Two months of fiscal year 2015 are now behind us and the US State Department and its contractors are off and running with a surprising number of refugees resettled so far.
These were the top 5 states in FY2014. Right now Arizona is edging out Florida and Michigan has moved to number 3.
According to the statistics kept at the Refugee Processing Center, Iraqis top the list. Here are the Top Five countries of origin for refugees arriving in the US in October and November 2014 (the 2015 fiscal year began Oct. 1):
Iraqis: 3,367
Burmese: 2,530
Somalis: 1,856
Congolese: 1,004
Bhutanese: 870
The Syrian push is not on yet we see. Only 112 have come so far this year.
We then checked out any state that received more than 400 refugees in two months (which is a lot when supplying them with their welfare needs), and here they are:
Texas: 1,386
California: 997
Michigan: 585
New York: 584
Arizona: 564
Florida: 530
Washington: 529
Ohio: 514
Illinois: 475
Minnesota: 435
Georgia: 435
North Carolina: 434
Pennsylvania: 433
If you are wondering which nationalities have arrived in your state, you are out of luck because the State Department has removed the data base that tells us that. Instead they have a completely useless data base that only tells us the ‘processing country’ from which your state’s refugees arrived.
Well, maybe I shouldn’t call it completely useless because it does give us some bits of information to ponder. For example, we learn that we took another 116 of Malta’s illegal aliens off their hands (probably Somalis). 466 came to the US from South Africa (the safe Rainbow Nation country), so who were they? I noticed a bunch (79) of those South African “refugees” went to Minnesota.
I was interested to see we processed 1,070 from Turkey and a whopping 1,504 from Malaysia(who were they, illegal aliens trying to reach Australia?). And we helped out the United Arab Emirates by taking 45 “refugees” off their hands.
The Centers for Disease Control has some reports you might like to see if Bhutanese and/or Congolese refugees are being resettled in your towns. This could be important information needed by your local health department.
Below is where you can find more information at the CDC website.
The CDC has some great stats, and not just on health issues.
For the Congolese (we have begun the movement of50,000 to the US) the big concerns are parasites, Malaria, and mental health problems relating to sexual and gender-based violence.
Gee, I guess Obamacare’s money tree will be taking care of all these problems! (This post is archived in our ‘health issues’category).
The refugee health profiles found on this page provide key health and cultural information for specific refugee groups resettling to the United States. Information gathered from the World Health Organization (WHO), International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), US Department of State, and other sources is provided to help resettlement agencies, clinicians, and public health providers facilitate medical screening and interventions appropriate for each refugee group.
Where in the USA are the refugees and the resettlement offices?
I just came across this very useful map for FY2013-2014 at the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS)to help you research what is happening with the Refugee Resettlement program in your state.
When you go to the site and click on your state, all of the federal money flowing there is available as well as a list of locations where refugees are resettled with names and contact information for those doing the resettlement.
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for you to learn about the program where you live. I know it’s an overused expression, but knowledge is power. And, that is why we started this blog in the first place to help you gain that knowledge.
Click here for ORR’s interactive state map! (When you look at the map, you might want to go here for information on what a Wilson-Fish state is).
ORR Regional Offices
In 2013, ORR Director Eskinder Negash, announced the creation of Regional refugee resettlement offices to coordinate state offices. At that time there were regional refugee offices located within five of the ten Administration for Children and Family (ACF) offices.
ORR will open up to five regional offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, and San Francisco (and potentially additional regional locations).
Click hereto see the ten ACF regions and regional headquarters.
I was born and raised in South Jersey so this news from Catholic Charities interested me. But, it also serves as an opportunity for me to discuss something that I’ve found troubling of late.
For several years (RRW began in 2007) it was easy enough to find statistics on how many refugees and from what country were being placed in what towns and cities during a given time period. Those data bases are impossible to find now. Maybe not ‘impossible’ if one has enormous time to search, but I do believe the federal government is making it more challenging for citizens to find information on the numbers and nationalities of refugees being resettled in specific locations.
Justice for the taxpayers too?
So, it was interesting to me to see what Catholic Charities is saying about the demographic/social/economic changes they are bringing to South Jersey.
New readers!
We have so many new readers just starting out on their quest to figure out how refugee resettlement (aka placement) works. And, although we have been over this many times through the years, every day new people start their own investigations and of course never saw the story we might have posted in say 2008. So, first check our fact sheet by clicking here.
Then, here is a list (at ORR) of the resettlement officials in every state (it should mostly be up-to-date). The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is located in the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and after the initial resettlement paid for by the US State Department, it is ORR that doles out the additional cash to the contractors, who in turn funnel the money (your money) to subcontractors.
The first step (after reading our fact sheet) in your quest to figure out how the program works is to contact your state coordinators (on this list). Be pleasant and polite and ask for the data for your state—who is coming, who has come, how many, from where and most importantly what towns and cities have been chosen? And, don’t forget to find out which contractors they are using (then research the contractor and its finances).
We can’t emphasize enough that you must get your facts together.
