Here is where the 291 Syrians who have entered the US in FY2016 have been placed. California, Texas, Kentucky, Arizona and Ohio make the top five. (I selected for my search October 1, 2015 to November 15, 2015 and assume the data base is up to date to the 15th, but can’t know that for sure).
The flood gates have been opened and they will arrive hot and heavy now (will the governors have any power?).
At theRefugee Processing Center (click on reports and select interactive reports, you will be able to figure it out!) you can also check the religions of arriving refugees. Here is the breakdown for the 291 so far this fiscal year (assuming data base is up to date as of November 15th, two days ago):
3 Catholics
1 Christian
1 Orthodox
286 Sunni Muslims
As we have reported many times, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees picks most of our refugees and in the case of the Syrians they come from UN camps populated by mostly Muslims. He has 20,000 chosen for usalready. At a recent immigration conclavein Washington, DC, we were thereto hear him say that the Syrian Christians are not persecuted because the “regime” (Assad) was protecting them. As long as the UNHCR is choosing most of our refugees, I don’t expect the percentage of Muslims in the stream to change much.
One other bit of confusion flying around in the mainstream media is that somehow we will be getting Syrians who have flooded into Europe, we won’t be (at least not in any great number for now).
We are going to find out as the latest news is that 27 governors have in one way or another said—count me out when it comes to Syrian resettlement. From CNN:
[I hope to get time today to post some other considerations—one that I want everyone to understand is that we have been admitting tens of thousands of Muslim refugees for years from Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Burma and Uzbekistan, just to name a few, and I am not confident they had any thorough screening either, especially the Somalis. And, please remember that the problems we (and France) are having with terrorists in the immigrant population is that most have been raised in the protective bosom of our generous social welfare systems. So the parents might have come in as (vetted) decent people, but their children became radicalized right here among us. All the vetting in the world isn’t going to save us from the toddlers coming in with Mom and Dad from Africa and the Middle East who thumb their noses at the ‘good life’ and become radicalized 20 years down the road. The only true solution is a complete moratorium on Muslim immigration. (See White House Petition). Will these governors have the will for that? I doubt it!]
Back to the news…..
CNN filed this storyabout the governors’ power (or lack of it). We know that ol’ Ted Kennedy and ol’ Joe Biden were very clever indeed when they crafted what became the Refugee Act of 1980which is run almost completely by the US State Department, the Dept. of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement and the‘non-profit’ contractors who play a huge role in changing the demographics of your states. There is very little role for Congress in the law either (short of the power of the purse which they are increasingly scared to use!).
(CNN)A wave of governors — mostly Republicans — issued a cascade of press releases Monday voicing objections to Syrian refugees landing their states, following the Paris attacks.
Appleby is the chief lobbyist for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, the federal contractor that resettles the largest number of Muslim refugees in the US. Last time I looked the Bishops were getting around $70 million annually from US taxpayers to do this work. We have many posts on him here:
Experts say that while the states may not have the legal authority to block their borders, state agencies have authority to make the process of accepting refugees much more difficult.
“When push comes to shove, the federal government has both the plenary power and the power of the 1980 Refugee Act to place refugees anywhere in the country,” said Kevin Appleby, the director of migration policy at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the largest refugee resettlement organization in the country.
Appleby said one thing the states could do was to cut their own funding in the area.
This is the power the governors have—cut funding for welfare and other social services (most don’t even have a clue how much state and local taxpayers are shelling out for a program that was supposed to be fully-funded from Washington 35 years ago and with the additional financial help from the non-profit contractors).
American University law professor Stephen I. Vladeck put it this way: “Legally, states have no authority to do anything because the question of who should be allowed in this country is one that the Constitution commits to the federal government.”
But Vladeck notes that without a state’s participation the federal government would have a much more difficult time. “So a state can’t say it is legally objecting, but it can refuse to cooperate, which makes thing much more difficult.”
Indeed that is going to be the real test! It is easy to spout-off with a letter now (after Paris), much harder to really put action behind those words. Be assured we will be watching!
A reader, Dick, sent us this map (below) of the US which shows the number of mosques located in each state. There is a maybe not-so-surprising correlation to the top states receiving refugees.
