Minneapolis Somalis protest bank decision to stop money transfers to Somalia

We reported earlier, here, that a bank that had been helping Somalis in the “diaspora” send money “home” (some of it going no doubt to terrorist activity) is stopping the practice.  But, in the good old fashioned American immigrant tradition, the Somalis have taken to the streets in protest. Here is the story from the … Continue reading Minneapolis Somalis protest bank decision to stop money transfers to Somalia

Immigrants send money back home, prop up world economies…..

….but what about the US economy? Every article I see on the subject of remittances casts the practice in glowing terms—isn’t it great we are told, the immigrants work hard to send money to their family members back home.  But, doesn’t that have a negative impact on the US economy?  That money isn’t being spent … Continue reading Immigrants send money back home, prop up world economies…..

UNHCR: Europe! let them take advantage of their sudden liberty!

As I mentioned in my previous post about human sacrifices at sea, Antonio Gutteres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees recently lectured Europe (via an op-ed in the New York Times) about welcoming the African refugees. Among a bunch of other junk, he said in ‘Look who’s coming to Europe’: Refugees fleeing conflict and persecution … Continue reading UNHCR: Europe! let them take advantage of their sudden liberty!

One-worlder and Soros puppet, Eric Schwartz, speaks to the Council on Foreign Relations

His topic of course is international migration.   Schwartz for those who don’t know is the Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration and was appointed to that position by President Obama.  He oversees the Refugee Resettlement Program and is, as we have noted before, one of the many George Soros puppets spread throughout … Continue reading One-worlder and Soros puppet, Eric Schwartz, speaks to the Council on Foreign Relations