American Conservative Union, CPAC, and why they didn’t defend free speech

I know this is getting away somewhat from the subject of refugees, but it’s not entirely so because we questioned way back in December of 2007 why the American Conservative Union’s, David Keene, was so intent on promoting the Kennedy bill which ultimately opened the door for more Iraqis to enter the US.   It didn’t … Continue reading American Conservative Union, CPAC, and why they didn’t defend free speech

Free speech under attack at Temple University

We’ve been following the hate campaign against Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who speaks out against militant Islam, for a while. Our posts on him are here. David Horowitz reports at FrontPage Magazine here and here on an attempt to stop Wilders speaking at Temple University in Philadelphia. (Temple is my alma mater so I’m especially interested … Continue reading Free speech under attack at Temple University

Janet Levy: When it comes to Islam it is one-way free speech

Update July 21st:   Steve Emerson tell us what happened at the conference here.   Writing today at American Thinker, our friend Janet Levy points out the increasingly frightening attempts to thwart the speech of those warning against the spread of Shariah law while giving free rein to all those who wish to destabilize America.  She begins … Continue reading Janet Levy: When it comes to Islam it is one-way free speech

Do it for Allah! Somalis being kept from assimilating by radical Islamists

I have a pair of stories today about Minnesota Somalis that suggest it is radical Islamic teaching that is keeping Somalis from fully integrating into American life, and indeed may be behind the recent rash of Somali former refugees leaving the US for terrorist training in Somalia. The first is written by Brendan Goldman and … Continue reading Do it for Allah! Somalis being kept from assimilating by radical Islamists

Conference on radical Islam is forced to move to undisclosed location

The New English Review is holding a symposium, “Understanding the Jihad in Israel, Europe and America.”  It is in Nashville, and had been scheduled since December to be held May 29 and 30 at Loews Vanderbilt Hotel.  That’s today and tomorrow. On Tuesday the hotel cancelled the event for reasons the personnel refused to discuss. Ken … Continue reading Conference on radical Islam is forced to move to undisclosed location