By the way, as I noted inmy little book, mosque construction is a way to stake-out territory often in advance of the arrival of any large population of worshipers of Allah. The mosque actually serves as the magnet for further migration to that location (the Hijra). Mohammed instructed his followers to migrate, to spread Islam, not just from country to country, but also from town to town and neighborhood to neighborhood.
Here are the Top Five States (for 2014) (in descending order) for refugee resettlement and in parenthesis is its position on the Mosque map. Coincidence?
Texas (#3 in number of mosques)
California (#1)
New York (#2)
Michigan (#6)
Florida (#5)
Ohio surprise!
Find out how many refugees your state has received this fiscal year (as of July 31st), here. Wow! It looks like OHIO has moved into the #6 spot—gee! I wonder why? Do they really think they will get all of those new registered voters signed up in time for the 2016 election? Ohio is pretty high up on the mosque map too!
Remember readers that the numbers depicted on this map only represent refugees brought to your state by the resettlement contractors. The numbers do not include those moving in to your state as ‘secondary migrants’ (refugees resettled elsewhere who decide to move to your state). They do not include asylum seekers or successful asylum seekers (called asylees) or the ‘unaccompanied alien children.’
For our Virginia readers, I see the number of mosques (map above) for the state is not clear. The number is 88.
I foundthis very informative map earlier this morning and want you to see it. Just over 40,000 refugees have been resettled in the US this fiscal year (FY 2015 began October 1, 2014) and this map is up to date as of May 31, 2015. Teddy and Joe created the Refugee Act of 1980! What do you know, Delaware has gotten a whole 6 refugees this fiscal year. That is a record high number I think! Here are the states that have received over 1,000 refugees this fiscal year, so far:
Texas: 4,284
California: 3,370
New York: 2,297
Michigan: 1,817
Arizona: 1,810
Ohio: 1,681
Washington: 1,602
Georgia: 1,598
Pennsylvania: 1,535
Florida: 1,513
Illinois: 1,501
Minnesota: 1,426
North Carolina: 1,327
Kentucky: 1,070
Colorado: 1,054
Indiana: 1,038
Can you believe it! Veep Joe Biden’s Delaware actually got a whole 6 refugees this year (zero has been their allotment in recent years). Winners are Montana and Wyoming each with zero so far!
Just a reminder, these are the numbers for resettled refugees only, and it doesn’t include successful asylum seekers, Special Immigrant Visa holders, Cuban/Haitian parolees or the unaccompanied alien children now being treated as ‘refugees.’
Since yesterday was the end of the month, I thought it was time to check out the government data basesto see how many Syrian refugees have been admitted to the US over the last few years (I went back to January 1, 2012). Remember that the UN has 11,000 Syrians picked out for us and that the FBI testified in Februarythat they cannot be screened because there are no records available on these people who fled Syria and are mostly living in UN camps.
Deciding the future for your towns and cities: Anne Richard, Asst. Sec. of State for PRM and Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. She is under pressure to keep Guterres happy!
The US State Department is on a push to get 2,000 to your towns by September 30th (the end of FY2015). That is not nearly what the UN wants, but is the result of the difficult security screening process that the FBI told Congress about.
This is what I learned:
Since 2012 we admitted 815 Syrian refugees through the Refugee Admissions Program. On April 4th, I reported 682.
They are on a roll now—133 admitted in the last few weeks.
The top five states receiving Syrians are:
California (103)
Texas (100)
Illinois (87)
Arizona (64)
Pennsylvania (51)
36 states received some Syrians.
Of the 815 Syrians, 749 are Muslims of some sort with the vast majority (701) being Sunni Muslims. That means 92% are Muslim.
If you are being told in your town that you are going to get mostly Christians, don’t believe it. Only 43 self-identified ‘Christians’ (that includes 1 Catholic) have been admitted. That is 5% of the total.
By the way, if you are saying to yourself that there are a lot more than 815 Syrians around, remember that there are other legal programs that have admitted, or allowed Syrians to stay in the US , and also some very likely illegal alien Syrians in the mix as well.