according to Cologne prosecutor Ulrich Bremer.”
Go to Limits to Growthfor her detailed testimony to the State Department which includes extensive linked information to back up what she says.
Editor’s note: From time to time, we publish guest opinion pieces or comments that readers have sent us. This one is from an American living in Europe who wants to warn us, and remind us that we only need to look to Europe to see America’s future if we don’t get mass migration under control. It is archived in our category ‘Comments worth noting/Guest posts.‘
Trending in Europe: Polygamy, Child Brides, and Female Genital Mutilation
Do you ever wonder what America will look like in a few decades? Just look to Europe. Mama Merkel would like us to focus on ‘welcoming’ diversity as if it is all about Döner Kebab replacing the apfelstrudel in Deutschland rather than the serious issues raised in this guest post.
Even though the United States is further behind in the process, American politicians are following Europe with the exact same policies.
As an American expat living in Europe, let me give you a first-hand account of the cultural changes we see unfolding in European society. Because this theme is so big, I’ll only focus on three disturbing topics most of us would rather not discuss: polygamy, child brides, and female genital mutilation. These trends are spreading throughout Europe as a direct result of immigration polices and demographic changes.
The Big Myth
First we need to name the big myth that underpins all of this insanity. It’s the idea that all refugees/immigrants arriving in our country will adopt Western values. We hear this from Barack Obama, Angela Merkel in Germany, and David Cameron in Great Britain. But it’s a lie. Anyone who spends a day in Brussels, an afternoon in Frankfurt, or a weekend in Stockholm knows the real truth. Tragically in Europe, it appears that integration is a myth.
Profiting from Polygamy
In Britain, a Muslim men can take multiple wives and have numerous children with each wife because everything will be paid for by the welfare system. These women are often forced into contracted marriages. Here’s how the process works, using a hypothetical example:
A Muslim man arrives in London and is granted asylum. The next year 4-8 of his family members arrive through family reunification. Then he arranges a marriage through family in Pakistan. His new wife arrives from Pakistan and she eventually has five children. She is unemployed and they receive generous welfare benefits. A few years later the man marries another woman from Pakistan and repeats the same process. Using this strategy the family can explode to 15 or more people, with each wife entitled to housing and benefits by the British taxpayers. With the growing strength of the Muslim community throughout Europe, Sharia law and legalized polygamy are now accepted norms.
If you think this is an exaggeration, you can read all about this trend unfolding not only in the Britain, but all over Europe:
“The multiple marriages have been encouraged by changes made to the British welfare system by the previous Labour government, which allowed Muslim immigrants to have a second, third or fourth wife (and in some cases five or more) treated as a single mother who can get a house and an array of other state payments for herself and her children.” [August 2012 Report]
“The “blind eye” turned towards polygamy in Britain – and in France, Belgiumand Germany – has ensured that some Muslim men are having upwards of 20 children by multiple wives, almost always at the state’s expense.” [November 2015 Report]
Welcome to the Islamization of the West. Polygamy is pure Islam as directed in the Koran, Sira, and Hadith. Mohammed, for example, had 11 wives and a large number of sex slaves. The Koran commands all Muslims to follow the example of Mohammed.
The Troubling Trend of Child Brides
The influx of refugees has exposed another cultural schism between Islam and Western civilization. You would think that in countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway, we would not be struggling the issue of child brides. But here we are in 2016 discussing this topic.
Numerous asylum seekers are arriving in Europe with wives who are below the age of sexual consent. One 23 year old Muslim man arrived with his 11 year old wife and 18 month old child. It’s a trend we see throughout Europe, reflecting the accepted practice in the Muslim world. Selling little girls as young as eight years old into marriage is a practice in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries.
Muslim men having child brides is pure Islam. According to the Sira, Mohammed’s favorite wife was Aisha. She was six years old when she was officially contracted into marriage with Mohammed, and nine when she was brought into Mohammed’s sex harem. Mohammed was 53 years old at that time. The Hadith even describes how Mohammed allowed her to bring dolls into the sex harem because she was so young (Hadith; Muslim:177).
The Sickening Practice of Female Genital Mutilation
Here’s another topic that nobody, including me, wants to discuss in 2016 Western civilization. But thanks to our immigration policies and the Islamization of the West, female genital mutilation is increasingly practiced in our society and we need to face the uncomfortable facts. Female genital mutilation (FGM) includes “cutting off the female’s clitoris or labia and sometimes sewing the vagina shut” to prevent intercourse. FGM is practiced in much of Islamic society and parts of Africa.
Female genital mutilation is a growing problem in Europe. In 2003 the British government passed the “Female Genital Mutilation Act of 2003” to mitigate the spread of this barbaric practice. An official European parliament report estimates over “500,000 women and girls in Europe are living with female genital mutilation and an estimated 180,000 girls are at risk… [but] these figures are underestimated and do not take into account second-generation or undocumented migrants.”
The problem is so common in multicultural Germany, Berlin is now home to Europe’s first clinic devoted to treating victims of FGM.
