Thousands of Somalis flowing across borders into Kenya…

…not, however, deterred by the fact that the borders are closed.   I know, they must have heard that the streets of Nairobi are paved with AOR’s* for sale.  From the Voice of America: As the humanitarian crisis in Somalia worsens, the influx of Somali refugees into Kenya has grown sharply. This, despite Kenya’s closing its … Continue reading Thousands of Somalis flowing across borders into Kenya…

Somali immigrants in Britain sending money to extremists who stoned girl

We told you the other day that Islamists had stoned to death a 13-year-old girl in Somalia who had been gang-raped.  Now comes a related story that the Muslim terrorist group involved is being funded by Somali refugees living in Great Britain. Sums thought to be totalling tens of thousands of pounds a week are … Continue reading Somali immigrants in Britain sending money to extremists who stoned girl