Now for anyone, other than me, interested in South Jersey, here is Catholic Charities:
From January 2009 through September 2013, 760 Refugee Newcomers were resettled by Catholic Charities, Diocese of Camden’s Refugee Resettlement Program. At the time of their resettlement, the Refugee Newcomers joined South Jersey communities from twelve Countries of Origin: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, Sudan, Vietnam.
In the last program year (October 2012 to September 2013), Refugee Newcomers from eight different countries were resettled in South Jersey. Refugees were placed in market-rate apartments and houses rented from private landlords in a variety of towns, based on the availability of safe, affordable housing and proximity to shopping, employment and public transportation. The towns are: Atlantic City, Audubon, Barnegat, Collingswood, Haddon Heights, Haddon Township, Moorestown, Oaklyn, Palmyra, Pleasantville, Sicklerville, Somerdale, Trenton, Turnersville, Wildwood Crest, Willingboro, Woodlynne.
Of the 110 refugees who arrived in the last year, 32 children were enrolled in nine local public school systems:
In April 2013, Catholic Charities was awarded the Refugee School Impact Grant to assist and increase the support to refugee students and families in being academically successful. [Note that the grant for school impact went to Catholic Charities not the school systems themselves.—ed] Catholic Charities’ Refugee School Based Family Support Specialist focused on the Somerdale and Oaklyn school districts, which had twenty-eight and twenty-two refugee students enrolled, respectively. This program worked in these schools one day per week and provided enrollment and support services to other students and schools as needed and continued into the 2013-2014 school year.
Catholic Charities continues to work in collaboration with social service and medical providers, school systems, landlords, employers, churches and volunteers to assist refugees in becoming self-sufficient.These partnerships have resulted in over 75% rate of employment for employable adults within the first three months of arrival in 2012 and 2013.*** Through employment and on-going programs, Refugee Newcomers have become stable, productive contributors to South Jersey.
*** Watch out for the employment data trickdescribed in a post at Friends of Refugees in January. Blogger Chris Coen is a critic of resettlement contractors (as are we), but he comes at it from another angle.
Here is what Coen said in a critical post about a Tennessee resettlement contractor (Hat tip: Joanne):
A former case manager also sent us information about the agency and pointed out that the refugee employment figures are dishonest as most of the refuges have only temporary employment that does not help them to pay rent and be self-sufficient.The nature of the temp jobs also means that the refugees will be unemployed just a short time after the agency reports them employed to the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) at 90 days and 180 days.(This, however, is a problem throughout the refugee program, and it doesn’t seem that the the ORR has much of an interest in requiring that resettlement agencies report if refugees are working at temporary or non-temporary jobs.)
This post is archived in our ‘where to find information’ category, here.
The other day we reportedthat refugees were being screened more seriously abroad and treated before setting foot on US soil (or that is what we are told anyway).
States with the highest rates of TB in the US. A few years old but still useful.
Here is yet another article on tuberculosis—Hispanics and Asians have the highest rates of TB in America.
The article goes on to say how much this is going to cost us (the taxpayers!) going forward.
Though the rate of tuberculosis (TB) in the United States is dropping, among certain racial and ethnic groups that is not the case. According to recent data, immigrants and those who travel to other countries frequently have the highest TB occurrence.
This means Hispanics, Asians, African Americans, and non-Hispanic whites born outside of the United States carry the largest TB burden in the country.
The issues stems from high rates of tuberculosis around the globe, with the highest incidence reports coming from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. According to the World Health Organization, many of these cases–approximately 450,000–are the drug-resistant form of TB that has developed from improper medication usage and medical protocols.
Not only do we have ‘asylum seekers’ from Mexico, but the largest group of OTMs are Chinese and Indians. Are they being tested the minute they come across the border? I sure hope we are protecting our border guards!
In the United States, foreign-born individuals had a 13 times greater TB incidence than US-born persons and accounted for 64.6 percent of TB cases in 2013. Of these, more than half originated from one of five countries: Mexico (20 percent), The Philippines (12.6 percent), India (8 percent), Vietnam (7.4 percent), and China (6.1 percent).
Almost all of the drug-resistant TB in the US is among the foreign born!
The rate of tuberculosis among immigrant populations varies slightly from the country of origin, however. Among Asians in the U.S. who are foreign-born, there is a 95 percent rate of TB infection, compared to 75 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of African Americans, and 23 percent of non-Hispanic whites born outside the United States. Foreign-born persons also accounted for 88.4 percent of the resistant TB cases reported in 2012.
Then this struck me as very funny—minority populations will have to be concerned with the cost of treatment going forward! What the heck! It is the US taxpayer that will have to bear the cost of treatment!
The latest data, presented through several Centers for Disease Control (CDC) studies, suggests there is a major dilemma minority populations in the U.S. will soon have to face; cost of treatment.
Marks suggests TB treatment on average can cost around $17,000; however, drug-resistant TB is another matter, costing approximately $134,000 (rising to $430,000 for extensively resistant TB ). Adding productivity losses to treatment costs brought the estimated per case cost for treating drug-resistant TB to $554,000 per case.
See our ‘health issues’ category with 206 previous posts on health issues involving refugees and immigrants.