Female genital mutilation is also part of Islamic culture. The practice is referenced in the Sira, which describes a man named Hamza who was the “son of a clitoris cutter” (Ishaq: 557). The Hadith assumes both men and women are “circumscised” as it describes bathing after “their circumscised genitalia touch” in intercourse (Muslim: 003,0684). Female genital mutilation was a common practice in 7th century Arabia, and now also 21st century Europe.
Western Civilization or Mass Immigration?
An entire encyclopedia could be written on the cultural changes we see unfolding in Europe. Literally every aspect of society is slowly changing, from big cities to small villages. Ancient churches are being closed and replaced with mosques and “Islamic education centers.” German bakeries are closed and replaced with “Doner Kebab” shops on every corner. And of course, you see the demographic changes everywhere: an older European society is slowly dying out and being replaced by a younger Muslim society.
My fellow Americans, the choice is yours. You can either choose to keep your society, civilization, and way of life, or you can choose multiculturalism in the form of mass immigration, but you can’t have both. If you want to see what your future looks like if you choose the latter, just turn your attention to Europe. As Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party says, “Europe is burning.” You don’t have to make the same mistakes.
For more from Real Facts Media (from within the belly of the beast!) click here.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archivego here. See map where Female Genital Mutilation has already come to America.
The news is slowly coming out about the horrific events of one week ago as New Years revelers in Cologne, Germany were assaulted by 1,000 men of “immigrant backgrounds.” Our first story on the events of that evening is here(Merkel: Don’t blame refugees).
Who hushed all this up (we know why!), and who is now leaking police reports that describe the drunk and lewd men as “immigrants” including some from Syria and Afghanistan? We were earlier told that there were no arrests, but apparently some were detained so the authorities do know who is responsible. Could this be it for the German people—time for Merkel to go? They love Mama Merkel!
The UK Telegraphhas a lengthy and revealing report:
Some of those involved in a series of sexual assaults against women in the German city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve claimed to be Syrian refugees, according to a leaked police report.
The outbreak of violence was also far more serious than previously thought, and at one point senior police officers feared “there could have been fatalities”.
Two publications have released what they claim is an internal report by a senior officer who was at the scene.
If confirmed, the report could have far-reaching consequences for Angela Merkel’s government as it tries to deal with the aftermath of the assaults.
Ministers have said there is no evidence asylum seekers were involved in the violence.
But the leaked police report, published in Bild newspaper and Spiegel, a news magazine, claims that one of those involved told officers:
“I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.”
Continue reading here—many details and photos.
Friend Cathy asked this probing question: Where were the German men while all of this was happening? Weren’t they coming to the defense of their women?
We live in interesting times and one of the great mysteries of history will be what possessed Angela Merkel to precipitate the suicide of Germany? Oh, they could still turn this around by beginning to deport thousands upon thousands of invaders, but Germany’s leaders don’t seem to have the will to live.
Invasion of Europe news…. Update January 7th: It is a much bigger story now as leaked police reports reveal Syrian refugees were detained and it was hushed-up! Click here.
I wasn’t planning to write about the New Years eve sexual assaults of dozens of women in the German city of Cologne because it is being widely reported, but a couple of things that are so outrageous about it are worth mentioning. By the way, I am sure the news was no great surprise to you! Demonstrators: “Mrs. Merkel where are you?” I’m here getting my picture taken! Photo:
First, the full import of what happened only seems to have reached the wider mainstream media days after it happened. Why? Were many just hoping no one would notice. I think it’s a wonderful example of the great service alternative media plays because after days of its obvious news value, I’m guessing the bigger western media was finally shamed into reporting it. (I happened to see the story on CNN this morning no less!)
Clearly Mama Merkel is now desperate to tone it down because she has hundreds of thousands of loose young men in Germany just like those accused of the violence against women as the new year dawned (and she invited them to Germany!).
But, what I found most worthy of reporting is that police obviously saw it happening and did nothing and made no arrests.
Here is a story from the BBC just this morning about a protest that occurred there yesterday, and see what the police said,
Hundreds of people have protested in the German city of Cologne over sexual assaults and thefts carried out by groups of men on New Year’s Eve.
Some held up signs demanding action from Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Mrs Merkel has expressed outrage over the “disgusting attacks” and said everything must be done to find those responsible.
Witnesses and police said that the men involved were of Arab or North African appearance.
Political leaders have warned Germans not to link the violence to the influx of more than one million refugees and migrants in the past year.
The police were able to describe the assailants, but arrested no one!
“All we know is that the police at the scene perceived that it was mostly young men aged 18 to 35 from the Arab or North African region.”
The only possible answer to this dereliction of duty is that political correctness, and fear for the wider implications for Germany, caused the police to stand down. This should scare the you-know-what out of German citizens.
See our complete archive on the Invasion of Europe by clicking here (it goes back for years!) and go here for more on Germany.
Just as I have been saying at my new blog ‘American Resistance 2016′that it is do-or-die for America this year, so it is for Germany (although Merkel’s decisions of 2015 may have already sealed Germany’s fate).